Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1353 Emergency

"Do not cry."

The old man standing in front of the bamboo bed gave another dry word of comfort.

Probably seeing that it was really useless, so he said slowly: "After you absorb their vitality, I will help you deal with it, and then you can look good again."

"Wait, wait, wait! You always just wait!" The swallow on the bamboo bed screamed angrily: "I don't want to wait, not even for a moment! You killed me, killed me, killed me!"

Yan Chun looked back at her and said, "You know I won't do that."

His voice can be called gentle, but compared to Yanzi's pain, it is unavoidably cruel.

"You bastard! Yan, kill me! Kill me!"

Swallow cried and shouted, his voice gradually hoarse.

"I don't want... I don't want to live like this! I don't want to for a moment! I don't want...!"

The more painful, the more powerless.

But Yan Chunhui's eyes quietly became cloudy again.

He seemed to be dazed: "I always feel that I forgot something..."

I thought about it for a while, but to no avail.

He sighed a little stooped: "That's all..."

What can't be done in the world?

Who in the world can't do it?

That's all!

"Little snake, it's been three months since I left the valley." He frowned and said, "I don't know if things are done or not?"

It seemed that at this time, the sound of swallows crying reached his ears.

So he leaned forward and squinted at the woman on the bamboo bed...

A little surprised: "Yanzi, why are you hurt so badly?"

Swallow, who had been crying and screaming, suddenly fell silent. His eyes were still weeping, and his mouth was silent. The pain seemed to be swallowed in my heart.

He almost forgot everything in the world...

But I still remember the name.



Jiang Wang sat alone in the military tent, silently adjusted his breath, seized all the time to practice, and didn't let it pass by his fingertips for nothing.

Objectively speaking, even with his current strength, there is still a lot of room for exploration at the level of the Inner Palace.

For example, soul-killing techniques, such as defensive Taoism, such as illusion, such as medical Taoism...

But no matter which aspect is filled, it is impossible to bring about a qualitative improvement.

Because he is now the strongest in the inner palace.

Not only is it the No. 1 in the current inner palace that is the best of its generation, but it is also the No. 1 in ancient and modern history.

On the road of the inner government, he has reached a certain limit in terms of combat power.

The current practice is more about self-examination, checking for deficiencies and making up for omissions, and making the final perfection.

If you want to build the highest building, you should build the most solid foundation.

Invincibility at the inner government level has already happened.

Jiang Wang was not satisfied with this.

He has always seen further.

The Scorching Bone Lotus absorbs the ubiquitous star power.

Because this time Xingyue came to participate in the battle between the two forces of Qi and Jing, and Jiang Mengxiong and Yu Que were obviously sitting nearby.

So he didn't have the idea of ​​contacting Master Guanyan, but just practiced silently.

Having achieved Tianfu, he has a clearer understanding of star power.

After the establishment of the Starlight Holy Building, starlight quenching is a necessary step. The advantage of Tianfu monks is that Wufu Tongyao also has the step of tempering the body.

The strengthening of the physical body by the light of the five supernatural powers is obvious.

The reason why Jiang Wang was able to fight fiercely with a broken heart and a broken leg was due to the Wufu Tongyao's hardening body when he achieved Tianfu.

The light of magic communicates with every muscle, blooming, bringing stronger defense, more strength, and faster speed.

Jiang Wang, who has been tempered by Tongyao of the Five Houses, has a strong physical body, which is not incomparable with those military monks who are good at body training.

For example, Chong Xuanzun, who is very strong in body training, has experienced Wufu Tongyao and Xingguang's body tempering. Once the Tianfu state is activated, he can even fight against Mu Guo Naliang's near-god body.

Of course, the current Jiang Wang, if he wants to compare with Chong Xuanzun in terms of physical strength, the possibility is really not high. After all, Chongxuan is a supernatural power that is too suitable for body training, and the development of this supernatural power by the Chongxuan family has almost reached the extreme...

Probably because of the difference of the burning bone lotus, Jiang Wang was able to detect a long time ago that the ubiquitous "star power" is actually not the same.

The star power from different stars has extremely subtle differences... Although it does not affect the use of them by the Scorching Bone Lotus, this difference exists after all.

This difference is like a certain "attribute", a certain "imprint", like a different identity between people.

The purest star power he has come into contact with so far is just the feedback he got after killing star beasts in the Wuzhi cave in the floating land world.

Any other star powers carry different "imprints".

For example, Yuheng star power is obviously more unpredictable than other star power.

Imagine it from this angle.

The endless starlight meets in the vast universe... Will they also say hello to each other?

"I'm Yuheng", "I'm Ziwei", "Long time no see, Yinghuo"...

There are ten thousand thoughts in one mind, and inexplicable miscellaneous thoughts in practice are inevitable.

Jiang Wang cut it off naturally, allowing himself to focus more on his practice.

Suddenly a voice rang in my ears——

"Little friend Jiang."

"Senior Guan Yan?" Jiang Wang withdrew from the practice state, a little surprised.

He never expected that Master Guan Yan would speak to Xingyueyuan in such an environment.

Except for Yu Que and Jiang Mengxiong, two True Monarchs who are paying attention here. In a state of war, Xingyue was originally isolated from information transmission.

Even the Illusory Realm can no longer communicate, and the difficulty of sending voices from the Senhaiyuan Realm must be far greater than before.

What is it that makes Master Guan Yan have to speak at this time?

"Little friend, I have something to ask." Guan Yan's voice came from Yuheng Xingli.

Although there was no emotion coming from it, it must be very urgent for Grandmaster Guan Yan to break through the blockade at this time, and to transmit the sound from the distant Senhai world to this point. He has always been calm in the face of the powerful terrorists in the equal country, and he didn't even have a little greeting tonight, so he asked Jiang Wang for help...

Jiang Wang didn't have time to think about it, and immediately said solemnly: "If you need me to do something, please just tell me, Master."

"Come to Senhai Yuanjie, there are some things here that need your help to deal with." Guan Yan said.

"I'll go right away." Jiang Wang said.

After a pause, he said again: " can I get there?"

"You go to the Seven Star Valley first, and I will pick you up there."

The last time I went to the Senhaiyuan Realm, I passed through the Seven Star Building Secret Realm in the Seven Star Valley. Jiang Wangzi is no stranger to that place.

He only asked: "After I arrive at the Seven Star Valley, how will I inform you?"

"When you arrive at the Seven Star Valley, I will know."

Jiang Wang didn't hesitate at all: "Okay, I'll go right away."

After waiting for a while, there was no more sound from Yuheng Xingli.

Master Guan Yan didn't even say goodbye...

Things may be more urgent than imagined.

Over there at Senhai Yuanjie...what happened?

Jiang Wang held the long sword and lifted the curtain under the night to come out.

It's the weekend, I won't write at night, I'll take a break and watch a movie or something...

And let Brother Yan go, and cut it next week.

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