Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1336 Willing to be Jiang Qingyang's lackey

Miaoman's body was curled up on the bed, as if in a dream, still enduring some kind of pain.

The young man walked forward slowly, stretched out his right hand...


Before he could react, he fell heavily to the ground. The internal organs are like falling apart.

The Dao Yuan in his body was loose, and his neck was tightly pinched by two fingers.

The man's face turned red quickly, his eyes widened, and he looked at the woman wearing a faceless mask who was pressing on him.

"Yan... Yan..."

The unmasked demon glanced at the bottles and jars scattered on the ground, and saw all kinds of wound medicine, so he opened his fingers lightly, but his eyes were still cold: "What do you want to do?"

"You seem to be... badly hurt." The young man said, his voice was nervous: "I want... to help."

"Little waste." The mask-revealing demon snorted, stood up, and walked back to the bed, with a teasing tone: "What can you do for me?"

Liang Jiu, the former disciple of Qingyun Pavilion in Yongguo, lay quietly on the ground, still trapped in the trembling feeling of dying, unable to break free.

Yanzi turned around and sat on the bed, Miaoman's body stilled into a curve. While brushing back her long hair, she wiped off the sweat that had broken out on the back of her neck, retracted her jade hand without any trace, and dropped it on her knee.

With a soft tone: "Fool, what are you still doing lying there?"

Liang Jiu got up in agitation, bumped into those bottles and cans with staggering steps, made a ding-dong sound, and then stopped in fear.

"What are you doing?" Swallow scolded, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No, no. I like... I like it." Liang Jiu hurriedly pressed forward, trembling and climbing onto the swallow.

He reached out to unbutton his collar, but he couldn't undo it for a long time, and the back of his hand touched the mask without facial features.


Yanzi slapped him backhanded, knocked him flying, and slapped him on the ground several times.

"A spoiler!"

There was anger in the cold voice: "Others in their twenties are so beautiful, but you are like a dog in your twenties! You can't do well as a dog, you're clumsy!"

Liang Jiu rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment, and when he stopped, he turned over and knelt down quickly, with his head bowed.

He didn't know why he was slapped.

He didn't know who Yanzi was talking about, let alone that she was wrong, that Jiang Wang wasn't even twenty years old.

He just lowered his eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, curled up with the spirit that had long been wiped out, and whispered: "I'm sorry."

"Alas..." Yanzi sighed, seemed to soften a little, got up and walked in front of Liang Jiu, squatted down slowly, the fragrant wind brushed his nose, and rubbed his forehead with jade hands: "Sister really likes you!" You, I really treat you well, but you look like this, why are you by my sister's side? My sister is teaching you every day, teaching you every day, you can be more confident, okay?"

Liang Jiu was frightened, ashamed and flustered, making a whimpering sound like a puppy: "Yeah."

Swallow reached out and hugged him into his arms.

The two of them pressed close together, feeling a kind of warmth that each other needed.

Trance is also love.



On the original battlefield of Xingyue, the armies of Xiangxu and Xu have gathered.

The leading general of the Xiang Kingdom is the Dazhu Guolian Jingzhi of the Xiang Kingdom. The leader of Xu Country is Fang You, Generalissimo of Xu Country.

Both of them were famous generals for a while, and they were also the best masters of war in the two countries.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the outcome of the war does not depend on them.

The two world-renowned generals really played a role, in fact, there was only one title. Let the people of the country believe that the armies of Xiangxu and Xu are fighting for their own interests.

Filling the battlefield, Qi Jing and a large number of young geniuses from their respective vassal states and vassal states are the quality to be tested in this battle.

Lin Xian, as Rong country's number one pride, is naturally very famous in his country, but he is not conspicuous in Xingyueyuan.

Bao Bozhao, Chaoyu, Xie Baoshu, Wang Yiwu, Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Tian Chang, Wen Lianmu, Gao Zhe...

Only the younger generation of Qi who arrived on the battlefield is full of talents and dazzling, and there is no room for the arrogance of those small countries in the Eastern Region to show their faces.

And because of Rong Guo's careful thinking at the Yellow River Meeting, it was foreseeable that he would be beaten in Xingyueyuan.

So since Lin Xian arrived at Xingyueyuan, he kept a very low profile and never left the camp without a transfer order.

But even so, some things cannot be avoided.

After the day's military meeting, almost as soon as Fang You announced the end of the meeting, Lin Xian got up and left the meeting in a low-key manner, heading for the camp.

After a few steps, he suddenly saw a figure flickering, and a tall man stopped in front of him.

He has a broad nose and wide eyes, rich clothes and a proud face.

The line of sight falls, and some eyes are higher than the top.

"Are you Lin Xian?" the man asked.

Lin Xian nodded calmly, "I've seen Mr. Gao Zhe and Gao."

Gao Zhe was half a head taller than him, looking down at him with great interest, with a kind of calmness of cat and mouse: "Do you know me?"

Facing the heir of the Jinghai Gao family, Lin Xian lowered his attitude: "A small country dare not disrespect a big country. Lin Xian has done his homework."

"Aha?" Gao Zhe looked around and said with a smile, "This man's posture is different from the rumors!"

Yan Fu who was not far away said, "Brother Gao, what are you doing here? I still have a Taoism to discuss with you, let's go to my camp to chat first!"

"Hey, don't be in a hurry." Gao Zhe waved his hand, refusing to step on Yan Fu's ladder, still looking at Lin Xian: "I heard from you Rong people that after Jiang Wang disappeared, you, Lin Xian, are number one in the Eastern Region." Inner Palace?"

Gao Zhe's gesture of looking for trouble is already very obvious.

Wang Yiwu, Wen Lianmu and others who were passing by also stopped and looked over at this time.

Chong Xuansheng and Li Longchuan walked on the other side, but they didn't speak.

Li Longchuan had no friendship with Gao Zhe, and Chong Xuansheng could see Gao Zhe's thoughts when he raised his eyes, so he was too lazy to bother.

Now that Gao Zhe has consolidated his position as the heir of the family, his spirit has also increased a lot. The purpose of coming to the Xingyueyuan battlefield is to make a name for the gold plating. The best way is of course to show off on the battlefield, but it is also one of the ways to step on Lin Xian who has passed the viewing platform. And it's safe and secure.

Bao Bozhao, Chaoyu and others went away without concern for themselves, especially Bao Bozhao, who felt that these were from the younger generation, and that Bao Zhongqing should be with them. Chong Xuanzun didn't even bother to come to Xingyueyuan, and he, Bob Zhao, was usually quite self-confident, keeping a distance from these younger guys.

In addition, geniuses from small countries such as Xu, Zhao, Yi, Chang, etc., dare not approach at all, and only watch from afar.

With so many young talents present, who would lose face and lose momentum?

Thinking about it, it is inevitable to fight.

But Lin Xian, who was blocked by Gao Zhe, didn't raise his eyelids, and just said in a low voice, "I never said that."

"Oh?" Gao Zhe wasn't surprised that Lin Xian would admit to being cowardly, but he was surprised that he was so cowardly so quickly that he didn't struggle at all. He took half a step forward and asked maliciously: "Then in front of so many people now? In front of you, let me ask you, do you think from the bottom of your heart, how do you compare to Jiang Wang?"

Lin Xian raised his eyes, looked left and right, and under the watchful eyes of the young talents from all over the Eastern Region, he said calmly: "I, Lin Xian, am willing to be Jiang Qingyang's lackey. Before Yan Dao, I dare not compare myself to Jiang Wang!"

As soon as this statement came out, those who were noisy, noisy, restless...all fell silent.

The audience is silent!

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the lord, Brother Hua!

Thank you book friend Ling Moyu for being the leader of this book! It's for the 175th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to Dameng for making fat in the sea, another silver league for tipping!

Thanks to Dameng YangSun, the rewarded Xinmeng!

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