Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1308 ?

Chapter 1308 A Line Falls Between Heaven and Earth

Since the blood demon's life blood could be awakened, Jiang Wang couldn't give it too much time.

Powerhouses of different levels use the same power completely differently. In the ancient magic cave in Wuyuedu Mountain Range, the black-clothed demons taught Jiang Wang a good lesson.

Jiang Wang was about to go out when he heard Yu Beidou say: "Wait, take this with you."

A colorful cassock floated down in front of Jiang Wang, and he caught it with one hand.

The touch is rough, but holds in the hand. There is a soothing sense of tranquility.

But Yu Beidou, a well-known physicist in the world, took out a cassock, which made people feel awkward no matter how you looked at it.

Jiang Wang paused: "This is?"

Yu Beidou stared at the brocade-clothed old man on the ground without looking sideways: "After killing that ball of life blood, wrap it with this devil-subduing cassock. Then bury it in the 'disgusting point' of Chaotic Rock Valley. When the time comes, your saber Money will take you there."

It turns out that this strange rock valley has a name, it's called Chaos Stone Valley, which is quite appropriate.

"Fu Mo cassock?" Jiang Wang asked.

Yu Beidou explained: "This rocky valley is a natural formation. I stopped it when I came in, so you didn't feel it. Those who are 'disgusted' are also 'pressed'. The so-called 'disgusting point' means to suppress the chaotic rocky valley. The core of power. Gorefiend can draw life blood in order to save himself. Conversely, I can also use that ball of life blood to bite him back and speed up his destruction process. To do this, we must The cassock is indispensable."

"I'm asking..." Jiang Wang said quietly: "Aren't you a physicist? Why did you take out a cassock?"

It was inconvenient for Yu Beidou to look back at him, but some contempt could already be heard in his tone: "It's good to have something useful, young people, don't be too picky. What's wrong with the cassock? As long as it is useful, you can take out the bellyband! I think I used to When I was young, life was so hard, one money was broken into two flowers, can you give me a discount?... Hey, why are you leaving? It's rude!"

Jiang Wang didn't have much interest in listening to him recalling the bitterness and sweetness here, and walked out of the cave with the sword in his hand, and the sword money diligently led the way.

In this valley full of strange rocks, Jiang Wang walked in the air, not touching those strange rocks, so as not to disturb the Lao Shizi formation. The stream of blood is still meandering. I don't know what scale the stream of blood will be when the Gorefiend is completely destroyed.

Not long. One person, one knife, went out of the chaotic rock valley.

There is still a ray of sky in front of you, and you can't see the end at a glance. The cramped Duanhun Gorge seems to imprison the world here.

A person among them is but a prisoner.

The imprint of Qingyun appeared and disappeared under his feet, and Jiang Wang suddenly started to speed up.

People in this canyon seem to be turned into a blue lightning, passing through the hollow fog, and they will be far away in a moment.

He was accelerating, and the Qi Dao Qian was also accelerating.

Although he can't see it right now, Jiang Wang is sure that the faint line is still connecting them, which is why they are so similar.

What can a mass of life blood turn into?

Where does the so-called "source of blood demons" and the so-called "awakening" point?

Why did the lifeblood that the Gorefiend escaped to the depths of Duanhun Gorge just to delay the awakening?

In the depths of Broken Soul Gorge... what is there?

The whistling wind could not give any answer.

But Jiang Wang, who was flying fast, suddenly became alert.

A strong wind is coming!

A shot of Guan Dao came head-on, cutting down the Qi Dao coin in front of him.

This is the first time someone has seen this sword money and tried to attack it since Zhao Kingdom came all the way to Duanhun Gorge... This is a very high-level insight, but it is a pity that the sword money cannot be cut off.

Guan Dao fell, and the Dao Qian was chopped off, and then flew back, turning over and over in the air, indicating that the target had been found!

And a big hand with bulging veins stretched out, holding the handle of Guan Dao.

The one who suddenly appeared from the nearby cliff was a burly man wearing bright armor, he was born with a dignified appearance and was very majestic.

If it weren't for Yu Beidou's tip of money, he really wouldn't have seen that he was just a bunch of blood from the Gorefiend.

The moment I grasped the handle of the Guan knife, the Guan knife seemed to come alive, very agile. Just a shiver in the wind, and it has already crossed.

This knife is like a dragon going out to sea, stirring up wind and waves.

The air was directly separated, and terrifying air waves rushed towards the cliffs on both sides, making a fierce impact sound.

But the other person is silent.

His eyes were cold, only the purest murderous intent was surging.

This is not like a person, more like a murderous puppet!

Jiang Wang did not retreat but advanced, Sauvignon Blanc had already come out of its sheath.


Ten years of down and out, life and death.

A line falls between heaven and earth, and another line opens.

The vertically split Guan Dao collided with the horizontally wiped Sauvignon Blanc, sparks flew out from the blade and sword.

Guan Dao flicked, the blade trembled rapidly and briefly, and made a "Zig" in the air, like a butcher dispelling an ox, easily splitting the sword.

When Jiang Wang swung his long sword once, the silver light exploded in an instant, and the sword formed a circle.

The silver-white sword circle is built into a short-lived fortress.

In the middle of the air, the man in bright armor just retracted Guan Dao and stabbed.

The gigantic and fierce Guan Dao felt like a dagger,

Very agile.

The tip of the knife was right on the silver-white sword circle.


It's just such a small collision sound.

The sword circle has collapsed and scattered.

Jiang Wang turned his head slightly, a ray of sword light brushed his left cheek, and walked away through the wind.

Although the roundness of the sword is crumbled, and the glow of the sword is scattered, in "Broken Soldiers and Wandering Bravely", the sword of Sauvignon Blanc is alone, facing the opponent head-on.

Like a bright moon rising, shining through the long night and people not sleeping, it is the Acacia sword style after sublimation.

The bright moon of the sword directly hits the opponent's face.

The eyes of the man in the bright light armor did not fluctuate, he just pushed the knife lever lightly, and the knife fell obliquely, cutting the bright moon, and it shattered the bright moon!

From the beginning to now, Jiang Wang has not been able to feel how powerful his opponent is, which is completely in line with what Yu Beidou said "within the inner government level".

But his blade is like a flying dragon and a phoenix, ethereal and unpredictable, like a brush stroke, chic and natural. You can always find the most appropriate trajectory and "cut" the sword pose.

Disintegration rather than confrontation.

Technology is close to Tao!

Jiang Wang thought to himself that his swordsmanship skills were close to the pinnacle of this realm, and he did not lose too much to Qin Zhizhen. In the illusory realm, he also had his own victory or defeat in the battle against Ning Swordsman, who is excellent in swordsmanship.

But in front of this man in Mingguang armor, it seems that his sword skills have no secrets at all. It's like an originally complete person is "dismembered" after a face-to-face meeting.

This can't help but be shocking!

Is this the "battle instinct that will gradually awaken" that Yu Beidou reminded?

Or just instinct?

Although Jiang Wang was frightened without fear, let alone despair, he stepped on the imprint of Qingyun, and retreated quickly...and then advanced again!

When he retreated, he had already started knocking on the five mansions.

When he entered again, the five brilliant light sources in his body lit up one after another, and the five palaces shone together in an instant!

The light of the five supernatural powers shines on this body, flowing through the long sword.

At this moment, he was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly at him, his body radiated brilliance, and he faced his opponent directly, with a sword reaching straight down like a mountain!

It reproduces the ancient sword on Guanhetai.

But stronger than that day!

If you can't compete with your fighting skills, then use your strength to overcome your cleverness.

At the level of the inner government, Tianfu is undoubtedly the highest peak.

And Jiang Wang, at this peak.

Thanks to the book friend Da Xingge Cai for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 169th alliance of this book!

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