Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1335 ?

Chapter 1335 Who can count

The old man's laughter echoed several times in the empty cave.

He should be smiling very happily, but...

Sad like a dry owl.

In order for the art of fate to be restored to glory, it is necessary to overthrow the art of astrology. Even, because of the superimposition of the technique of astrology and the practice system of the present world, it will break the existing order.

Or to put it this way... At least one world-wide disaster must be created to disrupt the anchored stars before they can see a little hope.

Yu Beidou would not do this, so he chose to accept the final result.

He jokingly asked Jiang Wang if he wanted to give it a try, because the No. 1 Neifu in history was still young and had infinite possibilities and hopes, and maybe he could really find his way.

But Jiang Wang refused very seriously, so he just let it go.

The art of life divination has struggled until now, and has sacrificed too much, there is really no need to sacrifice more.

he laughed.

Rather than laughing at the young man who left in embarrassment, he was laughing at himself.

Flowers have a day of re-blooming, and people are no longer young!

Just laugh, that's all.

Yu Beidou put his five fingers together, messed up the hexagram, still looking at the place where the hexagram master disappeared, and finally no longer concealed his sorrow, he murmured: "You want to kill me, but also want to borrow the source of the blood demon , perfect your blood divination technique—how can it be so easy?"

"The method left by my senior brother, he has a chance to do it, but you are far behind. Xiaofeng."

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, whether it's me or the source of the blood demon, how can you figure it out?"

"Even I... can't count... everything!"

When the abruptly accentuated word "Jian" came down, Yu Beidou's left eye suddenly opened wide and turned blood red. The bloodshot centered on the pupil and radiated in all directions, shaped like a flower blooming, extremely ferocious and terrifying.

But immediately, a black and white gossip pattern appeared, pressing in the left eye, suppressing the surging blood red!

Like the bloodshot petals blooming, they are forced back bit by bit.

The blood in this eye is like a tide, constantly surging, constantly impacting...but it still can't break through the defense line of the gossip pattern.

Finally, the stalemate calmed down.

But a voice sounded at the same time: "How is this body, is it useful?"

The voice of the Gorefiend!

In the entire match between Yu Beidou and Gua Master, the Blood Demon hardly showed any sense of existence because he was suppressed by Yu Beidou from the beginning.

But it can contain most of Yu Beidou's power, how can it be weak?

Cong Rong fled all the way to Duanhun Gorge, only to be suppressed by Yu Beidou, how could it be so simple?

It can be passed on through the ages, making it difficult to trace the origin. How could it have no means?

Gorefiend should not be underestimated!

Gua Shi tried to count the Blood Demon and Yu Beidou together with the cultivation of the top god, and he did make a lot of arrangements.

He brought the four great demons, buried Zheng Fei and Li Shou as pawns for death, set up a life-sacrificing array, and brought an ancient stone altar...

After these methods were resolved one by one, he committed suicide directly, attracting Yanchun to return a sword, and wanted to die with Yu Beidou.

He regards the blood demon suppressed by Yu Beidou as nothing, thinking that with the method left by his master, he can easily trace the source, complete the blood occupation, and ascend to the cave.

But he forgot that in front of such a terrifying Yu Beidou, he could create an opportunity for him... How terrifying is such a gorefiend.

Yu Beidou calculated almost everything and completed the suppression of the hexagram master every step of the way, but he actually didn't know enough about the blood demon. After all, the source of the Gorefiend is too ancient and mysterious, even in the River of Destiny, there are not many traces.

How can there be no price for resurrecting with the blood of the blood demon?

The blood demon killed by Yan Chunhui's sword was just that puppet named Liu Huai, the true source of the blood demon, but he was still peeping at the world in that ancient place!

It can even be said now that the group of life blood that was distributed was the source of the blood demon, deliberately leaving Yu Beidou with opportunities for deployment.

To find a representative body in this world.

How can a Liu Huai, a Jingye, and even Yang Jiande, who suppressed the blood demon kung fu with a strong will, compare to the real person Yu Beidou?

The blood demon body barely resisted Yu Beidou, and was destroyed by Yan Chunhui's sword. It seemed that Yu Beidou used it as a shield, but in fact it was also to protect himself.

The hexagram master begged Yanchun to return the sword to destroy Yu Beidou, and Yu Beidou asked for a resurrection with the blood of the blood demon, but what the blood demon wanted was the resurrected Yu Beidou with the blood of life!

The three parties have their own appeals, each has their own means, and they collide together. Until now, it has not yet ended.

It was precisely when he realized the hidden dangers in his body that Yu Beidou suddenly became talkative and wanted to chat with Jiang Wang.

He was chatting on the surface, but he was actually preparing to deal with it. The Gorefiend is always lurking, just waiting for the opportunity.

As soon as Jiang Wang left, the collision happened immediately.

But at this moment, facing the voice from the depths of his left eye, Yu Beidou still sat still, quite calmly, and only said: "I feel pretty good, I wonder if you can give up?"

The voice of the Gorefiend said: "It is easy to give up for a while, but it is difficult to give up for a lifetime."

"Why don't you give it a try?" Yu Beidou asked: "If you don't give up for a while, how do you know that you are suitable for giving up?"

"Hmph." Gorefiend ignored his nonsense and strange words, and only asked, "Is there a light of humanity in that young man just now?"

"It's not bad, you can see that too." Yu Beidou said eccentrically, "It seems that sleeping for so many years hasn't ruined your brain."

There is a little light of humanity in Jiang Wang's body. It was the reward he received from the sages when he won the first prize at Guanhetai. Or rather, a recognition.

With the light of human nature, if you are a king, the country will prosper, if you walk alone, you can climb the peak.

Yu Beidou still had another move, and it was precisely because of this light of humanity that he made his move, but unfortunately it failed to play a role in the end-since he was seen by the blood demon, it is common sense that he couldn't play a role.

"Oh?" Gorefiend's voice asked, "Do you know who this seat is?"

"Do you think I know?" Yu Beidou asked back.

"Since you know who I am, how dare you be so rude to me?" The voice of the blood demon seemed very angry, and he roared: "Bu Lian dare not talk to me like that, what are you!?"

"Hey! Hey!" Yu Beidou stopped in dissatisfaction: "Why are you still shouting? Don't get too deep into the drama, okay? Do you really think of yourself as some ancient great man?"

"Hehehe." The voice of the blood demon laughed again: "The light of humanity didn't even light him up, don't you understand the ending?"

Yu Beidou's face darkened: "In the River of Destiny, it's really your fault!"

The voice of the Gorefiend replied: "It doesn't matter whether I have tampered with or not. The important thing is, can you face the reality? Can you accept the result? Or... Bu Lian's death has never been learned by you people. Lesson learned?"

Yu Beidou said coldly: "The lesson I have learned deeply in the long river of history is that you can't let these things live." Under the gossip in his left eye, blood began to flicker.

The voice of the blood demon said: "Sure enough...the only lesson that people can learn from history is that people can't learn any lessons from history. This is the root of evil that exists in the depths of your origin. Only by erasing you can there be no more in this world. Great cleanliness!"

"It seems that it is easy to dream after sleeping for a long time, then you continue..." Yu Beidou stretched out his left index finger, and inserted a finger into his left eye!

"Go dream!"

The entire left eye was pierced, all the blood and gossip disappeared, only blood flowed horizontally. In the dark cliff cave, only the hole left by Yan Chunhui's sword attracted a ray of skylight.

Just before this ray of sky.

An old man with white hair and shawl, sitting on the ground, with his left index finger inserted into his left eye.

The entire left eye was penetrated, and the eyeball was exploded. All the blood and gossip disappeared, only the blood mixed with the mucus of the eyeballs, flowing in all directions.

And the voice of the Gorefiend also became faint——

"Okay. We've got plenty of time..."

until it doesn't smell.

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