Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1172

The black shackles that came suddenly looked like a two-headed snake.

The black chains are the body of the snake.

The two ankle rings are the two snake heads.

One end is connected to Bai Wuchang's hand, and the other end is biting towards Jiang Wang. The momentum is fierce, and the wind howls.

But Jiang Wang, who was wearing a green shirt and a sword, just jumped up and stepped on the "snake's head" somehow!

This kind of movement is really hard to see.

And he stomped with both feet, stepping on the black shackles.

The long "snake body" seems to be a chain bridge for him to span the distance between the two sides.

Wherever he walks is the way, and wherever he goes is the way forward.

If you look closely, you can see that he didn't directly step on the shackles.

Under his feet, there is a mark of Qingyun looming.

Break a blue cloud with one step.

The shackles "snake head" turned and bit, but couldn't catch up. The "snake body" twisted and shook, but it couldn't get off at all!

His speed is so fast, but he looks so calm, stepping on the fierce black shackles, but like walking on a flower-scented path. Undisciplined, relaxed, natural.

It was in stark contrast to Qin Zhizhen, who had his eyes closed and was as firm as a cold reef.


The sound of the wind was blasted.

Holding handcuffs and knuckles, Hei Wuchang stood up, his short and fat body seemed to contain infinite power. The fist exploded into the air, making a bang that shook the eardrums.

Meet Jiang Wang head-on!

Jiang Wang, who was walking, suddenly felt like a floating weed, wandering helplessly in the air, and avoided the punch with his involuntary sword. Then he stepped on Qingyun, turned around behind Heiwuchang, and slashed out with a sword!

This series of movements is unpredictable and extremely elegant, with an indescribable beauty.

Although the black impermanence stepped out of the dark gate was much stronger than those ghost soldiers, but in front of Jiang Wang, he was like a three-year-old urchin, with no power to resist. It's too late to turn around, and you can't avoid it.

But Sauvignon Blanc crossed halfway, but it ended.

Jiang Wang retracted his sword to the side, and pressed his palm on the back of Hei Wuchang's neck.

Because Hei Wuchang was short and fat, he even bent over a bit!

He did not hesitate to interrupt the rhythm of the battle, but had to withdraw his sword and change his palm, why?

People quickly saw the answer.

In front of Hei Wuchang, a long nail with a dark body and a frosty white tip pierced his chest and rushed towards the ground obliquely. Hei Wuchang, who was still aggressive just now, shriveled up in an instant, and disappeared like a cloud of smoke!

The terrifying long nail turned into a frosty wind in the air, blowing lightly towards Bai Wuchang.

Qin Zhizhen, who had been standing in front of the dark door with his eyes closed, seemed to be silent forever, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment!

Bai Wuchang in front of him even let go of his shackles, turned around, avoided Bu Zhoufeng's attack range, and returned to Qin Zhizhen.


And Qin Zhizhen slashed out with a knife, directly cut off Bai Wuchang at the waist, and killed him on the spot!

Of course he didn't want to, but now he had to.

That Xiangqian was right, Jiang Wang's combat talent can indeed be called the best in the world.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, almost only two contacts, he has already seen the operation method of his Yan Luodian supernatural power.

Yan Luodian is not a supernatural power to kill in the conventional sense. It looks like a supernatural power to summon the power of ghosts and gods, but in fact it focuses on strengthening oneself.

But as an enhanced magical power, it is different from most enhanced magical powers.

In fact, the Temple of Yama is a supernatural power with complex functions that constantly transforms the environment and exerts influence after it manifests itself.

The first is to manifest externally, to build connections in the world, to recruit the power of ghosts and gods, and to fight for oneself.

When the ghost soldier of the underworld dies in battle, the dissipated power of ghosts and gods will return to the Temple of Yama together with the killing power exerted by the opponent, and stronger black and white impermanence will follow.

After the black and white impermanence died in the battle, the bull head and horse face followed.

If the bull's head and horse's face die in battle again, the judge of life and death will come out.

At the last step, when the judge of life and death dies in battle, all the power will be applied to his body, and the entire Yan Luo Palace will enter its peak state. He will personally witness the body of Yama Tianzi, sweeping invincible!

And Jiang Wang only saw this power cycle immediately after he died in the battle of the ghost soldiers in the underworld, and the black and white impermanence appeared.

Immediately, he restrained the range of Taoism, and even used swordsmanship to deceive in the confrontation, and suddenly nailed the killing nail, which caught Qin Zhizhen by surprise.

The black impermanence that was crucified was directly annihilated, and half of its strength did not return.

Qin Zhizhen had no choice but to kill Bai Wuchang in order to complete the power cycle of Yan Luodian by himself.

A large part of the spectators outside the arena didn't see the clue until now. There are even many, and I don't know why until now. I don't know what Jiang Wang and Qin Zhizhen are doing, one is wasting precious fighting rhythm, the other is self-defeating.

Of course, there are even more powerful people who recognized Yan Luodian at a glance. Even if you can't recognize those with extremely strong backgrounds, you can still ask them.

On the other hand, Jiang Wang could only rely on his own analysis and judgment.

He didn't know what Qin Zhizhen's supernatural power was before, and he didn't know the details at the moment. It's just that in the middle of the battle, he constantly probes, captures, ponders, and quickly replenishes his "knowledge".

Qin Zhizhen's reaction undoubtedly confirmed his judgment.

Sure enough, if this black impermanence is killed in a normal way, a stronger existence will emerge from behind the dark portal.

However, breaking it by killing and nailing it interrupts this cycle of succession.

He further concluded that the core of this supernatural power is the power represented by the dark portal. And Qin Zhizhen hid the core part of that power in the void!

He kept calculating in his heart, and kept moving his hands and feet.

The imprint of Qingyun appeared and disappeared, Jiang Wang stepped on his feet continuously, and his sword rushed forward.

Relying on the superior transfer ability of Qingyun's immortal technique, he suddenly appeared in front of Qin Zhizhen, slashing across with his sword, dividing life and death!

Qin Zhizhen didn't confront him at all, but only took a step back into the dark door.

Jiang Wang slapped his backhand, and the killing nail turned into a frosty wind, blowing it down lightly.

Kill yourself and die without Zhou Feng!


The chilling wind blew past, and the dark door shattered on the spot.

However, Jiang Wang frowned.

He didn't feel the annihilation of power at all, and the wind didn't blow anything just now, it just shattered the air.

Sure enough, this dark portal is just a projection of some kind of power.

The real core of power is Qin Zhizhen's operation in the void with his eyes closed.

Even with the killing power of Zhou Feng, it can't be destroyed by the distance between the world and the void!


The former Sword Flower Flame Sparrow and Eight-tone Fenhai disappeared directly, presumably they were led into the void. But after his Uncircumferential Wind blows, what disappears is the projection, which is enough to show that the killing power of Uncircular Wind cannot be guided by the power represented by that portal, and can really cause damage to it.

But even so, with Qin Zhizhen completely avoiding the battle, Bu Zhoufeng is only an empty weapon!

What should I do?

Jiang Wang quickly thought of a solution.

In another corner of the martial arts platform, there was another dark portal, casting a fan-shaped shadow.

Qin Zhizhen's tall and straight figure stepped out with a knife in hand. This time, behind him were two brand-new, mythical beings.

One has a bull head and a strong figure, holding a steel fork.

One has a horse-faced human body, tall and thin, and holds a spear.

It's for bull head and horse noodles!

Like the impermanence of black and white, it is also a common image of asking God.

Even today, in many places, the method of summoning the bull's head and horse's face to invite gods has been circulated.

They are not real gods, and there are no bull-headed horse-faced real gods in the nether world.

The so-called Son of Heaven, the judge of life and death, bull head and horse face, black and white impermanence... are all mythological images gathered by powerful monks with mighty power during the time of Shinto prosperity, which are easy to use in battle.

If I had to say it, these invited "gods" were all granted by the human race.

To a certain extent, its meaning is similar to that practitioners on floating land replace gods with totems.

It is said to be "please God", but it is just a symbol that is easy to be driven by slavery, and it is another form of fighting puppet.

It's just that these mythological images are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and even today, there are many stories passed down from mouth to mouth.

Of course, "myth" is a very complex field, with real "history" and half-truths, information referring to ancient times, and outright nonsense.

It is not enough for a strong man who has experienced a long time to fully understand.

Most of the time, just listen to it.

Before Jiang Wang was about to die, he also saw black and white impermanence in a trance. It was a deep-rooted impression left by myths and legends, and it was an illusion. After cultivating to the current level, he has already understood the truth of the impermanence of black and white, and he has no fear of the bull's head and the horse's face.


It's just a practice method that has been eliminated by the times!

As soon as Qin Zhizhen appeared with the bull's head and horse face, Jiang Wang arrived instantly.

However, Qin Zhizhen was equally decisive, turning around directly with two sabers, the blades were extremely sharp, and killed the bull's head and horse's face on the spot!

The bull's head rolled down, and the horse's head flew high. Then it disintegrated together with the body and fell into the endless darkness.

The aura of this bull-headed horse-face is indeed stronger than that of Black and White Impermanence, but the extent of its strength is not as exaggerated as that of the Ghost of the Underworld to Black and White Impermanence.

This is because the power of Heiwuchang was annihilated for no reason, and the Hall of Yama could not be recovered.

Now that the matter was over, Qin Zhizhen didn't make any other hopes, and simply gave up the possibility of plundering more power, and killed himself. I just want to push the Yan Luo Temple to the final stage as soon as possible, manifest the real body of the Emperor Yan Luo, and sweep the battlefield again with the ultimate peak combat power at this stage!

Although Jiang Wang doesn't know Yan Luo Dian well enough, and doesn't know what power Qin Zhizhen's supernatural power will show in the final stage of development, he can imagine one or two.

As time goes by, the existences that come out of that dark portal will only become stronger and stronger.

Facing such an indestructible and increasingly powerful opponent, the terrifying sense of oppression is unimaginable.

It can almost be compared to Yan Xiao.

And Yan Xiao's existence almost crushed the entire Senhai Saint Clan!

Of course, Jiang Wang has an indomitable will, and has been actively thinking of ways and actively attacking.

But he slashed with a sword, but still got nothing. Even if the wind blows away, it still only shatters the projection.

too difficult! !

Qin Zhizhen obviously has strong combat power, but he doesn't fight him at all.

Use the ability to walk in the void with all your heart, keep walking, keep accumulating strength, and only seek the accumulation of supernatural powers.

completely predictable—

When the person finally makes a move, it must be a ground-breaking shock!

Yan Luodian is not an incomprehensible supernatural power.

The biggest weakness of such supernatural powers often lies in the supernatural powers themselves.

Because it must be manifested and connected to the heaven and the earth, so that it can continuously create influence, accumulate strength, and continuously advance.

If it is possible to directly attack the manifestation of this kind of supernatural power, smash it, or even turn it into flying ash by the wind...

This supernatural power is naturally cracked.

Although Jiang Wang didn't know enough about Yan Luodian, he also added some "knowledge" in the constant confrontation, and guessed one or two truths. It was precisely for this purpose that he kept chasing, wanting to break Qin Zhizhen's supernatural powers.

But Yan Luodian, where Qin Zhizhen's supernatural powers manifested...

Build in the void!

How to manifest the Yan Luo Temple in the void, how to make the Yan Luo Temple's supernatural powers establish a connection with the present world in the void and affect the present world, and how to communicate the power of ghosts and gods in the void to come to the present world...

Before Qin Zhizhen did it, these were almost unsolvable problems.

After Qin Zhizhen did it, it was difficult for another person to follow suit.

Because not everyone has the supernatural power of refining the void and can walk freely in the void, and not everyone can develop the supernatural power of refining the void to such a terrifying level. He almost regarded the mysterious void as his own backyard.

And when Qin Zhizhen did this, he had made up for Yan Luodian's biggest weakness!

After the hall of Yama manifested, it hid in the void. Create earthly influence across the void.

How can ordinary monks have the ability to enter the void?

Even if you can enter, where can you find it in the vast void?

Taking a step back, even if you find it through the connection in this world, who would dare to walk into the void in front of the owner of the void refining supernatural power?

In this world, Jiang Wang could fight Qin Zhizhen so intensely, but in the void, he might not last ten breaths! Because the void is Qin Zhizhen's home field!

Disaster! Disaster! Disaster!

The audience wanted to break their heads, but they couldn't think of how Jiang Wang could break the situation.

On the field, the bull's head is dead, and the horse's face has disappeared.

They watched Qin Zhizhen appear on the martial arts stage again, with the shadow of the dark portal projection.

And behind him, a mythical figure in official uniform strode out with a serious expression.

The book of life and death is held in the left hand, and the ecstasy pen is held in the right.

It is the judge of life and death!

In myths and legends, there is an existence of rewarding good and punishing evil, hooking life and marking life.

A powerful aura spread around, just judging from the aura, it was much stronger than that bull-headed horse face!

What is desperate is not only the strength of this judge of life and death?

People have no way not to think about it, when such a powerful judge of life and death walks back to the Hall of Yama, what kind of terrifying existence will it be to come to the world again?

But on the martial arts stage, the green shirt is still the same.

His face remains the same.

The eyes remain the same.

The same goes for the sword!

Suddenly, it came on the clouds again, and killed without the wind.

It was as if the man never knew what it was to give up.

This offensive is obviously futile!

The result was as one would expect, as if nothing had changed. Jiang Wang rushed over desperately, but nothing was left behind, and Qin Zhizhen had already disappeared.

No wind, blown empty.


Someone found something wrong.

This time Jiang Wang came too fast, and the judge of life and death who had just walked out of the dark portal was too powerful, Qin Zhizhen had no time to kill him, so he pulled the judge and retreated into the void together!

On the surface, Jiang Wang did return without success.

But he has clearly delayed Qin Zhizhen's evolution to the final stage of supernatural powers.

The Yan Luo Temple hidden in the void has indeed solved the biggest weakness of this supernatural power. But another problem is that the Yan Luo Temple hidden in the void must consume the power of refining the void.

That is.

It has a time limit.

Its limited time is the time that Qin Zhizhen's virtual refining supernatural power can still support!

That's the problem.

In this way, Jiang Wang's pressing step by step has become another form of confrontation.

If Qin Zhizhen's supernatural powers have been exhausted, and Qin Zhizhen has not successfully killed the judge of life and death and entered the final stage of Yan Luodian, then Jiang Wang's fighting intention at this stage has been completed!

Above the stands, Ye Qingyu's eyes glowed brightly. She has an amazing talent in practice, but she has always known that Jiang Wang's fighting talent is hard to find in the world.

From the first contact with Yuheng Peak in Zhuangguo Three Mountain City, to Chiyun Mountain, and today's Guanhe Terrace.

Where is the lonely back of the lonely person who walked down the steps of climbing the clouds back then? It is clear that step by step, he has reached a higher place.

Also came to the eyes.

Ye Lingxiao next to him didn't speak, nor did he show any emotion. But I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

This Jiang Wang really does not miss any chance in battle, and he really has excellent fighting talent. He can often create possibility out of impossibility, and create opportunity when there is no chance.

This is invaluable.

I don't know how much Jiang An'an can bear in the future!

Even if he is as proud as he is, he has to admit that this guy who doesn't like him has a bit of the demeanor of his youth!

As for how much...

For Jiang An'an's sake, let's count it as three points!

Not to mention how outsiders see it.

The figures of Qin Zhizhen and the Judge of Life and Death suddenly appeared and disappeared on the field.

Jiang Wang even directly opened the Second Inner Palace Secret Store Chasing the Wind, and pursued it time and time again, but failed again and again by following the immortal technique of Qingyun.

The two sides launched an almost frantic pursuit on this martial arts arena.

For a moment, the entire martial arts arena was filled with afterimages of black-clothed swordsmen, dark portals, and judges of life and death.

And the green shirt turned like electricity, like a blue lightning, connecting these afterimages one by one!


Without the blessing of Shengwen's fairy state, Jiang Wang's swordsmanship cannot be compared with Qin Zhizhen's swordsmanship.

But not only did he not distance himself, but he kept approaching, showing the aura that he was determined to cut him down by the sword. Instead, he wanted to force Qin Zhizhen to choose to distance himself!

He first broke his Slashing III Shura Saber, and then broke his Refining Void Baji Saber.

How can it not prove that his sword skills are stronger than Qin Zhizhen's?

What he relied on at the beginning was wrong paths and fairy tales, but the other party didn't know about it.

At this time, his aggressive posture seemed to be even more fearless. It's like pinching with your hands, so you dare to go on a rampage.

Even if Qin Zhizhen saw his flaws, he couldn't help thinking whether this was a trap!

There are only three things, and he has already suffered two losses in the duel of swordsmanship and swordsmanship!

Avoiding the edge is not a loss of vigor, is it possible to take the initiative to get close to the identity of life and death when you know the power of Dou Zhao Dou Zhan Seven Styles?

What's more, he has already erected the Hall of Yama in the void, and the Hall of Yama has evolved to the present juncture. He only needs to grasp the final stage to enjoy a secure victory.

No need to fight any more.

From Qin Zhizhen's point of view, his choice was of course correct.

In the eyes of many spectators, the same is true.

But only Jiang Wang knew best.

Compared with Qin Zhizhen, who opened the Five Houses of Tongyao and mastered superb swordsmanship, his swordsmanship should have been weak.

In fact it is.

No matter in terms of strength or skill, they are inferior.

But in the actual battle, he let the close combat become Qin Zhizhen's shortcoming!

A wrong consensus is also a consensus.

So he was able to press on step by step, but Qin Zhizhen could only keep avoiding, trying his best to avoid getting close.

On the one hand, of course, it is because of the management of Yan Luodian, in order to achieve a more secure victory. On the other hand, doesn't it mean that he is no longer confident enough to face Jiang Wang's sword!

The Qin Zhizhen who said, "My fist is the best in this realm, and my sword is even better in boxing", has already recognized Jiang Wang's sword after being broken with the Shura sword of the third generation and returning with no success in refining the Baji sword. Maybe stronger.

The words of the heir to the ancient flying sword by the Wei River——

"The so-called No. 1 in the world, I only recognize Jiang Qingyang of Qi State!"

At that time, accompanied by the sword that shines on the sky and the earth, it has left a deep impression on his heart.

In today's battle again, he was engraved even deeper with each sword.

Engraved in my heart!

Of course, Qin Zhizhen is by no means someone who cannot face reality. It is not completely unacceptable that there are people in this world whose sword skills are better than his sword skills.

This also does not determine the outcome.

Jiang Wang wanted to consume it endlessly, of course he couldn't agree!

Since you can't get rid of it anyway, you have to accept a slightly inferior result.

When Qin Zhizhen walked out of the dark gate again, without hesitation, he cut off the body of the judge next to him with one knife!

The black front is like the night.

The horizontal and vertical knife cut off the judge's left arm smoothly, and in the collapse of the book of life and death, it cut into the judge's body from the left side, intending to split it in two.

But with this meal, Jiang Wang has arrived!

Halfway through Qin Zhizhen's saber, he saw a long nail flying towards the judge, nailing it into the judge's right arm, and the right arm holding the ecstasy pen disappeared completely!

Before the real body of the Emperor Yan Luo came, most of the attacks on the Yan Luodian would be absorbed by the Yan Luodian. But it just happened that Zhou Feng slaughtered gods and ghosts, killed himself and died, so he couldn't be accommodated by Yan Luodian.

Qin Zhizhen was already deeply impressed by Jiang Wang's supernatural power.

He didn't have time to completely kill the judge, so he picked the judge with this horizontal and vertical knife, and immediately took a step back, disappearing into the void again.

The annihilation of every power now will be reflected on Yan Luo Tianzizhen in the final stage. White Impermanence was annihilated, and Black Impermanence and Bull's Head and Horse Face failed to absorb external power, and the judge of life and death did not have such a chance.

It is foreseeable that the real body of Emperor Yan Luo in the final stage is determined not to be able to show his peak.

Naturally, Qin Zhizhen had already noticed Jiang Wang's fighting intentions and knew that Jiang Wang wanted to consume him. But before I still want to try again, I want to be as perfect as possible.

Now it is time to face the reality, and would rather suffer some loss of strength, and also hope that the Temple of Yama can smoothly evolve to the final stage.

Of course, he will try his best to minimize this loss as much as possible.

It's a pity that Yan Luodian ultimately has to affect the present world, and the death of the "judge" must also happen in the present world, otherwise why would it be so troublesome!

Qin Zhizhen held the judge in one hand, walked in the void, and opened the gap in the void to observe the present world. Just as he was about to step out, he suddenly saw a blue shirt approaching the clouds, and a wisp of frosty wind whirled between his fingers!

Of course, he didn't care about the distance between the void and the present world, but if he still walked out from here, at such a short distance, the judge in his hand would inevitably be cut to pieces, which would greatly affect the final Yama. The real state of the emperor.

He turned around quickly and had already walked to the other side. When he was about to step out, he suddenly realized that the blue shirt had arrived again!

Unexpectedly, the wind hovered in mid-air!

Once is an accident, twice is "expected".

Qin Zhizhen's eyes were as deep as water, and he moved again with the judge of life and death. Sure enough, before a person stepped into the world, the green shirt had arrived first, and the wind of the week followed.

There is no doubt that Jiang Wang already knew where he was going to come out from, so he was able to "block the door" in advance.

The person's intention is also very obvious, that is, he wants to keep him stuck in the void until the power of supernatural power is exhausted, and he is stuck in the void!

But the problem is...

How could the other party be able to penetrate the void and the present world, and spy on his traces?

Qin Zhizhen immediately thought of Jiang Wang's terrifying soul power. After thinking about everything, this is the only possibility...

Did it leave a mark with some kind of imperceptible spiritual means?

Could it be that the soul clothes have not been taken off in the past?

This seems to explain why his knife could be easily resisted before.

Standing in the void, Qin Zhizhen didn't step out, his eyes were heavy, as if he was looking at Jiang Wang across the boundary between the void and the world.

And the supernatural powers of the five mansions were mixed together, instantly washing away the whole body, showing muscles and bones everywhere, illuminating the five mansions and the two seas.

The whole body shines brightly, but...

But nothing was found!

There is no abnormal soul power in the body.

What kind of spiritual power can escape the light of heaven?

Qin Zhizhen confirmed that his spirit power was not as good as his opponent's, so he couldn't be sure if he really "seeed clearly".

Opponents such as Xiang Bei and Jiang Wang, who are extremely powerful in spirit power, have spirit means that are beyond his cognition, and it is unknown.

In the vast void.

Qin Zhizhen sighed softly.

This sigh, in the void, there is no sound at all.

He doesn't want to admit it.

But he had to admit that facing Jiang Wang, he really had no room for reservations.

The successor of Gu Feijian may not be exaggerating, Jiang Wang is definitely one of the top inner palaces in the world...

But not the strongest!

There is one and only one strongest person in the inner palace, what is his name, and what is the name of the strongest!

In the eyes of the spectators at the scene, they only saw that Qin Zhizhen disappeared on the huge martial arts arena. But Jiang Wang was alone with his sword, arousing the wind of Zhou, walking on the clouds and misty, coming and going suddenly.

It looks indescribably chic.

But it is inevitable to make people wonder - what is he doing?

One is hiding in the void and the other is flying around. What are they doing?

Only a few people can have a corresponding guess, and even fewer people can see clearly that Jiang Wang at this moment is blocking Qin Zhizhen in the void, consuming Qin Zhizhen's supernatural power!

The stronger the person, the more frightened he is.

As for Jiang Wang, his method was actually very simple, it was just imitating Lin Youxie's Nianchen, leaving behind a little soul power.

Of course, it is impossible for him to reproduce Nian Chen, and he can't achieve Lin Youxie's "like heart and dust" effect at all. Even if Lin Youxie came to set up Nian Chen himself, it was impossible to escape the shining light of the Five Houses. Lin Kuang's resurrection is almost the same!

Jiang Wang was able to avoid Qin Zhizhen's insight only because he did not put his hidden soul power on Qin Zhizhen. Instead, when the arm of the judge of life and death was blown to pieces with the uncircumferential wind, he put the power of the soul on the judge of life and death!

It's dark under the lights.

For Qin Zhizhen, it was hard for him to imagine that while Jiang Wang was trying his best to annihilate the judge of life and death, he would actually bother to leave some mark.

Because if it wasn't for annihilating the judge with all his strength, it would be impossible to stop him in time, let alone cause any damage to the judge before he beheaded the judge. And if you really go all out, since you want to completely annihilate the judge of life and death with bad wind, what's the point of leaving a mark?

Qin Zhizhen hasn't realized that he has been exalting Jiang Wang's strength.

From the words left by Weishui Qianqian to Jiang Wang's constant surprises in this battle, in his heart, Jiang Wang's image is powerful and constantly rising.

It was precisely because of his misunderstanding of Jiang Wang's level of swordsmanship that he gave up more possibilities for close combat. Also because of his overestimation of Jiang Wang's spirit means, he let him go and continue searching.

He didn't think he would be able to find out Jiang Wang's hidden magic tricks.

He is not going to look for it again.

He will think about it in the next battle. At this moment, he is fully committed to this battle. He wants to win this battle that brings him the ultimate enjoyment, and pick the sweetest victory fruit!

People just see—

On the ancient Martial Arts Stage, the projection portal of Yan Luodian reappeared, and Qin Zhizhen stepped out suddenly carrying the judge.

This is the new option!

Jiang Wang, who came ahead of time, flicked his fingers, and three killing nails were shot together in the shape of Pin.

Boom boom boom!

Around Qin Zhizhen's body, a pitch-black iron wall suddenly rose from the ground.

Instantly surrounded him on all sides!

It seems that there is a rule to isolate the world, and Jiang Wang who rushed to him was blocked from it.

It's for supernatural powers, an iron wall!

This is a relatively common supernatural power, but in Qin Zhizhen's hands, it is by no means mediocre!

In other words, there have never been mediocre supernatural powers in the world, only mediocre people with mediocre talents but lucky enough to pick the supernatural power seeds!

This is a defensive supernatural power in the absolute sense.

Unlike the star wheel, it resists fatal damage within the range.

It's not like Lei Yinta, which follows the owner of the supernatural power, and while defending against the opponent's attack, it does not affect the attack of the supernatural power owner.

The iron wall separates the enemy from us.

While giving up the possibility of attack, it also improved the defense ability in all aspects.

In the hands of Qin Zhizhen, "the wind cannot invade, the rain cannot fall, the knife cannot hurt, and the arrow cannot enter!"

He used to be in Yu Yuan, using his supernatural powers to isolate Shura and cut off the heir for his comrades in arms.

He also once built a small room with iron walls among thousands of troops, withstood countless attacks, and forcibly killed the enemy generals in the formation.

Today, he was going to use his supernatural power to create a chance for himself to restore the Hall of Yama when he faced Huang Sheli.

But Jiang Wang forced him to come out at this time!

Now that the iron wall is now there, he doesn't need to keep it anymore.

I saw the killing nail with unparalleled killing power, the killing nail that easily pierced the body of the thief, ravaging the audience, driving Qin Zhizhen to dodge everywhere... It was indeed so powerful that it was nailed into the iron in an instant. wall.

But it's only half nailed in, and it's hard to get an inch in!

In the fortress formed by the iron wall, a terrifying aura began to emanate.

There is no doubt that Qin Zhizhen must have beheaded the judge of life and death in it, just waiting for the final stage of Yan Luodian.

When the iron wall retreats, the emperor Yan Luo will come to the world and sweep the world!





(8,000 words for number one, 10,000 for number two, and another 8,000 for number three. It’s been three days, let’s get some monthly tickets!!!)

Thanks to the lord ADEM for rewarding another new alliance!

Thanks to the leader for being the new ally rewarded by Mengluoya!

Thanks to the book friend Enchanter for becoming the leader of this book! (It’s the trumpet of braised eggs!)

Thanks to the leader Yang Saosao for rewarding the three new alliances! (I have three more chapters for you to add three... Do you know that the rules for adding the boss have changed...)

Thanks to the book friends, I lost 7 and became the leader of this book! ! Thank you for your virginity! (fog)

Thanks to the lord zj1998 for rewarding the new alliance!

Thanks to all readers who voted!

The next update will be tomorrow at 12:00 noon. I really don't know how many words I can have. I don't want to promise but can't keep it.

The combat design is very laborious, but the disconnected reading experience is really not good enough.

So I still try to do as much as possible.

Let's start with 4,000 words first, and see if there are more.

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