Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1313 ? Tai Chi Blood Chart

Chapter 1313 Tai Chi Blood Diagram

The hexagram master reacted very quickly, and almost at the same time as the gust of wind blew up, he activated the large formation formed by the stone pillars.

These stone pillars looked dull and rough at first, but when there was a reaction, the reliefs of figures on the stone pillars instantly became clear.

He is a trafficker, a scholar and a hero.

The pictures on each stone pillar are different.

Forty-nine stone pillars radiate white light.

The blazing light was like threads, intertwined into a net, trapping Yu Beidou and Liu Huai on the ground.

This blazing light is violent, but it doesn't make people feel hot, but only endless coldness.

There is the sound of elegy, like the sorrow of God. There was a sound of mourning, like a devil crying.

The world is like a cage, and the gods and ghosts can't get out!

I hate it so much!


Inside the cave, gods wept and ghosts wept. The valley of chaotic rocks outside the cave is also undergoing sudden changes.

As soon as Zheng Fei and Li Shou were thrown out of the cave, the natural formation in the Stone Valley had already been activated.

A while in the valley, a while in the cave.

The hexagram master glanced back at the formation outside the cave, and knew that Zheng Laosan and Li Laosi could no longer be counted on. It's just that before he entered the cave, he had obviously tampered with in the chaotic rock valley, but he couldn't react at all at this time. In the competition for this natural formation, he was undoubtedly at a disadvantage!

Looking at Yu Beidou again, his eyes became more wary.

And Yu Beidou, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, looked at the formation in the cave, and frowned: "The heaven and the earth are like a cage? A blood-sacrificing life-locking formation?"

He sighed: "You are on this wrong road... you are drifting away!"

These words obviously angered the Gua Master, he said angrily: "If you are right, why is there no place to stand in the world, why is the art of fortune-telling no longer taught in the world, why are you driven out of Linzi like a dog!?"

There was blood in his eyes, and a small stone altar was already held up in his left hand, and the evil wind swirled around, and the fierce power suddenly rose.

Yu Beidou didn't speak, he just moved his sword finger and pointed at the Gua Shi from a distance.

This is his answer!

On the dome of this gloomy cave, twinkling stars suddenly appeared.

During the shifting of the stars, the area about three inches around the Gua Shi seemed to shake for a while.

This "shaking" lasted so short that it was almost imperceptible. But when it stabilized, the hexagram master suddenly found that he was already in the formation!

The forty-nine stone pillars reached the dome and touched the ground. The brilliant incandescent light forms a net, blocking all gaps, and even covering the world of mortals, cutting off cause and effect.

But even he was locked up together!

But seeing that the stone pillars were stone prisons, he imprisoned Yu Beidou, Liu Huai, and Gua Shi together.

Under such circumstances, many ultimate moves of the Blood Sacrifice Locking Formation cannot be used...

Because he is also in the formation.

Without further ado, Gua Shi raised the stone altar in his left hand and threw it at Yu Beidou.

It was almost like a street brawl, but it was the most powerful and direct attack at this time.

The small stone altar has its own world inside, with the sound of chanting sutras, hawking, crying, and roaring... all kinds of human voices are mixed like a tide, and all kinds of worlds are in it.

On the altar, there was a strong bloody light, giving people a strange and tragic feeling. The small altar seems to have invaded the whole world.

And Yu Beidou had been pinching Yin Jue's left hand, and at this moment his five fingers stretched out and flipped violently.

So the world was turned upside down.

The stone altar in Gua Shi's hand was obviously aimed at Yu Beidou, but it fell in the opposite direction, the harder he tried, the farther he was pulled away.

Obviously he was holding the altar and smashing Yu Beidou, but the current situation is that the altar took his hand and pulled it out!

This upside-down sense of dislocation makes people feel disgusted and dizzy.

"The fat man and the thin man have the blood of balance, don't they?" Yu Beidou asked softly, "You want to use them to take the place of death at a critical moment, how can I let you do so? This innate disorder is enough for them to toss For a long time."

The hexagram master struggled with his left hand to push back the stone altar, bent his four fingers with his right hand, and only held his index finger upright. He drew a two-inch long line of blood with the tip of his index finger between his eyebrows, and said fiercely: "Do you think you can count everything? Maybe everything will go your way!"

The two-inch-long blood line between his eyebrows suddenly turned around, forming a blood circle between his eyebrows.

In the blood circle, a yellow line swam out like a spirit snake, twisting and dividing the circle. Then, in symmetrical positions on the lower left and upper right, two dark dots appeared...

A blood-colored Tai Chi picture was printed on his forehead. It seems both evil and sacred, both direct and mysterious. The contradiction is unspeakable, but extremely powerful.

No, not right.

This bloody Tai Chi diagram is not between the Gua Shi's eyebrows.

Because Yu Beidou's left hand had pressed his forehead at some point.

And the blood-colored Tai Chi picture that should have been printed on the Gua Shi's forehead was actually printed on the back of Yu Beidou's hand!

Things change and stars move, amazing skills!

With a slight tremor on the back of Yu Beidou's hand, he bounced up the blood-colored Taiji diagram, exhaled like a white rainbow, and smashed the diagram through.

"You even acted out the Taiji Blood Diagram..." Yu Beidou's voice became more and more indifferent: "The mud feet are deep in the mud, and you have already committed the crime of ten thousand deaths!

Gua Shi looked at the shattered Tai Chi blood map, it was his painstaking effort, and it was also the trump card that he relied on as the fundamental method, his eyes were tearing apart for a moment!

"Mu Hou Erguan claims to be righteous, and he can convict people with just a few words!" He looked at Yu Beidou with a ferocious face: "You old man! Who do you think you are!?"

At this time, he has no peace at all.

The plain and simple scholar's uniform did not suit him at all.

It means that he can no longer care about his own temperament, or...he doesn't want to.


He grabbed the left hand of the stone altar, and five fingers were broken at the same time!

It's so hard!

Finally, he pulled the altar back and threw it at Yu Beidou's face.

His anger, his pain, his hatred, are so clear and so deep.

If he wants to kill Yu Beidou, he will kill even if he breaks his fingers, and he will kill even if his legs are broken. No one can stop him, and nothing can change his determination!

"Who am I?" Yu Beidou looked at him with pity, and said in a low voice, "I am Yu Beidou. I inherit my life from the first, and I will never have a future. The art of fate is to die by myself."

He stretched out his hand, very naturally and casually, and actually snatched the altar from the heave master's hand. With a backhand swing, the stone altar fell down with a bang, bloody, and hit Liu Huai who had been lying silently on the ground!

It was obviously the life-sacrificing life-sacrificing array set up by the hexagram master, but Yu Beidou seemed to have become the master of this place, with a calm demeanor. Pointing east and west, easily suppressing the hexagram master, and even giving the blood demon a hand.

Liu Huai, who was still bleeding from the wound on his neck, seemed to be unaware of everything, at this moment, opened his eyes!

The stone altar stopped right in front of him, and he was not allowed to enter. Er, it seemed to be eroded by some force, crushed into stone powder, and blown away by the wind.

Liu Huai looked at Yu Beidou through the stone powder that was being blown away.

He opened his eyes and wept, tears of blood.

Tears of blood trickled down the corners of his eyes, twisting into bloody snakes on his pale face.

"Jie jie jie..."

He gave a hoarse and strange laugh: "Since you die, you should die!"

Since Yu Beidou wants to go back to the source and eliminate the "Blood Demon Art of Extermination of Passion and Desire" to the greatest extent, the Blood Demon can naturally obtain more power from the source, which is the reason why he can fight against Yu Beidou. As soon as Yu Beidou used his strength to deal with Gua Shi, he quickly regained his freedom. It's just that he didn't have only instinct left in the chaos, and the reason why he deliberately pretended to be was just to wait for the hexagram master to consume more power from Yu Beidou.

But since Yu Beidou had already discovered it, there was nothing else to say.

Only kill.

Amidst the hoarse and strange laughter, the two blood snakes dripping from the corners of his eyes jumped up, the blood flashed, and they were gone!

Yu Beidou's face remained unchanged, calmly and his sword pointed across the front door, a blood snake was cut open and chopped into pieces.

But his body sitting cross-legged in mid-air couldn't help shaking a bit, the back of his head was bulging high, but another blood snake had already penetrated into it and was eroding it crazily.

This hand of blood and tears turning into a blood snake doesn't look impressive. It is even far inferior to the momentum created by the hexagram master. But its horror can be clearly reflected in Yu Beidou.

At this moment, Yu Beidou's eyes, nostrils, lips, and ears were all bleeding!

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