Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1325 ?

Chapter 1325 Covering Hands

The hexagram master himself was suppressed by Yu Beidou, and the golden body and chalcedony were also suppressed.

Sauvignon Blanc easily breaks into the flesh.

Jiang Wang's hand was steady, and the sword was very accurate. It penetrated the heave master's neck, but did not touch the throat.

Make it wounded and not die.

This is the first time he has caused damage to a strong man in God's Realm!

Although in such a special state...

Jiang Wang remained calm, and was about to draw his sword and walk away, adding another wound, beheading him little by little, but the sword suddenly sank.

The palm of Gua Shi stretched out lightly, the speed was not fast, but it traced a predestined trajectory, grabbed the blade, and seemed to wrestle with him.

The suppressed golden chalcedony cannot resist the sharpness of Sauvignon Blanc.

Blood dripped from between his fingers.

But his hand is also steady,

The two forces collided on the blade of the sword, and Sauvignon Blanc trembled endlessly.

"Good nephew." Yu Beidou said in a low voice, "The battle of trapped beasts will never break the cage!"

Gua Shi was distracted to deal with Jiang Wang, who was suppressing Gua Shi and Blood Demon at the same time, so he naturally took advantage of the situation. The heave master's finger that could not have been injured is a clear proof.

At this moment, the situation has become clear.

Now that the "next life" has been broken and Jiang Wang has really entered the game, the hexagram master can no longer see the slightest hope of making a comeback.

Yu Beidou calculated all the gods and ghosts, and suppressed the blood demon and the hexagram master at the same time with his own strength. Jiang Wang is self-centered, firm and sharp, none of them are the ones who will give the enemy a chance.


The hexagram master asked like this.

He grabbed the hand of the blade and pulled it to the left suddenly!

It seems that he has completely given up the confrontation with Yu Beidou, and only focuses on the fight for this long sword.

The power that erupted at this moment was so terrifying that even Jiang Wang was brought almost to the ground.

And the sword edge of Sauvignon Blanc, under the control of Gua Shi, cut off more than half of his own neck!

The blood surged wildly.

No, it's not just that.

Yunshen Temple, Wufuhai, Tongtian Palace... The source of power that Jiang Wang could sense in this Shenlin's body was all collapsing.

The terrifying power in this body is resolutely dissipating.

It was not the first time for Jiang Wang to see the death of monk Shenlin, but he was still inexplicably shocked.

He killed himself!

This is so surprising!

How could Gua Shi, a guy who regards human life as worthless, and a top powerhouse in the realm of God, commit suicide?

Only then did Jiang Wang notice that since he pierced his neck with the sword, Gua Shi's eyes had been fixed on Yu Beidou and never moved away.

Even when he cut his neck, he died facing Yu Beidou.

He died under Jiang Wang's sword, but it was Yu Beidou who watched him.

He hates his obsession without saying a word, but speaks without saying a word!

Jiang Wang could not help but glance at Yu Beidou.

Probably because the hexagram master was finally solved, he only needed to suppress the blood demon alone, and Yu Beidou's pressure was greatly reduced.

The sword finger of his right hand was still pointing at the blood demon, but his left hand took the opportunity to wipe his face to wipe off some of the blood, and quickly pinched the seal back.

Then he smiled and said: "This one-legged young man is so handsome!"

Jiang Wang's teeth were itchy all of a sudden.

Gua Shi died, and the ghost-head saber stuck in Yu Beidou's forehead also slowly dissipated at this moment.

Yu Beidou stretched his brows, smiled a little relaxedly, and said, "You seem surprised that he committed suicide?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "It's hard not to be surprised, right? After all, he is a strong man of this level."

"Actually, there is nothing surprising." Yu Beidou said with a relaxed tone: "The future he sees is a dead end, without any hope. No matter how you go forward, it's just the difference between early death or late death, so he does it. He made the best choice in his eyes... that's all."

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows: "The future he sees?"

"As you can imagine, I changed the result of his fact, it's not a change, but just wiped out a little bit of hope." Yu Beidou said casually: "It's because he is already very strong. , The art of blood divination is deeply studied, so the ending is so sure... After you understand this, you won't accidentally commit suicide by accident."

"Didn't he think that the result of his hexagram is likely to be changed by you?"

"Of course he couldn't think of it." Yu Beidou said softly, "Because no one has ever been able to do this before."

Jiang Wang couldn't help but tilt his head back...

This sentence is so arrogant!

"Is it hard to understand? His blood divination technique is also a hexagram technique that directly inquires about fate. Especially he is a top god, a master of hexagrams. If he wants to change the results of his hexagrams without being noticed, he can only do so in the river of fate." But before me, no one can do this with the cultivation base of Dongzhen."

The more I speak, the more arrogant I become...

He is still playing tricks on the river of fate!

"What is the river of fate?" Jiang Wang asked.

Yu Beidou said indifferently: "As the name suggests."

Jiang Wang choked for a moment, but he no longer felt that there was anything wrong with Yu Beidou's attitude.

After all, he is a terrifying powerhouse who can affect the River of Destiny... It is understandable to be cautious!

He thought for a while and asked, "Is there really a definite future?"

"Why ask me?" Yu Beidou said, "If you believe in it, it is the definite future. If you don't believe it, you can still try."

"I thought you would say something like destiny..." Jiang Wang said.

"If I say so, will you believe it?" Yu Beidou asked back.

At this moment, Jiang Wang calmed down, pulled out the long sword from the heave master's hand, and said slowly: "I only believe that there is a definite future - that is the future I am pursuing."

"It's something young people would say." Yu Beidou was noncommittal, only glanced at the dead Gua Shi, and said, "When I was young, when he was young, I had the same thoughts as you. Of course, I'm not talking about you It's bound to be changed. It's just..."

He let out a long sigh, with a gloomy expression on his face: "This is the poor way of divination. The farther you go on this road, the less you can get rid of your fate."

Jiang Wang returned the sword into the sheath.

He doesn't know how to calculate, and he doesn't intend to express any opinions on it.

Although Yu Beidou looks very powerful, but now he just wants to get paid, and hurry back to Qi to treat his wounds.

"I should go," he said, glancing at his locker as a cue.

"Jiang Wang." Yu Beidou said suddenly.

Jiang Wang looked up: "Huh?"

Then he heard the next sentence——

"do not blame me."

Yu Beidou's left hand pinched suddenly flipped and pressed down.

Jiang Wang toppled over without any resistance and fell to the ground.


Xingsi's dragon-headed staff fell from his hand and rolled a few times on the ground.

Only the handle of Sauvignon Blanc was still tightly held in his hand, as if he would not let it go even if he died.


The fresh breath of life withered instantly!

As strong as the number one cultivator in the inner palace in history, even in front of Yu Beidou, he couldn't walk away with a single hand!

In a blink of an eye, only Liu Huai and Yu Beidou were left in the cave on the wall of Duanhun Gorge.

The white-faced, beardless Gorefiend blinked his eyes, and said unhappily: "I hate you humans the most. You always use your hands when you are chatting, and you overturn the table when you are eating!"

Yu Beidou remained expressionless, and said calmly: "Sometimes we only chat, and sometimes we only eat. But you will always only flip the table. This is the difference between us and you."

"You want to say that you guys know more about hypocrisy?" the Blood Demon asked.

"I can't tell you that." Yu Beidou said, "Are you ready?"

The Gorefiend smiled confidently: "It's been a long process to erase me. I've been preparing. I hope you won't take a nap."

"Really?" Yu Beidou asked,

The Gorefiend suddenly felt that the question and the tone were very familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, I remembered...

The same question was asked by the hexagram master.

It just happened not long ago!

Then at the next moment, the corpse that was still lying on top of him "exploded" completely.

So finely fried, so thoroughly.

It exploded into a mass of blood-colored mist, which suddenly expanded and filled the cave.

It didn't do any harm.

It seems that the meaning of its explosion only exists in the explosion itself.

The bloody mist flowed and twisted, vaguely forming a seal.

It seems to be communicating with an unknown place.

An old, seemingly sleepy voice sounded at this moment——

"Who is calling me?"

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