Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1334

Jiang Wang has thought about similar questions for a long time, and the answers have always been there.

He once asked Ye Qingyu——

"Doing the wrong thing for the right purpose. Is that right?"

Ye Qingyu replied at that time——

"If you know it's wrong, how can you be right?"

The wrong means cannot achieve the right result.

This is what Jiang Wang has always believed in.

So at least at this moment, between Ming Zhan and Xue Zhan, he is on Yu Beidou's side.

He sat cross-legged upright, looking at Yu Beidou.

At this moment, Yu Beidou's expression was very complicated.

All kinds of emotions, mixed together.

There is pain, reminiscence, and determination...but there is no regret.

As he told Gua Shi, even if he did it all over again, he would still kill his brother.

Perhaps there is never a single standard of right or wrong.

Sometimes it's just that two roads come together and collide with each other.

And there is only one way to go on.

Not even love or hate.

The road has come here, and we can only continue walking, even if we have to divide life and death in the end, even if one person must fall down.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, then asked: "What about the art of astrology? I really don't know much about it. How is it different from fate and blood possession?"

Yu Beidou seemed to know everything, and explained casually: "Fate is still the long river, and the creatures in the world are fish swimming in the river. The biggest difference in the art of astrology is that the sages of this way anchored the stars and divided them. The star field has innovated the way of practice, so that practitioners can go out of the building without picking up supernatural powers.

Everything in the long river of fate is reflected in the stars, and fate and the stars shine together. The more monks who have achieved the Outer Building, the deeper this connection will be. Conversely, the deeper the art of astrology develops, the more people will understand the stars, the more stable the way of the outer building, and the easier it is to establish an outer building...

Therefore, the art of astrology will develop along with the world of practice, and has an infinitely broad future... Therefore, it is recognized by all parties and achieves orthodoxy.

The long history has developed, the stars shine through the ages, and the time has shifted to the present. The accuracy of astrology has even surpassed that of fate. But its divination difficulty is far lower than fate divination.

Even in terms of the cost of divination, a fortune-teller who practices astrology only needs to look up at the stars in the river of fate and explore the relationship between the stars and fate without taking the risk of jumping out of the river of fate, let alone relying on killing Other swimming fish make waves. "

From Yu Beidou's words, it is not difficult to feel that he also has a very in-depth research on the art of astrology, and he expresses it very clearly.

For Jiang Wang, after understanding the art of astrology, he also understood why the art of fate astrology, which has ancient glory, turned into dust of history. Why even a character like Yu Beidou doesn't have the fighting spirit to save him.

Because indeed, the art of astrology has completely surpassed the art of fate. It is also connected with the cultivation path of the human race and complements each other.

Even the technique of blood astrology created by Senior Brother Yu Beidou can only be said to occupy a corner under the rule of astrology, and there is absolutely no possibility of replacing it.

From the technique of fate divination to the technique of blood divination, it is a bifurcation of the Tao.

And from the technique of fate divination to the technique of is an innovation of "Tao"!

The torrent of the times is rolling in, and no one can stay out of it.

Can only join, not stop.

Any existence standing in front of the torrent will be destroyed by the newborn power. Even Yu Beidou's talented senior brother, there is no exception.

Just like embracing the illusion, Jiang Wang will undoubtedly choose to embrace the art of astrology.

The ancient glory is just glory, and everyone who is interested in the former must firmly move towards the future.

"That's how it is!" Jiang Wang said sincerely, "It's no wonder that a strong man like you can only accept the reality. The art of astrology is indeed new and old, and has too broad prospects."

"Uh..." Yu Beidou asked jokingly, "Don't young people want to challenge it?"

Jiang Wang shook his head simply: "Yes, I don't want to."

Yu Beidou looked at him with encouraging eyes: "You are the No. 1 inner palace in the past and present! An extraordinary person should do extraordinary things. What do you think of evolutionary fate astrology and anti-revolutionary astrology? Is it a great cause?"

As I said earlier, I don't listen to dangerous things.

Jiang Wang stood up resolutely: "The green mountains will not change, and the green waters will flow forever. Master Yu, we will meet later!"

"Hahahaha..." Yu Beidou laughed inexplicably, but he didn't stop him, just flicked his fingers: "Take this on!"

A Qidao coin flipped in the air, drew a clear arc, and fell in front of Jiang Wang, who was caught by him.

"This is?"

"A gift." Yu Beidou was still sitting on the ground, smiling and waving his hands: "Let's go, let's go!"

Jiang Wang took the knife money, paused, thought for a while, and asked: "Actually, I have a question for you...Compared with Xiang Fengqi, who claims to be invincible, who is stronger? "

"It's rare for someone to ask me such a boring question..."

Yu Beidou thought for a while, and said very seriously: "In the realm of Dongzhen, Xiang Fengqi should be the most powerful. I haven't seen anyone who can surpass him until now. It may take another ten years to have the later one." Or...and I am the number one in computing power in the real world of the cave, and it will be the same for thousands of years and thousands of years. When we meet on a narrow road and fight between square inches, I am probably not as good as him. , he must not be as good as me."

"The strength of the seniors makes the younger generation look up to the mountains."

Jiang Wang flattered a little, and then said: "There is one more question..."

He shook the knife money in his hand: "I wanted to ask before, how did this knife money find me?"

This question is asked to find a solution.

When he was hiding, he didn't want himself to be found by anyone, and it had nothing to do with whether Yu Beidou was good or bad, or whether he had good intentions or not.

"Oh, it." Yu Beidou said casually, "It's through the line of marriage."

"Ah?" Jiang Wang was shocked.

"Ah, no, we found you through the line of karma. We have the karma to redeem the amulet..." Yu Beidou looked at him narrowly: "Why, a slip of the tongue made you so nervous, do you have a sweetheart? I'm afraid I'll mess up the relationship ?Well……"

He seemed to be interested, stretched out five fingers, slightly staggered: "Let me figure out who it is."

"Farewell!" Jiang Wang cupped his hands, flicked his hair in a straight line in the air, turned around and strode away.

Involving cause and effect is by no means a problem that he can solve, and can only be left for the future.

And Yu Beidou also hinted that the cause and effect of the two parties have been cleared up, and they probably won't look for him again. Therefore, he didn't bother to stay here any longer, making people laugh.

Yu Beidou, who was still sitting on the ground, looked at the back of this young man who was leaving in a hurry, and suddenly burst out laughing.

The sound lasted for a long time.

Thank you book friend "Brother Hua" for becoming the leader of this book!

It's for the 174th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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