Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1312 ? Nineteen arc style

Chapter 1312 Nineteen Arcs

How strong is this sword?

On the River Viewing Platform, kill Qin Zhizhen, a cultivator from Tianfu!

Now Jiang Wang himself has also become a Heavenly Mansion, and under the same glory of the five mansions, this sword fell down the mountain, suddenly turning the world upside down.

Neither Huan Tao nor Yanzi were willing to resist.

Even if they are all in the Outer Building Realm, and they are famous and strong in the Outer Building Realm!

So I can only retreat.

Before the tip of the sword hit the tip of the spear, Huan Tao started to fly back.

He seemed to have been hit, and it was difficult to bear the force, and he fell backwards.

At the same time as he fell back, the iron gun in his hand drew a half-arc from bottom to top.

The arc of light is like a crescent moon, like a scimitar, facing Jiang Wang from the front and turning back, as if to dissect his heart.

But in fact, it is not close to Jiang Wang's body.

No need to get close!

What is strong about this spear arc is not its sharpness or killing, but its destruction of "potential"!

This bottom-to-top backhand pose looks so simple, but it is the "Nineteen Arc Style" that the Momen used to make the monks all over the world terrified.

The Mo Sect uses mechanism puppets to run rampant in the world, and the puppet warriors they create can even confront real monks head-on.

For example, the "Ink Warrior" series is a typical example.

But puppet warriors are different from real monks after all.

Daoyuan stone is the driving force, which can be compared to Daoyuan. The various moves engraved are infused with puppet instinct, and they are not inferior to the moves of ordinary monks.

However, "momentum" and "will", such spiritual powers, cannot be realized with puppets.

At least this was not possible until Momen developed the Shenhui Crystal.

Before the era of Shenhuijing, Momen's solution to this problem was the "Nineteen Arcs".

This is a move painstakingly created by the top powerhouses of the Mo Sect, and it is known as "breaking the momentum with skills".

The so-called "Nineteen Arc Styles" are the peerless combat skills to decipher various "potentials" in the nineteen basic situations, and even the countless situations derived from them.

As soon as this technique came out, the whole world was shocked.

The puppet warriors of Momen leaped a step higher.

Even today, when Shen Huijing has appeared, it is still a mystery of the Momen.

Being able to master the nineteen arcs, this Huan Tao's identity was by no means simple before he became a demon!

Jiang Wang's slashing sword is originally a concentration of energy and intention, mixed with energy and spirit, carrying out everything in a single sword, which is inevitable.

But as soon as the arc of this spear came out, it cut through the inescapable momentum and broke free from the room for dodge.

It is for "breaking the momentum".

But Huan Tao himself, after drawing the arc of the spear, took advantage of the opportunity to retract the iron spear, and re-harvested it into the iron rod-like epee.

At the same time that the heavy sword recovered, the man also straightened up half of his body, holding the sword, he slashed twice in the air, making two intersecting sword arcs.

Another nineteen-arc style!

Crossing in the air, it seemed that it was going to completely tear that Qingshan sword apart.

But this is only to stop the enemy.

He himself has accelerated suddenly, and retreated into the valley of chaotic rocks in an instant.

This muscular man named Beheaded Demon looks so strong and clumsy, but his speed is astonishing.

And Jiang Wang faced the arc of the spear and the arc of the sword, and stepped forward boldly!

It is true that the Nineteen Arc Style has the power to break through the situation with technique, but it is also powerless in the face of his overwhelming sword.

After all, moves are moves, and people are people.

The nineteen arcs can break the world, but Huan Tao may not be able to break Jiang Wang!

This is the reason why Jiang Wang entered and why Huan Tao retreated.

Among the nine great monsters, Huan Tao ranked sixth. And as the fifth unmasked human demon, Yanzi certainly wouldn't just back off.

She retreated even before Huan Tao, and at the same time as she retreated, she stretched out her hand to wipe it.

But seeing thousands of red-eyed swallows flying out from the cliffs on both sides, the red light in the eyes of each swallow is flickering, the red light is dotted, flickering, like a ghost fire.

These flames shake the soul, involve the mind... and erode people's hearts.

The shape of Feiyan is just a very deceptive appearance, the core of this secret technique is actually the red light in the eyes of those swallows.

The real name of this technique is "Lamp of Lost Mind".

One lamp illuminates the road, thousands of lamps distract the eyes, and thousands of lamps lose their minds.

This is a secret technique close to super grade.

With this technique, the unmasking devil has killed more than a hundred monks in the outer building!

As soon as the frustrating light came out, even Huan Tao retreated even more anxiously, unwilling to be contaminated.

But Jiang Wang, who was moving his sword forward, only had a red-gold light in his eyes.

Immortal, eternal life.

All kinds of external evils do not move my heart!

In the flickering red light, Jiang Wang remained calm and unharmed.

How can the broken heart shake the heart?

A flash of fear flashed in Yanzi's eyes, but he and Huan Tao had already retreated into the rocky valley.

Jiang Wang refused to give way, and drove straight with his sword. One man with one sword, chasing and killing the two big monsters in the outer building, they fought out from the long canyon, with momentum like a rainbow, just to chase and fight!

Just as the three of them crashed into the chaotic valley, one behind the other, there was a boom!

Those abrupt and strange rocks moved unexpectedly.

They move obviously very slowly, and the range is also very small, about two inches to the left and three inches to the right.

But the entire valley of chaotic rocks was suddenly filled with clouds and mist, and the sky was turned upside down!

Yanzi, Huan Tao, and Jiang Wang all lost their targets!



However, in that cave, the hexagram master stepped out of the stone pillars to form a circle, and temporarily set up a formation to trap Yu Beidou, as a possible means against him.

What Yu Beidou wanted to kill was not Liu Huai, not a mere puppet of a blood demon, but to "kill" blood demon kung fu!

What really entangled and confronted him was never Liu Huai's body, but the ancient animal skin book.

The heave master, who usually hides in hiding and is about to flee thousands of miles away when he hears about Yu Beidou, knows this and dares to come to him at this time.

At this time, Yu Beidou was riding a tiger, and the Gua Master was about to turn into a fisherman and harvest both snipe and clam.

This was his most satisfying game, played out with Jiang Wang as the introduction and borrowed from the blood demon.

The right time, the right place, and the harmony between people are everything!

From the beginning to the end, he didn't directly calculate Yu Beidou at all, because of the gap between his cultivation base and hexagram calculation, once he directly targeted Yu Beidou, he would definitely be aware of it.

Fortunately, he knew that Yu Beidou would also look for him. Fortunately, when he was setting up an army in Rongguo, he ran into a blood demon by chance. Fortunately, Yu Beidou will make the choice to destroy the Gorefiend first!

If Yu Beidou just wanted to kill a puppet, it was nothing. However, if he wanted to sharpen the skill of killing the blood demon, even if it was only for a short time to suppress the blood demon for a thousand years, he still had to trace the source of the blood demon... This made him at this moment, the blood demon lost blood for three hundred years, and Yu Beidou was reversed. Entangled, unable to move!

Everything is as natural as it is, and one is indispensable.

This game is great!

"Zheng Lao San, Li Lao Si." The hexagram master said calmly: "Ready to do it."

As soon as Yanzi and Huan Tao fought each other, he already knew the movement.

He told Zheng Fei and Li Shou that he would wait for Jiang Wang or Jiang Wang's corpse to come, but in fact he just told Yu Beidou to confuse him.

How could he wait so long!

He just wanted to make sure that it was enough for Jiang Wang not to have the formation that could control Luanshigu and the ability to shake the situation!

But Zheng Fei seems to really believe it...

With an unhappy expression on his face, he said, "Aren't you waiting for the toys?"

Li Shou also said eagerly: "Why didn't you wait?"

Don't wait for the hexagram teacher to explain.

Yu Beidou, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, turned his head and asked, "Are you in such a hurry?"

The hexagram master smiled lightly and said, "You have to be in a hurry to kill a tiger..."

He froze!

Cold sweat dripped down.

Yu Beidou, who couldn't move, turned his head!

Yu Beidou looked at him and laughed: "My good nephew, don't panic."

Just laughing, he took a breath.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rose and swept across the cave, unexpectedly blowing Zheng Fei and Li Shou, who were caught off guard, out of the cave and into the rocky valley!

Thanks to the leader "Hungry Ghost Punishment" for rewarding the new alliance!

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