Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1295 ?

Chapter 1295

The Nether Totem may be the ideal of the entire Qinghuo tribe, but this ideal does not belong to Qinghuo's inscription.

His grandfather was a brave man of the tribe, his father was a disgrace to the tribe, and his adoptive father was the strongest witch Zhu in the history of the Qinghuo Department who had initially completed the Totem of Netherness... They all died because of it.

The Qinghuo Tribe was dragged down by an elusive ideal.

And Qing Huo Qiming is just a boy who lost his father, grandfather, and adoptive father.

Because of this repeated loss, he became afraid of Youtian and dared not approach the burrow, so he was regarded as a shame by the tribe and called a coward. Although he inherited the position of Wu Zhu, he was not respected.

Jiang Wang never figured out what Qing Huo Qiming was thinking when he jumped down from Youtian.

Their intersection was so short, except for the burning bone lotus on the back spine, there seemed to be no trace left. But Qinghuo Qiming's leap still occasionally appeared in his mind - when he looked up at the starry sky.

Some people are born strong, and some people may never overcome mediocrity. But under the same starry sky, do they retain the same right to exist? Or is it natural selection, the fittest will survive?

This is the question Qing Huo Qiming left in Jiang Wang's heart.



Qu Country is considered to be at the junction of the Northern Territory and the Eastern Territory, and it is also a sovereign and independent country, which has been in dispute with Zheng Guo all the year round.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the friction between the two countries is only superficial, and there has never been any major action in essence. It can be said that they are covering each other.

For many years, the two countries of Qu and Zheng have been good at dancing among the three hegemonic countries of Jing, Qi and Mu.

Speaking of Quguo, Jiang Wang's first impression was that the general of Quguo was assassinated by Nowhere in Hell. This was Yin Guan's first mission after forming Hell's Gate. At that time, Hell's Gate shook the Eastern Territory, and Hell's Gate became famous in the first battle.

Afterwards, it was not until Yin Guan made a divine appearance that Qu Guo side withdrew the wanted documents.

Set foot on the land of Qu Country, a sense of steadfastness arises spontaneously.

Even if you come here, you have returned to the Eastern Region.

Although the grassland is safe and comfortable, it is not as solid as being in the Eastern Region.

The official title on him is, after all, the most effective in the Eastern Region.

Although after a closer look, he didn't seem to be very safe in the Eastern Region except for the Qi Kingdom...

It was at the beginning of August when I left the Eastern Territory. Returning to the Eastern Territory, it was already September. Fengxia, one of the seven scenic spots in Linzi, is not too late, it is already past the season.

In just over a month, after going through life and death several times, and going around a big circle, passing through the Northern Territory and returning to the Eastern Territory, it is inevitable that I feel a little emotional.

The injuries on his body have completely healed by this time, and his body and mind have returned to their peak state.

I don't know if it's because Wufu Tongyao has been recovering himself during this period of time, causing too much power to escape. In short, the Ruyi fairy clothes have also recovered.

Finally, I don't have to look like a beggar anymore, wearing rags and sackcloth... The crutch with the head of a dragon will be regarded as a stick for beating a dog.

Jiang Wang sometimes thinks, even if Qi Ting didn't ask him, he wouldn't reveal his identity in that state...

This small town in Quguo is called Yuguang. In the early years, there was a huge jade mine nearby. People who mined, resold, carved... Many people lived here.

Those miners and businessmen gathered here for a long time, and gradually formed a city.

The name "Yuguang" originally referred to the glow of jade, and later it was "Yuguang".

Jiang Wang found a pleasing tavern, occupied a table all by himself, warmed a pot of wine, ordered two catties of white-cut lamb, and listened to people's discussions, all kinds of life...

There are those who say that the parents are short-sighted, and those who talk about the situation in the Eastern Region.

This city, which is dominated by miners and gathered together, is not as rough as imagined, on the contrary it is warm and comfortable.

It may be because jade supports people, or it may be because after the jade mines were exhausted, there were several rounds of people changing here, and other industries were developed in the whole city.

With the current level of cultivation, ordinary wine can no longer be intoxicating, but Jiang Wang is lazily eating mutton at the moment, taking a sip or two from time to time, and he also feels a little drunk.

From the environment to himself, he is in a safe state, which makes him feel relaxed.

From the sparsely populated grassland to the densely populated Eastern Region. The spaciousness of nature and the bustling fireworks in the world make him feel comfortable.

"Guest officer, what do you want?"

"A jug of wine and a dish of fennel beans."

This conversation caught Jiang Wang's attention.

With his current control over the way of sound, as long as it is a sound that has been heard once, it is difficult to forget it again. Especially after opening the Shravaka Immortal State, the voices heard a long time ago will obediently provide information, because "all voices are in court".

He didn't turn his head back, and his movements of eating meat and drinking didn't change a bit, but silently started the savanna fairy state.

"What kind of wine does the guest officer want?"

"the best."

This person who is new to the restaurant has the meaning of cherishing words like gold.

But Jiang Wang has already caught it.

The sound is in my ears, and relevant information has emerged.

Tracing back to its origin, the last time the two of them had a conversation was at the Qiyang battlefield in Chiwei County.

At that time, the person only said one sentence - "Understood, thank you!"

Jiang Wang silently drank the wine in the glass and ate the last few slices of mutton.

The shop waiter who had been paying attention to this side hastily stepped forward: "Guest officer, do you want to add something?"

Jiang Wang shook his head as a refusal.

The money for wine and meat had already been paid, so he casually put on the cloak that was standing at the corner of the table, and stood up.

While putting away the crutch with a dragon head that was leaning against his legs, he took out the sheathed Sauvignon Blanc from the storage box, held it in his hand, and walked towards the new drinker who entered the tavern.

Seeing this, the shop waiter took two steps back.

People in the tavern were still eating, drinking, talking and laughing.

But gradually, some people realized that something was wrong and looked this way.

Only the ordinary-looking young man sitting sideways to Jiang, slowly squeezed a fennel bean and threw it into his mouth. Without turning his head, he just asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

After going through so much, he has cultivated a good momentum. He didn't look tired back then, nor was he in a hurry like the time we met on Haimen Island, but he was a bit calm and indifferent to the situation.

Everyone has their own encounters, and everyone is growing.

"Yang Xuance, Yang Xuance." Jiang Wang said, "The great things you did in Zhaoheng City made me suffer."

These words have already stated their identity.

Yang Xuance turned his head abruptly!

The moment he turned his head, his eyes were brilliant and golden, and flames were born. The raging fire instantly covered the distance between him and Jiang Wang. The flaming snake is blazing, and its left and right are ferocious, as if it wants to choose someone to eat.

Jiang Wang only stretched out his hand to hold it, and the suppression from the true fire supernatural power of Samadhi wiped out the raging flames all over the place, and eliminated a disaster that might affect the entire restaurant invisible.

And the figure of Yang Xuance has disappeared!

Jiang Wang stretched out his hand to grab it in the air, and a little residual flame held by him turned into a grass, and he bowed his head to guide the way.

After combing through the Taoism during this period, the memory of the Taoism has improved again. Although it is still not a very good tracking secret technique, it can still provide clues at the moment when certain traces have been grasped.

The waiter in the store only saw the flames bursting up all over the sky, and before he could panic, he saw them being extinguished with one hand.

And the man in sackcloth who ate up the mutton before he started, has already stepped out of the tavern.

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