Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1309 ?

Chapter 1309

I thought it would take a lot of time to find the lifeblood avatar, but I didn't expect the lifeblood avatar to show up and attack. Probably because he relied on his fighting skills and didn't pay attention to Jiang Wang, who was at the inner government level.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why Yu Beidou invited him here...

Meeting on a narrow road, life and death are battles.

Jiang Wang's several sword strikes were in vain, and he immediately overwhelmed the five palaces, showing his strongest state, and directly crushed him with the peak sword power at the inner palace level.

But I saw that the man in the bright armor danced a big Guan knife as dexterously as an embroidery needle. Suddenly left and right in mid-air, dragons and phoenixes dance, make a big article!

The brilliance of the knife became the shadow of the sun, penetrating through every hole and falling everywhere.

With too much weak strength, he cut into the sword force.

Swipe from all sides, constantly weakening the sword.

But it's like a mountain peak falling head-on, with a knife, no matter how you cut it, the mountain is still a mountain.

When skills are limited, the end of the Inner Palace is the limit of this Guan knife.

No matter how dexterous it is, no matter how exquisite the knife technique it can display. Even if it is the supreme sword technique passed down by the true king, it is only at the level of the inner palace when it is sent by the monks of the inner palace!

So a sword fell.

Mingguang's armor was directly shattered, and the entire chest and abdomen of the big man holding the knife was pierced——

It was a huge hole that a grown man could almost poke his head into.

This person has no expression on his face, as if he can't feel the slightest pain, and he will definitely not be affected. The knife in his hand was still elusive, and he quietly stuck to Jiang Wang's neck.

Since Jiang Wang knew that this big man was transformed by the life blood of a blood demon, of course he would not feel that he had already dealt with his opponent with a single blow.


A wisp of frosty wind gently blew in the hollow of the big man's chest and abdomen. It seemed to heal his pain and comfort those viscera smashed by the sword energy...

But wherever the frost wind went, everything was annihilated.

This kind of appeasement is obviously not what the other party likes.

This big man wanted to cut with his sword, but he couldn't fall anymore, because his arm had been blown to pieces!

His entire body shattered inch by inch, into little drops of blood, flowing in the air.

Then the Guan knife and the flying armor fragments all turned into blood and scattered into the sky.

Jiang Wang rolled up the colorful cassock, engulfing all the blood splattered in the sky. The cassock naturally tightened, forming a burden.

This colorful "baggage" still bulges up from time to time, and it is obvious that the ball of life blood wrapped in it is not safe.

But the brilliance flowed on Fumo's cassock, firmly suppressing him.

Jiang Wang held the cassock bag in one hand and flew back, the five brilliant light sources on his body gradually dimmed, walking on the blue clouds, still chic, but with a sense of unfulfilled meaning.

It has to be said that this man transformed by life blood is indeed a very rare opponent. In terms of fighting skills, it can be said that he is firmly ahead of him.

But under the absolute power of Wufu Tongyao, he persisted too briefly, so that he couldn't show everything at all.

After achieving Tianfu, he has been devoting himself to practice, and he has never had a suitable opponent to try his sword. It is not like the loneliness of not having a long sword that bears the power of the world.

Although today's battle was exciting, it ended too quickly, so it can only be regarded as a taste.

But if Jiang Wang deliberately delays the time to fully enjoy the battle and give the opponent a chance, then he is absolutely unwilling.

The battle of narrow roads is very simple, the winner lives and the loser dies.

Honing combat skills and comprehending moves are all things that depend on victory or defeat.

Jiang Wang was always sober.

Daoqian turned around and was still leading the way, Jiang Wang followed closely and flew towards the rocky valley.

Things are done, it's time to get paid.



In the rocky valley, in the cave on the cliff.

The immortal Yu Beidou sat cross-legged in mid-air, holding the blood demon firmly in place, but was restrained by the blood demon in turn.

This blood demon body, which now appears to be Liu Huai, the eunuch of Yangguo Bingbi, is the result of the Blood Demon Kung Fu.

During this period of time, there have been three masters successively, Yang Jiande, the last emperor of the Yang Kingdom, Liu Huai, the eunuch of Yang Kingdom Bingbi, and Jing Ye, the general of Rongguo Yinguang City.

Among these three people, Yang Jiande is the one who firmly controls this magic art, using the power of the devil, but every word and deed speaks from his heart. At most, it is because of practicing this magic skill that gradually kills emotions.

Liu Huai, on the other hand, was completely swallowed up and driven by this magic art, and had no consciousness of his own at all. As the general of Yinguang City, Jing Ye was killed by Liu Huai while investigating a large number of casualties in the city.

Rather than saying that Liu Huai and Jing Ye are the last two masters of the Blood Demon Art of Desire, it is better to say that they are the two puppets of the Blood Demon Art of Desire.

Yang Jiande was killed by the longevity knife, and there is no possibility of recovery.

When Liu Huai faced Yu Beidou in Yinguang City, he tried his best to run around in the Eastern Region, and finally fled all the way to Duanhun Gorge, but he was still suppressed.

Only a small amount of life blood can be dispensed, transformed into Jing Ye, waiting for an opportunity to rescue him.

But this has already been calculated by Yu Beidou, and he is even waiting for this step.

Before entering Duanhun Gorge, Yu Beidou had urgently contacted Jiang Wang who was still in Zhao Country. Not long after the blood demon dispensed his life blood, Jiang Wang had already entered Duanhun Gorge.

While suppressing Liu Huai, Yu Beidou asked Jiang Wang to chase and kill the blood demon. Based on this life blood, he wanted to wipe out the blood demon with the help of the natural formation of Chaos Stone Valley.

He claimed to be "the gods and ghosts are counted", but it was not all bragging.

At this moment, Liu Huai, who was pale and beardless, was imprisoned on the ground, and Yu Beidou, who was extremely gracious, was sitting high in the air.

With a sigh, it fell abruptly.


Liu Huai was silent, Yu Beidou was silent, where did this sigh come from?

The cave is cold.

A middle-aged man in a scholar's uniform brought the answer.

With three long beards and a thin face, this man looked like a schoolteacher.

But no one who really knows who he is can be at peace.

The Fortune-telling Demon of the Nine Human Demons!

Fate counts.

He walked into the cave here, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and looked up at Yu Beidou who was sitting cross-legged in mid-air.

"Uncle, Jiu Shu greeted you!" He said, "How are you doing? Can you sleep every night?"

Yu Beidou was still pointing his sword at the Gorefiend on the ground, his body remained motionless, and he said, "Didn't I see it last time in Yinguang City? At that time, I should reminisce about the past. It's all because you ran too fast!"

Gua Shi stretched out his hand and patted his forehead: "Ah yes, look at my memory."

He sighed again, and said sadly: "Even I am getting old, time is not forgiving, uncle."

"At this age, what else can't you see?" Yu Beidou said in an old voice: "Look, my uncle is very open. When he sees you appearing in front of him, he doesn't make a move."

Gua Shi restrained his sorrow, and looked at him with a smile: "Isn't it because the uncle can't move now?"

Yu Beidou was silent for a moment, and said, "The main reason I don't want to move right now. My good nephew, don't force my uncle to kill his relatives righteously."

"Da, Yi, Mie, Qin." The hexagram master lowered his head and muttered again, then raised his head, his eyes were already showing undisguised cold murderous intent, but his voice was gentle: "I was just about to open my uncle's heart. , take a look at what Dayi looks like, what color it is..."

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