Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1355 ?

Chapter 1355 Starlight Like Arrows

Xu Guodong goes to Qi.

In order to reduce the possibility of head-on conflict with Da Zetian, Jiang Wang had to hide again. Changed the style of Ruyi Immortal Clothes and put on a cloak.

Knowing that Yu Beidou helped him speak out on Tianxingya and got the approval of Sanxinggong, Jiang Wang had already imagined the scene of his return to glory...

I didn't expect Qi Di to return, but I still wanted to sneak around.

However, he was concerned about the matter of Master Guan Yan, and there was no room for him to be disappointed.

Since you want to go secretly, you can't fly around in the territory of Qi State. It is a very dangerous thing to fly across the territory of a hegemony country without revealing your identity.

It is very likely that in the blink of an eye, someone will be shot down.

During the day, Jiang Wang mixed with different merchant teams, rode horses and carts, and at night wore the stars and the moon alone.

So non-stop around the clock, without revealing your identity, hurry on the road at the fastest speed.

It took only three days from stepping into Qi to entering Daze County.

Daze County is located in the north of Qijing, Jicheng is the center of Daze County, and the Seven Star Valley is in the north of Jicheng City.

Jiang Wang has been to Jicheng more than once.

The first time I came was to drive with Li Fengyao, the second time I came to fly direct, and the third time I came to disappear...

It's like coming back alive.

The word "ji" in the city is like a person approaching a food vessel. Therefore, there are rumors between the government and the opposition that "the Tian family has the desire to gluttonous, greedy and eager."

I don't know if Uriel and the others passed it on.

Jiang Wang doesn't care much about this, he only thinks about how to sneak into the Seven Star Valley.

The Tian family built watchtowers here, laid out formations, and stationed a clan army. On the bright side, there is only one way in and out of the valley, and this way will also be closed when the Seven Star Building Secret Realm is not open.

Because the only value of this place lies in the secret realm, some people may think that there is no need to guard the Seven Star Valley before the secret realm is opened, but it is not the case.

Every quota in the secret realm of the Seven Star Building is very precious, not everyone can win it. There are so many people willing to hide in the valley, just waiting for the day when it opens-similar things have happened in history.

However, it is impossible to defend against Jiang Wang with the strength of defense against that kind of character.

Tian Chang drew a remote path through the forest in the east. Jiang Wang went to see it on purpose, and said it was a road, but it was actually a beast path... I don't know how Tian Chang found it.

Judging from Jiang Wang's current partial understanding of this person, he must have a lot of similar information.

Even if it is sorted within the Tian family, among the people who know the Tian family best, Tian Chang must be at the top.

If anyone else had a better observation of the Tian family than Tian Chang, the only person Jiang Wang could think of was Tian He.

I don't know what Tian He is doing now... Jiang Wang thought inexplicably.

This is Tian Chang's absolute confidant, and he didn't bring him to Xingyueyuan.

Jiang Wang does not intend to take the path drawn by Tian Chang. He needs information from Tian Chang, but he is not completely at ease with Tian Chang. Even if the part of this information verified now is basically correct.

He has a seamless invisible clothing, which is a trump card that few people know, and it is also the basis for him to steal into the Seven Star Valley.

In the case of being fully aware of the sentry points, he was wearing a cloak, moved a few steps, perfectly avoided the monitoring points in the intelligence, and entered the Seven Stars Valley from the top of the valley.

On this quiet night, everything is going well...

Except for the starlight that hit him suddenly when he fell down the valley!

This beam of starlight came from an unknown distance, connecting the sky and the earth, shining in the long night, enveloping Jiang Wang in it for an instant.

The starlight that fell suddenly outlined Jiang Wang's body outline, making it impossible for Ni Yi to adapt to the adjustment quickly, and it was two breaths late before Jiang Wang's trace disappeared-but what's the point?

Such a brilliant starlight, the Tian family is not all blind!

The entire Seven Star Valley was boiling.

"Someone broke in!"

"Quickly send the police to the city!"

"Take him down!"

Noisy voices exploded from all directions, followed closely by monks with swords in hand.

Jiang Wang is numb.

If this beam of starlight was not the familiar Yuheng starlight with traces of Master Guanyan, he would definitely turn around and run away.

But if I don't run now, it seems that I can't...

What if Tian Xili is here?

What if Tian Anping is here?

Master Guan Yan... what are you doing? !

Jiang Wang was in a trance and heard the sound of chains dragging the floor...

While he was full of entanglements, his body suddenly lightened, and his whole body was enveloped by a soft force, which kept rising.

Jiang Wang let go of himself, and as that force rose, he flew into the sky at an astonishingly high speed.

At this moment, a man with a thin body and a gentle temperament suddenly appeared in Jiang Wang's field of vision. The man came from afar, and every step made the night tremble.

"I don't know where guests are visiting, so sneaky! Are you afraid that my Tian family will not entertain you well?"

Gaochang Hou Tian Xili!

Where Jiang Wang dared to answer, he could only hope that the cloak and cloak could effectively cover his face. As for hiding his tracks, he has given up all hope, and it would be difficult for him to hide the truth from the cultivator of God's Landing, let alone the high-speed promotion in the starlight pillar at this moment.

"Stay!" Tian Xili opened his right hand from a distance.

Jiang Wang saw that the nearby night began to surge, and quickly formed a giant black hand, grasping it!

The Dao Yuan surged in his body, and he was about to block one or two——

In that endless night, at the top of the beam of starlight, a spot of light suddenly enlarged, revealing a brilliant star tower, spanning the space, with only one flickering, the glow of the star tower had already covered him in it.

Then, before the giant pitch-black hands closed, with a light jump, he took Jiang Wang to break the shackles and jumped back to Gao Qiong!

In an instant, Tian Xili was thrown far away.

Jiang Wang was in the glow of the star tower, hanging under the splendid star tower, he just breathed a sigh of relief, when he heard the fairy state, there was another warning...

There is an extremely light and thin screaming sound, approaching at a terrifying speed!

he sees...

In the distant sky, there is a starlight flying towards it like an arrow.

It seems to penetrate the night, leaving faint cracks in the night sky!

The arrow-like starlight has not yet arrived.

Jiang Wang already felt his heart began to ache.

He vaguely saw a strange small building in front of him, under the skylight of that small building...

Tian Anping, who was undressed, looked up!

The starlight from afar is like an arrow, and its momentum pierces the heart with one arrow! It was sent from this small building, from Tian Anping!

did he see me? Do you see me clearly?

Such a surprised question flashed in Jiang Wang's heart.

The feeling of being locked in has dissipated.

He fell into the splendid star tower, and suddenly found peace in the brilliant brilliance.

But in the Seven Stars Valley, people saw that the star tower enveloping the mysterious person disappeared completely with just a flicker.

In the night sky, the bunch of falling stars disappeared, and the brilliant star building disappeared.

There is only a ray of starlight penetrating the empty night, like a lonely rainbow.

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