Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1351 Honor

After a long conversation in the military tent at night, Jiang Wang knew why Chong Xuansheng and Gao Zhe had cut seats.

For Gao Zhe, he actually has no emotions. When we were playing together earlier, we didn't get along very well. Some fundamental things cannot be concealed, such as Gao Zhe's jealousy towards Yan Fu...

It was only later that the jealousy was transferred to him, Jiang Wang.

Now that Chong Xuansheng has made a decision, it will be dealt with in this way, and the seats will be cut.

Not to mention that Zhong Xuansheng's grasp of Qi's political environment and understanding of people's hearts are far superior to him. Follow Brother Sheng to make choices, and rarely make mistakes.

Some people always think that only being good at dancing can be called a means of communication, but they don't know that temper is also a very important point in interpersonal communication. To whom to lose your temper, under what circumstances, and how to lose your temper is a big question.

It was also at this time that Chong Xuansheng knew that Jiang Wang had not received his notification, but had bumped into Xingyueyuan by chance to catch up with the battle.

I couldn't help curling my lips: "I thought you were deliberately exorcising demons to gain fame before the battle, but after thinking about it, you don't seem to be the person who can think of this... It's just a coincidence!"

Jiang Wang glanced at him with a dangerous look in his eyes: "You don't seem to respect the number one inner palace of all ages."

"Hey!" Chong Xuansheng slapped him on the arm affectionately: "I'm praising you for being honest and honest, modest and restrained! You can't do that kind of ostentatious thing!"

Fourteen was right next to him, so Jiang Wang would save some face for the fat man and didn't care too much about it.

He just smiled: "Really? I think you are quite honest and honest!"

"That's right!" Chong Xuansheng said bluntly: "Otherwise, how could we two be as good as brothers? This is to divide people into groups, and the simple ones will meet with the simple ones!"

Jiang Wang wanted to say something, it's not easy to make eye contact with you. But after thinking about it for such a long time, it's better to keep some warmth. Followed and boasted: "Mr. Chongxuan's righteousness is weak to Yuntian, so who doesn't know?"

Chong Xuansheng grinned and said: "Low-key, low-key, I don't like to make public. Unlike those long-faced people who like to wear white clothes."

"By the way, Brother Chunpu." Jiang Wang looked at him with a half-smile, "I heard that someone paid me for the unparalleled heavenly amulet I put in the fief?"

Ordinary people must subconsciously ask "Who did you listen to?", wishing to settle accounts with the informer immediately and expose themselves completely.

But who is heavy and fat?

He patted his forehead very naturally: "Look at my memory! If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot it! There is such a thing, your amulet has an accident... I will help you get the compensation back!"

After all, he solemnly took out a knife and money, and put it in Jiang Wang's hand.

Jiang Wang looked at the knife money in his hand, then at Xuan Sheng, and then at the knife money.

"What's the matter?" Chong Xuansheng asked with a confused face, "Didn't you buy it for a dollar?"

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

She simply used her strengths to avoid her weaknesses, and looked at Fourteen politely: "Miss Fourteen, it's a beautiful day tonight, or you can go out and enjoy the moon..."


At the end of the fourteenth year, I failed to appreciate Chengyue.

Because we are in Xingyueyuan at this time, and there is still a big battle tomorrow, almost every Tianjiao is hurrying up to familiarize themselves with the army, understand the battlefield, and correct their goals...

So Chong Xuansheng was so heartbroken that he even chatted with Jiang Wang for half the night.

Coming out of Chongxuansheng's military tent, Jiang Wang went to find his tenth battalion.

Most of the soldiers in the camp are ordinary people who only know some simple military skills. Except for the night watch team, most of them have fallen asleep,

Lin Xian led two people to patrol the camp very conscientiously.

When Jiang Wang came to the camp, he was chatting with a night watch soldier.

On weekdays, the opponent's soldiers greet each other with care, and only in war can the soldiers fight to the death... This is probably the necessary quality of a famous general. In this regard, Lin Xian did a good job.

Seeing Jiang Wang from a distance, he hurried over to greet him, and said respectfully, "Master Jiang."

Jiang Wang already knew at this time that when he was fighting the Four Great Demons alone, Lin Xian was watching the battle from the sidelines. I also know how Lin Xian defends himself in front of everyone, saying something like "willing to be a running dog", as if he is his fanatical follower...

Inevitably some mood delicate.

"General Lin, you have worked hard. I chatted with Brother Chongxuan for too long, and I wasted time, leaving you to suffer here alone."

"This is a matter of duty, and the general will not feel hard." Lin Xian's attitude is very humble: "Is the general free now? I will report to you the specific situation of our battalion."

"Just about to ask General Lin for advice..." Jiang Wang said, "Let's talk about it in the camp."

After entering the general's tent, the two sides sat down. Lin Xian didn't waste any time, and immediately said: "There are five thousand people in our battalion, all of whom are good men full of blood, enough to support an ordinary army of blood. The camp will be divided into five teams, There are thousands of people in each team, and the five teams are all at the Heaven-reaching Realm..."

As far as ordinary people are concerned, there are indeed differences in innate physical strength between men and women. Generally speaking, men's blood will be stronger.

The military battle formation is to make ordinary people show extraordinary combat power by mobilizing their blood and energy.

"With the power of the crowd, to Ling Chaofan".

Therefore, most of the ordinary soldiers in the armies of various countries are men.

After transcendence, the difference in innate physical strength was erased. What determines the strength of a battle is only each person's own cultivation.

Correspondingly, in the army, among all kinds of officers with extraordinary cultivation, there is no restriction on gender, men and women are common.

After Jiang Wang quietly listened to Lin Xian's introduction, he had a general understanding of the tenth battalion he was in charge of.

There are a total of fifty extraordinary monks, that is, there is one extraordinary monk for every hundred soldiers. For Xu Guo, it is indeed a genuine main lineup.

These extraordinary monks are the core connecting various blood and energy battle formations, and other ordinary soldiers are the foundation of various blood and energy battle formations.

If it is an army composed entirely of extraordinary monks, it can naturally use all kinds of true essence battle formations directly. Of course, it doesn't mean that the true essence battle formation is necessarily stronger than the blood energy battle formation, it's just that extraordinary monks have more choices after all.

"I probably understand it." Jiang Wangzan said: "General Lin sorted it out very clearly...Born as a general?"

"Learned some tactics of war..." Lin Xian shook his head and said, "I made you laugh."

Although he didn't show much, but he not only learned some...

Rong Guo is really cultivating Lin Xian as a future pillar, not just a thug with amazing cultivation talent.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "I heard that in the Duanhun Gorge, when I fought with the evil people and demons, were you there?"

"Yes, I hid in the formation with my unrestrained magical powers..." Lin Xian said a little shyly, "It was my honor to watch Master Jiang's legendary battle."

"I actually have a doubt..." Jiang Wang looked at him with a smile: "When I was very weak for a while, since you were watching from the side, why didn't you attack me?"

Lin Xian was silent for a while, pursed his lips, and then said: "To be honest, I have such a thought. You are the pride of Qi, like a high mountain, and I can't breathe. I really thought about... move away you."

"But there are two factors that influence my choice."

"One is that when you first entered Duanhun Gorge, you could kill me easily, but you just kept me a secret, and you didn't do anything else. The images at that time always popped into my mind."

"One is the fear of you. Even if you are in that state, I feel in my heart that you are invincible."

He knelt down, put his hands on his knees, expressed a kind of submission, and confessed frankly: "To be honest, I don't know whether to respect you more or fear you more. In short, I hesitated for a long time, and I couldn't pull out the Take out my knife. I can only choose to leave quietly..."

After Lin Xian said these words, he bowed his head to Jiang Wang and saluted: "This is the mood of a weak person like me. If Mr. Jiang minds, I will be expelled from the camp now. I can understand it."

Jiang Wang couldn't help laughing: "General Lin is too worried! A gentleman doesn't care about his deeds, and no one is perfect in the world. When I met you in Duanhun Gorge, why didn't I have the idea of ​​killing you?"

He said frankly: "There will also be such a voice in my heart telling me-'Maybe killing this person is the best way to keep it secret'. But at the same time, I will also ask myself, what is the crime of this person? Why must I be killed? Why? Although we belong to two countries, we do not meet each other on the battlefield, and we have no enmity with each other.

I think. This person must also shoulder the expectations of many people, and must be concerned by many people. If he dies, many people will be sad.

If I kill people for no reason just because I am stronger than this person, then what is the difference between me and a demon?

After asking myself this way, I have no intention of doing it. "

"The sages said, 'There are thousands of thoughts in one heart'. I think that people's evil and good thoughts are constantly being produced, and that flash, whether it is a good thought or an evil thought, cannot determine what kind of person we are.

What determines the background of our life is the choice we make in the end...

Man is determined by his choices. It doesn't matter what you think. You are what you choose. "

Lin Xian looked at Jiang Wang seriously, and bowed down deeply this time: "Listening to your words is better than reading for ten years. Lin Xian has been taught!"

Jiang Wang quickly took his arm and lifted him up: "We are all the same age, just discussing each other's life. Brother Lin is not such a big gift!"

Lin Xian couldn't go on worshiping, so he straightened up and sighed authentically: "I seem to know why you can become the number one inner palace in Qing history."

"On the long road of cultivation, the inner mansion is just one of the small hills. Even if it is the number one in ancient and modern times, it can't stand the blow of the gods. Today, I am as powerless as an ant under the sword that pours into the sea." Jiang Wang shook his head and said, "Stop flattering me, we are all pedestrians who have just set off, and we must try our best to look further."

Lin Xian said earnestly: "Jiang Jun's good words today, Lin Xian will never forget them. I hope that the rest of my life will work hard, and I can count on Jiang Jun's performance."

Jiang Wang is really not an arrogant person. Except sometimes deliberately annoying people or fighting for power during war, he usually only brags a few words in front of his sister. He is really not used to Lin Xian's non-stop fanatical praise inside and outside the words.

Even... a little shy.

Quickly changed the subject and said: "This time in the battle of Xingyueyuan, the opponent should not be underestimated..."

Lin Xian said confidently: "I believe we will be able to win under your leadership!"

"..." Jiang Wang said: "What I want to say is, you will be the chief general, and I will be your deputy general."

Lin Xian was startled, and hurriedly avoided the table and said, "Master Jiang, what dissatisfaction do you have with Lin Xian?"

"No no no." Jiang Wang supported him and said seriously: "On the contrary! When I was watching the river platform, I admired you very much. Please don't worry too much."

"I'm telling you this matter from the bottom of my heart. I have to be honest. I don't know anything about the art of war, and I really don't know how to lead an army into battle. Fighting and killing the enemy is regarded as courageous, but I am powerless to lead an army! Commander, what color do I have?

It's just an ordinary war. This time our opponent is Jing Guo, who is the strongest in the world and has a profound background, how can we have the right to underestimate it? I asked you to be the general for the sake of the outcome of the war. "

He had planned to do this a long time ago, but only made such a decision after getting to know Lin Xian better.

It is definitely not a hypocritical temptation, but a sincere abdication.

Lin Xian stared at him for a while, confirming that he was not pretending, and then sighed: "Your realm makes me look up to a mountain!"

"But I can't say yes!" he said.

"Why?" Jiang Wang asked.

"There are three things to avoid in this matter." Lin Xian said seriously: "A general is the courage of an army. Everyone knows it, but I am silent and unknown. If you are a general, thousands of troops will change, and if I am a general, people will panic. It is for courage. Lose, this one is not advisable."

"In this place of chaotic warfare, it is easy to die alone. This formation is divided into ten battalions, and the nine battalion leaders are all together. The king is the leader, and everyone will help him. I am the leader, and everyone will avoid him. It is a loser. The two Not advisable."

"The so-called 'virtue does not match, there will be disasters'. My virtue is not as good as the king, my strength is not as good as the king, and the name and power are not as good as the brave. An Neng is above the king? Is it because of the loss of virtue, and these three are not desirable."

After finishing speaking, he said sincerely: "Please don't think so!"

After listening to Jiang Wang, although he still didn't think he had enough ability to run an army, he was persuaded by Lin Xian. In particular, the theory of "potential loss" was completely foreseeable by him. Of course Chong Xuansheng and others spared no effort to help him, but who is Lin Xian?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "But it's true that I haven't read military books, and I haven't experienced wars. I'm afraid I'll miss the life of my subordinates!"

"If you trust the last general, the last general will be in charge." Lin Xian said: "The king is the banner, and the last general has wings. The front of the flag has something to say, and the last general will lead the army straight."

He had already talked about this point, and Jiang Wang had no room to refuse. He just said: "Then let's discuss it. Whether you can fight or not, how to fight, you bother. I will kill whoever I say!"

In general, the two parties reached an agreement. Jiang Wang is still the main general and serves as the banner of the Tenth Battalion. Lin Xian controls the army formation and serves as the core of the Tenth Battalion.

The two talked very happily, and the more they talked, the more they felt that each other was trustworthy.

At the moment, we discussed many situations on the battlefield, and made several contingency plans...

It wasn't until the night watchmen walked outside the tent again that the two realized that a long time had passed.

"The subordinates will leave first." Lin Xian got up and said.

Jiang Wang was no longer so polite to him this time, he just smiled and said, "Then I won't give it away."

Lin Xian smiled: "Don't give it away, don't give it away."

Leave the seat and go out.

Before leaving the door, he turned around abruptly and bowed deeply to Jiang Wang: "It doesn't matter how the battle wins or loses. It's Lin Xian's honor to work with you and be the same robe!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jiang Wang to respond, he turned around with big strides, lifted the curtain and left.

The stars and the moon outside the curtain are all pressed down so low that they seem to be easily plucked.

This chapter is two in one.

One of the chapters is to add updates to the Great Alliance Yan Shaofei.


How many days have I been killing in a row?

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