Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1305 ?

Chapter 1305 Pedestrians want to die here

Jiang Wang didn't know how others were arranging him. Fortunately, he didn't reveal his identity and was not afraid of arranging.

The knife and money flew ahead unhurriedly, and all passers-by turned a blind eye to it, or in other words, couldn't see it at all.

Jiang Wang could feel the weight of his gaze now, and he was sure that no passerby's gaze fell on the knife and money.

But he didn't notice any traces of disturbing his sight and hiding himself from this knife coin...

How is it done?

With Jiang Wang's current strength, he couldn't see through it at all.

Yu Beidou is known as "the hexagram for half a lifetime", and he is really unpredictable.

The knife left the inn, leading the way with a purpose. Probably chose the shortest route, guided Jiang Wang to fly out of the city, and then accelerated suddenly.

Jiang Wang followed closely behind and also picked up his speed.

This flight...followed all the way away from Zhao Kingdom.

The knife money is still heading north...

Not long after Jiang Wang flew from the north, after a few days of peaceful practice, he is now flying back again.

Suddenly, I felt bad.

What did Yu Beidou do to travel so far?

Inexplicably, I feel that I have suffered a disadvantage, but after all, I have already promised, but it is not easy to go back on it.

It seems that Xiangguo and Xuguo have ended their bickering, and it is certain that the problem cannot be resolved through negotiation. The small-scale fighting and collision gradually increased in scale...

According to the communication with Chong Xuansheng in the illusion of Taixu, this time Li Longchuan, Wang Yiwu and others all went to Xingyueyuan to participate in this war with "Xiang Xu as the skin and Jing Qi as the bone".

Qi State's main force has not moved, and all high-level combat power has been reserved, but young Tianjiao has filled Xu State's army in large numbers, and the same is true for Jing State.

From this point of view, although this battle is a test between the two hegemonic powers, it must not be taken lightly.

Both Qi and Jing acquiesced in the battle on Xingyueyuan as a battlefield for the younger generations of the two sides to confront each other. It can be regarded as an early confrontation between the two sides in the future.

Since Jing Guo chose to confront Qi Guo in Xingyueyuan before discussing further, and the war has really begun, then the bargaining chip for Jiang Wang's disappearance is not so important. The result of this battle is more important.

Chong Xuansheng also asked Jiang Wang if he wanted to participate in this battle and win meritorious deeds.

At that time, Jiang Wang refused and devoted himself to practicing.

At this time, flying northward from Zhao State, seeing Qi State's material resources continuously flowing to Xu State along the way made people smell the breath of war more clearly.

For some reason, he suddenly felt eager to try.

Jing Guojing Shitai accused him of possessing evil spirits, making the world hate each other and tarnishing his reputation. He also forced Zhao Xuanyang to kill him, causing him to fall into a life-and-death situation. He couldn't deal with those old monsters, but the battle at Xingyueyuan was the main battlefield for young people.

Among his peers, who is he afraid of?

It would be a pleasure to try the young people of Jingguo in Xingyueyuan!

But the knife and money flying in front broke his reverie.

Keep flying north, keep flying north...

Traveling from Xu Country to Qi Country, to Rong Country and then to the north, finally came to Duanhun Gorge.

Standing in front of this canyon with no end in sight and no top in sight, looking at the steep cliffs and listening to the whimpering wind, a feeling of bewilderment immediately arises.

This gorge is like a moat, and I don't know which god has split it into it.

What a great place to kill people!

The knife and money circled in front of him, as if urging him.

Jiang Wang clenched the sword in his hand, so he walked in.

The sun is rising outside, but the canyon is still gloomy.

Looking up at the sky, there is only a thin line of sky left.

Jiang Wang thought inexplicably, if someone lived in Duanhun Gorge all his life, would he also feel that there is only such a line in the sky?

Sometimes it is people's perceptions that limit their thinking.

The wind passed through the gorge, and the faint noise was like a ghost crying.

The end of Duanhun Gorge is said to be connected to endless quicksand.

Judging from the length of this canyon, which is invisible at a glance, Jiang Wang feels that it can run through the grassland if it is compared vertically.

And in the extreme north of Jingguo Muguo, at the end of the frontier barren, it is said that it is connected to the barren tombs of ten thousand realms.

Don't know about them, is there any connection...

After walking in for a while, Jiang Wang suddenly heard the sound of "clang, clang, clang", which was the sound of some kind of metal and stone colliding.

Holding the sword, he walked forward cautiously. When he suddenly raised his head, he saw a person in the sky, holding a thick-backed hatchet in both hands, falling against the cliff from a high place. Cut the cliff.

Jiang Wang could feel the explosive power surging in his body every time he slashed, and he went all out with almost every slash.

The knife slashed on the cliff, and it also made a violent collision sound—it was the source of the "clang, clang, clang" sound.

Surprisingly, even though he worked so hard, there was not even a trace of knife marks left on the cliff.

Jiang Wang was very sure that the cliffs on both sides of Duanhun Gorge were not guarded by any special forces, at least not where he saw them.

In other words, the man who chops the cliff with a hatchet controls his power in an almost perfect way. Constantly slashing and colliding without hurting the cliff.

It's wonderful!

Probably sensing the approach of others, the sound of chopping knives stopped abruptly, and the person falling against the cliff cast his gaze on Jiang Wang.

This is a young man with a childish face but firm eyes.

Of course Jiang Wang remembered the stunning Lin Xian at the Yellow River Meeting.

Lin Xian who said "Rongguo is indeed small, but it is big in my heart"!

Did he actually practice his sword in this inaccessible Duanhun Gorge?

"Jiang Wang?" It was Lin Xian who spoke first.

Jiang Wang was a little strange, he was dressed in a cloak and linen clothes without showing his face, yet Lin Xian recognized him?

"How did you know it was me?" he asked.

Lin Xian held his hatchet knife and floated down, landing in front of Jiang Wang, about thirty steps away.

"I recognize your sword." He said, "Although I have no chance to fight you...but I have observed you for a long time."

The young Tianjiao of Rong country observed the young Tianjiao of Qi country for a long time on the viewing platform.

There is a natural sense of sadness in these words.

Rong Guo is so weak, Qi is so strong.

But from the very beginning, he regarded Qi Guo's contestant Tianjiao as his opponent, forging ahead, wanting to make a blockbuster for the country, wanting to restore Rong Guo's decline, and wanting to win hope...

However, he couldn't even pass the level of Xia Guo's pity.

Even Sauvignon Blanc, who was still in the sheath, could recognize it. He had indeed observed it for a long time.

"So..." Jiang Wang said, "So do you want to fight with me today?"

Lin Xian was silent for a moment, then said, "I am not your opponent."

For this young man, this is probably too difficult a sentence. After all, when he was trained, he used Tianjiao, the inner state of Qi, as his imaginary enemy.

However, he is too strong and has traveled too far. Even now, thinking about it, he still feels unattainable to see the sword on the top of the river platform.

Like this Duanhun Gorge, there is no end in sight.

woo woo woo.

The sound of wind in Duanhun Gorge seemed to be crying.

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