Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1301 ?

Chapter 1301

Jiang Wang has been away for a long time.

In the ruined temple of Sanbao Mountain, Monk Jingli sat cross-legged quietly.

Monks are monks, but if there is no "home" in the first place, where do they "come out"?

The ancient Buddha with blue lamp, the cultivator hides from the world. But if you have never been in the world, what can you avoid?

As long as he can remember, he doesn't know what his family is, and he has never met his parents. It is the bitter feeling that brought him up.

Some young novice monks cried because they missed their parents.

He didn't know what to think.

In the so-called troubled times, there is no one who can pin his "missing".

Live in the sound of Sanskrit singing, roll in the pile of Buddhist scriptures, and grow up in the ringing of bells. Sometimes I also think, what is "home"?

Why do we have to "go out", why do we say it is hard to let go.

Master said that when they are together, they are home.

Then he understands, he is reluctant to give up.

Then he is a young monk who seeks a "home" in the empty door.

His world is simple, and this is his home.

The master said that Jiang Wang is a junior brother, so he has an extra family member.

What a joy.

So every time he saw Jiang Wang, he was very happy.

He was very happy and hoped that his junior brother would be as happy as him.

But today he found out that the younger brother was not happy. It turns out that the junior brother has carried such a heavy weight on his shoulders, step by step to the present.

He loves to sleep, he doesn't know what it's like to never be able to fall asleep. He didn't know that closing his eyes would be the shock of blood and fire.

At this moment, he was sitting alone on the plank bed, thinking of his junior brother, he felt very sad.

"Cleansing! Cleansing! Cleansing! Cleaning..."

The thunderous sound sounded like a soul-killing sound, and it stopped when it fell into the room.

The skinny and suffering monk, like a stone with sharp edges and corners, smashed in front of the cleansing ceremony, glanced at the poor little monk, and unconsciously softened his tone, but it also seemed to be roaring: "What do you want to say?" You don't agree either?"

"Uncle." Jingli got up and bowed obediently: "Before I have time to agree, you..."

"Forget it." Kubing had already waved his hand and said: "Contact your master, I have something to ask him."

His voice was like a war drum, shaking the room with a buzzing sound.

"Ah?" Jingli stood there blankly, with an innocent face, "I can't get in touch?"

The next moment his ears were picked up, and Kubing held him up and said, "Have you learned how to lie, have you? If I hadn't eavesdropped on your chat just now, I would have almost believed you!"

Jingli didn't care about the pain of being caught in the ear, and said angrily: "Master! How can you eavesdrop on our chat?!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Kubing knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, but forcibly skipped the topic, maintaining the majesty of the elders, and his voice seemed to explode in Jingli's ears: "Hurry up and contact your master!"

"I don't!" Jingli resisted stubbornly.

Kubing stared and slapped his hands, and he quickly shrank his neck.

"All right, all right."

Master often said that a good monk does not suffer immediate losses. Jingli has always been obedient, and of course implements this concept.

Let your apprentice Jingchen wait!

While lifting the bed board, he murmured unwillingly: "Isn't it possible to contact the temple?"

Kubing said impatiently: "So much nonsense? Isn't it because your master is ignoring us?"

"Ha, is that so?"

Jing Li suddenly became happy, feeling that Master had vented his anger on him.

It is still pinching out the dharma seal, betting on the formation pattern with strength, and calling out the circular light mirror.

Although the main pattern of the "circular light mirror" is engraved on the back of the bed board, the power supporting its operation involves the entire temple. Of course, the core part is the power left by the feeling of suffering.

Not long after, the feeling of suffering appeared in the round light mirror, and he said, "Have you been beating for so long? Just beating up casually, if you really beat your little brother to death, you will pay for it... the old bald man who is suffering... donkey?!"

He saw the suffering, and immediately wanted to cut off the round light mirror.

Kubing had already taken the first step and shouted: "Brother Fang Zhang has something to tell you!"

Ku Jue rolled his eyes: "Brother Fang Zhang's heart voice secret technique is unrivaled in the world. Do you need a sick person like you to send a message?"

Kubing suppressed his anger and said, "You cut off your voice, didn't you?"

"Oh, that's it." Ku Jue didn't feel the embarrassment of being exposed, and said indifferently: "Then why are you looking for me, Jianglongyuan can't do it anymore?"

"I told you it was Senior Brother looking for you!"

"Then tell me your mother! Why do you want me?" Kujue yelled back: "Is it easy for you to maintain the circular mirror when you are my disciple?"

"Senior brother wants you to come back!" Kubing said it very quickly.

"What?" Kujue asked over there.

Kubing slowed down his speech and said word by word: "Master, brother, let, you, come back!"

"Speak up!" Kujue shouted.

"Do you want to come back or not? I'll pass on the words anyway!" Annoyed, he turned around and left.

Kujue quickly winked at Jingli.

The master and the disciples were connected, and Jingli burst into tears: "Master, come back! I miss you so much!"

"Don't cry, good boy." Kujue hurriedly persuaded, "Cough, fine, for your sake, I reluctantly agree...Kuyue!"

Kubing, who had already reached the door, stopped and said impatiently, "I heard it!"

"But I can't go back now, I'll talk about it later. I still have to cover for my lover!" Ku Jue added.

"You said you were fat and you were panting, didn't you? You said you didn't do anything right every day, so you really thought that Xuankong Temple was begging..."

Kubing turned back angrily, but the circular light mirror had dissipated... Kujue didn't intend to listen to what he said later.

He wanted to yell, he wanted to growl, he wanted to hit someone.

A bad breath was stuck in his heart, and there was no way to say it.

Finally, I looked at the cleansing ceremony, and finally couldn't vent my anger on the younger generation. He flicked his sleeves and stepped out, aggrieved: "It's really messed up, there are no rules! Can this be forgiven?"

Jingli watched the suffering uncle walk away, and then patted his heart to relieve his tension.

As for what the suffering master uncle said about the rules and what should not be forgiven...

He was actually a little puzzled.

How serious it is to leave the mountain gate, even he knows that it is impossible to come and leave as soon as you say it.

Why can Master be so capricious, and why does Master Fang Zhang take the initiative to persuade him to come back?

But as witty as he is, he quickly found the answer - Master, as the most respected monk in the entire Xuankong Temple, is the best choice for the next abbot, so why not forgive him?

If something happens to the master abbot... the Xuankong Temple will no longer have an abbot?

Thinking of this, Jingli hurriedly 'pooh' again: "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not cursing the abbot and senior uncle."

Put your palms together and say something: "Om, Shuri Shuri, Maha Shuri, Shuri Shuri, Savaha!"

After reciting the mantra to purify his mouth karma, he sat down on the wooden bed with satisfaction.

Today is too hard, let's get some sleep...

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