Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1300

"Qian... big..." Jiang Wang changed several names, and finally he could only say: "How are you?"

He once rushed thousands of miles to intercept Zhuang Gaoxian in the sky above the Changhe River, fought a battle, and saved his life.

This time, he did not hesitate to leave the Xuankong Temple, but also pursued Zhao Xuanyang under the pressure of Jing Guo, and snatched him out of the crisis. Although he failed to catch up, but for Ku Jue's pursuit, Zhao Xuanyang would not have chosen to go to the ancient magic cave, and Jiang Wang would not have the possibility of saving himself...

In ancient times, mentors have treated students with nothing more than this.

This friendship is too deep, he really doesn't know how to repay it!

And for such a real person who plays games, what can he do as a monk in the inner palace?

"What can I do? Of course it's very good!" Kujue said with a smile: "My dear disciple, how did you escape?"

"A friend saved me." Jiang Wang said: "But now we are still negotiating with Jing Guo in the name of disappearance, so don't reveal the news that I have escaped for the time being. I am also afraid that you will worry, so I came to Xuankong Temple , I will inform you through Master Jingli."

Ku Jue stared at him suddenly: "Evil disciple! You also know that being a teacher will worry you? When you left Qi, why didn't you come to see me as a teacher?"

Jiang Wang was speechless, and only said: "I will never forget your kindness to me. I really don't know how to repay it."

In the round mirror of Baoguang, Kujue waved his hand: "Wait!"

"Ah?" Jiang Wang was a little confused.

"Wait until I return to the Xuankong Temple to shave you!"

Jiang Wang was stunned.

Ku Jue pointed at him: "Well, you are heartless, you are hesitating!"

"That..." Jiang Wang asked in a low voice, "Haven't you already left the mountain gate?"

Ku Jue rolled his eyes: "Wouldn't it be over if I come back?"

Is it okay? ?

Jiang Wang was a little confused.

The world's top sect like Xuankong Temple can really leave and return at will, like a child's play?

Sounds... not very reliable.

The monk Jingli next to him was also stunned, but he was stunned for a different reason: "Master, didn't you say that you deliberately left the mountain gate and left the position of abbot to me? Why are you returning now?"

"Jingli!" Kujue was heartbroken: "Your Buddha's heart has been shaken, you are not pure! You don't want a master because of the mere position of abbot!"

"I...I." Jingli lowered her head in shame.

"What about me!" Ku Jue had already put on a serious face, and said seriously: "The Buddha's heart is covered with dust, you should wipe it off frequently. Stand in the corner for punishment!"

Jing Li obediently walked to the corner and stood still, feeling very wronged.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "Master, although it's not very good to ask like this, but for you, I really don't want to cover up or pretend. In fact, I have always wanted to ask you, why are you so kind to me?"

"What kind of stupid question is this?" Ku Jue reprimanded, "It's only natural for a master to take care of his disciples. You are my disciple, how can I ignore you?"

"That's right." Jing Li hurriedly agreed, expressing her loyalty to Master in exchange for forgiveness.

Kujue scolded him angrily: "Don't talk too much when you are punished!"

Jing Li had a slumped face, but still kept her mouth tightly shut.

Although he was reprimanded, Jiang Wang continued to ask: "Then I want to ask, why are you so persistent in accepting me as an apprentice?"

It's not that he questioned Kujue's motives. If he really didn't trust Kujue, he wouldn't ask such a question. He just really wanted to know the truth.

Everything has a reason, of course people can treat someone well regardless of the pros and cons, of course they can give without reservation, but where does this emotion come from?

He asked himself that his attitude towards suffering was not good. At first he was suspicious and guarded, later he resisted and escaped, and later, although he was moved and close, he insisted on his own way and refused to enter Buddhism.

Why did Kujue treat him so well from the beginning?

"Of course it's to find a peerless genius, to brag in front of those bald donkeys...ah no." Kujue changed into an impassioned expression: "Of course it's to find a destined person who will inherit my mantle and save the world with me." Common people, save the world! You are the one-in-a-kind peerless arrogance!"

This is also...too ridiculous.

The topic of "saving the common people" is too grand, so it floats in the air.

But if Kujue is unwilling to tell the real reason, Jiang Wang can't force him to ask.

He just bowed deeply to the yellow-faced old monk who had given so much through the Baoguang round mirror: "Please forgive me, it's not that Jiang Wang doesn't know what's good, it's just that Jiang Wang has a deep blood feud, and he really can't let it go!"

Rejected again...

On the other side of the Baoguang round mirror, Kujue became angry: "You just said that you don't know how to repay me! Now I teach you and you don't listen?!"

He was so angry that he began to curse: "You heartless little bastard!"

Jiang Wang didn't look down, didn't run away, he looked at the yellow-faced old monk very seriously, and confessed his heart to him: "Your kindness to Jiang Wang is beyond words, and you can repay Jiang Wang in whatever way you want." , What is life and death?

But I can't escape into Buddhism alone with you.

Jiang Wang escaped from his ghostly hometown, not to escape to the outside world, not to survive this life, not to let go of all that...but to be able to embrace all that one day, to go back!

Sooner or later, I will go back one day with my sword in my hand, no matter how long the road is, no matter how many people stand in my way, no matter how much blood will be stained on the sword... Whenever I close my eyes, I can see the ghosts of my hometown calling me ..."

Jiang Wang's eyes were slightly red: "Master Kujue, those hundreds of thousands of dead souls are on my shoulders, how can I lose all four things?"

Of course Kujue could feel his sincerity, so he became more and more annoyed.

"Cleansing!" he shouted.

Monk Jingli remained silent.

Kujue raged on the other side of the Baoguang round mirror: "Wow, evil disciples! Everyone rebelled, right? I called you because my teacher called you, but you didn't answer!"

Jingli said aggrievedly: "You told me not to talk."

"You still dare to talk back!?" Ku Jue was so furious that if it wasn't for being so far away, he might have made a move long ago.

"Then what are you going to do!" Jingli pursed her lips.

"Hit him."


Ku Jue pointed at Jiang Wang: "Hit him! Teach this stubborn and unrepentant gangster a lesson!"

"No more..." Jing Li shrank her neck: "Young junior brother is also very pitiful, I feel sad when I hear it."

Kujue didn't care about that much, and said arrogantly: "Do you not listen to Master's words?"

Jingli pursed her lips: "Listen."

"Then why are you still standing there?" Ku Jue commanded, "Beat me hard!"

Jingli saluted Jiang Wang: "Young brother, I offended you."

Jiang Wang didn't run away, he even closed his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "If this can calm the master, Jiang Wang would like to suffer this beating."

"Trick me back! Do you think I'm stupid?" Kujue couldn't get over his anger: "Give me the cleansing ceremony and do it quickly!"

"Okay, master, but I can't maintain the circular mirror with my hands." Jingli said, and as soon as he released the seal on his hand, he erased the precious circular mirror, interrupting the communication.

"Slap me with the great compassion and compassion I pass on to you..." Ku Jue's voice stopped abruptly.

And Jingli turned around aggressively, facing Jiang Wang.

He has always been the most obedient.

Most of the people in the Xuankong Temple felt bitter and out of tune.

He alone regards suffering as a god, and treats the random nonsense of suffering as a golden rule.

At this time, his right hand was raised high...

But it was just lightly placed on Jiang Wang's forehead, and it was considered as a blow.

"Don't be sad..." he whispered.

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