Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1324 ?

Chapter 1324 "Afterlife"

Yu Beidou, who was in mid-air, was injured in the abdomen, shrank his whole body, and stared wide-eyed: "Are you crazy?!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang drew his sword and turned around to stab again.

This sword is more accurate and ruthless.

When the cold light met him, Yu Beidou had no choice but to raise his hand to stop him.

But at this stop, the crying gods and ghosts that had been rushing into my ears suddenly fell silent.

The lingering blood energy instantly dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

Looking again, forty-nine stone pillars are connected to the ground, forming a circular formation.

In the formation, Yu Beidou sat suspended in the air, pinched a seal with one hand, and stretched out his sword finger with the other, pointing to the ground.

One finger and two towns, the Gorefiend and the Gua Master lay overlapping on the ground, each resentful.

As for Jiang Wang himself, he stood not far from the hexagram master, with a stick in one hand and a sword in the other.

"I can believe it now, right?" Yu Beidou said with a smile in his voice, "I was able to reconnect with you in the Congenital Chaos Formation. I really tried my best."

The scene just now was an illusion, not entirely an illusion.

Because Yu Beidou had to devote his energy to contacting Jiang Wang at the Xiantian Liran Formation, the dominance of the Blood Sacrificial Locking Formation had always been in the hands of the hexagram master.

When Jiang Wang just walked into the cave, everything he heard and saw was actually an illusion created by the hexagram master.

He himself was suppressed by Yu Beidou, and the main force was directly confronting Yu Beidou. However, he devoted all his energy to using the blood-sacrificing life-locking formation as a new source of power, abandoning the effect of the formation itself, and instead creating illusions, leading Jiang Wang to attack and kill Yu Beidou.

Yu Beidou has never given up the fight for the blood-sacrificing life-sacrificing formation, so that even though the hexagram master has the dominant power, he cannot use the blood-sacrificing life-sacrificing formation to kill him. Later, he even entered the illusion created by the Gua Shi, and confronted the Gua Master in the illusion.

But he couldn't tell the truth in front of Jiang Wang.

When he tries to suggest that all this is an illusion, he is driven away by the illusion.

Because it violates the basis for the existence of illusion.

So from the beginning to the end, he actually only reminded one sentence——

"Follow your heart."

Jiang Wang possesses pure-hearted supernatural powers and is not invaded by different ambitions.

Obviously, the hexagram master didn't know, but Yu Beidou knew it well.

Without knowing the outcome of the battle in the Congenital Disorder Formation, he devoted all his energy to get in touch, which led to the loss of the dominance of the Blood Sacrificial Locking Formation. This seemed like a bad move.

But after Jiang Wang successfully created the legend, came to the cave, and defeated this illusion...

This move undoubtedly became a clear proof that Yu Beidou was better than a divination master in the way of divination.

After Jiang Wangjian stabbed the hexagram master, the hexagram master even performed a show, trying to deceive him.

What responded to him was a more ruthless sword, and the hexagram master had no choice but to block it, so the sacrificial blood lock formation lost control and was actually abolished by Yu Beidou...

All of this is the current situation that Jiang Wang feels now.

His eyes, ears...all his feelings are describing the truth to him.

Now those forty-nine stone pillars are just stones, nothing different.

The hexagram master stared at Jiang Wang: "How did you get rid of it?"

There was blood in his eyes, which gradually became the shape of gossip.

But at the next moment, it suddenly turned black, and then turned from black to white, and then dispersed into streamer.

Yu Beidou said in a faint voice, "My good nephew, don't struggle any longer."

In fact, Gua Shi didn't have a question at all, and didn't need an answer. He asked on purpose, just to disturb Jiang Wang. Then use the blood hexagram to calculate it, but Yu Beidou immediately suppressed it.

Jiang Wang felt all this very clearly, was amazed by Yu Beidou's strength, and could fully feel the desperation of the Gua Shi.

People did not stop.

Almost at the same time that the hexagram master's eyes overflowed with blood, he stopped the dragon's head stick and shot out quickly.

Sauvignon Blanc flashed a cold light, like a rainbow bridge across the air.

It starts from Jiangwang and falls from the hexagram master.

This is a splendid rainbow, the line that describes life and death.

It is the real edge, the famous sword in the world!

But when the tip of the sword was about to hit the Gua Shi Tianling, Jiang Wang suddenly felt something was wrong!

Thinking is manual.

The long sword was almost three inches to the right, and was nailed to the ground.

"Why hesitate?" Yu Beidou's voice said: "If you don't speed up the murderer, should you wait for him to fight back?"

Jiang Wang said nothing.

In the Second Inner Palace, the misguided path that had been banned for a long time by Juexian magical powers, maybe the time limit has come, or maybe the distance is too far... In short, after a long time of exposing the human demon and fleeing, it has been quietly unsealed.

Under the radiance of pure heart and supernatural power,

Miraculous black and white supernatural powers flickered in Wufuhai, as if to say——

Has gone astray!

At this moment, Jiang Wang chose to believe in his supernatural powers and denied his five senses.

The soul was shaken, and the hell of the five senses was summoned in an instant, and it fell on itself!

Blindfold your eyes, cover your ears, hold your breath, close your lips, your skin and hair will be fixed, and your five senses will be sealed.

In the state of self-proclaimed five senses, Jiang Wang gave everything to Chixin supernatural power.

One day, the sky shines on the world, and people have one heart to shine on themselves!

The point of the sword was on the ground, and the person jumped up with the sword, but he turned around and rushed towards Yu Beidou who was in mid-air!

When the five senses reappeared, everything in front of them seemed to freeze into a painting.

A painting with hundreds of layers.

The picture scrolls are constantly uncovered and falling down.

Reality and illusion are separated from each other and intertwined with each other.

Can't tell what's real and what's fake.

Among these real and illusory fragments, Jiang Wang just kept moving forward.

Swords move forward, people move forward.

Collide with all, cut all the connections between reality and illusion.

So the air turned into the ground, and Yu Beidou became a hexagram master.

His orientation, perception, goal... were all fallacies before!

Now his sword was still pointing at the opponent's throat, and for the first time, suspicion appeared in the Gua Shi's eyes!

The technique of fortune-telling does not pass on the secret "afterlife" has been broken!

The previous scene where Jiang Wang broke the illusion and cooperated with Yu Beidou to suppress the heave master was actually still under the heave master's manipulation. His feelings are true, but his experience is false.

It's just an illusion created by the divination master in order to test out his hole cards. After gaining insight into Chixin's supernatural powers and confirming that Jiang Wang had no other means, the final motivation was triggered.

Drive Jiang Wang to do it.

It is true that the supernatural powers of the heart can not be infected by different ambitions, but Jiang Wangjian's Gua Gua master comes from the heart.

It's just that everything he saw was not real, and the heave master he attacked and killed was not a heave master either!

So without knowing it, he thought he had discovered the reality and killed the hexagram master, but he was actually led to Yu Beidou.

But under "coincidental coincidence", the unsealed string of unmasking human demons was unsealed at this time.

Jiang Wang's erroneous supernatural power returned, and he gave a timely warning.

Only then did Jiang Wang withdraw his sword and retreat, resolutely close the five senses, use his heart to control the wrong path, and stab back with this sword!

On the battlefield where Gua Shi and Yu Beidou confront each other, all "coincidences" are of course "premeditated".

There is no luck at all, it's all a battle of divination and fortune-telling.

What surprised the hexagram master was not that Yu Beidou had won another step. The hexagram is calculated to win one step and lose one step, sometimes it can't affect the result.

What really surprised him was that Jiang Wang was able to respond so decisively, and was so confident in himself that he dared to close the five senses immediately and hand himself over to the supernatural powers!

Confidence is an essential quality for a strong man.

But in a battle where a top god, a real person, and a blood demon are intertwined, it's really not easy to trust your own judgment so much!

But for Jiang Wang.

On the streets of Linzi, Yu Beidou once led him into a pedestrian future scene.

Gua Shi and Yu Beidou came from the same school, so it is not surprising that they have similar methods.

Perceive the problem, face the problem, solve the problem.

that is it.

Even thinking back at this moment, Yu Beidou deliberately took him there, maybe not to remind him of today's scene!

Such hexagrams are no longer enough to describe horror.

Jiang Wang steers the wrong path with a sincere heart, knowing that what he saw and felt before did not happen, and what is really happening now!

Abandoning all illusions, a sword fell.

He is real.

His sword is real.

There is also a real touch from the blade——

It has penetrated into the neck!





(I’m sorry everyone, I’m asking for a leave of absence. Maybe it’s because I wrote hard in the past few months, but this month I’m really in a bad state. I often sit in front of the computer in a daze, and I can’t write a few words after sitting for a long time.

I originally wanted to ask for leave and stop the update, but everyone said it would be worse to stop.


Starting tomorrow, there will be only one change at noon every day for three consecutive days, and the normal update will resume on the 26th.

I'll be back in shape as soon as possible.

You can also wait a few days to watch.

Really sorry. )

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