Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1338


The same three words, uttered by Chong Xuansheng, brought a bit of lightheartedness and joking.

Fourteen still silently followed behind, without saying a word.

Li Longchuan walked beside, and casually continued: "Brother Chongxuan, who are you talking about?"

Chongxuansheng smiled but not smiled: "It's all interesting."

Li Longchuan shook his head and sighed: "I really didn't expect that Gao Zhe would come out like this. We usually drink and eat meat together, he doesn't seem like such a disrespectful person."

"You haven't seen him for a long time. I don't know what kind of fairy life he lived in Jinghai County. Wannian's second child turned over, so naturally he is invincible."

After the end of the Battle of Extinguishing Yang, the cake was divided among Xuan and Chuliang, and the Gao family was given the position of governor, so the two families became friendly. Chong Xuansheng also came into contact with Gao Zhe in this way, and this should be one of his management.

But at this moment when talking about Gao Zhe who is a little 'out of control', his tone is still very relaxed: "In different positions, showing completely different things, this is the appearance of most people. Like Jiang Qingyang who is so stupid How many can there be?"

"Hahahaha." Li Longchuan laughed: "I don't guarantee that Jiang Wang won't hear that."

"Oh, I'm afraid of him?" Chong Xuansheng said something hard, and then naturally moved away from the topic: "This Lin Xian is not simple."

"Yes." Li Longchuan's expression also became serious: "His strength has improved a lot compared to when he watched the river platform."

Li Longchuan possesses supernatural powers, and of course his judgment of Lin Xian's strength is very accurate.

But this is not what Chong Xuansheng wanted to say.

He shook his head: "It's not just strength."

"That's right." Li Longchuan's Ying eyes moved slightly: "This person can quickly judge that the friendship between Gao Zhe and Jiang Wang is not strong after Gao Zhe said a word, and there has also been a rift with us, and he stepped on Gao Zhe's power decisively. The situation of being suppressed since sweeping into Xingyueyuan...its agility and decisiveness are very human, not just its superior strength."

"Ha, it's easy to talk to you." Chong Xuansheng smiled and said, "It's much easier than talking to Jiang Wang!"

Li Longchuan also smiled: "It's a moment of relief to step on someone behind, it's not cheap to seal my mouth."

"Lin Xian." Chong Xuansheng brought the topic back naturally: "Praise Jiang Wang without any hesitation, not only got rid of the reputation of arrogance, but also reduced his sense of threat. It is for sobriety and self-control. Grab It is courageous and self-confident to stand up to Gao Zhe when he seizes the opportunity. In the current situation of Xingyueyuan, if he can still maintain his prestige and national dignity, this person already has the talent for integrity!"

When envoys are ordered to travel, they must hold talisman festivals as proof.

Those who can act as envoys to other countries on behalf of the emperor must be first-class talents.

It is necessary not to violate the order of the emperor internally, and not to lose the national dignity externally.

Chong Xuansheng's words are already extremely high praise.

And Li Longchuan just nodded, not feeling anything wrong at all. Lin Xian's performance deserves such praise.

Rong Guo secretly cultivated the Tianjiao of the inner government for many years, hoping to become famous in the Yellow River Tournament, but he failed to make it in the main match. Now being forced to send the number one genius in the country to the battlefield, it is impossible not to be despised from the beginning to the end.

However, Lin Xian took advantage of Gao Zhe's provocative opportunity to reverse his image in one fell swoop. It is difficult for anyone to do better under the same conditions.


Li Longchuan thought. If it was Chong Xuansheng who was in a different position, I am afraid that Gao Zhe's behavior today was planned in advance, and he could have performed better. If it was Jiang Wang who was in a different position, then Rong Guo had already succeeded in the Yellow River meeting...

From this point of view, although Lin Xian is a good talent, he still has a long way to go.

"I'm just curious now..."

Chong Xuansheng raised his eyes and looked into the distance: "What did Jiang Wang do to make such a talented person like Lin Xian admired so much?"

When the war started, the Illusionary Realm had been blocked, so he couldn't get in touch with Jiang Wang in time, and didn't know about Jiang Wang's recent situation. Before Lin Xian spoke today, he thought that Jiang Wang was still hiding somewhere to practice.

"I want to come..." Li Longchuan also looked into the distance: "It's the time of meeting again!"

Since Jiang Wang received the task of investigating Huang Yixing's case, there have been constant disturbances all the way, from Qi State to Jing State, from the name of treason to the crime of conspiracy, from Pingguo to Zhao Xuanyang... It can be said that every step is startling, In the end, it also stirred up the world.

Even Xingyueyuan's battle was based on his disappearance.

As Jiang Wang's friend, and at the same time the origin of the Shimen Li family, the news of Jiang Wang's safety is not a secret to him. He was also curious about what Jiang Wang did to make Lin Xian admire him so much.

I just hate being on the battlefield and not being able to find him immediately.



Thousands of people have thousands of thoughts, Jiang Wang didn't know how people were talking about him in Xingyueyuan where the army gathered.

After bidding farewell to Yu Beidou and leaving Duanhun Gorge alone, he stood at the mouth of the canyon, listening to the wind passing through the gorge behind him, and pressed his sword to howl for a moment.

Finally hold back.

The experience of coming close to death is not good, and the feeling of being powerless in the game is not good.

Looking back at Duanhun Gorge, he raised his index finger. The smoke condensed into green grass, leaving the fingertips, swaying.

Yu Beidou helped deduce the secret art of remembrance, which is known as "but there is a confrontation, the soul is aware, it will not stop within three days, and it will be chased even thousands of miles away."

It is based on the cognition of the tracking target at the level of the soul, and it is engraved to form the induction at the level of the soul, so as to complete the possibility of tracking.

A simple description from the perspective of practical use is to imprint the relevant characteristics of the target soul on the level of one's own soul, thus forming a kind of induction similar to the "child body" and "mother body".

From this point of view, this technique is still called Reminiscence, which means Wanderer's Thoughts, which is very appropriate.

He used this technique at this time, of course, to track down the demons.

It is still not beautiful if the four great men kill the third.

As the saying goes, get rid of evil and do everything, since the body has fully recovered, it might as well have a chase!

The sublimation of the secret art of remembrance was already after Yanzi escaped, but before she escaped, Jiang Wang was already ready to fight with the soul, and the pupil of Qianyang had been opened, so she had a clearer understanding of her soul.

It is not difficult to "describe" again at this moment.

The only considerations are time and distance.

Because everyone's soul is constantly changing, and the induction at the level of the soul is not stable, so it can only last for three days at most, and there is a certain distance limit.

At present, the distance limit depends on Jiang Wang's own soul power.

The reminiscence grass appeared on the fingertips, and the veins moved on the grass blades, vaguely forming a phantom of a woman.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see it, but it is the imprint of the soul that embodies the characteristics of the soul of the demon.

The first step of reminiscing has been completed, and the next step is to look at the interaction between it and the "imitated" soul body.

Too long cannot succeed, too far cannot succeed.

The blade of grass swayed for a while, fell gently, and pointed to the southeast!

"Xiaocao lowers her head, as if thinking about it. Those who go can be chased, and those who come can be reached."

Jiang Wang stood up, piercing the clouds and flying away.

Only the sound of hunting in green shirts remained, which seemed to echo the desolate wind of Duanhun Gorge that had not changed for thousands of years.

Thank you book friend "Mu Ranyu" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 177th alliance in this book!

In addition, recommend a book that Tangyuanjiang likes, "Unscientific Royal Beast" by Qingquan Liuxiang.

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