Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1294

"That's right." In Xinghe Pavilion, Chong Xuansheng said: "When you go to Xuankong Temple, remember to bypass Xingyueyuan."

Jiang Wang frowned and said, "Why?"

There was no reason why Xingyue could not enter, he still had to chat with Master Guan Yan, and the Burning Bone Lotus also needed to accumulate star power.

"There will be a big move over there." Chong Xuansheng only said this, and then stopped.

It seems that the secrets of the military hall have been involved.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Wang's current official rank and position are also qualified to keep secret, but he is alone now after all.

As a general disciple, he still has this awareness.

Jiang Wang thought about the geographical environment of Xingyueyuan and the layout of Xixiang Kingdom and Dongxu Kingdom, and he could probably guess something.

It seems that the negotiation between Qi Jing is not going well...

Is Qi Guo hitting too hard, or Jing Guo is too conceited? Is Jing Guo really planning to fight on two fronts? To fight against the two hegemons at the same time with one's own power?

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "I've been detouring for thousands of miles, hiding my name for state affairs, and having a lot of troubles. When I get to Xingyueyuan, I have to make a detour... Shouldn't the higher-ups give me some compensation?"

Chong Xuansheng looked at him in shock.

"Hahaha, just kidding." Jiang Wangqian said with a smile.

"Then you are serious about driving." Chong Xuansheng said indifferently.

"I don't know if I don't come here. The scenery on the grassland is very good." Jiang Wang looked around and said to him: "I took a look at the Supreme Royal Court from a distance, it is really majestic!"

Following his words, Chong Xuansheng asked, "Why, didn't your brother-in-law take you around the Supreme Court?"

"He is leaving the original city." Jiang Wang said.

No matter how smart Chong Xuansheng is, no matter how terrifying Jiang Wang's fighting talent is, they are just one of the chess pieces in the chess game of the world's hegemony, and they are not even too important pieces.

There are many things that cannot be interfered with.

This topic is really not easy to continue, so Chong Xuansheng changed: "Suddenly remembered something, I just found out the information about Gu Shiyi you mentioned last time, and I just found out about him. During this period of time, things have really happened. Too many, I almost forgot!"

During this period of time, he first wanted to help Jiang Wang clear his reputation of treason, and finally fought against Zhang Weiyu and won a beautiful victory. Then something happened to Jiang Wang again, and there was only one urgent letter sent in one sentence.

The matter involved Zhao Xuanyang of Jingguo, and it was a serious crime of demonism.

He wanted to find out what was going on, and at the same time, he had to be active to promote Qi Guo's tough attitude towards Jing Guo. When Jiang Wang escapes, he will help find Qi Ting again...

If there is any big move between Qi and Jing, it is the time for a general family like the Chongxuan family to exert their strength. As the son of the Chongxuan family, he also wants to work hard to grab chips for himself...

So many things, it is indeed too busy.

Jiang Wang was really a little embarrassed, and said enthusiastically: "Brother Sheng, it's really hard work for you!"

"Sigh." Chong Xuansheng sighed: "Recently I always have a sore back, I don't know if it's because I'm overworked..."

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, and whispered, "I can't take care of your family affairs with Shishi..."

"What are you thinking about!" Chong Xuansheng slapped the stone table, furious: "It's all about your business!"

"Then you must try my exclusive massage technique!" Jiang Wang stood up resolutely, walked around behind Chongxuansheng, and squeezed his shoulders attentively: "Huang Sheli has some sixteen moves. I learned two tricks secretly, to loosen your muscles and bones, and make you feel comfortable all over!"

If Huang Sheli knew that Jiang Wang used Jiang Wang to pinch someone's shoulders when she saved the world, the Pudu Jiangma pestle would definitely not be able to hold it, and she would have to smash Jiang's finger bones—unless it was for someone She pinches.

"I can't! I can't!" Chongxuansheng stopped him hypocritically: "I, Chongxuansheng, how can I ask the world's number one inner court to squeeze my shoulders... beat my back?"

Jiang Wang slapped his back sensiblely: "Make it! It must be done! Brother Sheng, you worry about it every day, and you must pay attention to your body. Your hundreds of catties of flesh are the embodiment of wisdom and the treasure of Qi. You must not There is a loss. Please take care!"

Chong Xuansheng snorted in satisfaction: "Where did I just say?"

"Gu Shiyi." Jiang Wang reminded.

"Gu Shiyi is the number one expert in the Zheng Kingdom." Chong Xuansheng enjoyed it very much, and lazily said: "This person is a hero, righteous and courageous, and has the reputation of being a hero in the world."

"He himself is also from the direct line of the Zheng Kingdom's royal family, but he has no interest in the throne, does not enter the officialdom, and does not fight for the royal family's resources. When he was young, he walked alone in the world, fighting against injustice, fighting the strong and helping the weak, and gained a good reputation.

He changed his name to Gu Shiyi, and took righteousness as his teacher.

At that time, his father was critically ill, and he wanted to pass it on to him, but he left the table to avoid him, and refused to accept the imperial edict. It is said that he only has the righteousness to walk alone with a sword, but he has no ability to take care of the community. "There is an elder brother on the top, and a nephew on the bottom, so I can't accept it." The original words are probably so.

Later, after the new emperor ascended the throne, he went to the country alone, just to avoid people making a fuss about him. After the new emperor's power was consolidated, he was willing to return to China.

He didn't use the resources of Zheng Guo's royal family, but relied on himself, but he also cultivated into a real person in the world. He is indeed a rare man in the world, with outstanding talent and unique style. In terms of seniority, the current Emperor Zheng is Gu Shiyi's nephew.

But even though he is the number one expert in Zheng country, he basically doesn't care about anything. He was neither granted by Emperor Zheng nor recruited by other countries. Wandering outside all year round, playing games. After ten or eight years, I went back to live for a while. "

How difficult it is for a person from a small country to achieve a cave, just think about Ji Cheng who is blocked by the gods, and you will know that it is not only the road itself that is difficult.

Thinking of Gu Shiyi's carefree slap, Jiang Wang couldn't help saying: "He is indeed a strange man!"

"Let's treat him as a chivalrous and righteous man for the time being!" Chongxuan Sheng said.

"How do you say that?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Although he has a good reputation, reputation is such a thing..." Chong Xuansheng clicked his tongue: "You are still rumored to be a traitor and a villain. Now you are a righteous man of the country, Daqi's wronged missing arrogance gone."

"It's easy to fiddle with!" he laughed.

"I don't care about my deeds, how can I be perfect when I talk about my heart?" Jiang Wang said, "If you have to speculate about whether there are other purposes behind everything, it will be difficult for anyone to trust."

"Of course. So I said, let's treat him as a good person for the time being." Chongxuansheng said indifferently: "What purpose does he have for saving you, you might as well wait until we have further contact. If there is no intersection from now on, there is no need to mention it .”

Jiang Wang said: "I am very grateful to him for saving me. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will try my best to repay him. As for what kind of person he is, I only met him once. I dare not judge, let alone suspect. So let's go and see!"

Chong Xuansheng smiled: "At least we are consistent in the results."

"Yes." Jiang Wang also smiled.

In many cases, they may be two completely different people.

But they are all sober and know that they are not the only ones in the world. Knowing one's own standard of life is not the only standard of life.

They are moving in the same direction, but not at the same pace.

Both are on their own paths.

When he exited from the illusory realm, Jiang Wangyi was moved, and he looked up at the sky.

The galaxy ran through it, and there was a wave in a trance.

For some reason, he thought of Fulu's Minghuo Qiming.

Thanks to the book friend "YEJUN" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 167th alliance of this book!

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