Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1326 half a lifetime of hard work, in exchange for a sword

Of course, Yu Beidou had been ready for battle long ago and was fully vigilant.

The Gorefiend was also taken aback, because the level of power he felt in this voice was not in the presence of the gods, not in the cave... it was already at the peak of the extraordinary!

A Dao Yan powerhouse!

With his ancient origin and vision, of course he will not make a wrong judgment.

So the Gua Shi's suicide was not the end, it wasn't just admitting defeat and leaving the field, but just another beginning?

At the cost of death, to welcome the arrival of this Dao Yan powerhouse?

The duel between the technique of blood divination and the technique of fate divination is not over yet? !

Such an imposing opening, asking a question with such a mysterious atmosphere, sounds very much like some ancient powerhouse who has been sleeping for a long time...

Sleeping for many years, only to be awakened today?

Who is it?

The Gorefiend searched for the few memories he had obtained from the source, but found nothing.

But at the next moment, that aging and mysterious voice became confusing: "Who am I?"

Then he seemed to be angry.

The blood mist also fluctuated——

"Who is calling me? Sun thief! You stand up and try!? Do you have a sense of public morality? Do you want the old man to sleep?"

Gorefiend: ...

Yu Beidou: ...

One has an ancient origin, and the other has hexagrams that have lasted half a lifetime, and they are both capable of being called strong, but at this moment, they are all speechless.

I really don't know what to say.

Compared with the performance of this Yan Dao powerhouse, the gap is too big!

There was no response, and the aging voice continued, saying to himself, "It's such a familiar blood... Do I know it?"

"It seems to be a fortune teller..."

"Yes, it's fortune-telling."

The aging voice gradually confirmed it, as if slowly recalling something, and then became indifferent: "I remember. The fortune teller spent half his life working hard, and asked give him a sword."

The sound fell.

At this moment, the blood-colored mist lingering in the cave seemed to tremble twice, and then suddenly shrank, infinitely condensing... The blood-colored mist actually pressed into substance, and instantly gathered into a sword!

It's a... hiltless sword.

From beginning to end, it's all swords.

Colorless, translucent.

Only in the body of the sword, there is a faint blood-colored gossip pattern floating up and down, which seems to represent the trace left by the heave master.

Proof that he ever existed.

Although the body is gone, the soul is gone.

This sword is condensed by his remnant body.

In a sense, it also carried out his will.

So the sword rises!

This colorless hexagram-patterned sword was light when it was moving, not to mention sharp, and there was no big movement, it just stood up in the air...

It is such a simple vertical, everything is different.

It's hard to describe the scene, the feeling.

There is no sound, nor any other color.

The cave walls are not visible.

There is only a line of sword light standing upright, swaying alone in the smoke and dust.

Jianguang is colorless and invisible, and it almost does not exist in the visual world. But in the world of spiritual consciousness, in the world of spiritual observation——

This sword light cannot be ignored and is unstoppable. Majestic as a mountain, connecting the sky and the earth!

Yu Beidou, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, pointed his sword sharply, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that he hadn't moved.

Blood flowed from the body of the Gorefiend laying stiff on the ground, and when he looked again, the blood light had all disappeared.

They couldn't make any sound.

Their secret techniques, tricks... all the efforts they have made seem to have never existed at all, and have never happened.

They didn't seem to resist.

Only the sword light is destroying.

The neck of the Gorefiend had already been cut open, and the blood kept flowing, corroding the ground, and after a long time, it meandered into a stream.

At this moment, the bloody stream was disappearing inch by inch.

If someone who is above the level of God's Realm takes a closer look, he will be able to see that strands of sword energy are gradually strangling the blood within an extremely small square inch.

The blood bead was destroyed by sword energy.

The Gorefiend's eyes were wide open, and the emotions he showed were anger and fear, and he kept moving his lips. I don't know if it's threatening, or angry, or cursing.

But all silent.

This bloody stream was resolutely "regressing", constantly dissolving... just like that, it was cut clean.

The wound on the Gorefiend's neck was torn open immediately, and the entire head was lifted off, and then smashed into pieces.

Then came the torso, then the limbs...

During this process, the Blood Demon's body kept gushing with blood, and it was constantly being cut off.

Blood is constantly being produced, and it is constantly being chopped into pieces.

In such monotonous repetition, he was finally killed cleanly.

It's not gone.

It's that it's chopped too finely, into one-thousandth of a dust, so that the naked eyes of ordinary people can't see clearly, so it seems to disappear.

The corpses were actually piled up there, but they were just musculoskeletal blood, all turned into a pile of thin and fine "powder".

Jian Guang originally treated everyone equally, and came here to kill all living creatures.

But the Gorefiend was unwillingly pushed forward by Yu Beidou, and forced to take the damage, so he was cut to pieces first.

This sword is really long.

Perhaps it is because the details of destroying the enemy are too clear, so it seems long.

After smashing the Gorefiend, Yu Beidou was not spared either.

The first thing to shatter was the blood bag on the back of his head, in which part of the life blood of the blood demon was still active, still twisting and struggling. Sword Qi swept across the place, floating like smoke.

Then his toes, fingers...

In the face of this sword, Yu Beidou, the real person in the world, was a little stronger, and could control the steps of body destruction to a certain extent, starting from the less important places...

But that's all.

The colorless and invisible sword light in vision finally swept over him.

The highest achiever of the art of fate divination in this world was chopped to pieces in the cave of Duanhun Gorge, without a sound.

Now there is no living thing in this cave.

The colorless Gua pattern sword is still erected in mid-air, and the blood-colored Gua pattern is looming in the sword body, like a fish swimming in water, ups and downs.

"This sword will not be left behind by gods and ghosts."

The old voice said, "Fortune teller, is this what you want?"

The bloody hexagram pattern dissipated and dissolved in the sword body.

As if to say, that's it.

The old voice left only a sigh.

After that, the hexagram pattern sword gathered by the disintegration of the hexagram master's body also dissipated.

Until this time, all things other than Jianguang began to return.

Caves, pillars, sounds...



A sword-shaped smoke rose into the sky.

The stone pillars of the Blood Sacrifice Array and the cliffs of Duanhun Gorge were all smashed to pieces.

This cave on the cliff is completely penetrated by this sword-shaped smoke!

How high are the cliffs on both sides of Duanhun Gorge?

It is as high as a perilous peak without seeing the top, and pedestrians want to die here.

And this sword-shaped smoke directly penetrated the cliff on this side, leaving only a sword-shaped hole from bottom to top.

The smoke soared tens of thousands of feet into the sky, and it just stopped, and then it curled up and dispersed.

At this time, if someone looks down on the Duanhun Gorge from the high dome, they should see that the steep Duanhun Gorge is like a gap in the ground. But there is a deep hole left on the cliff to the east of Duanhun Gorge...

It is "a line of sky, a glance of the sword!"

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