Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1352 ? No reply

Chapter 1352 No reply

Chen Guo, no return to the valley.

There is fog all year round, day and night... There are endless rumors of ghosts.

The interior of the valley is quiet and peaceful, especially tonight when the moon and stars are scarce, and the wooden house is in front of the clear stream, and the feeling of tranquility flows quietly.

"Wow woof!"

The old yellow dog barked suddenly.

This cry disturbed the night, and the clear stream also rippled, and the shadow of the moon shattered the shadow of the water.

The valley woke up.

There is a horse in front of the wooden house, and a dozing white-haired old man sits on the horse.

"What's the noise?" He murmured dissatisfiedly with his eyes closed.

"Boss, it's me."

A young man with long hair and blood eyes broke through the light night and walked quickly to the old man.

"Wow woof!"

The old yellow dog lying in the corner yelled at him a few more times, looking very ferocious.

It's a pity that the old look with tired bones is really not deterrent.

Also bully this "newcomer" and dare not contradict it.

The old man sitting on the saddle opened his eyes and looked: "Oh, little snake."

Fang Heling has long been used to it.

He said calmly, "I am Xiaohe."

"Xiaohe..." The old man stood up and leaned in front of him, muttering, "There is a woman in my room, do you know who she is? Lying on my bed, I can't sleep! "

"Master Jiemian." Fang Heling replied.

"Oh..." The old man pondered for a while: "Who?"

Fang Heling thought for a while, then covered his face with his left hand: "It's Lord Yanzi."

"Yan... son." The old man murmured: "Yan... I am Yan Chunhui... Yan Chunhui is me!"

"Ginger Mengxiong!"

He suddenly twisted his body and looked towards the east, the turbidity in those old eyes was suddenly washed away, like a clear stream washing away the bright moon, a layer of clear light flooded out, extremely sharp!

The clear stream in front of the wooden house seemed to have frozen.

The old yellow dog clamped its tail in an instant.

There is no wind, and there seems to be no stars and no moon.

Fang Heling stood still with downcast eyes.

"How are you going out this time?" The old man's tone has completely changed. Although his voice is still old, but at this moment there is a sense of indifference overlooking the common people.

"Everything you told me has been done," Fang Heling said.

The old man took out a yellowed ancient book from his bosom, handed it to him and said, "This is the sword manual you want, a fierce sword that has been banned from the world in the flying sword era..."

Fang Heling took it silently.

He didn't thank you, because there was no need to thank him.

Here at the head of the demons, giving and receiving are always equal.

And this is what he deserves.

"You can still think about it now." The old man said.

"This is my choice." Fang Heling said.

"Go to bed early." He saluted the old man, turned and walked out.

Walk very firmly.

This is an era of arrogance in large numbers.

He can't walk fast, he can only walk like this.

"Wow woof!"

After calming down for a while, the old yellow dog felt that he could do it again, so he barked at Fang Heling's back again, majesticly.

The old man glanced at it.

It immediately shut up and wagged its tail fawningly.

"Stupid dog, you can't even squeeze a persimmon to make it soft." The old man shook his head and walked into the wooden house.

The old yellow dog wagged his tail and sent him in, very obediently.

When he walked into the wooden house.

The old yellow dog immediately tilted his head and spat: "Bah!"

He even uttered the words: "Is there a good person in your broken valley? Where can I go to squeeze the persimmons?"

It cursed a few words angrily, lay down sleepily again, and narrowed its eyes.

The construction of the log house is very simple.

There is only one kitchen, one main room, and one bedroom.

Entering the door is the main room, the kitchen is on the left, and the bedroom is on the right.

There is an Eight Immortals table on the top wall of the main room, surrounded by three stools.

There are several small dishes on the table, which are covered with a bamboo cover to protect them from pests and flies.

Looking up, a black wooden shrine hangs on the wall.

There is an incense burner in the shrine, there is burning incense, and even the incense ashes are half-stored...but there is no statue of the god.

Not even a picture of God.

I don't know what it is offering.

Other than that, the main room was empty.

Yan Chunhui turned right and walked into the bedroom.

This bedroom still maintains a simple overall style.

The bed was a very simple and narrow bamboo bed for one person, it was leaning against the wall alone, without even a curtain, let alone other decorations.

What is a bit out of tune with the style of the whole house is——

In the bedroom near the window, there is an extremely gorgeous harp.

From the engravings to the luster of the strings...all tell the word "precious".

That is the ultimate attention, the ultimate ingenuity, to produce such a treasure.

And it lay there quietly, waiting for a pair of hands to touch it.

The wooden window was closed, and it should have been closed for a long time.

So this piano must have been lonely for a long time...even if it looks like new.

Yan Chun turned his gaze to the bamboo bed.

At this time, there is a "person" lying on the bed...

If it can still be called a human being.

She has the "shape" of a human being, with a human head, facial features...but not entirely human limbs.

The position of the left hand is probably a paw.

The position of the right hand is like an elephant's leg.

The torso looked like a patchwork of different animals, some with fur, some with spines, not only uneven, but also of different colors...

It should be the position of the legs, but they are relatively uniform, with two colorful snake tails.

The eyes of the lying "person" were closed.

His face was bloody.

Yan Chunhui stepped forward, took a closer look, and raised his wrinkled eyelids slightly.

So the sword chant sounded.

The "person" on the bed opened his eyes immediately.

Looking at the gray-haired Yan Chunhui, she was in a daze for a moment.

But the sudden trance was quickly shattered.

The most beautiful man in Chen country back then is just a forgetful old man now.

And she...

She didn't dare to move her eyes, but after gradually waking up, she showed extreme fear.

"I died. Then you... saved me?" she asked tremblingly.

Yan Chun nodded back.

The horrible conjecture was verified. Tears flowed out all at once, and she almost lost control.

He yelled: "Yan, Yan Chunhui! Why did you save me! Why did you save me? You bastard! You damn...dammit! Who allowed you to use that dirty means to save me? I!"

Yan Chunhui looked at her quietly, without saying a word.

On the bamboo bed, she scolded for a while, and finally seemed to lose her strength, sobbing and crying: "I should have died a long time ago, I should have died three hundred years ago! Why...why are you!"

"Don't cry." Yan Chun replied.

His consolation was feeble and muddy. It was like two drops of sewage squeezed out by wringing the rag hard. Squeeze out as if it finally finished something, but fall down and dirty the place again.

Only the eyeballs of Yanzi's whole body can move, but the afterimages she caught were enough to prove her guess and know what kind of ghost she looks like.

"Ah... ah... woo..."

She wept very badly.

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