Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1314 ?

Chapter 1314 Blood Occupation

The hexagram master obviously underestimated Yu Beidou's power. He believed that Yu Beidou, who was deeply entangled with the blood demon and wanted to completely erase the blood demon skill of exterminating passion and desire, would not be able to separate his strength to deal with him.

It's just that Yu Beidou can do it.

And Yu Beidou obviously underestimated the blood demon.

In other words, he had no choice but to divide his strength and wanted to quickly deal with the Gua Shi.

But he had been killing the Gorefiend for so long, all the blood of the Gorefiend flowed out of the cave and became a stream in the rocky valley. He went too deep into the source of the blood demon!

At this time, he still dared to relax and deal with other enemies, and immediately ushered in a backlash.

The blood snake that drilled into the back of his head also contained the power of life blood. When it got into the back of his head, it was already eroding his life and soul, competing with him for the dominance of this body.

Bleeding from the seven orifices is a manifestation of being turned back.

The stone altar was taken away by Yu Beidou, and then destroyed by the blood demon. The heave master, who was devastated, finally ushered in the opportunity at this moment.

When he pulled back the stone altar, the five fingers of his left hand, which had been forcibly broken, broke off at this time.

The five fingers were like five throwing daggers, they fell straight down, pierced into the ground, penetrated only one knuckle, and then stopped, blocked by the blood-sacrificing life-sacrificing array surrounded by forty-nine stone pillars.

But also just stop here.

The heave master's face was expressionless, compared to the pain he had experienced, what he had experienced at this time was not in case.

What is the pain of severed fingers?

"It's time for the north wind to come," he sighed.

Five fingers into the ground, forming a formation with flesh and blood.

With his own blood, it is considered that this person's heart is treacherous, and the world is in trouble.

Formation in formation again!

His master is a peerless talent. In the already declining art of fate divination, he creatively developed the technique of bleeding divination and opened up a new path that has never been seen before.

It can be said that it has found a new future for the art of fortune-telling.

It is hateful that Yu Beidou is jealous of his talent and sets up a situation to kill him.

The world lost a top divination master, and he lost his only relative.

For so many years, he has been hiding in Tibet, and he refused to give up his research on the technique of blood divination. He even went to the valley of no return to seek asylum. Old life is over.

Today is the time.

For his lineage, the eight directions are designated as the eight prisons.

Zhengbei is the killing prison, which is responsible for killing and extinction.

So he called the north wind!

The whistling of the wind, like the sound of swords and guns, reverberates in this dark cave.

The echo was also sad and wan, as if his life was not long.

The five-finger blood formation is connected with the life-sacrificing blood lock formation, and the killing prison is opened at the top.

Lock all directions, cut off life, and vow to kill Yu Beidou today!

The first thing that appeared in the life-sacrificing blood lock array was a ghost-headed knife, made of condensed evil spirits, with unparalleled sharpness. In the killing prison, the first punishment is to beheaded with a ghost-headed knife, and the head-on beheading is the most murderous!

But Yu Beidou, who was bleeding from his seven orifices, only looked at Liu Huai.

In his eyes that were still bleeding, in a trance, there was a lot of traffic, traffickers and pawns, scenes turned around, and everything in the world was flowing like water...

What is "Fate Occupation"?

It is the oldest divination technique, and it is the ultimate technique for human monks to inquire about the river of fate and inspire the future!

In ancient times, it even inspired the emperor!

As the highest achiever of life divination in this world, to some extent, he represents the silhouette of that glorious era.

And he... saw it!

His left hand has overturned seals, while his right hand still raised his sword finger.

When the seal was completed, the hexagram master suddenly fell down and hit Liu Huai right on the body.

The two of them lay on the ground in a staggered pattern, one horizontal and one vertical.

But as soon as the sword finger fell, a power so powerful as to make people tremble gushed out without stopping, rushing like a torrent in an instant!

Whether it is Liu Huai or the hexagram master, they have to mobilize all their strength to fight at this time, and their bodies cannot move.

One person, one demon, one blood demon, the three fates are intertwined in this blood-sacrificing life lock formation, and there is no distinction between them for a while.

It was only at this moment that the prison-killing ghost-headed knife cut his upper body, pierced half an inch above Yu Beidou's head, but he couldn't get in again.

At this moment, Yu Beidou was really in a panic.

There was a ghost knife stuck in his head, and blood flowed down his forehead. There is a blood bag hidden by a blood snake on the back of the head, and the conflict is still going on. But he couldn't move, he could only bear the pain.

At this moment, Yu Beidou is truly unmatched.

He pointed like a sword, with one finger for two strikes.

Suppress one person, and also suppress a demon!

After a fierce attack and defense, Liu Huai and Gua Shi were forcibly stacked together, and both were suppressed.

Yu Beidou, who was still sitting cross-legged in the void with his sword pointed at his fingertips, if he didn't take into account the ghost knife on his head and the blood bag on the back of his head, it seemed that nothing had changed.

It's just that a hexagram master was added to his deep entanglement with the blood demon.

"You are looking for death." Liu Huai couldn't move, but his voice was indifferent: "Do you know how miserable your death will be?"

Yu Beidou said softly: "I only know that this time I will suppress you for at least a thousand years. Want to return to your ancestors? Go back and dream!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie." Liu Huai smiled strangely: "Wait, wait..."

The hexagram master pressing on Liu Huai looked at Yu Beidou full of hatred: "Come on! Kill me! Kill me like you killed your senior brother, like you killed a dog!"

"You don't have to try to provoke me." Yu Beidou said in an old voice: "Once I suppress the Gorefiend and free up my hand, I won't let you go. I didn't regret killing him back then, even if I do it ten times, a hundred times , I will still do that. Killing you is no exception."

"Of course, why would you regret it?" The hatred and anger in the heave master's voice disappeared. He was angry because of hatred, and became calm again because of hatred: "But in the chaotic stone valley outside, there are still four demons , how do you plan to deal with it? How long will the Congenital Disorderly Formation lose your host?"

"My friend, they will be dealt with naturally." Yu Beidou said lightly.

"Really? Jiang Wang from the Inner Palace?"

"It's the number one inner palace in the world." Yu Beidou corrected, "He will kill you disgusting things one by one."



In the rocky valley.

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and was confused.

It was obviously still those strange rocks, or that valley, but he couldn't see anyone, let alone tell where the road was.

Chixin supernatural powers can keep him from being infected by aliens, but they can't show him the way. It's not that his heart has been confused, it's that the world has become chaotic.

Jiang Wang's mind is as calm as water, not letting his irritability erode him. Holding a long sword in his hand, he walked slowly.

At this moment, the knife money he bought the amulet from Yu Beidou flew out of nowhere and flew in front of him.

It landed on the ground very simply, and the engraving said——

"You are in this battle with the four demons."

Four monsters? Jiang Wang hesitated.

He has only met face-revealing and beheading, but he doesn't know that there are two more in this formation!

The knife and money were engraved again: "The hexagram teacher has been guarded by me, and the rest have not yet come to God. I will take you there and kill them one by one."

It turns out that God has not yet arrived...

They are all about the level of beheaded demons?

"Now kill people and demons, and eliminate great harm for the people!"

Jiang Wang, who beat back the two giant demons with one sword, was full of confidence.

With a flick of the long sword, it clanged loudly: "Lead the way!"

Thanks to the book friend "Qin Sang's little fan" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 170th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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