Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1357 ? Spy on Yuheng

Chapter 1357 Spying on Yuheng (adding more to Yan Shaofei! 1278)

"Dragon God's goal is Yuheng Xingchen?" Jiang Wang asked in surprise.

Guan Yan said: "After I have exhausted all possibilities, this is the only real answer."

"This...he..." Jiang Wang still couldn't understand.

How can you take the stars as your goal?

The stars that hang in the night sky, that are high above, that illuminate the myriad worlds...

"What do you think stars are?" Guan Yan asked.

What are stars?

Many people have many answers.

For the vast majority of practitioners, the stars represent the distant stars and are the beacons of the Starlight Holy Building.

In terms of astrology. The stars are the basis of divination, and they connect with the river of fate.

If Jiang An'an had to answer, she might say that it was her father and mother who were looking at her from afar...

Looking up at the long night, the sky is full of stars twinkling.

People will always have this kind of curiosity——

How high do you have to jump and how long do you have to fly before you can touch the stars?

What kind of secrets lie above the seemingly infinitely distant stars?

But extraordinary monks who have reached a certain level should know that the distance between the stars and the present world is not reflected in the sense of space.

Every star reflects the myriad worlds.

For example, Senhaiyuanjie is within the shining range of Yuheng star, and it is only illuminated by Yuheng star. But the Yuheng star not only shines on the Senhaiyuan world, but also casts light on reality.

For example, the floating land world is within the range of Tianshu star, and it is only illuminated by Tianshu star. However, Qinghuo Qiming once told the legend of the floating land——

It is said that there were many stars above the blue sky, they fell from the blue sky to the dark sky, and penetrated the earth in the process, thus forming a cave. And in the blue sky, because of the death of the stars, there is only one Tianshu star left.

From this legend, it can be seen that the floating land world seemed to be illuminated by many stars at the beginning. Because of some accident, only Tianshu remained.

On the contrary, in the Senhaiyuan world, I have never heard of such a saying. It seems that there is only one Yuheng star in Gaoqiong, which has been like this since ancient times.

Of course, maybe it's just that Jiang Wang's time in Senhaiyuan is too short, and he hasn't heard more legends...

In the sense of this unique Yuheng, Senhaiyuanjie is of course special.

But not special enough.

Including the Yinyuan world that Jiang Wang had been to, there was only one hidden star hanging in the sky.

It can be roughly said that the entire Seven Star Tower secret realm seems to send participants to the only world illuminated by the Seven Stars...

In terms of the richness of the world, the floating land world is obviously larger than the Senhaiyuan world, and the Senhaiyuan world far exceeds the Yinyuan world.

"The stars are connected to the river of fate to a certain extent, and they are also beacons to establish the location of the Starlight Holy Building." Jiang Wang said.

He didn't hesitate to show Guan Yan some of the knowledge he knew, and of course he was aware of the shallowness of his knowledge.

"It's rare, you also have an understanding of the art of astrology, which will make it easier for you to understand the stars." Guan Yan said: "The stars exist in a concrete way, but they don't exist in a specific place. They are charming and ethereal. We are very It’s hard to touch it in a realistic sense, usually the only thing you can touch is the do you understand the star building?”

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, and replied: "The foundation of telling the Tao."

With his current strength, of course he is not satisfied with just standing an ordinary star tower. If he wanted to build the Starlight Sacred Building in his number one inner palace in ancient and modern times, he had to become the Taoist Outer Building.

Jiang Wang's most important thing is starlight quenching, guiding starlight into battle, and anchoring the direction. What he values ​​is the brilliance of the starlight holy building in the vast universe. Describe Jiang Wang's way!

That's why he understood Wailou in this way.

Of course, Guan Yan could get enough information from this answer, so he smiled with satisfaction and asked, "What will happen if your base of preaching is changed from your starlight holy building to the stars of the universe?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

When the cultivator responds to the power of the star tower, it is indeed like responding to the sky and stars. But who would really regard the star building as a star?

Who can think so? Who dares to think so!

There is absolutely no room for comparison between the cultivator's personal Starlight Holy Building and the cosmic stars that truly illuminate the myriad worlds.

The former usually dissipates with the death of the cultivator. So far, the only star tower that Jiang Wang has seen that can be called "tenacious" is the one that Guan Yan found. After Guan Yan's "death", he is still stubbornly wandering in the starry sky... and the stars in the universe are eternal, immortal existences.

Through the long river of time, many heroes have passed away, but the stars of today are still the stars of eternity!

Jiang Wang understood almost instantly why the Dragon God aimed at Yuheng Star!

The stars of Yuheng are real stars that shine on all worlds. If you can tell the Tao in this way, the orthodoxy will naturally spread to all worlds!

Even if the Dragon God unified the Senhaiyuan Realm, it was only a belief in one realm. If you can control Yuhengxing, then you have the chance to become the Dragon God of Myriad Realms!


Can it be done?

With Jiang Wang's current cultivation base and knowledge, he couldn't understand and imagine how to do this. Even after knowing the ultimate goal and understanding a lot of processes, the principle cannot be deduced backwards.

But there is no doubt that the Dragon God had already started his plan eight hundred years ago, and he was moving forward unswervingly.

And Master Guanyan five hundred years ago, by analyzing his various layouts, deduced his purpose backwards!

His inner palace, which is number one in history, may not be able to count the inner palace Jingyan that came to Senhaiyuan Realm more than 500 years ago...

It can be deduced from this that throughout the ages, it is unknown how many Tianjiao have hidden, but because of various circumstances, they have not been able to shine. The old man of Tianfu's record is truly invincible, maybe it's just that no one knows about it, no one passes on his name...

Of course, purely in terms of combat power, no matter which Inner Palace cultivator he is facing, Jiang Wang, who has reached the limit of the Inner Palace's combat power, has the confidence to win the fight.

This is victory after victory, forged confidence. He wasn't invincible from the very beginning, but he has been solid all the way to the present, and he no longer doubts himself.

He believed that in the long river of history, there must also be many arrogances of the inner palace who have the strength to defeat him. But he also believed that in the final battle of life and death, he must be the winner.

But...he still couldn't understand the Dragon God's layout.

I don't know if Chong Xuansheng can understand... Where is Zhao Xiaowu? Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking.

So he asked aloud: "How can it be done?"

Guan Yan said: "First of all, you need to know one thing - the stars have their own will. This kind of will may not refer to the thoughts and thinking of a living being, but a great existence that is difficult to describe. It is similar to the will of the world - Do you know the will of this world?"

Of course Jiang Wang knew.

Isn't it because of the rejection of the world's will that the Bone Cthulhu went through many twists and turns, and Zhuang Chengqian found an opportunity to take advantage of it?

"Know some." Jiang Wang said.

"At your age, you don't like reading. It's not easy to understand so much." Guan Yan praised.

"Senior, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Wang was a little unhappy: "I like reading very much! I often read it recently!"

Guan Yan glanced at him: "I asked you to go to the bookstore to get my monk's robes, but you really just took the monk's robes and left without reading a single book...there are actually some of my practice experience there. As a reward for you."

"I was in a hurry at the time...too hasty! I am eager to return home, not because I don't like reading." Jiang Wang was greatly embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject: "Senior, what should the Dragon God do if he wants to achieve his goal? You continue to talk!"

[Stars] is one of the basic settings of this world.

In this volume, I am constantly filling in the pits, filling the pits to kill hair!

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