Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1356 ?

Chapter 1356

The interior of the star tower resembles a stupa.

Jiang Wang stood in the middle of the room, not knowing which floor he was on.

Looking around, the ceiling, floor, and walls all have the color of gold powder.

And around the wall, at intervals, hung a golden Buddhist altar.

There are all kinds of golden Buddha statues in the niches, which are lifelike.

The way this star building appeared was not exactly the same as the Seven Star Building that appeared when the Seven Star Secret Realm was opened, but it probably followed a similar principle.

Or it can be said that Master Guan Yan used some means to imitate the scene of the opening of the Seven Stars Secret Realm, thus completing his reception.

Jiang Wang couldn't see what was going on outside, he could only feel the whole star building moving.

Because there is no target for comparison, there is no way to judge the speed. But it must be faster than Tian Xili's Taoism, and also faster than Tian Anping's horizontal starlight soaring from afar through the Prime Minister's Building.

Thinking of Tian Anping, Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking——

That is, the city is his fortress, and the Prime Minister's Building is his military crossbow?

When delivering the decree last time, Jiang Wang had a very strange feeling that Tian Anping's inner mansion seemed to be released to the outside world, and was together with Ji Chenglian.

And on this night when he sneaked into the Seven Stars Valley, he showed his tricks and launched an attack from a distance through the Prime Minister's Building. The power and influence seemed to be no less than that of Tian Xili.

Are these all Tian Anping's means to bypass the ban on cultivation? Under the limitation of cultivation in the realm of the Inner Palace, using the Fubilou and the city to use the power of the gods in a disguised form?

He seems to have put the practice system outside his body, so as to escape the ban imposed on the body. In a sense, both the Prime Minister's Building and the city can be regarded as his body...

He is really a terrifying figure who breaks common sense.

If he hadn't been banned for the past ten years, how terrible would Tian Anping be today?

Tian Chang's low-key, Tian He's dormancy, although they each have their own purpose, it's not because Tian Anping is too terrifying. They didn't dare to take the risk of Tian Anping watching.

Otherwise, with the abilities of these two people, they should have been prosperous long ago.

Jiang Wang didn't think about it for too long, Xinglou sprinted for a while, then stopped suddenly.

Like a tower built of sand disintegrating in the wind, everything that built the star tower turned into dots of star sand flowing in the air...all falling into the palm of one hand.

The owner of the palm is wearing a moon-white monk's robe, his shiny scalp is glowing with jade white light, and his face is very handsome.

It is Guan Yan.

There are still giant trees towering to the sky here, and the sun is covered by deep forests, so the stars are so conspicuous.

But in the surrounding environment, it is indeed difficult to take away a little sight from Guan Yan.

"Senior!" Jiang Wang was surprised, but of course also happy.

When he left last time, only the true spirit of Master Guan Yan was wandering between the worlds, or with the help of Su Qiyun's Jishen Jade, he was able to appear for a short time.

Now it has directly manifested its form, obviously a great breakthrough has been made.

Guan Yan's face was a little tired, but his smile was still warm, and he put away the cluster of star sand casually, and said: "Little friend, come with me."

Seeing Jiang Wang looking at the star sand in his hand, he explained: "This is the star building that I erected when I completed the outer building. Because of the hard work, it didn't disintegrate after I died. just lost touch...

Afterwards, when I look like this, I don’t need it anymore. This time, in order to attract you, I specially found it back. I just use it, the secret realm of the Seven Star Building linked together. "

This once again broke through Jiang Wang's cognition!

It turns out that the star building can be so powerful that it can survive independently after death!

It turns out that apart from refining the body, explaining the Tao, and projecting starlight, the star building can also be used as a magic weapon!

He instantly felt that the outhouse monks he knew before and the star buildings he had seen were all unreal.

Master Guan Yan seemed to have fully guessed Jiang Wang's thoughts, and explained: "Of course, the star tower I built was somewhat different from the general star tower. As I said, I spent some hard work..."

It's just called "somewhat different"? What kind of hard work do you mean by "it took a lot of hard work"...

Jiang Wang was speechless for a while, but he didn't dare to slander too much because he thought of Master Guan Yan.

And Guan Yan said again: "Don't worry, I didn't use his mind to you. It's my ability, but it's not my right. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't use it. When you came to Senhai Yuanjie last time... I don't have enough control over the true spirit state, and I can't control the supernatural power I found. Now I have control, the reason why I seem to be able to see what you are thinking is just a general feeling, not the power of supernatural powers... ..."

Jiang Wang can fully understand Master Guan Yan's words.

When he doesn't use the magical power of going astray, sometimes he can create the effect of going astray through his grasp of the battle situation. This is the inertia, or instinct, gradually formed after mastering supernatural powers.

Guan Yan possesses his supernatural powers, and the people who have seen it don't know how ordinary people are. Naturally, most of the time, even without using supernatural powers, he can see some people clearly.

What really moved Jiang Wang was Master Guan Yan's sentence "It is my ability, but not my right".

After mastering powerful power, it is easy for extraordinary monks to have the illusion of "I am a god", treating all living beings as worthless, and taking them as objects to take and take away.

But in Jiang Wang's view, that was just a sign that his mind was not strong enough to control his strength.

It really has the power to peek into other people's minds, how many people can restrain themselves from peeping?

Even Jiang Wang himself was not sure if he could do it.

He said with emotion: "For many people, the ability to achieve is the right..."

Guan Yan took a deep look at him: "At least for you, little friend, that's not the we are."

It wasn't until the sound fell that Jiang Wang suddenly realized that he had followed Guan Yan to a fallen rotten tree unconsciously.

This is an unusually huge, decayed Shenlongmu, which fell to the ground like a wall.

Of course Jiang Wang recognized it - this is the landmark to reach the Forest of Hanging Skulls, which is Yan Xiao's lair.

But he has just arrived in the Senhaiyuan Realm, and obviously only followed Guan Yan for two steps, why has he already arrived at the Forest of Hanging Skulls? It took them some time to set off from the Land of the Shadow of the Gods to the Forest of Hanging Skulls.

"This is the power of rules." Master Guan Yan's explanations were always timely, and he seldom had to wait for Jiang Wang to ask.

It turned out that it was Master Guan Yan who exerted influence, so it took only two steps to get here!

Jiang Wang probably understood something.

He had a similar experience once.

When the real person Chongguang of Diaohailou sent him to the Lost Realm to cleanse his sins, the color was lost, the picture was peeled off, and the scenery was changed... It also arrived in a short time.

But Master Chongguang's time was never as natural as Master Guanyan's this time.

Naturally, from the beginning to the end, Jiang Wang only felt that he followed two steps, and it was so calm and breezy, without fireworks.

But this is not the point of this trip. Jiang Wang looked around and couldn't help asking: "Senior asked me to come to Senhaiyuan this time... Has a new Yan Xiao been born?"

In the extraterrestrial world of Senhaiyuan, besides Master Guan Yan, there is another point that impressed Jiang Wang... Yan Xiao.

The undead evil bird, the fierce bird that eats the skull.

"When a swallow owl sings, it will eat a hundred heads."

At the beginning, the group of them had clearly killed Yan Xiao and completed the so-called task of taking the seat of the Dragon God, but just before leaving Senhaiyuan Realm...they heard Yan Xiao's voice again!

Therefore, when Master Guanyan said something was going on in Xingyueyuan, Jiang Wang thought of Yan Xiao.

This time, Master Guan Yan led the way to the Forest of Hanging Skulls when he returned to Senhaiyuan Realm this time, which proved his guess.

So he asked very directly.

And Guan Yan looked at the huge rotten wood in front of him, and sighed softly: "Yan Xiao never died."

"How come?" Jiang Wang couldn't believe his ears.

The last time he traveled to the Senhaiyuan Realm, he joined hands with Wu Quji, Su Qiyun, and Qing Qishu to kill Yan Xiao with all his might. Even Qing Qishu, who always wanted to "make friends", died in that battle.

After the war, they also dismembered Yan Xiao's body. Yan Xiao's beak was brought back to the present world by him, and he asked Lian Que to refine it into a killing nail, and then he refined the killing nail into a bad wind...

It's all real.

How could Yan Xiao never die?

So what did they kill?

Guan Yan said: "What you killed last time... was the projection, the body, and the god level."

"Projection? Body? Divine rank?" Jiang Wang became more and more incomprehensible the more he listened.

Guan Yan raised a finger and tapped it on his forehead.

He understands my heart, and I also let him know my heart, and let him understand my mind.

The relevant memories of Guan Yan flowed slowly in Jiang Wang's mind like this——

More than 800 years ago in Senhaiyuan Realm, Yan Xiao was born with evil thoughts, knocked on doors to beg for food, and devoured human heads.

The Senhai Saint Clan made a decisive choice of "skull hunting" after many resistance actions failed. They gave up direct confrontation with Yan Xiao, and chose to hunt and kill other tribes in Senhaiyuan Realm, beheaded and sacrificed to Yan Xiao, and saved their own tribe by sacrificing foreigners.

The Senhai Saint Clan, blessed by the Dragon God, is the strongest tribe in this world. No tribe can stop the Senhai Saint Clan from hunting.

Since then, Senhaiyuan has fallen into a long dark period.

This is a history of cruel killing, a bloody and bloody story, and the chaos lasted for three hundred years.

At the time when Guanyan came, Senhai Yuanjie was already in a completely chaotic environment. Hatred, killing, bloodshed... all the evils of human nature surged in the Senhaiyuan world at that time.

If Yan Xiao was the biggest demon in the Senhaiyuan world at that time, then the Senhai Saint Clan was the most brutal executioner.

The "Envoys of the Dragon God" who came at the same time as Guan Yan were all hunted and killed by the Senhai Saint Clan, and their heads were eaten by Yan Xiao. Only Guan Yan is a special case...

Five hundred years later, Jiang Wang and others descended, and the other "envoys of the Dragon God" who descended in the same batch also died of various accidents. Only Jiang Wang, Su Qiyun, and Wu Quji survived, and helped the Senhai Saint Clan hiding in the shadow of the gods, killed Yan Xiao, and completed the task of the Dragon God...

But that's not the whole truth.

How was Yan Xiao born?

Like Jiang Wang at that time, Guan Yan was also looking for the answer to this question.

According to the records in the ancient books that Su Qiyun once read——

"After the death of the owl, the evil thoughts are endless. Among the 100,000 owls whose heads are hung for public display, there will be one extremely evil bird bred from the owl's head... named Yan Xiao."

This is probably the oldest record about Yan Xiao in Stealing Heaven Mansion, and it was recorded in a form similar to a legend.

It's certainly believable.

But the Yan Xiao who caused the turmoil in the Senhaiyuan world was not born in this way.

With Guan Yan who possesses his mind, once he devotes himself to finding the answer, the secrets of the human heart will be invisible.

After "asking" all the people who had direct contact with Yan Xiao, especially after "asking" the elders of the previous generation of Senhai Saint Clan before Xiaofan Granny...

Guan Yan found the answer.

The Yan Xiao in Senhaiyuan was not born naturally from evil thoughts, but was formed under the deliberate cultivation of some kind of existence.

And that the "Dragon God" of Senhaiyuan Realm!

It was the Dragon God who created Yan Xiao, which aroused the fear of the Senhai Saint Clan. .

It was the Dragon God who guided the Senhai Saint Clan to make the choice to kill other tribes.

Including the "Invasion of the Night" that swept across the entire Senhaiyuan world and killed countless creatures, it was also done by the Senhai Saint Clan Elders using forbidden methods and borrowing the power of the Dragon God! That is essentially the situation guided by the Dragon God!

So what is the dragon god?

Why did Dragon God do this?

In the name of a god, why has it become the source of all suffering in the Senhaiyuan world?

Guan Yan began to trace the history of the entire Senhai Saint Clan.

With great courage and wisdom, he risked his life to explore the truth lost in time alone.

He discovered that the Senhai Saint Clan was not a "Saint Clan" from the very beginning, and even the sacred place of great significance to the Senhai Saint Clan was snatched from other tribes.

It was after believing in the Dragon God that they obtained the protection of the Dragon God and were bestowed with the power of the Dragon God...Under the guidance of the god's decree, the Senhai Saint Clan rose and became stronger step by step, and became the strongest tribe in the Senhai Origin Realm, becoming the so-called " Saints".

And finally became the master of Senhaiyuan Realm.

In this process, the dragon god became stronger and stronger, and gradually became the only true god in the Senhaiyuan world!

Guan Yan's memory ended here. These are the truths he has found in the history of Senhai Yuanjie. You know, when he first came to Senhaiyuan Realm, he was only in the Inner Palace Realm.

He was fighting against the entire Senhaiyuan world, fighting against the dragon god who caused all tragedies, and found out the history of this world alone!

Jiang Wang's heart was shaken, and he couldn't help asking: "So Yan Xiao, the invasion of the night, and the dark age... are all plans made by the Dragon God to strengthen himself? It's like supporting the rise of the Senhai Saint Clan?"

The relationship between Dragon God and Yan Xiao explained many of the doubts left in Senhaiyuan last time, but it also created many new problems.

"I think it should be in the same line." Guan Yan said.

"The Dragon God, is he going to exterminate the entire Senhaiyuan world? Or is he going to swallow it?" Jiang Wang became more and more puzzled: "As a god, I really can't understand how he can profit from it by killing his own believers!"

Although Jiang Wang did not dare to say that he understood the practice of Shinto, he probably knew some common sense things. After all, Heguo and Muguo in this world are both Shinto countries, and he has been to both of them. He has also come into contact with the Tao of Bones, which intends to establish the kingdom of God in this world.

Know that Shinto values ​​believers very much.

And this dragon god managed to lead the Senhai Saint Clan to grow stronger, and instead of thinking about how to unify the beliefs of the entire Senhai source world, he tried his best to create the legendary most evil bird to kill the creatures in this world.

It is really puzzling.

"I didn't understand at first, but later I found out that the goal of the Dragon God is not a god at all..."

Guan Yan raised his head and looked at the sky——

"It's it!"

Jiang Wang followed his line of sight and saw only the lonely Yuheng star hanging in the sky!

The two chapters are merged, and there are nights.

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