Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1297 ? A piece of advice

Chapter 1297 A piece of advice

"Think about it." Yin Guan said while the iron was hot: "I can help you hide your identity very well!"

In the courtyard of this unknown family, the two who occupy the magpie's nest are discussing the issue of joining the group.

Today's Yin Guan seems to be very active, and of course it's not the first time he has offered an invitation, and it's not the first time Jiang Wang has expressed his refusal.

Jiang Wang said quietly: "If you want people not to know, unless you don't do it yourself."

"If you want people not to know, just kill those who know." Yin Guan reminded.

"There is no wall in the world that is not leaky."

"That's not enough killing."

Jiang Wang didn't want to say something to offend others, but seeing the other party's attitude was so persistent, he had no choice but to be more direct: "I don't want to live a precarious life and be chased around."

Yin Guan looked puzzled: "Aren't you being chased around now?"

Jiang Wang: ...

Yin Guan was kind and seductive: "If you join the group, next time you meet someone like Zhao Xuanyang, you can contact me directly. I'll gather everyone and help you clean up."

"Oh?" Jiang Wang asked: "What if we meet Pei Xinghe?"

Yin Guan said frankly: "Then you can't contact me."

"So." Jiang Wang said with regret: "Hell without a door is not suitable for me."

In fact, both of them knew that Jiang Wang's refusal to join Hell and No Door was not because Yama's position was auspicious, he didn't make much money, he was in danger...

It's that Jiang Wang doesn't agree with the idea that there is no door to hell, nor does he agree with Yin Guan's behavior style.

"Okay." Yin Guan didn't mind too much, and changed the topic: "I let you go today, do you admit it?"

"It's boring to say that." Jiang Wang said: "If you didn't come today, you might have to recruit people again. After all, I let them go."

"Really?" Yin Guan was noncommittal: "It's a pity that I'm here."

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and finally said honestly: "You are right."

"You just need to admit it." Yin Guan smiled: "Just to make sense of it, just give me dozens of primordial stones."

"Money for life?"

"Life money, passing money, hush money, whatever you want to understand."

Jiang Wang looked at him and said, "Even if we're not friends, we're still acquaintances. Isn't it appropriate to blackmail me when we meet?"

"Of course, of course, we are very familiar." Yin Guan said with a smile: "If we met in other circumstances, of course I would not trouble you, and I could even sit down, have a cup of tea, and chat. But Jiang Tianjiao, just like what you said just now, you almost made me recruit people again, as the leader of Hell, can I watch?"

"I didn't even touch their hairs!" Jiang Wang was very annoyed, paused, and said again: "Does bragging count?"

Yin Guan laughed it off.

Jiang Wang had no choice but to pay.

Yang Xuance was not caught, and was blackmailed, which made him extremely resentful.

While taking the primordial stone, he said: "You were not like this before."

"The organization has grown and grown, and there is a shortage of money everywhere." Yin Guan counted the points seriously, and there are ten primordial stones in total, which just meet the minimum standard of 'dozens of dollars', and he couldn't help sighing: "You go from there Well, I'll just pretend I haven't seen you."

The primordial stone that has corrupted me still has an expression that told me to take advantage of it, what does that mean?

Jiang Wang was so angry that his teeth itch, but at least he was still rational, knowing that he really couldn't beat him. Putting on the cloak, he walked out of the courtyard and headed out of the city...

It's better to go to Xuankong Temple quickly, this sad place, I don't want to stay for a long time!

Seeing Jiang Wang's back disappear, Yin Guan shook his head with some pity, turned around and left, and returned to the alley.

If Jiang Wang's name of Tongmo is really confirmed, so that the world hates each other, and the hatred is deep and incomprehensible, maybe there is still a possibility of joining Hell without a Gate. Otherwise, with Jiang Wang's personality, he would never change his choice.

Speaking of meeting him for the first time in Youguo, although he felt that this person was impressive, he never imagined that this person would be able to get to where he is today.

It's amazing.

When they returned to the alley, King Taishan was still at the entrance of the alley, King Zhuanlun was still squatting on the wall, and Yang Xuance was still at the end of the alley.

Yin Guan looked directly at Xiangyang Xuance, and cut straight to the point: "I just rescued you under the hands of Jiang Wang, the third-rank golden melon warrior of Daqi, and there is an extra charge for this."

The Wheel-Running King looked at his leader, but said nothing.

The current King Qin Guang is very different from the King Qin Guang who established an organization in Duanhun Gorge.

At that time, Yin Guan would not have such a philistine side.

After all, a penny can't beat a hero, developing peripheral forces, building an intelligence network, establishing strongholds in various places...everywhere needs resources to fill.

Of course, this current side also gave King Qin Guang a little more humanity in his powerful and cold image.

King Chuanlun silently thought... This may prove that King Qin Guang has taken many steps forward after smelting the negativity and achieving the gods.

Yang Xuance didn't know Yin Guan well enough, so he was only taken aback when he heard this: "What about others?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I naturally have my own way of dealing with it," Yin Guan said coldly: "In short, he can no longer threaten you now."

"You killed him?" Yang Xuance asked.

"You want me to kill him?" Yin Guan asked back, and then said: "The price is not cheap. His weight in Qi is not comparable to that of Zhao Xuan."

"No need." Yang Xuance shook his head.

"Then settle the bill first."


Not long after, Yang Xuance left the alley alone.

King Taishan who stayed in the alley said, "Where did this kid get so much money?"

"Who knows?" Yin Guan put away the storage box with satisfaction. He only cared about whether the money and the goods could be paid, and didn't care about other things.

The king of Zhuanlun squatting on the wall said: "It's nothing more than leftovers such as the secret library of the restoration of the country...the rotten ship still has three catties of nails, after all, it is the prince of the subjugated country."

"Why didn't we just snatch him away?" The newly promoted King Taishan said, "Compared to helping him deal with the Qi officials, is it easier to deal with him? And it's less troublesome."

Yin Guan glanced at him indifferently, and said: "We are killers, not robbers."

"What's the difference?" King Taishan didn't quite understand: "Killing to get more money is one thing. Robbery doesn't need other people's consent, and the same is true for us to kill."

"Credit." Yin Guandao: "If Hell has no gate to develop and grow, there must be a steady stream of business. You must have credit. You can get a temporary profit by eating from the previous one and eating from the next, but what you lose is Hell's gateless Shop sign."

"What do you care about the signs?" King Taishan smiled: "We don't know if there will be a tomorrow after today, isn't it just a quick moment?"

Convincing others is actually the hardest thing, because everyone has their own opinions.

Yin Guan no longer explained, just said: "You remember what I said."

After leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

This attitude may be a bit arrogant, which made King Taishan very uncomfortable. How can there be a weak person who can become the hell without gate Yama?

It's just that although his eyes were gloomy, he didn't dare to say anything.

The wheel-running king who was half squatting on the wall suddenly asked, "Do you know how the last King Taishan died?"

"How did you die?" King Taishan asked.

King Zhuanlun did not answer directly, but said: "If you say something you shouldn't say, you will die. If King Qin Guang thinks that you might say something you shouldn't say, you will die too."

He smiled: "It's a piece of advice from seniors."

After all, he fell back and the whole person disappeared.

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