Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1306 Strange Rock Valley

In the wind passing through the gorge, Jiang Wang didn't speak. Since the other party has no intention of fighting, he will not take the initiative to find trouble with him.

"Do you want to go in? I'll make way for you." Lin Xian said, and stepped aside.

"Thank you." Jiang Wang nodded slightly to show respect.

Passing by with Lin Xian, he raised his sword and walked in.

Lin Xian was probably a little surprised. He was holding the hatchet tightly, and he was a little embarrassed to move.

He took the initiative to give way to show weakness, naturally to avoid disputes.

But in fact, I was prepared in my heart that Jiang Wang would not let him go.

Without him, Jiang Wang is clearly missing now, and Qi Guozheng is using this as an excuse to take up justice and condemn Jing Guo fiercely, and Xingyueyuan is the next battlefield.

But Jiang Wang himself is still alive and well, even alive and kicking in the Eastern Region.

At this time, Jiang Wang appeared in Duanhun Gorge, would he kill him to silence him?

Killing him, Lin Xian, would not have any unbearable consequences for Qi Guotianjiao. And it is in the interests of Qi to kill Rong Guo Tianjiao and suppress Rong Guo.

But Jiang Wang didn't do anything...

Not only did he not do anything, he didn't even humiliate or belittle him, only a thank you with a correct attitude.

This made him at a loss.

"By the way." Jiang Wang paused after walking a few steps inside: "My current state is more or less a secret, I hope you can help keep it a secret. Although it's okay to let Jing Guo know now, but less trouble is after all. good thing..."

"Okay." Lin Xian nodded.

"I believe you." Jiang Wang smiled, so he never looked back.

Lin Xian glanced at the back of the lonely man in the gorge, and lowered his eyes again.

It is precisely with such strength that he can be free from arrogance and impetuosity, which makes people even more desperate.

The weather in a big country is simply overwhelming.

He would often come to Duanhun Gorge to practice his sword, chopping nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine knives each time, so that each knife would penetrate the spine of the knife and collide with the cliff without hurting the cliff at all.

Today is only half completed, but he has no intention of continuing.

Holding his hatchet knife, he walked out dejectedly.

Because he realized once again that he might never be able to cut down the "tree" he had regarded as his target.

If you can't woodcutter, you can't fish.

Returned alone with nothing.



Jiang Wang walked in alone, and it didn't surprise him that Lin Xian would practice his sword in Duanhun Gorge.

Calculated, Shen Guo is probably the closest force to Duanhun Gorge. Of course, the East King Valley, Shen Kingdom, and Qu Kingdom are not too far away from Duanhun Gorge.

It's just that there are no resources here, and no major disputes have been heard of.

And because of its steepness, few people come.

This place is indeed a good place to practice.

His respect for Lin Xian is not superficial. No matter what the position is, Lin Xian's battle with Tuo Min on Guanhetai is worthy of respect.

What made him even more concerned was that Lin Xian didn't seem to see the knife and money leading the way ahead. Jiang Wang became more curious about this extremely ordinary knife coin.

What kind of power did Yu Beidou give to this knife?

After going deep into Duanhun Gorge for about an hour, the eyes suddenly opened up.

The long and narrow Duanhun Gorge opens up at this point, and what appears in front of you is a huge open space with strange rocks. It extends far to the left and right, but because of the towering cliffs on both sides, it can still be seen clearly that it is contained in this canyon.

If this is the end of Duanhun Gorge, then the entire Duanhun Gorge is like a big belly bottle, and Jiang Wang is in this "big belly".

But if you fly higher and look far away, you can see that the end of this huge open space is still shrinking, continuing the long and narrow path, and extending to an unknown distance.

The slender Duanhun Gorge is only "fat" for a short time here, and will eventually "slim" back.

Jiang Wang turned his eyes back to his eyes.

There are no trees, no flowers here, and even the most tenacious weeds can't be seen.

Those strangely shaped stones give people a very abrupt and grotesque feeling, which is indescribable.

Daoqian finally changed direction and led the way to the right.

It seems that Yu Beidou's help is in this valley of strange rocks.

Jiang Wangfei was flying at low altitude, trying not to make any movement. He doesn't know what's here, doesn't know what Yu Beidou intends to do with him, and maintains a state of vigilance to face the unknown. If it weren't for Yu Beidou's kindness shown on that amulet, he would have turned around and left long ago.

The strange stones are like a forest, and Jiang Wang and Daoqian walk through the stone forest.

For some reason, the scene of strange rocks in front of him actually reminded him of the tower forest in Xuankong Temple.

He had a vague fantasy that these strange stones might also be some kind of senior cultivator...

But that thought was quickly dismissed.

As far as the perceived information is concerned, the stones are really just stones.

Immediately he felt again, is this forest of strange stones some kind of formation? Is the maze of natural evolution arranged by someone?

Jiang Wang was startled——

Too many thoughts!

Since he entered this strange rock valley, he didn't think too much about it. Such a distraction should not be in a state of alert.

Once the vigilance is born, in the fifth inner palace, there will be a light of red gold shining out, shining in all directions. In an instant, all the miscellaneous thoughts are collected, and the mind is clear.

Chixin supernatural power sits in the town, and all external evils will not invade.

The light of red gold with immortal implication illuminates the five prefectures.

While Jiang Wang was staring at Daoqian and continuing to move forward, the seeds of misdirection in the Second Inner Palace suddenly jumped up.

If anyone looked at Jiang Wang at this moment, he would be able to see that the young monk's clear eyes were as quiet as deep water, suddenly glowing with red golden waves. Under the waves, at the bottom of the still water, black and white yin and yang fish swim faintly.

At this moment, Jiang Wang saw a line between reality and reality on the knife money, connecting the knife money and himself in a way that penetrated time and space.

Thinking about it, this is the reason why this knife and money can be found all the way, and why only he can see it!

Jiang Wang couldn't see the slightest trace before, but at this time, by chance, he used his heart to steer the wrong path in this strange rock valley, but he got a glimpse of its essence!

What line is this?

It's hard to tell the truth from reality, you can see it but you can't see it clearly, it seems to be changing all the time, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

Jiang Wang still can't think of what power he can use to influence it for the time being. Daoyuan and the power of the soul can't exert the slightest influence. Maybe the supernatural light of the wrong way can do it?

It still needs to lead the way now, but it cannot be studied in detail. But Jiang Wang has already developed an extremely strong interest in this line, and secretly remembers it in his heart.

For Jiang Wang himself, he has been exploring the effectiveness of the Chixin magic power since he took it off. But this supernatural power has never been heard before, and there is no one around him to guide him, so he can only walk and feel around as if blindfolded.

It was only at this moment that she discovered that Chi Xin could still control the wrong path.

In addition to the state of the Five Houses of Glory, the Chixin Magical Power can also be associated with the Wrong Path Magical Power alone.

It makes sense when you think about it.

If you have a heart in your hands, you will not go astray astray!

As the last-minute supernatural power seed plucked from the five inner mansions, the red-hearted supernatural power that emits the light of immortal red gold seems to have more possibilities.

Dissipate the light of the supernatural power, and the line can no longer be seen.

Jiang Wang, however, had no other thoughts, and continued to walk away through the stone forest after following the knife and money.


The sound of running water was heard.

Bypassing a tall strange rock, the gurgling water appeared in front of my eyes.

There was a flash of red in front of his eyes.

It's a bloody stream!

Jiang Wang sniffed lightly...


It's not a bloody stream, what flows is blood.

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