Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1337 ?

Chapter 1337 Not without arrogance, not arrogant Jiang Wanger

Which of the geniuses from all over the world doesn't have a heart?

One day is not as good as it is, not necessarily a thousand days is not as good.

Even if you lose on the spot, you still want to pay back in the future.

This is the spirit of a teenager, and even more so, the arrogance of a genius.

If you lose the invincible heart, you cannot have invincible momentum.

It's rare for someone who has worshiped his peers so far to say the words "willing to be a lackey".

No one thinks that Lin Xian can achieve Yan Dao, so what he said, "Before Yan Dao, dare not compare with Jiang Wang", almost limits this life.

To say that Lin Xian is a soft bone, he fought against Xia Guo's embarrassment on the viewing platform, from the beginning to the end of the bloody battle, but he never backed down half a step.

But if he is said to be a tough guy, why is Jiang Wang so respected?

Put yourself too low, and put Jiang Wang too high!

Many people who did not go to Guanhe Terrace in person could not help re-examining the Yellow River meeting that had not long ended. Was it even more exciting than expected to be able to squeeze into the top three Neifuchang in history?

Is Jiang Wang, the leader of the Yellow River, more powerful than imagined?

"Hahahaha." Gao Zhe smiled very comfortably: "As Jiang Qingyang's friend, I have to recognize your vision! You are self-aware. Those rumors about wanting to come to Rongguo are not your acquiescence!"

With a condescending attitude and as Jiang Wang's friend, he expressed his "understanding".

But Lin Xian glanced at him, and just asked calmly: "Is there anything else, Mr. Gao?"

"Willing to be Jiang Qingyang's lackey", in the eyes of others, may be exaggerated or even flattering. But for him, who witnessed the legendary battle with his own eyes, Jiang Wang, who has become the number one inner palace in history, cannot be overstated no matter how much he praises. That is the back of what he has been chasing all his life... In order to restore the confidence of the people, the Rong people did make a lot of voices after Jiang Wang's disappearance. It's time to wake up!

Self-deception is not advisable, the weaker you are, the more you should face up to the gap.

So he simply took this opportunity to make a public statement.

He said what was in his heart, so he was calm, and he didn't feel that he was servile at all. As for what others think, he doesn't care.

Born in a small country like Rongguo, is there still less discrimination and contempt?

As for Gao Zhe's approval...

All I can say is, be happy with this person!

Gao Zhe felt that he had attacked Rong Guo Tianjiao's arrogance, and beat Rong Guo on behalf of Qi Guo. At this moment, looking at Zixiong, he asked with a smile: "Brother Lin has such vision, so what do you think, I am better than Jiang Wang?"

As soon as this question came out, Yan Fu was the first to walk away. Among the group of people who have made good friends with Jiang Wang, he and Gao Zhe are the only ones who have a friendship, but it's not necessarily how deep the friendship is.

Yan Fu is gentle and generous in his dealings with others. In the circle of Linzi princes, he has maintained good relations with many people. In these relationships, there is also a relative who is close or distant.

It was Jiang Wang who helped him solve Jiang Wuyou's troubles, and it was Jiang Wang who accompanied him to Fufeng Liu's. The relationship is not comparable to that of Gao Zhe, a friend of wine and meat.

He spends a lot of money and is not stingy with anyone, but he has a steelyard in his heart.

In his opinion, Gao Zhe is already too inflated. In the past, when he was second in the family, he was still able to maintain modesty. Now that he has secured his position as the heir of the family, he is a bit ignorant.

Taking advantage of the power of Qi and the name of Jiang Wang, it is not enough to suppress Lin Xian, and want to take the opportunity to lift himself up?

It's not something a friend should do, nor is it something someone sober enough to say.

It can only be said... not to be close friends.

So he showed his attitude by leaving.

Hearing the same words, Li Longchuan raised his sword eyebrows, while Chong Xuansheng narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Lin Xian, who stood opposite Gao Zhe and was really facing this problem, just smiled, turned around and left without saying anything.

Gao Zhe's face suddenly turned ugly: "What do you mean by the surname Lin?"

Lin Xian kept walking, and only left his words behind: "I don't know why Jiang Qingyang has a friend like you, and I don't even know, what do you compare with him."

"Then what do you think..." Gao Zhe looked at his back, and threatened darkly, "How are you better than me?!"

Lin Xian turned his head suddenly, his eyes were like cold lightning: "Xingyueyuan fought against each other, and fighting in the same battle is not good. After this battle, you can come to me and let you go through the second round. I will be counted as Lin Xian." lose!"

Born in a small country, facing the aristocratic family of the overlord country...

The same is true of his arrogance!

Everyone was shocked!

Linxian fruit is not cartilage.

It turned out that he was not arrogant, but he was not proud of Jiang Wang!

Wen Lianmu was on the sidelines, his eyes narrowed.

Lin Xian possesses top-level supernatural powers like Unrestrained, but also has a persevering personality and outstanding sword skills. As the military document of the Tianfu Army, he had carefully studied him. After all, the Eastern Territory will not be able to get around these arrogances in the next few decades or hundreds of years.

Although Jiang Wang won the championship at Guanhe Terrace, he is undoubtedly the number one inner palace in the world. It's not that there is no hope of surpassing at all, Lin Xian shouldn't be asked to look up to this point.

So... what else happened after that?

During Jiang Wang's disappearance, did he hide in Rongguo?

After the meeting of the Yellow River, how far Jiang Wang has progressed.

That's why Lin Xian has the arrogance to defeat Gao Zhe, but he doesn't have the heart to compare with him at all?

He couldn't help but glanced at Wang Yiwu.

He stands like a javelin, with no color on his face. It doesn't seem that Lin Xian's words are too much.

That's right, as proud as Wang Yiwu, the only opponent of the same level he recognizes is Jiang Wang. So if you compare yourself with yourself, no matter what kind of praise you give Jiang Wang, he will probably recognize it...

In his eyes, not only Gao Zhe is vulnerable, but Lin Xian is probably not worthy of punching.

Even when he stopped to watch the dispute, it was only because he heard the word "Jiang Wang". Lin Xian Gao Zhe, what is it worth seeing?

This invincible mentality is what Wen Lianmu admires, but it also makes him worry. Today's Wang Yiwu is not lost to Jiang Mengxiong at the same stage back then, but Jiang Mengxiong was invincible at the same level back then, but today there is Jiang Qingyang!

Once Wang Yiwu realizes one day that he will never catch up with Jiang Wang, what will he do? Can he face up to the gap calmly like Lin Xian? Or...will he never recover from this fall?

Wen Lianmu quickly killed this dangerous thought in his heart.

No... No matter what Jiang Wang did, it was impossible to pull Wang Yiwu so far. Maybe it's just because Lin Xian himself is rare and strange.

Thinking of this, Wen Lianmu couldn't help but look at Lin Xian again.

He is as powerful as Shen Yuan, standing in the field outstandingly.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you haven't seen the world...

Lin Xian, who claims to be Jiang Qingyang's running dog, utters wild words to Gao Zhe, claiming that he doesn't need a second blow, and doesn't give Jinghai Gao any face.

Gao Zhe was placed on the stage for a while, unable to go up or down. This provocation is nothing more than taking advantage of the situation to suppress others. If he really talks about his own cultivation, what can he use to go up to Guanhetai? Can he really fight Lin Xian? Can he really withstand Lin Xian's second stab?

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Xian had strode away.

He gritted his teeth and was about to say something harsh, but felt that it was too late to say anything at this time.

He turned back to look at Yan Fu, but Yan Fu was no longer there.

Then I went to look at Chong Xuansheng and Li Longchuan, but I only saw the backs of the two leaving.

Thinking of him as the heir of the Jinghai Gao family, the son of a new wealthy family in Qi, why did he lose face so much by stepping on a person from a small country?

The Gao family always has the strongest relationship with the palace, and the local government has only started to operate in recent years, and has no foundation in the army. Right now in the military camp, no matter whether it is Li Longchuan or Chong Xuansheng, it is not difficult to force Rongguo to make Lin Xian bow his head, but now they clearly don't intend to take care of this matter...

Are they angry?

Where did they get their grievances from!

He Gao Zhe and Jiang Wang are also brothers, how many drinks have they had together, what's the point of pulling a tiger's skin and borrowing some fame? Why? !

People like Yan Fu, Li Longchuan, Chong Xuansheng... because of their family background, they never really respected him! Always look around Jiang, often ignoring his feelings. Sometimes I asked Jiang Wang if he wanted this, and sometimes he asked Jiang Wang if that was good. No one ever asked him how he was. Going to brothels and eating banquets together, he will always be like a fringe figure, always like a little follower behind the son.

It was like this in the past, but now it is the heir of the Gao family, it is still the same!

He looked around and it felt like everyone was laughing at him.

But the arrogance of the small countries is still far away, and the one who is close... Can he anger Wang Yiwu, or Wen Lianmu?

"Oh, it's also interesting." In the end, he could only sneer like this, and left alone.

But before that, the "audience" had already left, and no one watched him perform.

Thanks to book friend Aesculus Aesculus for being the leader of this book! It's for the 176th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Save one chapter today and another chapter tomorrow. With two chapters saved, there is room for revision. Then start paying off your debts.

This is the current arrangement!

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