Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1299 ?

Chapter 1299

The handsome little monk burst into tears like rain, and Jiang Wang next to him was speechless for a long time.

Jingli has been lost alone for a long time, forcing a smile in front of people, and a dignified appearance in front of believers. After finally meeting my junior brother, I finally couldn't restrain myself, feeling sad from my heart for a moment.

And Jiang Wang was just thinking... It is really a blessing to be able to grow up to this day while speaking so out of breath,

Jingli cried for a long time, crying very sadly, but found that the younger brother remained expressionless.

She couldn't help pursing her mouth and said, "Little Junior Brother, why aren't you sad?"

Jiang Wang said quietly: "You told me the news in tears, and the news was delayed for more than half a month. I am very sad."

In order to save him, the old monk Kujue did not hesitate to leave the mountain gate. This incident really moved him, otherwise he would not be the first to think of contacting Kujue after he escaped. But that's already August...

"Has it been so long?" Jingli choked and said, "But I'm still very sad..."

Jiang Wang asked: "What is the saddest thing for you?"

Jingli pursed her mouth again: "I don't have a master anymore!"

"Master Kujue left the mountain gate, don't you recognize him?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Admit it." Jingli blinked her eyes.

Tears washed his eyes so clear that there were still beads trembling on the eyelashes.

Look, what a poor little monk.

Jiang Wang sighed: "Then don't you still have a master?"

Jingli frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly relaxed, and said with a smile, "That's right!"

Jiang Wang was very tired, but seeing him smiling, he felt very happy for some reason.

"Do you have a way to contact your master?" He asked, "I have something to ask him."

"Yes! There is a secret contact method!" Jing Li nodded vigorously.

Then he grabbed Jiang Wang's hand: "Little brother, come with me."

At this time, he seemed to have the self-consciousness of a senior brother again, flying ahead, chopping the wind to open the way.

Jiang Wang wanted to say, can you stop calling me Junior Brother, but he knew it would be useless to say so, so he simply followed him without saying a word.

The two quickly flew to a bare hill with only a ruined temple on it.

Flying down the mountain, Jingli said happily: "Junior Brother, let's go home!"


This word is indeed very touching.

Looking at the ruined temple standing proudly in the wind on the mountain, Jiang Wang didn't know what to say.

"This is Sanbao Mountain!" Jingli said, pulling Jiang Wang into the ruined temple: "Come with senior brother."

Jiang Wang looked around, but he really couldn't see where the "treasure" of the small mountain bag was. Return three treasures? Obviously there is no treasure.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang froze for a moment. Suddenly, it occurred to me that there were exactly three people, suffering from pain, cleansing ceremony and him. Could it be that the Three Treasures...

He gritted his teeth and felt a chill.

The mountain is really small, and after only a few glances, it was dragged into the ruined temple by Jingli.

A small ruined temple is also divided into two halls, the front and the back.

Jingli took him around inside and out, and gave an introduction with great interest.

In the front hall is a wooden Buddha whose face has been blurred, without any incense.

There is nothing else in the apse but a plank bed.

"Come on, sit down!" Jingli said enthusiastically, patting the wooden bed.

"Uh, no need." Jiang Wang said: "Contact Master Kujue first, he is outside... very hard."

Jingli has always been very fond of Master, and immediately stood up when he heard the words, first gave Jiang Wang a 'shh', and said in a low voice: "Don't make any noise."

Jiang Wang expressed doubts with his eyes.

Jing Li said in a very sneaky voice: "He... has left... Xuankong Temple now, we... contact... him, we need to be sneaky... a little..."

It's sneaky enough!

Jiang Wang was speechless.

With a shiny bald head on your head, you swaggered and flew to find me, and called out loudly, little junior brother, where can you sneak to?

If it weren't for me, I would have stopped you, there probably would be no one in Xuankong Temple who wouldn't know that I'm coming!

Jingli didn't care about that much, after giving instructions to the junior brother, he lifted the bed board.

On the back of the bed board, there is a circle of precise patterns engraved impressively. Once revealed, the phantom shakes, like a dragon or an elephant.

The purification ceremony became serious, and the treasure appeared solemn in an instant. The right hand squeezed the Dharma seal, and when it glowed with precious light, it was directly printed on it.

In the middle of the pattern pattern, the precious light is like water, and there are circles of ripples.

Is this the so-called "secret contact method"?

Right under the slats?

Jiang Wang found that he was not easily surprised when facing the purification ceremony.

In a sense, hiding behind the boards of the broken bed in the ruined temple in Bald Mountain is indeed a secret.

Jiang Wang was still silently looking for reasons for the purification ceremony, when a voice rang out: "What's the matter?"

The sound of bitterness!

I saw that the precious light on the bed board had gathered into a round mirror, and the face of the yellow-faced old monk was reflected in it.

He seemed to be sitting on the top of a mountain with a tree beside him. He looked very proud and said carelessly: "I'm looking for your junior brother! I'm very busy!"

After a pause, he asked, "After I left the mountain gate, those old bald donkeys didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Because of the angle of view, he didn't notice Jiang Wang next to him, but just looked at his disciple Jingli.

But Jiang Wang could see him, the exhaustion that could not be concealed between his brows.

"" Jingli said, "How many little bald donkeys are there?"

"It's unreasonable!" The yellow-faced old monk in Baoguang's round mirror stared, "How did you do it?"

Monk Jingli grinned and said, "They've all been sacked and beaten with sap!"

"Good! You have the root of wisdom!" Kujue praised loudly: "As expected of my good disciple of Kujue!"

Monk Jingli first smiled, then pouted: "But you don't want me anymore, don't you?"

"Silly boy, what nonsense are you talking about!?" The yellow-faced old monk stared at him and said, "Let me ask you, who is the most wise and powerful, and who is the most respected?"

Monk Jingli hesitated: "...Master?"

"Be more confident and remove the questioning tone!" The yellow-faced old monk spat all over the place: "You just told a fact!"

Monk Jingli had completely forgotten about his junior brother, so he just let out an obedient "Oh".

The yellow-faced old monk sighed and looked worried: "Oh, Master is so dazzling, if you don't leave, how will you compete for the position of abbot in the future? How can you compare with Master? You can't compare from head to toe! Do you understand? ?”

Jingli shook her head: "I don't really understand."

"Silly boy, Master did this for you. In order to leave you the position of the next abbot, he had to withdraw from the mountain gate. Among the few disciples, Master loves you the most. You must remember Master's kindness, understand Is it? When you become the abbot in the future, show your filial piety! Steal more relics... mix some for me!"

The old monk fooled the young monk too much.

Jiang Wang couldn't listen anymore, the most important thing is, the old and the young and the two bald heads are chatting so vigorously, when will they talk about themselves?

So he took the initiative to go forward: "Can I chat a few words?"

The yellow-faced old monk in Baoguang's round mirror was stunned.

He looked at Jiang Wang here through the round mirror of precious light.

Blinking his eyes, he looked at Jiang Wang over here again.

He suddenly grinned, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth still stained with vegetable leaves.

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