Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1354 ? But Please

Chapter 1354 But please

"The significance of this battle at Xingyueyuan is more important than you imagined. If you succeed in this battle, it may affect your future in the next ten years. Especially if you leave now, you will lose more than you imagined." you have to go?"

Chong Xuansheng stared at Jiang Wang with a serious expression on his face.

"I have to go." Jiang Wang said: "Fame, honor and disgrace are of course important, but to me, some things are more important than this... I just came to tell you. On the battlefield, swords have no eyes. I will go." Then, protect yourself!"

"Get rolling." Chong Xuansheng shook his hand: "What's the matter that I can't live without you? I'm the queen!"

Jiang Wangdao: "Longchuan and Yanfu, you help me convey the news. And Lin Xian is also in charge of that battalion. He manages the army well and is reliable. He won't delay you. leg."

Chong Xuansheng was obviously not very willing, but he still pinched his nose and said, "Okay, okay, I remember!"

Jiang Wang stopped talking nonsense with him, turned around and left the camp.

The stretching military tents are neat and orderly under the starlight. The brilliant torch in the dark night swaggers away with an indistinct end... Does looking at this place from a certain place in the sky seem to be looking at the stars?

There are too many trance reveries in life, and not all questions need answers.

Jiang Wang held his breath and quietly got into a military tent.


Tian Chang, who failed to take charge of the first battalion and was assigned to Chaoyu's command, raised his sword.

The flickering cold light showed that it was also a good knife, but it was far from being comparable to Chao Xin.

"It's me." Jiang Wang walked into his field of vision and said via voice transmission.

Tian Chang put the knife back into its sheath, and came back through voice transmission in a flat tone: "Among the army, the ears and eyes are noisy. It is not a wise choice for you to come to see me at this time."

"Precisely in the middle of the army, the soldiers gather together, and the soul is frightened, so it is not easy to be spied on." Jiang Wangdao.

"Having said that... in our situation, we should be more careful."

"Give me a map of the deployment of the Seven Star Valley." Jiang Wang didn't talk nonsense with him, and got straight to the point.

"I came to Xingyueyuan to participate in the war, why would I bring this?" Tian Chang subconsciously refused, and then asked, "Why do you want this?"

"I believe you have a way." Jiang Wang glanced at him lightly: "You know, I'm very tight on time."

This calm glance made Tian Chang's heart suddenly chill.

He seemed to have seen the scene of this person rushing straight into the sea of ​​swords during the day, the indomitable determination, and the courage to hang life and death by the sword...

Of course, there is also the terrifying power that surpasses the ancient and modern Neifu.

He turned around and walked to the case, spread out the paper, and picked up a pen to sketch.

"I remember it in my heart, but I don't know if it has changed during the time I came out." He said.

"Just tell me what you know." Jiang Wang said.

After all, the Secret Realm of the Seven Star Building is the forbidden domain of the Osawa Tian family. Although it has not been long since the last time it was opened, the Tian family will not give up monitoring the Seven Star Valley if they want to come.

Of course he wanted to go to the Senhaiyuan Realm to help Master Guan Yan, but he didn't want to fall into the pit of the Tian family and have any disputes with him, especially he didn't want to run into that lunatic Tian Anping.

Therefore, it is very necessary to have a defense map of the Seven Star Valley, in order to avoid the troubles of the Tian family and sneak into it quietly.

A person like Tian Chang, who hides deeply, has lived in the Tian family for so many years, went to the Seven Stars Valley to participate in the secret realm, and went to the Lost Heart Valley to be tortured, and can also represent the Tian family to go to sea to handle affairs, and come to Xingyueyuan to participate in the war...

Jiang Wang believed that he would be able to give the correct information.

On the other hand, if he can't even do this, why does Tian Chang try to break free from Tian Anping?

Not long after, the deployment map has been drawn.

This is a very detailed picture.

The details of Osawada's defense in the Seven Star Valley are clearly outlined. Not only are there various key positions, hidden sentry points, and even the cultivation level of the guards, but there is also a general description of the range.

In addition, a path to enter and leave the Seven Star Valley is also given...

If Tian Chang hadn't thought about Seven Star Valley, I'm afraid even he himself wouldn't believe it.

As Jiang Wang expected, when the secret realm of the Seven Star Building was not opened, the defense of the Seven Star Valley was indeed relaxed a lot.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jiang Wang rolled up the picture and turned around.

Tian Chang didn't say a word, and didn't ask any extra questions.

Even if he was going crazy with curiosity, he really wanted to know why Jiang Wang left the Xingyueyuan battlefield at such a critical time, gave up his merits that were almost at his fingertips, and took the risk of being held accountable, so he would leave here and sneak into Daze instead. Seven Star Valley in the county.

Is there any key treasure to be born in the secret realm of Seven Star Building? But isn't the secret realm still open?

He has climbed to a certain position in Tian's house, but he has not received any news. Where did Jiang Wang get the wind?

But Tian Chang has already learned to be patient.

He just took out a white towel and wiped the long knife over and over again.

Enduring curiosity is harder than enduring pain.



Jiang Wang, who got the defense map of Seven Star Valley, left Xingyueyuan overnight.

I don't know if Fang You didn't notice it or didn't want to care about it at all, but in the process of leaving Xingyueyuan, he didn't receive any obstacles.

Jiang Mengxiong, the military god who made Jiang Wang hold his heart, did not move.

Thinking about it, even the god of war who is at the top of the extraordinary would not always pay attention to the wind and grass in Xingyueyuan.

The Xiangxu and Xu countries almost came out in full force, deploying an army of nearly one million in the entire Xingyueyuan.

The majestic military god of Qi doesn't have to do nothing to monitor everyone in the army.

Leaving Xingyueyuan behind, Jiang Wang spotted the direction and flew non-stop all the way.

To be honest, it was not a wise choice to leave the Xingyueyuan battlefield rashly this time.

As the chief general of a battalion, but left alone on the eve of the war, it is not out of the question to be convicted of a deserter.

The position of the battalion commander was obtained by Chong Xuansheng with his help, and it was left to him by default after discussion among the Tianjiao... He just left and offended too many people.

Friends such as Chong Xuansheng may be able to understand, but it is hard for others not to mind.

But from another point of view, before the war started, he was still in the state of "missing for the country", and he had clearly refused to participate in the battle of Xingyueyuan, and had never been recruited.

He broke into the battlefield of Xingyueyuan to chase the murderer... Chasing the murderer is not only to punish the evil and promote the good, but also to get rid of the crime, slap Jing Guojing Shitai hard, and win justice for the Qi State Battle of titles.

It was against this background that he stayed in Xingyueyuan for half a night.

From this point of view, he has never really participated in a war, has never participated in a military discussion, and has never been involved in a fight... The charge of desertion may not be settled.

But one thing is certain -

This matter will definitely cause him to lose points in the military hall. If he wanted to enter the military hall in the future, he would have to spend ten times as much to make up for today's choice.

So Chong Xuansheng said that he would lose more than he imagined by making such a decision.

These questions are not unexpected to Jiang Wang.

Of course, he also understands that something that makes Master Guan Yan ask for help is definitely not small. He rushed into it rashly, but it may not guarantee safety.

Even trespassing on the Seven Star Valley in Daze County alone is already a lot of trouble...

He has already been deeply impressed by how tyrannical the Dazetian family is and how terrifying Tian Anping is.


Once on Xingyueyuan.

Master Guan Yan said: "Perhaps one day, I will also ask for you."

And Jiang Wang's answer at that time was——

"But if you have a request, you will never dare to refuse."

This is his promise.

nothing else...

He promised so, so he did it.

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