Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1311 ?

Chapter 1311 Picking Demons with Swords

Jiang Wang, with a sword in one hand and a cassock package in the other, flew towards the rocky valley.

I was still reminiscing about the life blood incarnation that was close to Dao's saber technique just now, the more I thought about it, the more mysterious it became, and I really wanted to do it again. In the long Duanhun Gorge, only he walked with Daoqian, so he didn't feel lonely.

He was used to walking alone.

While I was immersed in it, I suddenly saw the knife and money in front of me turn around. I went up and down very anxiously, as if reminding something, and flew to the nearby cliff again, probably to engrave words...

But it is no longer necessary.

Jiang Wang had already seen that at the mouth of the canyon in front of him, before the entrance of Luanshi Valley, stood a big man more than eight feet long. With his upper body bare, his muscles are like rocks, giving him an extraordinarily tough feeling.

He is holding a conical epee in both hands, because the whole body is round like an iron bar, only there is a sharp end at the end, so it is not a bad idea to call it an awl.

But it clearly has a sword frame and a hilt.

In short, it is such a strange sword, such a muscular person.

However, Jiang Wang's attention was more in the air.

More precisely, it is a curvaceous woman in a faceless mask who hangs on the left side of the cliff.

The face-disgusting human devil that I have seen in Qingyun Pavilion of Yong Kingdom!

Since she is here, this muscular man is probably one of the monsters.

In Duanhun Gorge, I encountered two demons blocking the way.

What a narrow road!

"Cough!" This muscular man, who looked very rough, spoke very politely: "I want to say, can you pay more attention to me? Because the next battle is mainly between me and you. You just stare at me. It will make me lose face if I reveal my face."

"Really?" Jiang Wang casually put the cassock wrapped in life blood into the storage box: "Are you sure it will be one-on-one next?"

"Uh." The muscular man scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "It depends on the situation. After all, there are two of us here, and we all came."

Jiang Wang still looked at the masked demon named Yanzi, his body was more stretched, and his eyes were more peaceful.

"Damn it! I'm so young and immature!" Swallow in mid-air said coquettishly, "Where are you looking!"

"Very important." Jiang Wang simply replied.

Swallow giggled, and her plump body shook with the ground.

"Which vital point are you referring to?" She asked charmingly.

Facing the two demons at the same time, Jiang Wang's fighting spirit, which had just subsided, boiled again. But his voice became calmer instead, and he only said: "It will kill you to the core."

"What a Lu man. I don't understand the style." Yanzi didn't think it was disobedient, and said in a charming voice: "Later, sister will teach you well."

Seeing that they were all chatting, the muscular man felt that he was completely out of the limelight, so he hurriedly said: "Get to know each other, I'm a beheaded demon, named Huan and named Tao."

Jiang Wang said casually: "Behead me. What about me?"

He was just teasing casually.

I don't want Huan Tao to reply very seriously: "I will also behead my boss."

"It's really annoying." Yanzi said coquettishly, "It's going to be up later, which one are you talking about?"

Jiang Wang didn't take her nasty words, but said to Huan Tao: "Your sword doesn't seem to be very convenient for beheading."

Huan Tao seemed to be hit by the itching, grinning, turned the epee over, held it with both hands, and swung the two hands together——咔咒, in the sound of machine brackets, but saw the black iron rod-like blade of the sword , from the left and right sides, each protruded a section of sharp edge.

In an instant, it turned into a broad sword.

And the cylindrical sword body at that time turned into a sword spine at this time.

This is a mechanism epee!

The sixth beheaded demon is actually a mechanism engineer.

"Is it convenient now?" He laughed.

"It's very convenient!" Jiang Wang said casually: "By the way, I'm very curious. I've been incognito for so long, and I'm in a ghostly place like Duanhun Gorge. How did you find me? Is the divinator a fortune teller? ?”

"Actually, it's a coincidence!" Yan Zi said softly, "Gua Shi brought us here to find his good uncle. I didn't expect to bump into you, it's a multi-purpose move!"

Uncle? Fortune teller and Yu Beidou?

Jiang Wang thought to himself.

Just know it's more than that!

The old man who is ashamed to blackmail people in the street is not ashamed, how can he let him take advantage?

"Jiemian!" Huan Tao was very vigilant, and quickly stopped him: "He's talking nonsense!"

Yanzi said dissatisfiedly: "You look so good, what's the matter if you let him play?"

She looked at Jiang Wang and smiled softly: "How is sister treating you?"

Jiang Wang only said: "Scratch your head and make a pose!"

No matter how charming her figure is, no matter how charming her voice is. Looking at her, Jiang Wang felt nothing but disgust.

The swallow stopped laughing, and flew down, landing in front of Huan Tao, facing Jiang Wang head-on.

All the charm in the eyes is gone, only the cold murderous intent.

"Hey!" Huan Tao said dissatisfiedly, "I told you to try it first!"

As one of the Nine Great Demons and Demons, as senior supernatural powers, they all have the confidence to face Jiang Wang in the inner palace.

But Jiang Wang is more determined and ruthless than them!

At the same time Yanzi fell down, he had already drawn his sword.

"What is the fight for? Die first and die later? It's better to be together!"

These words came out with Jian Xiao, and when the sound fell, he had already slammed into the middle of the two with a sword, and behind him was the Qingyun imprint that slowly dissipated!

He wants to fight two masters with one sword!

But seeing the dazzling sword light, it exploded a thread.

This line seems to pull the line of sky of the dome to the ground!

In the eyes of Huan Tao and Yanzi, the sword edge was aimed at their own throats.

Swallow's body flickered, and she retreated lightly, like fallen leaves blowing in the wind.

But Huan Tao only sent the mechanism epee forward.


The protruding edge was retracted again, and then the iron rod-like sword body bloomed like a flower, and unexpectedly opened into an iron umbrella, firmly protecting it in front of the body.

clang! !

The sauvignon blanc was cut on the iron umbrella, bringing only sparks. The sword qi scattered, unable to enter at all.


The iron umbrella is fully opened and rolled back, and the umbrella surface is like a huge mouth pounced out, trying to bite Sauvignon Blanc.

Jiang Wang retracted his sword and retreated out of the range of Jukou.

The umbrella surface that was rolled back just like that was bent and closed, and the tips were gathered together, entangled to form a spiral gun head.

The heavy sword instantly turned into an iron spear.

The original sword body turned into a gun body.

Huan Tao pushed forward with his right hand that was holding the hilt of the sword, and the whole sword grid fell down, becoming a slightly raised "knot" on the gun body.

One hand is before the festival, the other hand is after the festival, hold this gun with both hands, take advantage of the situation and only send it once.

In an instant, the horses neighed and the eagles blew, the war drums beat and the soldiers ensemble played.

This shot showed the posture of thousands of troops rushing into the battle, rushing to kill on the battlefield, let everyone go here and there, I can penetrate it with one shot!

Huan Tao is an organ master, but unlike most organ masters who use puppets as their main combat power, his organ is just his sword, and the most powerful weapon is himself.

Jiang Wang, who withdrew his sword and retreated, gave a more violent reaction.

Five prefectures at home. The five inner palaces manifested!

Five brilliant light sources shine on his torso. The light of the five supernatural powers flows around the body. At this moment, like a fairy or a god, he gathers his strength and gathers his intentions, straightens his sword, and Chang Xiangsi rushes forward, striking out a sword that tilts the mountain face to face.

Attack against attack!

His sword is not only aimed at Huan Tao, but also at Yan Zi who has not yet made a move.

In the long and narrow Broken Soul Gorge, there wasn't much room to dodge.

This ancient sword blasted out, directly covering the distance between him and the demon.

The terrifying sword intent filled the world.

Heaven and earth are only a line wide in Duanhun Gorge.

And on this line, it's all a sword!

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