Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1358 ? Waiting five hundred years for a bouquet of flowers to bloom

Chapter 1358 Waiting Five Hundred Years for a Bunch of Flowers

"The stars have their own will, of course there is no possibility of being touched. But for some unknown reason on Yuheng Xing, the will of the stars has already dissipated... I think the Dragon God just saw this loophole."

Guan Yan said: "The Senhaiyuan Realm is the realm of Yuheng's only illumination, and it has a very close and unique connection with Yuheng's stars. The Dragon God wants to control the Senhaiyuan Realm, and then use the Senhaiyuan Realm as a ladder to control Yuheng in turn."

"But Senhaiyuan's own world will will never recognize this. There must be a struggle between the two sides... and the Dragon God's method is very cruel."

"Any life in Senhai Yuanjie will affect this world more or less. The Dragon God wants to penetrate the reality of this world through the fear, riots, and killings that swept across the entire Senhaiyuan Realm, so as to capture the will of the world."

Jiang Wang can understand this.

Isn't the technique of blood divination created by Senior Brother Yu Beidou based on a similar principle? Observe the ripples of the river of fate by killing the main character in this world (that is, the human race).

It's just that the dragon god's hand is bigger and he asks for more.

Guan Yan continued: "He guided the Senhai Saint Race to become the 'protagonist' of the Senhaiyuan world, and then cultivated Yan Xiao with evil thoughts in this world, which gave rise to hatred, killing, and panic. Yan Xiao's constant eating of skulls is also replacing The personality of the "protagonist" in the Senhai source world. Although Yan Xiao is extremely evil, he was conceived in this world and is not resisted by the will of the world. The Dragon God controls the Senhai Saint Clan with one hand and Yan Xiao with the other, and can control the entire world at will. Senhai Origin World."

"But there is another problem. Yuheng is a cosmic star that shines on all worlds. Just the imprint of the creatures in the Senhaiyuan world is not enough to make it completely locked. The Dragon God also needs an important anchor point... that is, the living creatures! In the vast universe, two roads are paved, one is the imprint of creatures in the Senhaiyuan world that is most closely connected with Yuheng's stars, and the other is the most stable imprint of living beings in the present world. When the two roads meet... He can capture Yuheng. "

"But the present world is not the source world of Senhai, and the human race in the present world will not be slaughtered by him, and it is not so easy to hunt. Once some strong people discover his behavior, even if he has the power of a true god, even if he hides in the source world of Senhai... he will not be spared "

Jiang Wang was startled when he heard this: "Dragon God Messenger?"

"Your keenness is indeed surprising." Guan Yan had some approval in his eyes, nodded and said: "The so-called Dragon God's messenger is just a plot by the Dragon God to devour the human race in the world. Somehow, the Dragon God connected the Seven Star Building in the world. The secret realm quietly replaced the original part of the secret realm, creating the so-called miracle of "Dragon God's Envoy", using the mission of the Dragon God's envoy to give benefits to a few people, in order to deceive the continuous supply of food..."


Jiang Wang understood too much!

The big question that bothered them at the beginning was that Su Qiyun's friend who died in "Invasion of the Night", why was the storage box missing besides the body?

You must know that in the past experience of the Senhai Saint Clan, the invasion of the night has always only taken away people, not things...

At that time, they wondered whether there were other lives that could walk freely in the invasion of the night. He even wondered if it was other people who came to Senhaiyuan together.

Now it seems... the one who took away the storage box was clearly Yan Xiao controlled by the Dragon God.

Because the storage box of the little fish comes from this world.

Because the "Dragon God" needs to search through Xiaoyu's relics to learn more about the outside world and the present world, so as to help him control Yuheng and the stars!

The Yuheng star moved and landed on the throne formed by the light of the altar. The miracle of the so-called "dragon god's seat" once made Jiang Wang puzzled. Now it seems that it clearly describes the ambition of the Dragon God. He wants to control Yuheng, replace the will of Yuheng and the stars with his own will, and thus occupy the throne of the gods of all worlds!

Not to mention how difficult and dangerous the process of discovering the historical truth is.

Just say such an opponent.

Jiang Wang asked himself in his heart, what choice would he make if he discovered the ambition of the Dragon God.

Will he pretend not to know, "complete the mission" cooperatively, and leave Senhai Yuanjie?

Presumably, after returning to the present world, he should also find a way to report this matter to the strong man in the present world. But the universe is so vast, how to find the source world of Senhai without an exact beacon?

In fact, leaving Senhaiyuan Realm is equivalent to giving up the creatures in this world - this is understandable.

It has nothing to do with the Senhaiyuan world, let alone be responsible for this world. Moreover, this is an event that is far beyond the capabilities of the monks in the inner palace. No one has the right to force others to sacrifice.

To be honest, Jiang Wang didn't know what choice he would make if he was in such a juncture. Everything conceived at this time cannot represent the final result.

But Guan Yan's choice is very clear - face.

He confronts the Dragon God!

Facing such a terrifying existence that targets the stars of the universe, lays out the entire Senhaiyuan world, and even touches the human race in the world with its claws.

What kind of courage is this?

"So senior..." Jiang Wang asked, "How to deal with such a dragon god?"

"Fighting the Dragon God is not something that can be achieved overnight. How to defeat him, this question, I have been thinking about it since more than 500 years ago, and I have been working hard until now."

Guan Yan looked at the decaying Shenlongmu in front of him, with an unavoidable look of vicissitudes: "The layout of the Dragon God is very complete, and the plan is going very smoothly. Using a legendary evil bird, Yan Xiao, almost completed all the actions. , Manipulating Senhaiyuanjie step by step, and locked Senhaiyuanjie's world will.

So he started to move further, forcibly squeezed into the origin of the world, began to devour the will of the world in Senhaiyuan, and reached out to Yuheng Xingchen... And this is my only chance, and it is also the opportunity I have been waiting for for a long time. "

"While the Dragon God devours the will of the world, he is also restrained and assimilated by the will of the world. This is destined to be a long struggle. No one can escape until the final winner is determined. He is an extremely cautious guy, even if Even during this period, there are three preparations, one is to obliterate the time in this world with the invasion of the night, the other is to use Yan Xiao to act on behalf of the world, and the third is to control the Senhai Saints who have always believed in him."

"Night is the nightmare of the Senhaiyuan world. The creatures in this world spend half of their lives in hiding in the so-called shadow of the gods. It not only strengthens their belief in Him, but also cuts off more possibilities for development. But Yan Xiao and the Senhai Saint Clan are enemies, standing on both sides to slaughter Senhai at the same time, no creature can break free."

"The first thing I did was to kill the elders of the Senhai Saint Clan and cut off the direct connection between the Dragon God and the Senhai Saint Clan. Then I transformed history and cultivated traditions to cut off the source of Yan Xiao's power. Also in this way Weaken the Dragon God and delay his assimilation of the will of the world."

So far, Guan Yan's various arrangements five hundred years ago have a reasonable explanation.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but praised: "Senior is really a big hand. He used five hundred years of enlightenment to fight against chaos and contain the Dragon God. It is to kill evil with good, and his merits are immeasurable. No wonder he became a golden body!"

Guan Yan just gave a wry smile and shook his head: "The Dragon God bred the legendary evil bird Yan Xiao as one of his bodies. He would also project his body from time to time to represent the Senhaiyuan Realm. In order to hide himself, he did not Being interfered by other powerful people, Yan Xiao came forward in everything. Including eating skulls, including hunting the envoy of the Dragon God... He cultivated Yan Xiao, manipulated Yan Xiao, and relied more and more on Yan Xiao. In a sense, Yan Xiao is also his divine step, a step from man to god."

"But Yan Xiao is the most evil bird after all. In the process of devouring human skulls, it also gave birth to its own will and wisdom. It is not willing to be controlled by the Dragon God all the time. It takes advantage of the power of resentment to diminish, the loss of power, and the inability to Instead of looking for opportunities to find new paths, he chose to devour chaos to strengthen himself, resulting in a period of weakness where chaos backlashes once a year... But this is also the design of the dragon god."

"Because of avoiding the will of the world, the Dragon God couldn't take action himself. He led the Senhai Saint Clan to create the 'Invasion of the Night', using the native creatures of the Senhai world to kill the most creatures in this world as quickly as possible.

But the essence of the 'Invasion of the Night' is the leak of the 'World Source' and the invasion of Chaos. This caused the Senhaiyuan world to be riddled with holes. This situation, in turn, affected the actions of the dragon god after he took control of the Senhaiyuan world. He wants to use the Senhaiyuan Realm and the secret connection with Yuheng Star to invade Yuheng Star, and needs a complete Senhaiyuan Realm, so he deliberately cultivates Yan Xiao's ability to devour chaos in order to repair this world. "

Hearing this, Jiang Wang felt a little cold: "So, the Dragon God has always known the existence of Senior?"

Since it was Dragon God's design for Yan Xiao to devour chaos, is everything that Guan Yan did in Sen Hai Yuan Realm also under His control?

Then what is the possibility of defeating the Dragon God!

"I don't know when He discovered me and when he started playing against me. But I did become a part of His plan. This is a terrifyingly powerful opponent, but since I am on this chessboard, I must To give birth to the last son."

Guan Yan's expression was calm, as if he was telling a story that had nothing to do with him: "When I was fighting the elders of the Senhai Saint Clan, I accidentally discovered during the battle that I had actually been noticed by the Dragon God long ago. They The voice of your heart... gave me information."

"In the world of Senhaiyuan, there is no chance of winning a head-on fight against the gods. In order to turn into the dark again, I burned the relics and manifested the King Kong, making the illusion that I was desperate to kill the Senhai saints. There is only a little true spirit left. Cracks in the world... I'm betting that the world will of Senhaiyuan will protect me."

"I bet right." He said calmly.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but think, how can it be called an illusion after fighting until the oil is exhausted and there is only a little real spirit left? It is clear that it is too dead to be dead, and it is too real.

But if this is not the case, there is absolutely no possibility of deceiving that cunning dragon god.

Guan Yan continued: "Under the protection of the world's will, my true spirit survives. I have specifically explored the possibility of true spirit cultivation, and I just took this opportunity to start exploring."

When he said this, his tone was still calm and gentle.

It seems that there is only a little true spirit left to fight. It is really a very novel experience-of course it is novel, but it should never be so easy.

This is the true tenderness born of a strong enough heart.

He can calmly deal with all the problems in this world, so he can treat this world gently, even fight against this world.

"Cultivating with a true spirit is indeed a remarkable achievement." Jiang Wang respected and admired Guan Yan, and couldn't help saying: "It can be said that it has opened up the history of practice!"

Guan Yan was very sober, shaking his head and said: "It is difficult to retain the will with a little true spirit. It is even more difficult to get the protection of the will of the world instead of assimilation. Moreover, there are many inconveniences in practicing with the true spirit. It’s not as good as orthodox practice...a practice that cannot be reproduced, how can we create history?”

Jiang Wang sternly said: "I think, if anyone is beaten until there is only a little soul left to escape, that person must very much hope that there is such a practice method that can make a comeback, right? It is immeasurable to be able to give the world another chance. merit."

"Indeed, what you said is reasonable." Guan Yan was obviously able to listen to opinions, and praised: "It has a deep Buddhist charm."

"..." Jiang Wang asked: "In the state of true spirit, how did you fight against the Dragon God?"

"Little annoyance..."

Every time Jiang Wang heard Guan Yan called this name, he could hear infinite tenderness.

This strong man who is alone against the Dragon God can't help but raise the corners of his mouth just by calling his name. She smiled before continuing: "Little Fan, she has done a good job. She has firmly controlled the history of the Senhai Saint Clan, shaped a new tradition, completed the plan I left behind, and slowly transformed the entire Senhai Saint Clan... …created opportunities for me.

Yan Xiao's power is constantly being lost, and in order to open up a new path, he chooses to devour chaos... Although this fell into the design of the Dragon God, it is also a fact that it is fighting against the Dragon God and the inevitable period of weakness. "

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "Since the Dragon God uses Yan Xiao as his body and rank as a god, then in turn, Yan Xiao must be able to influence him. It can even be said that Yan Xiao is one of his weaknesses?"

"I observed Yan Xiao for a whole year before I came to this conclusion!" Guan Yan praised: "Your wisdom in combat is really extraordinary!"

"No, no..." Jiang Wang said modestly: "I am analyzing based on the intelligence of my predecessors, which is not on the same level as your insight into the truth. Moreover, I only made a conjecture, but you have confirmed the conclusion."

That's what he said, but then he thought very sensitively...

So where is my wisdom unusual?

Guan Yan, who didn't use his Xintong, obviously couldn't take care of Jiang Wang's sequelae of being ridiculed by Chong Xuansheng all the year round. Just continued: "The practice of the true spirit state has allowed me to gradually explore some results. All the elders of the Senhai Saint Clan died, and the Dragon God lost the channel to directly control the Senhai Saint Clan. The severance of the Dragon God's belief itself is It’s another rare opportunity.”

"Based on my understanding of the Senhai Saint Clan, I began to erode the handle... This process was not easy. It took me about two hundred years. It was going in inch by inch, fighting bit by bit."

There was a smile on the corner of Guan Yan's mouth: "To put it simply... When the dragon god was fighting with the will of the Senhaiyuan world, I temporarily replaced his god position in the Senhaiyuan world and took his handle."

Those who say it are understated, and those who listen are shocked.

Jiang Wang thought too much for a moment, and finally just asked: "So the dragon god should be seated..."

"Yes, I have modified the mission of the Dragon God to take the seat." Guan Yan smiled, and said slowly: "Although the Dragon God sometimes releases missions to kill Yan Xiao, how can it be possible for people to kill Yan Xiao? I am the only one who will really choose Yan Xiao's weak period, and use your power to kill him. Although Yan Xiao can be resurrected as long as the Dragon God does not die, but one of your beheadings is enough to affect everyone. In the origin of the world, give Dragon God a sap."

Jiang Wang remembered that he once asked Guan Yan a question in Yanchao, but he didn't get an answer at that time. He then asked—

"Yan Xiao is dead, why hasn't the exit passage been opened?"

At that time, Guan Yan replied: "This question involves the Dragon God. I don't want to deceive you, so I can't answer you."

Looking back now, the answer to that question is actually quite simple.

Because it was Guan Yan who presided over the appointment of the dragon god and secretly modified the mission this time!

Because the real dragon god is still fighting with the will of the world in the origin of the world.

Guan Yan seized the god position temporarily, but it was not as good as Dragon God's control over Senhaiyuan Realm. There is no way to open the exit channel directly, it can only be done through the altar of the tree.

"This battle is really unimaginable." Jiang Wang sighed with emotion, and said again: "So when I left Senhai Yuanjie, the origin of the world I came into contact with..."

Guan Yan was already used to his sensitivity, so he said casually: "That part of the origin of the world will soon be eroded by the dragon god. Taking advantage of the opportunity of you killing Yan Xiao and hitting him with a sap, I simply Let you take away that part of the origin of the world, and let him rush into nothing. At the same time, it will make you grow faster... At that time, I thought, maybe one day, you can help me. But I didn't expect that this day will come so soon."

Jiang Wang always thought that swimming through the source of the world in the source world of Senhai was the source of the body that was blessed by the source of the world in the source world of Senhai.

Unexpectedly, with the help of Master Guan Yan, a part of the origin of the world was taken away!

That experience seemed to have no other effect other than making the isolated island of heaven and earth more stable and liberating more Dao Yuan. At least Jiang Wang didn't notice it himself. But thinking about it now, the effect must be more than that.

That is the origin of the world!

Is it also related to the fact that the Sword Immortal's supernatural powers can complete the integration of the various inner palaces in the state of the four palaces?

Master Guan Yan really paid so much silently.

However, he never mentioned this when he asked for advice many times in Xingyueyuan. Only tireless teaching and consistent compassion.

The more you understand Master Guanyan, the more you will be impressed by him. Although he has returned to secular life, he is a true Buddha in the world!

"Senior and Dragon God, is it time to decide the outcome?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Now it can be said that I am another god in Senhaiyuan Realm. But it can only be regarded as a false god, because this is a stolen god, and it is not as orthodox as the Dragon God. Once the Dragon God wins Yuheng, it will tell the world , can crush me. Even as long as He returns from the origin of the world, he can easily drive me away."

Guan Yan said: "But of course I didn't take his handle to help him keep it. So... After some achievements in the way of the true spirit, I took the handle and stepped into the battlefield of the origin of the world."

It is really using the calmest tone to describe the most magnificent waves.

The star building that can go to the world to pick up Jiang Wang without collapsing after death, Master Guan Yan just said "it took some hard work".

But for his way of the true spirit, he used the word "result".

Even if it's just "some".

But that powerful reverie has already filled Jiang Wang's imagination.

First, snatch the handle of the Dragon God in Senhaiyuan Realm and occupy the god position, and then directly enter the origin of the world to confront the Dragon God head-on!

Jiang Wang could no longer guess how powerful Master Guan Yan was.

He just recalled the feeling of being conceived when swimming in the origin of the world... Surrounded by warmth, he experienced the most natural and stretched state, and felt the beauty of his body.

How could it have been imagined at that time that in the beginning of life and the origin of the world, the Dragon God, Senhai Yuanjie World Will, and Master Guanyan are fighting fiercely?

Jiang Wang said very seriously: "I don't know who the Dragon God is, but I have seen the evil of the Dragon God. I don't know how miserable this world used to be, but the remaining scaly claws have already made me sad. Now God is an evil god, an evil god, and anyone with wisdom will be punished! You are doing a great thing. Although I am weak and weak, I have little knowledge and virtue, but if I can participate in it and do something, I will Very willing to!"

Without further ado, he rushed to Senhaiyuan Realm because of his promise.

At this time, I want to draw my sword, and even want to follow Master Guanyan into the origin of the world, because of the deep compassion of human nature.

"Jiang Xiaoyou is a ruthless person, a peerless arrogance, I'm just a fool for a long time."

Guan Yan said softly: "I'm not that great either. I'm not staying here for thousands of people, just for one person..."

There is reverie in his eyes, and his smile is bright: "The flower of bliss should bloom in a clean world."

With a beautiful imagination of the future, he can persist until today.

Jiang Wang already knew at this time that the real master Guanyan was still fighting with the dragon god in the origin of the world.

It was only the projection of theocracy that led him to Senhaiyuan Realm. Replace the Seven Star Building with the Lost Star Building he found, and take the passage to the secret realm of the Seven Star Building left by Dragon God Yingzuo...

Just the matter of leading him to Senhai Yuanjie is already full of ingenuity. In all these years of fighting against the Dragon God, Master Guan Yan has done a lot silently.

"I believe that day will come." Jiang Wang said firmly.

Guan Yan looked up at the Yuheng star in the sky, and was momentarily bewildered: "Little friend, wait with me."

"You waited five hundred years for a bunch of flowers to bloom."

After five hundred years, the Senhai source world gradually calmed down, and the Senhai Saint Clan has been well educated. There are those who see righteousness, those who see love, and those who are responsible for the great danger... And under the surface of this success, it is Master Guan Yan who is struggling against the Dragon God day after day.

There were too many emotions in Jiang Wang's heart, and he couldn't express them all. In the end, he just sighed: "It's really silent, but magnificent five hundred years!"

For more than five hundred years, it can be said that the four sides have fought in a melee.

Dragon God, Guan Yan, Senhai Yuanjie's World Will, and Yan Xiao, all have their own ideas and fight each other.

But the will of the world of Senhaiyuan and Yan Xiao were suppressed to death. Therefore, the real opponents have always been Dragon God and Guan Yan.

Master Guanyan once said: "There is no bright moon at night here. I have seen it for five hundred years."

Where is he just looking at the moon alone for five hundred years?

He is waiting for the bright moon in the long moonless night, waiting for the flowers to bloom in the chaotic world.

He was exiled in the cracks of the world with a bit of true spirit, and fought against the Dragon God alone for five hundred years!


One of the chapters is to add updates to Yan Shaofei of the Great League! 13/78.

Continue tomorrow.

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