Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1296 ?

Chapter 1296

Jiang Wang didn't have a clear understanding of Yang Xuance's strength, after all, the two sides had never really fought against each other. At the beginning in Cangfeng City, he was only "talking about business", Qiyang only said a word on the battlefield, and he only glanced at Haimen Island.

Judging from the fact that the opponent was able to kill Huang Yixing, it should have combat power at the Wailou level.

But it is absolutely impossible for God to come.

Jiang Wang has now newly acquired the Chixin supernatural power, and with the strength of the world's number one inner palace, he has achieved Tianfu. After being raised in Xiyue Nunnery for a long time, and walking around the grassland, her injuries have recovered, she is full of energy, and is at the absolute peak in all aspects.

There is no opponent at the level of the inner palace, and as long as the level of the outer building does not meet Dou Zhao, Chongxuan Zunna and other levels, they will be swept away.

All four supernatural powers of the evil army were killed!

So when he saw Yang Xuance, he would directly act without even probing, which was the embodiment of this kind of confidence.

And Yang Xuance ran away immediately when he found him, and he knew the weight of the world's number one inner palace.

Jiang Wang stepped out of the tavern in one step, crushing Qingyun. Although it is a cloak and linen clothes, it also gives off a feeling of fluttering like a fairy.

In a short time, following the guidance of the memory, he crossed several streets and crashed into an alley.

This is a dead end.

At the end of the alley, Yang Xuance, who was dressed in money silk clothes and a businessman's attire, slowly turned around and looked at Jiang Wang. The eyes with flowing golden flames were unusually calm.

Jiang Wang turned sideways slightly.

A figure also came behind him, blocking the retreat.

This person is tall and tall, with a human face mask on his face, the whole body is pitch black, only a dark white portal is painted on his forehead, and inside this portal are two blood-red characters——


Jiang Wang looked up and saw a person squatting on the wall on the left side of this alley, condescending, only looking at him with indifferent eyes.

There is also a black mask of the same standard on the surface, but the painted characters are different, which is "running wheel".

There is no gate to hell, the King of Mount Tai, the King of the Wheel!

"It seems that you came by accident." Yang Xuance looked at him and said softly, "I just made an appointment with someone to discuss business today."

It's really not a coincidence!

A chance encounter in a tavern, and a pursuit was launched, but they were even surrounded. Jiang Wang had to lament his luck.


Jiang Wang smiled and put away the cloak covering his face.

While it has minimal impact on the fight, he's at his best right now.

Yan Luo, who has no gate to hell, is the peak of the outer tower, a strong man who is truly walking on the edge of life and death, and cannot be regarded as the power of the outer tower.

These people are capable of confronting outsiders like Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun head-on!

The old man of Tianfu fought one against three in the Inner Palace, leaving an immortal legend. Those who fought against him at that time were all well-known experts in the outer building realm... just like this Yama who has no gate to hell.

Jiang Wang plans to challenge this legend today!

He is already recognized as the strongest inner palace in the world, but is it possible to become the strongest inner palace in history like Wang Yiwu broke through the limit of the heaven-reaching realm, and to carve an immortal monument in the world of practice?

"Meeting is fate." Jiang Wang said in a relaxed tone, raised his sword and moved forward, his temples fluttering in the wind: "Come on!"

Traveling thousands of miles around the grassland is reading and experiencing, healing wounds and raising swords. Now that he wants to show his strength, let's ask the world, who dares to be the mansion outside the palace! ?

At this critical moment——

"What's coming?" said a voice.

A handsome man with long hair and shawl had already followed the voice and stood beside the tall Taishan King.

Yang Xuance breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't expect that, facing the siege of him and the two Yan Luos, Jiang Wang would still be ready to fight, and wanted to make a move first. It's not like the behavior that a monk in the inner palace should behave at all!

To be honest, it is beneficial to Jiang Wang to fight in Quguo.

These small countries in the Eastern Region are determined not to lose face to Qi. Once a battle breaks out, if it cannot be resolved quickly, and the strong men from the Qu country discover it, waiting for him and Hell Wumen to end up being besieged by the strong men from the Qu country.

But now that King Qin Guang showed up, there was nothing to say.

No matter how talented and terrifying Jiang Wang was, he could not be Qin Guangwang's opponent.

It's even hard to make a sound.

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, then said to Yin Guan, "Let's talk?"

Yang Xuance said softly, "There's nothing to talk about..."

"Okay." Yin Guan from the other side of the alley said with a smile.

Yang Xuance: ...

The address of "Chat" is in the courtyard next to the alley.

Go over the wall and go in.

Yangxuance, King Taishan and King Zhuanlun remained in the alley.

While flying into the yard, Jiang Wang said, "Don't kill people."

Yin Guan just retracted his five fingers, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Just stop for now, do I like killing people so much?"

There were only two maidservants in the courtyard, their backs were facing them at this moment, and they were restrained by Yin Guan with a special technique, unable to speak or move.

"If you really want to kill someone, I can't stop it. I just stop someone you don't need to kill." Jiang Wang casually blocked the voices around the two maidservants, lest they hear what they shouldn't hear and suffer from it instead , said: "It seems that Yuguang City is not your residence."

People like Yin Guan would never mind having blood on their hands if necessary.

And if Yuguang City is the next stop of Hell Wumen, then Yin Guan will not allow the possibility of revealing his whereabouts. Anyone who sees him must die.

So Jiang Wang said, Hell has no door should just pass by here.

Yin Guan never cared what others thought of him, and he was noncommittal when he heard the words, and only asked: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Jiang Wang said directly: "I want to catch Yang Xuance and go back."

Yang Xuance is the real culprit in Huang Yixing's case. To capture him and bring him back together is to fulfill his duty as a fourth-rank green card, and to defend his reputation sonorously and forcefully.

Although Chong Xuansheng has turned the public opinion upside down, the case can only be considered closed if Xia Yang Xuance is captured, and the conclusion can be said to be closed.

"Impossible." Yin Guan directly refused: "He is our big customer,"

"How much did he give?" Jiang Wang said imposingly: "I will give double!"

Yin Guan looked at him with a half-smile: "I know your family background, but you can't afford it."

Jiang Wang choked for a moment.

It had been a long time since he had been despised financially.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "Yan Fu is my friend!"

"Oh, the Yan family of Beijun." Yin Guan said plainly: "Borrowing money to buy thieves? You are indeed the leader of the Yellow River. The methods of handling cases are different from ordinary green cards. I have learned a lot."

Jiang Wang was a little ashamed.

Sighing: "Just pretend I didn't say it."

"That's right." Yin Guan nodded: "And we have no door to hell is also very principled, even if you can really show it, we can't let you arrest people."

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then asked, "What business does he want to talk to you about?"

Yin Guan smiled: "This is a secret of no gate to hell, and non-core can't hear it. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Forget it." Jiang Wang refused decisively.

"Think about it again." Yin Guan said with a smile: "Now there are three positions: Emperor Song, King Pingping, and King Biancheng. If you come, you can choose. If you think it is unlucky, I can also arrange for you to follow The other hell will change."

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows: "I am a dignified third-rank golden melon warrior, and I also hang a fourth-rank green medal, and I am named Qingyangzi. You want me to be a killer with you?"

"It's not ashamed to make some extra money." Yin Guan smiled again: "At least the next time you want to throw money at someone, you will have more confidence. Isn't it?"

Jiang Wang suddenly had the urge to lift the table...

Give up because the opponent's strength is too strong.

Thanks to the book friend "Hungry Ghost Punishment" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 168th alliance of this book!

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