Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1359 ? No one knows

Chapter 1359 No one knows

Will there be a bright moon tonight?

Will it wait until the flowers bloom this time?

Jiang Wang didn't know the answer.

But he is willing to wait with Master Guan Yan.

If the answer they wait for is not what they want, then he will work with Master Guan Yan...

Change that answer.

"On the one hand, the Dragon God is fighting with the will of this world, fighting with me, and pretending to be an indissoluble illusion. On the other hand, he is secretly hooking up with the stars of Yuheng, intending to control Yuheng, and then go back and erase me."

Guan Yan said: "He is about to succeed, and the time we have to wait is at the threshold of his success."

Jiang Wang shook his long sword. The Shenlong wooden scabbard has been nourished by Sauvignon Blanc for a long time, and has also been impregnated by the spirituality of Sauvignon Blanc for a long time. Now the soul is hidden.

It's hard to imagine that it has the same origin as the huge rotten tree in front of us.

Even a precious material like Shenlongmu will have earth-shaking differences due to different circumstances.

"I have confidence in my predecessors," he said.

"I don't have that much confidence." Guan Yan said softly: "But since I have made a choice, I will do everything I can."

If you do your best, you will have no regrets, and if you do your best, you will have no regrets.

This is exactly the philosophy of life that Jiang Wang has always pursued.

So it is not unreasonable to say that he and Guan Yan hit it off the first time they met.

"Senior, is he still fighting him in the origin of the world?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Never stopped."

Guan Yan explained the battle situation to Jiang Wang in a casual tone: "Just now, in the origin of the world, He erased part of the will of the Senhaiyuan world, but at the same time, I also eliminated part of the 'God'."

He naturally explained to Jiang Wang: "Shenyuan' is the basis for him to be a god in the Senhaiyuan world. You can't understand the more complicated ones now, but it can be simply understood as the accumulation of the power of faith."

Jiang Wang enjoys this process of seeking knowledge and solving puzzles, just like every time he communicated in Xingyueyuan before. He embarked on the road of cultivation in a heavy and ignorant manner. He stumbled and stumbled along the way, but there were also many hands that pulled him forward.

"The more his 'God Source' is dispelled, the more seniors will be able to control the god position in Sen Haiyuan Realm."

"That's what I said. But in fact, neither he nor I are orthodox cultivators of the divine way. We only took this road temporarily to compete for the Senhaiyuan world. It is only in the past few hundred years that we have begun to explore the cognition of divine power... so I am in the position of god. In fact, there are many problems in the world, and there are many gaps in his divine way, so I was able to win the handle." Guan Yan added: "I practice the way of the true spirit, and he should be an orthodox dragon."

These words surprised Jiang Wang again.

The first thing that surprises me is that neither Dragon God nor Master Guan Yan is an orthodox cultivator. Moreover, it is obvious that Master Guan Yan is very confident in his own way of the true spirit, and he relies on it as a lifelong way. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so emphatic now that he has already won the handle of the true god of Sen Hai Yuan Realm.

The second is to be amazed at Master Guan Yan's understanding.

Although Master Guan Yan said that both he and Dragon God had just begun to explore the divine way. But that dragon god, who obviously explored many years earlier than Master Guanyan, and laid out hundreds of years in advance, was above the divine way, and Master Guanyan found a loophole...

This talent is simply terrifying.


"The orthodox dragon family?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking: "The current dragon family? The dragon family in the sea?"

"His details are not so clear yet, he is very cautious." Guan Yan shook his head and said: "Now I can only say that he is indeed from the dragon clan."

In this world, since the Middle Ages, the dragon race has been extinct and driven out of the sea.

Of course, Jiang Wang now knows that there are still dragons in the long river. But it's just like a mascot, without any sense of existence. The dragons that really bring fear are all in the sea.

What is the origin of this dragon in Senhai Yuanjie?

Groping for the divine way, becoming the dragon god, and even having ambitions, looking at the stars in the universe...

"The universe is really boundless, so that the boy has the heart of infinite exploration!" Jiang Wang sighed: "It's a pity that life has a limit."

"The life of God is five hundred, and the life of the cave is thousands of years... first break the short life, and then go to the poor." Guan Yan didn't say any impassioned principles, but reminded Jiang Wang to be down-to-earth: "When you come to the end, maybe you can't see a better life." Distant scenery."

"The boy has been taught." Jiang Wang said seriously.

"Actually, I know. Although the universe is far away, you will not get lost." Guan Yan said with a smile: "The trouble with people is to be a teacher, and I can't avoid it."

"Please don't say that." Jiang Wang was very serious: "Senior cares about me...Frankly speaking, few people would treat me like this."

Guan Yan's eyes were gentle: "Actually, I want to thank you. Thank you for letting me live for five hundred years. You were the first person I saw. You didn't ruin my fond memories of my hometown—you know, Ren always It will beautify the past in the memory, and your quality and spirit have satisfied all my unreal memories. I began to feel that my hometown is so full of light, and young people are full of hope... Please continue to move forward. Whatever it turns out this time. I really want to know. Where are you going to go."

He spoke so earnestly, which made Jiang Wang a little shy.

It's not that the No. 1 inner court in Qing history has never been boasted about, and no matter how disgusting the flattery has sounded in his ears.

But the person in front of him was different after all.

This is the senior he recognizes and even respects very much, the kind of person he once wanted to be but was unable to become.

"I hope you can watch me go." Jiang Wang finally said.

"I will work hard too." Guan Yan said seriously.

Seriously a little cute.

Yuheng star is still hanging high in the sky, neither very bright nor very dark.

Senhai gently rippling in the breeze, still don't know where the end is.

"How long will we have to wait?" Jiang Wang asked.

"What I'm waiting for is not the time, but the opportunity. I spent five hundred years changing Senhaiyuan Realm. Dragon God also spent five hundred years understanding me...but he didn't really understand me."

Guan Yan said calmly: "When He entered Yuheng, it was the time when I showed all my accumulation in the past five hundred and thirty-seven years."

This is the peace that has made all the efforts and can calmly face any result.

A full five hundred and thirty-seven years!

"At that time, what do I need to do?" Jiang Wang asked.

Guan Yan said seriously: "When I have the final battle with him, he will definitely make Yan Xiao go crazy and wreak havoc on this world. It can not only distract me, but also transmit power by eating skulls, and can counteract this world The will of the world... He will definitely make this choice, so I need you to go in and kill Yan Xiao at the right time."

The point of this trip was still on Yan Xiao's body!

Beings born in the Senhaiyuan Realm, killing Yan Xiao will only make Yan Xiao stronger, and they will not be able to resist the most evil birds in this world. That's why Guan Yan urgently sent a message to Xingyueyuan, asking Jiang Wang to go to Senhaiyuan Realm to help.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "If Yan Xiao only has the strength of last time, then I should be able to do something else."

With his current strength, how much more than ten times stronger than before?

What could only be done with four enemies and one at the beginning, is now just a matter of grasping.

Now that he has come to Senhaiyuan Realm, he hopes that he can do his best to help Master Guanyan share more pressure. Rather than just paddling within a safe range.

He wanted to help Master Guan Yan, and there was absolutely no perfunctory.

"Because it's the resurrected Yan Xiao, it hasn't grown for too long. Even if it's not a period of weakness, it won't be much stronger than the one you met last time... It won't be stronger than the limit of the inner palace."

Guan Yan said: "The only problem is that it will continue to absorb the power of the Dragon God to be resurrected. This is the connection between it as a god rank and the god, and even the Dragon God himself cannot be separated. But after being killed by you The resurrection is different from the resurrection after it is killed by the creatures of the forest sea source world, the former will consume the power of the dragon god, and the latter will not."

In a sense, Jiang Wang and the others really killed Yan Xiao last time, after all, they really consumed part of the Dragon God's power.

"So I..." Jiang Wang asked, "Kill all the time?"

"Yes." Guan Yan smiled: "Kill it all the time."

"With Yan Xiao's chaotic wisdom, since the combat power will not be stronger than the limit of the inner palace, then he will never be my opponent." Jiang Wang calmly examined himself and said confidently: "The more times you kill it, the better. ?"

This is the self-confidence that belongs to the first in history.

"No need." Guan Yan shook his head slightly: "You can kill as slowly as possible, so that its death lasts longer. Just make it unable to provide assistance to the Dragon God."

As he spoke, he spread out his jade-like right palm.

The star sand flowed like water, wrapped around Jiang Wang's arm, formed a circle, and printed it down.

Jiang Wang's heart moved, and he felt the power of the star tower of Master Guanyan on the ring mark. That kind of power escorted him to Senhai Yuanjie, and he hadn't forgotten it so quickly.

"I've been modifying it just now, so it's finished. It's a gift for you." Guan Yan said in an ordinary tone: "If something unexpected will bring you back to where you came from."

Probably remembering the experience in the Seven Star Valley when he greeted Jiang Wang, he added: "You can also go to other Seven Star Worlds. It's just that you need to find your way home later..."

The more times you kill Yan Xiao, the more power the Dragon God consumes, which is of course more beneficial to the battle situation on Guan Yan's side... But for Jiang Wang, the danger is inevitable.

Yan Xiao's power should not be underestimated, and each rebirth is a new state. No matter how strong Jiang Wang is, how long can he fight fiercely at the extreme level of the inner palace?

Although Guan Yan asks Jiang Wang to help, the most dangerous battlefield is still to go to the battlefield by himself, and he sends out his own star tower, preparing a retreat for Jiang Wang...

Thinking about it, if he hadn't been unsure about this battle...he might not have asked Jiang Wanglai.

How could the dragon god who dared to target the stars in the universe be so easy to deal with?

Guan Yan may be calm about his own life and death, but his concern lies elsewhere.

Jiang Wang knew it well, but didn't say much, just said: "I know the trade-offs."

"Divine power is vast, but manpower is limited." Guan Yan looked at him with a serious expression: "Jiang Xiaoyou, I will try my best to get rid of him before your power is exhausted. This is my promise."

Senhai, which can't be seen at a glance.

Senhai Yuanjie, where the light is always unclear.

Wearing a moon-white monk's robe and a blue gown, standing in front of the rotten and huge dragon tree, they are the only two bright colors in this lengthy picture scroll.

Crossing this huge, overturned dragon tree is the forest of hanging skulls, which is like a purgatory on earth.

Qing Qishu once said - "The one who hangs on this tree in the future may be me or my child."

What he probably wanted to say at that time was...his and Qinghua's child.

At this moment, Jiang Wang remembered the punch that Qing Qishu lightly touched him in the face when he was in Yanchao.

The one who called him "Mr. Zhang", regarded his random advice as a peerless treasure, Qing Qishu who wanted to have a relationship with Qinghua... Could it be that he was under the control of the Dragon God, living in tyranny and killing forever?

Should his head hang on the tree and become the nourishment of the tree?

Like him, his relatives, friends and family members can never go to see the end of the world?

In the end, "Mr. Zhang" just looked at Guan Yan and said: "Senior, your battle is a more difficult one. Please fight with all your heart and don't think about this side. Before my sword breaks, Yan Xiao will never affect You will only keep bleeding the Dragon God... this is my promise."

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, stretching it out in front of Guan Yan: "Let us accomplish this great thing together, in this distant star, in this place that no one may know."

"Okay." Guan Yan smiled warmly, and reached out to shake hands with him: "It's in this distant star sky, in this place that no one knows!"

In the vast universe, what is not like dust?

In infinite space and infinite time, Senhai Yuanjie is indeed a distant place that no one knows.

No matter what stories happen here, what sacrifices are made, and how dazzling performances are made, they are all destined to be silent in the universe, so lonely that there is no echo...

It is the silent dust in the universe.

Throughout the ages, some people have sought profit, while others have sought fame.

In order to get three points in front of him, he dared to hang his head on his belt.

In order to win the world's glory, dare to step into the sea of ​​fire with the tip of a knife.

However, in a place like Senhai Yuanjie.

No applause, no applause.

No matter how great the journey is, it can only end quietly.

Both the beginning and the end are lonely.

If you seek profit, you will not see profit, and if you seek fame, you will not be famous.

Yet it is in such a place.

Guan Yan, who has been the most enlightened in Xuankong Temple for five hundred years, is determined to stay here, and he will never become a Buddha in this life.

Jiang Wang, the No. 1 inner palace in Qing history, gave up his meritorious service on the battlefield of Xingyueyuan and went alone with his sword.

The top Tianjiao in the world five hundred years ago, and the top Tianjiao in the world five hundred years later...

The two decided to join forces in this unknown place, against the terrifying existence trying to control the stars of the universe without the knowledge of anyone.

One is love and the other is faith.

At the same time, they also have compassion for the tens of thousands of creatures in the Senhaiyuan world.

No one in the Senhai Saint Clan praised Guan Yan's name, except for Xiaofan's mother-in-law Qinghuaqing Bazhi and others, probably not many people would remember that Jiang Wang had been here.

But they still decided to do it.

Guan Yan has been fighting alone for five hundred and thirty-seven years.

Today Jiang Wang... joins the battle!

The two stood in front of the huge wall of rotten wood, silently waiting for the opportunity to appear.

The completely decayed rotten wood has no vitality at all, but it has not yet been mixed with the soil. If the rotten wood is also alive, but I don't know what it is insisting on.

Jiang Wang waited while exploring the inner mansion—he never wanted to miss the time, because those heavy past events were too urgent.

When Guan Yan speaks, he speaks. Guan Yan didn't speak, he just practiced.

And Guan Yan's more energy is also in the origin of the world in this world, on the dragon god.

The two waited until the sky faded and the whole world was completely dark.

The dark night in Senhai Yuanjie is terrifying.

"Night Invasion" has never stopped doing evil since the day it was launched.

If there are innocent souls in this world, when the evening wind blows, all ghosts will cry. It's a pity that even ghost crying doesn't exist, even if there is a wronged soul, it should be swallowed by Yan Xiao...

The Chaos Invasion cannot disturb the two who are waiting.

The ring of stars on Jiang Wang's hand emitted a faint light, protecting him from being disturbed by the invasion of the night. The scabbard made of Shenlong wood is also shimmering, as if expelling something, just like burning Shenlong incense - I didn't know it had such a wonderful effect before.

Guan Yan praised: "You can know the sword by looking at the scabbard. The more you raise your sword, the better it will be."

Jiang Wang is sometimes shy when it comes to his own praise. But he accepted all the compliments on the saber, because he was really proud: "It has indeed been with me for a long time, it is the best weapon for me, and it is even more my beloved."

The sword raising method specially customized by Lian Que is really easy to use, and after he achieved Tianfu, he raised the sword with the light of five supernatural powers, which is even more extraordinary for the spiritual benefit of Sauvignon Blanc.

Most of the famous utensils in the world are born with the Lord. In the long time of getting along, an unparalleled tacit understanding and a spirituality that is compatible with the body have been bred.

Even if the weapon used by the peerless true monarch fails to reach the legendary "spiritual metamorphosis" level, once it leaves the original owner, it will have to start all over again.

If you leave Jiang Mengxiong, even if it is Qi's famous tool list, it will be difficult to rank the army and killer generals first.

The reason why "spiritual metamorphosis" is said to be a legend is because it is rare in ancient and modern times.

In short, no matter how powerful a weapon is, it must rely on the performance of the practitioner. Therefore, the list of famous weapons in various countries often ranks the strength of the strong, not the weapon itself.

For Jiang Wang's praise, Chang Xiangsi groaned softly in the sheath, as if responding.

The extremely soft sound of the sword made this night even more lonely.

But Jiang Wang and Guan Yan are both people who are used to loneliness.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, do you have someone you like?" Guan Yan asked suddenly, looking up at the empty night sky.

Jiang Wang froze for a moment before saying, "I don't really know..."

"I don't know, but there is." Guan Yan said softly.

"Maybe, I never asked myself." Jiang Wang lowered his eyes and said, "There is only one heart, and there is no room for too many things."

Guan Yan has always known that this young man in his twenties has a very heavy heart, and he has a heavy burden on his shoulders.

But he didn't try to explain it, just said to himself: "Like is a very beautiful thing. You walk in a very dark night, and you look at your eyes as if you have nothing. But if there is someone in your heart , everything exists.”

Five hundred years of looking at the moon is always looking at "little troubles".

They are in the same world, but they can't meet each other, they can only keep secrets.

It seems to have nothing, and it seems to have everything.

"That's really good." Jiang Wang only said this, and then stopped talking.

Keep the phrase "but I can't" in your heart.

The terrifying night in Senhai Yuanjie couldn't disturb them at this moment.

The two of them were silent, consolidating their spirits...

Waiting for the last moment.



In the shadow of the gods, in that very old bookstore.

The white-haired old woman was quietly reading a book.

The title of the book is "Eight Methods of Planting Lingsi Flower".

Author unknown.

After so many years, she has read every book here countless times.

Remember every word, every crease.

But she still comes here to study from time to time.

Guan Yan's story, she can't share it with any clansman.

The years of her girl Huaichun have also been silent in time.

The traces of that handsome monk are actually everywhere, in that clear stream, in that flower garden, in her heart... He changed the direction of the entire Senhai Saint Clan. Modified the past, but also changed the future... But she can only announce the will of the Dragon God.

He exists everywhere, but she can only pretend that he is not there.

Only in this study room, there is a secret tacit understanding.

She looked through every ancient book, imagining what that person left behind, what he borrowed from and what he modified. Made something up again, or wanted to say something to her...

It was like talking to that person——

As a reader and author, travel through time, life and death, and communicate silently.

For example, in this "Eight Methods of Planting Lingsi Flower", the ninth column on page 13, the fourth column on page 19, and the sixth and seventh column on page 22...all write the same two Small print——

"Little annoyance".

She didn't discover this until many years after he left.

These romances hidden in tiny corners support her through life.

Until today.

Today she is deeply wrinkled and gray-haired.

But today she is sitting here, flipping through this book, flipping through those small prints, still like the first time she saw it, her eyes are shining and her heart is soft.

No one knows her secret thoughts, and their romance is hidden deep in it.

She enjoys the moment...

Of course life is hard to enjoy.

At this moment, the Holy Maiden of Blue walked in.

She leaned against the door, looked at the white-haired old woman, and watched her read a book as usual.

Rubbing the paper with those skinny fingers, there was a tenderness of stroking a lover's cheek.

"My lord priest..." she opened her mouth.

The old priest looked away from the book reluctantly, looked at the blue saint, full of kindness: "What's the matter, blue and white?"

If Jiang Wang was here, he would have found that compared to that day, the current blue and white is too haggard.

In the past, it was full of "life" power, but now the vitality is still there, but there is exhaustion between the eyebrows and eyes, and the eyes are slightly red.

"I'm confused." Qing Hua said.

"Son, what are you confused about?" Xiaofan asked the mother-in-law.

Qing Hua stretched out her fingers, and slid across the bookshelf next to her, looking up and down, as if she wanted to find a book that she could read and make her feel peaceful.

But it's hard to stick with any one.

"Why did the envoy of the Dragon God kill Yan Xiao, but Yan Xiao appeared again?" she asked.


As soon as the little annoying mother-in-law opened her mouth, she was interrupted.

It seems that Qinghua doesn't need to answer at all, she already has her answer.

"Could it be that the evil in the world can't be eradicated at all?" Qing Hua said, turning her head, her bloodshot eyes, looking at the wrinkled face of the old woman: "Is it because of our... sinful sins!"

Xiao Fan's mother-in-law frowned: "Why do you say that, what did you get in touch with in private?"

There is really no need to ask this question.

The one that the Blue Saintess can touch is naturally the "Dragon God".

But Xiaofan's mother-in-law was reluctant.

Qing Hua closed her eyes, seeming to be in great pain: "I've often heard some strange sounds recently..."

Granny Xiao Fan said: "Where there is day, there will be night, and where there is good, there will be evil. The evil in the world cannot be eradicated. But the good in the world will not disappear. The Yan Xiao of yesterday is dead, and the Yan Xiao of today is reborn. But if you can kill it yesterday, you can kill it tomorrow.”

She sighed: "In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to listen to the oracle."


One of the chapters is to add updates to Yan Shaofei of the Great League! 14/78.

Continue tomorrow.

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