Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1327

Lin Xian left Duanhun Gorge silently and returned to Rongguo alone.

It's not that he didn't think about attacking and killing Jiang Wang, or chasing and killing the demon who escaped from the wound.

The previous step can kill the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom and destroy the mountain in my heart. The last step can punish the evil and promote the good, and can also use this to make a name for himself, stepping on the corpse of the unmasked demon, and let the world know him Lin Xian.

But in the end they all gave up.

Of course there are various reasons, but the core point he cannot deny is the lack of strength.

Although the masked demon fled in panic in front of Jiang Wang, her superhuman powers are still undoubted, and it is hard to know what "collections" she has.

As for Jiang Wang himself... being able to frighten away the unmasking demon in such a seriously injured state is already a good example.

It should be known that Jiang Wang's battle against Xiang Bei on Guanhe Terrace was won by a battle of spirit and soul.

Even at the moment when his body was seriously injured, Lin Xian did not have the confidence to win the battle at the level of spirit and soul.

Of course, people have thousands of thoughts in an instant, and these are just the most realistic thoughts at that moment.

In the end, the impulse to attack Jiang Wang was actually dissipated in the figure sitting alone.

"When I look at him, it's like looking up at the top of mountains and seeing the abyss of the galaxy, the height is infinite..."

At that time, Chan Master Zhaowu went south to Mount Sumeru, boasting of his talents in the world, and wanted to "discuss Zen from all countries", but when he saw Huang Weizhen, he returned, leaving only this exclamation, which was widely circulated.

Today, Lin Xian only thinks that it is more suitable for his current state of mind.

Although his cultivation is far inferior to Zen Master Zhaowu back then, the current Jiang Wang cannot be compared with Huang Weizhen.

But it's the same looking up at the height, only feeling the infinite.

When we meet each other by fate, we know the vastness of the world.

And the story between Zen Master Zhaowu and Huang Weizhen is a good story. Thirty years after Gai Yinhuang Weizhen achieved Yan Dao, Zen master Zhao Wu also had to prove Yan Dao.

It is said that "only go to the high mountain when you see the high mountain".

Facing the high mountains in their hearts, some people are afraid of the heights, and they are devastated. Some people do everything possible to destroy it. Some people admired it frankly and went to the high mountain.

He, Lin Xian, wants to enlighten.

The capital of Rongguo is called Zhaoguang.

Lin Xian had been living in this city before he boarded the Guanhe Terrace.

More precisely, it was in a courtyard in the west of the city.

Except when I went to the secret realm to practice, I never took a step out of the gate,

He only takes a specially-made carriage to get in and out, and his whereabouts are top secret in Rongguo.

Rong Ting devoted all his efforts to giving him the best teaching, the best training partner, and the best resources... Even the king personally taught him.

When he went to Guanhetai, he could be said to have failed the expectations of a country.

Judging from the previous situation of the Yellow River Tournament, with his strength, there should be no doubt that he can enter the main match.

However, the intensity of this Yellow River meeting can be ranked among the previous ones. The quality of Neifuchang is going to be the strongest ever,

Not only did he fail to stand in front of the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom and show Rong Guo's prestige, he even failed to make it into the main match.

He didn't even get the qualification to fight Jiang Wang!

Many people in the country were disappointed with him, and their complaints continued.

But the king is still trustworthy, relying on him as a pillar.

He fought desperately on the river viewing platform, and the talent and loyalty he showed were obvious to anyone with a discerning eye.

The contemporary Rongjun is really not a mediocre lord.

However, how similar is Rong Guo in front of Qi Guo and him in front of Jiang Wang?

The more you are not a mediocre master, the more painful you are.

The road from Duanhun Gorge to Rongguo was not as difficult as imagined.

He came out of the Duanhun Gorge twice, and each time he realized Jiang Wang's strength more than once.

But compared to the loss of soul when he left Duanhun Gorge for the first time, he was much calmer the second time.

The limit of the inner palace is far wider than imagined.

So, what was he worrying about before? What is he dissatisfied with?

On the viewing platform, who can compare with Jiang Qingyang?

The mountain is there, and it is that high, so settle down and go there steadily.

There is a road ahead, and it has already been walked.

Is there any reason to stamp again?

Returning to Zhaoguang City, walking into a familiar courtyard, there is a person standing with his hands behind his back.

Hearing the movement, he turned around and saw a man dressed as a scribe who looked to be about forty years old.

Seeing Lin Xian, a friendly smile appeared on his face: "Are you back?"

This person is Ouyang Yong, Prime Minister of Rong Guo.

Lin Xian cupped his hands and bowed down: "My lord, Prime Minister."

Ouyang Yong waved his hand: "There is no outsider here, just call him Uncle."

"Courtesy cannot be discarded." Lin Xian insisted on finishing the salute before saying, "The Prime Minister is here, what can I order?"

Ouyang Yong considered his tone, and said slowly: "The battle at Xingyueyuan has already begun. As far as it is concerned, it is a battlefield for young people to fight. Do you intend to join?"

No matter how unresponsive they are secretly, how much they want to get rid of the restraint... If Rong Guo wants to join the Xingyueyuan battlefield, of course he can only be in the Qi country camp.

Even the fact that Rong Guo wanted to join the Xingyueyuan battlefield was done under the pressure of Qi Guo.

Lin Xian can fully imagine how much pressure this relaxed Prime Minister has endured before he can be given a "choice" to decide whether to go or not...

In the battlefield where young people are dueling, if Lin Xian, the country's number one government, does not go, it cannot be regarded as the sincerity of the country.

"It has always been Lin Xian's wish to be able to confront the heroes of the world. It is even more a blessing for a man to make contributions in the battlefield." Lin Xian said, "I am willing to go."

Ouyang Yong took a deep look at him, and finally he could only stretch out his hand, and patted him on the shoulder: "Jiang Wangtong, whose whereabouts are unknown, you, Lin Xian, are the first palace in the Eastern Region. The future of Rongguo depends on On your shoulders, don't pay attention to those bad voices, just perform well on Xingyueyuan, "

Lin Xian once again bowed uprightly: "Please don't say this again, Mr. Prime Minister."

Ouyang Yongkuan said: "You don't have to worry, Your Majesty also said the same thing, I just relayed what His Majesty said."

Lin Xian didn't raise his head, but said, "Your Majesty, please don't say this again."

Ouyang Yong finally showed surprise on his face: "Why?"

Lin Xian raised his head with a calm expression: "There is Jiang Wang in the world, how can others be number one?"

Ouyang Yong smiled, and explained in the tone of a person who has been there: "The splendor on the Guanhe Terrace is just a moment in the river, and it cannot last a lifetime. What you are worse than him is only resources. Now his whereabouts are unknown. Good time to start..."

Lin Xian said: "I saw Jiang Wang in Duanhun Gorge..."

Ouyang Yong paused, and then asked: "Have you played against each other?

Lin Xian smiled wryly and shook his head: "How can I have the qualifications to fight against him now?"

He sighed, "I just... watched him fight."

"In Duanhun Gorge?" Ouyang Yong frowned, and asked, "With whom?"

Lin Xian said slowly: "The evil Zheng Fei, the flesh-cutting demon Li Shou, the mask-revealing demon Yanzi, and the beheading demon Huan Tao."

Ouyang Yong knew the notoriety of the Nine Human Demons. How many people in the world want to kill them, but the whereabouts of these nine great human demons are hidden and difficult to track down.

After pondering for a while, Ouyang Yong asked: "Wheel fight?"

Lin Xian shook his head and said, "Jiang Wang is one against four."

Ouyang Yong was instantly moved!

Although he still tried his best to maintain a calm posture, his voice was a bit strange: "Could it be that you are still undisturbed?"

Lin Xian's eyes drooped slightly, as if he didn't dare to look directly at the scorching sun, and only said: "All evil, flesh-cutting, and beheading, all die! Only the masked demons escape in haste..."

The impact of this news was astonishing.

As the Prime Minister of Rongguo, with a position as high and powerful as Ouyang Yong, he couldn't help but shake his figure, and lost his voice: "Heaven's family Qi is like this! Could it be another Jiang Mengxiong?!"

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