Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1298 ?

Chapter 1298 Fire at the city gate

Jiang Wang was so angry by Yin Guan that he almost wanted to inform the court of Qu Guo.

At the beginning, the general of the town of Quguo was assassinated by Hell Wumen, Qu Guo issued a wanted document, vowing to destroy Hell Wumen, but when he found out that the wanted document could not be found, he silently revoked it...

This is already irrelevant from now on, after all, No Door to Hell is a killer organization, only doing business, not deliberately targeting anyone. But they still appeared in Qu Guo's territory in a grand manner, which seemed to be jumping repeatedly on Qu Guo's face.

Once the court of Quguo knew that there is no door to hell in Yuguang City at this time, one can imagine how violent the reaction would be...

Of course, I can only think about it.

With Yin Guan protecting him, it was impossible to catch Yang Xuance, so Jiang Wang continued on his way.

After leaving the state of Qu and entering the territory of the state of Zheng, he heard a piece of news——

Due to Xiang Guo's arrest of Xu Guo's caravan for no reason, the two countries had friction. After several failed negotiations, Xu Guo brazenly sent troops to conquer!

Now the armies of Xiang and Xu have already settled in Xingyueyuan and are confronting each other.

The big move that Chong Xuansheng said...has come!

During this period of time, there were a lot of people in the territory of Zheng State, most of them were small forces who had been mingling in Xingyueyuan.

The two countries were at war, and Xingyueyuan was selected as the battlefield. These grass-roots teams, which were not attached to any side, suddenly disappeared.

No matter how long they have been operating here, how long they have lived, how deep their relationship is...

The city gate caught fire, and the fish in the pond died if they did not escape.

Does the cruelty of the world stop here?

As soon as the army lined up, the Xiang and Xu countries that cleared Xingyueyuan looked majestic, and they were just two pawns in the hands of the overlord.

Detaining caravans and conquering for the people are nothing but the will of Jing and Qi.

Even if these two countries have no will to fight at all, and cannot find the interests of this war, they have to fight.

The battle between Xiang and Xu in Xingyueyuan can be regarded as a forward battle between Jing and Qi.

Judging from the experience of detouring the grassland all the way, Jiang Wang believed that Jing Mu's first battle was inevitable. Before he left the grassland, Tiefutu, the sixth of the top ten cavalry armies in the world, had already marched to Liyuan City. Sheng Guo could not take back this important border city by himself.

And under such circumstances, in Xingyueyuan, the dispute between Xiang and Xu could suddenly break out, which is enough to show Jingguo's conceit.

Jing Guo is not willing to go to war with the two major overlords at the same time, but at the same time, he is not willing to let Qi Guo take away too much profit, so he wants to try Qi Guo's quality in Xingyueyuan.

Of course, judging from the current situation, Jingguo's main force will not come to Xingyueyuan, which is why Jiang Wang regards the war on Xingyueyuan as a test.

The outcome of this battle will directly determine the attitudes of the two hegemonic powers.

If Xu State, which was supported by Qi State, was destroyed in one battle, it would be fine for Jing State to fight on two fronts. Conversely, if the fight against the Elephant Kingdom is easy, then it is a natural choice for the Qi Kingdom to take advantage of the trend and invade the central region.

But all of this has nothing to do with him.

Zheng Guo is in the north of Xingyueyuan, and Xuankong Temple is in the south of Xingyueyuan.

Xiangguo and Xuguo are opposites.

After Jiang Wang left Zheng Guo, he bypassed Xingyueyuan. Because Xu Country was preparing for war, he did not pass through Xu Country, but walked around the border to the east of Xu Country, and went to Xuankong Temple alone.

This route is already very close to the country of Qi...

Although it has not entered the territory of Xu country, it can be expected that the atmosphere in Xu country is not easy. For Qi Jing, this war may be just a trial, but for Xu Country and Xiang Country, it is a battle for the whole country, and the country is really in danger of being destroyed!

Some Xu country people I met occasionally on the road—in short, they went to Qi country under various names, because they asked Jiang Wang to meet them—all of them had gloomy faces.

In such an atmosphere, Jiang Wang finally arrived at the Hanging Temple.

But how to contact Jingli?

He made a mistake.

No one would pay any attention to such a door-to-door in sackcloth and cloak. But he is now missing again, so it is not easy to disclose his identity.

Jiang Wang wandered around the grounds of the Xuankong Temple for a long time, and finally found a smart-looking little boy on the street, stopped him, and was about to speak.

The little boy turned and ran.

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was really not a good person in his cloak, linen clothes, dragon head and stick.

In the territory of Xuankong Temple, there are ordinary people, no one should know him.

He also took off the cloak, put away the dragon head staff, and looked for the target again. I found a handsome little boy, and said in the gentlest tone possible: "Little friend, how about doing me a favor?"

He took out a piece of broken silver and shook it in his hand: "Go ahead, this silver is yours."

The little boy put his palms together and bowed to him: "Please tell me if you have something to do, I don't want money."

"Ah?" Jiang Wang was stunned: "Why."

The little boy's expression was very serious: "I wish to do a good deed every day."

It is worthy of being the soil of the Xuankong Temple, the Eastern Holy Land of Buddhism!

Looking at the child's clear eyes, Jiang Wang felt ashamed.

As an "adult" who is about to reach the crown, he has almost adapted to the so-called "reality" of considering issues with interests, but he has forgotten that life...doesn't require rewards for everything.

"I'm vulgar, and I almost polluted the pure heart of my little friend." Jiang Wang put his hands together in return, and said in a gentle voice: "Then can you help me go to the mountain gate of Xuankong Temple and find a monk named Jingli? Just say that I am Wait for him here."

"If he asks me, who are you? What should I say?" the little boy asked.

Jiang Wangdao: "Let's say it's the person who invited him to dinner on August 9th."

The little boy nodded, turned around and began to trot.

As the Eastern Holy Land of Buddhism, the territory of Xuankong Temple is not smaller than countries like Xiang and Xu.

But the place where Jiang Wang entrusted him was not far from the mountain gate outside the Xuankong Temple.

About an hour later—probably spent mainly asking for instructions from the Zhike monk—the cleansing ceremony with a bald head and shiny head flew quickly to the little boy carrying the messenger.

"Little brother!" He shouted in surprise from afar: "Have you come to see me?"

Jiang Wang quickly made a silent gesture.

Flying closer, the little boy in Jingli's arms was a little surprised: "Big brother, have you been waiting here all this time? Why don't you find a place to sit?"

"We agreed to wait here." Jiang Wang smiled and handed over a paper bag: "You have worked hard on errands, I bought some pastries and fruits, please eat."

The little boy waved his hand and was about to refuse.

Jiang Wang has already added: "It's not a reward, it's to treat friends to snacks. You help me run errands, and I treat you to eat. This is called reciprocity."

The little boy looked back at the cleansing ceremony, after all, he was a holy monk from the Xuankong Temple, which made him trust him even more.

With a solemn face, Jing Li smiled and said, "This is also a predestined relationship, so don't push it away."

The little boy took the paper bag and said to Jiang Wang, "Thank you, big brother."

Jiang Wang bowed back, seeing the little boy walking away briskly with the paper bag in his arms, he also felt relieved.

Children are sometimes like a mirror. When you look at this mirror, it is easy to find changes in yourself.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." Suddenly, there was a burst of crying from the side.

Jiang Wang turned his head, and just now he was doing the cleansing ceremony like a holy monk, but now he can't cry: "Little master...junior brother, we, we don't have a master now!"

Jiang Wang was shocked, his heart ached, and his nose felt sore: "What happened to Master Kujue?"

Jingli burst into tears: "Master...Master...he is gone!"

"How did you get there?" Jiang Wang was shocked and angry, sad and guilty: "Are those thieves from Jingguo!?"

"Tuo... got out of the mountain gate!" Jingli sobbed.

I recommend a new book "Zhen" by the great history god Wang Zijun, which tells the story of the late Ming Dynasty. If you chase a few more novels, you won't be in such a hurry when you wait for the update.

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