Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1360 ?

Chapter 1360

The little annoying mother-in-law knew exactly what happened.

For so many years, she has followed the will of the person she loves, and firmly controlled the direction of the saints.

She has firmly believed in the Dragon God since she was a child, and she believes that the Dragon God is great and perfect.

But there was an unforeseen situation, and Dragon God seemed to have encountered some problems.

Oracles are often confusing and incomprehensible...

In the beginning, miracles appeared frequently, and the oracle often came, but the preface was incoherent and contradictory, pointing to this and pointing to that.

According to what her sweetheart said, she only obeys the oracle that is beneficial to the future of the holy clan, and regards it as the official order. Those oracles that were upside down and confused chose to turn a deaf ear.

As for what is beneficial to the future of the Holy Race, Guan Yan has already laid out detailed regulations. And over the years, she has gradually gained her own understanding.

Peaceful and peaceful days, fair and just rules, kindness, bravery, bearing these beautiful qualities...

The future that the saints should have is peace and happiness.

That's when she discovered and was sure...

She believed in Guan Yan more than she believed in Dragon God.

Compared with the belief in the dragon god, she believes in the bright future of the ethnic group.

Guan Yan never denied the Dragon God in front of her, and he only said that he left a way to deal with Yan Xiao until his death.

But she has eyes to see, and she has heart to feel.

She knows what is a better choice for the Holy Race.

Many young saints take today's life for granted, suffering from the tradition of "Xianghun" and resenting the invasion of the night.

She's been through the dark times, and she knows what the more painful and tormented days are like.

The enlightenment of the Senhai Saint Clan is the method formulated by Guan Yan, but she has completed the specific implementation bit by bit for hundreds of years. What turned everything Guan Yan envisioned into reality... was her non-stop sewing day and night, stitch by stitch.

She realizes that the Oracle of Chaos is slowly eating away at her, trying to draw her into the "chaotic" side. As time went on and the chaos accumulated, she gradually became unable to resist.

So she began to select the Holy Maiden of Blue to replace her from generation to generation to listen to the oracle for her.

If the replaced Blue Saintess is affected by the chaotic oracle, she must live in the sacrificial room for ten years. After ten years of no abnormality, they can return to the holy clan and live a normal life. This does not have to be the case if it is just a normal time-limited rotation without any out-of-order behavior.

She herself has always occupied the priesthood, and also occupied the "interpretation power" of the oracle, so that the oracle will never deviate from the road, so that it has been peaceful for hundreds of years.

In later ages, the oracle came less frequently, and the oracle confusion became less and less frequent. Everything is heading in a good direction, Dragon God seems to be slowly "returning to normal"...

But Qinghua's current appearance clearly heard those chaotic oracles again, and has already been affected.

Although this day came too early, it was time to change it...

It is of course cruel to let a young girl live alone in the sacrificial room for ten years, but there is no other choice.

The crone knows very well what will happen to those who are completely swayed by the chaotic oracle.

In the long years, some saintesses were killed by her personally...

The next Holy Maiden of Green, she originally preferred Xiao Guo'er, so she has been teaching by her side. In another ten years or so, Qinghua will live on her own, be it husband and wife, or exploring the world. At that time, Xiao Guoer just grows up and can take over the task of listening to the gods.

But obviously not now.

Xiaoguoer is still too young, so who else in the clan is suitable?

The old priestess of the Senhai Saint Clan is very preoccupied, and her wrinkles are deeply weighed down by so many thoughts.

How could Qinghua have a problem at this time? She has a kind heart and a firm will, and she has not been a saint of blue for many years, and the number of times she has listened to the oracle is not many...

Usually, when dozens of chaotic oracles are accumulated, the saint will be affected and act out of order.

What happened to Dragon God?

The white-haired old woman looked at the blue and white flowers with sad eyes.

"I don't want to hear it... I don't want to hear it." Qing Hua tightly closed her eyes and covered her ears with a very painful expression: "But it rang in my heart when I was sleeping, and it rang in my ears when I was walking. Whatever you do, wherever you go, that voice will always sound... I don't want to hear it, but I can't stop listening! I am the Holy Maiden of Blue, and I was born to listen to God's will. This is the meaning of my existence... value!"

"Listen to me, child..." Xiao Fan's mother-in-law put the book back on the shelf with gentle movements.

She stood up from the reclining chair, walked up to Qing Hua, and hugged her gently.

She has watched the child grow up since she was a child, and watched how she grew from a shy girl to a beauty that the holy warriors couldn't take their eyes off.

She knew her pain and could feel her struggle.

She caressed her long hair: "You are Qinghua. You were born for yourself, and the meaning of your existence is to make yourself happy. It's not a divine decree, and you don't need to embody any value. Do you know, child ? Your existence itself is already precious to me."

"What you said is different...why is it different?" Qing Hua held her head with both hands, her voice became more painful, and she even cried: "My lord priest! Mother-in-law! My lord Dragon God! What should I do... What should I do? "

"What's different?" The little annoying mother-in-law caressed her, her voice was kind: "Tell me, what did you hear?"

Qing Hua choked and said: "I heard..."


When the cold light suddenly appeared, a short dagger pierced into the abdomen of Xiao Fan's mother-in-law.


Qing Hua was immediately pushed away with a palm, and the whole person hit the door of the study, and fell to the ground again.

And the little troubled mother-in-law took a few steps back and fell back on the couch, her breath becoming chaotic.

It's not that she is unprepared for the blue and white problem. She has seen many saintesses affected by the chaotic oracle, and she fully knows that their behavior is uncontrollable. While caring about Qinghua, she did not relax her self-defense.

With Qinghua's strength, it is impossible to hurt her at all.

It's just that at that moment just now, the gods' ravings suddenly came to her ears. It was a chaotic oracle that she hadn't heard for a long time... She had obviously disconnected for a long time on her own initiative!

The chaotic oracle hit her mental defenses, causing her to be in a trance for a while.

Only in this way was stabbed with a dagger by Qinghua.

This dagger was smeared with unknown strange things, and she could feel that a strange force was rapidly eroding her body...

am I wrong? she thinks.

A ray of evening wind blew in, flickering the candlelight all over the study room, and dizzying the bookshelves into a dim yellow.

It made a lonely spin, passing the white-haired old woman who was tired on the recliner, and the beautiful woman who stood up unsteadily in front of the door, and flew out of the house again.

Compared with the outside environment, the land of the shadow of the gods is indeed fresh and bright.

But the night here is still quiet, and no one dares to walk outside without burning the dragon incense.

Shenlongmu extends far away, and the fruit houses hanging from the branches are warm homes.

In the entire Senhaiyuan world, there may be no other place where you can see the lights of thousands of families.

The evening wind swam gently in the deserted forest.

It happened to pass a window...

The fruit room is warmly furnished and candlelight is warm.

Cute girl is sitting at the dressing table, and her beautiful mother is undoing her braids. The man was in the other corner of the room, with a pocket knife. Carefully cut the arrow branch.

Sleep tonight and hunt tomorrow, so the days flow.

In order not to accidentally pull her daughter's head and hurt her, the mother's movements were delicate and gentle.

The girl was a little sleepy waiting, looked at herself in the mirror, and yawned... her ignorant sleepy eyes instantly widened in horror.

The mother in the mirror, those beautiful and gentle eyes, were suddenly bloodshot!

The girl felt that her hair was stretched instantly, and her head was involuntarily thrown back...

The screams and cries were all bound in this fruit house, just like the candlelight, unable to break out of the night.

And the night is flowing like water, and the east family is transferred to the west family.

In this old fruit house, the elderly woman leaned against the head of the bed with a kind face.

The solid-faced man was sitting by the bed holding a bowl of broth, and was feeding it spoon by spoon.

In the turbidity of the eyes, blood streaks crawled out at some point.

The old woman closed her mouth and bit off the porcelain spoon!

"Mom!" The man was shocked, and reached out to pick the porcelain spoon to prevent the old mother from swallowing it.

But a skinny hand had already grabbed his neck...

This is an unusual night.

All those who were once the saintesses of green and listened to the oracle, no matter whether they had disorderly behavior or not, all changed on this night.

It should be said that when Priest Xiaofan decided to choose the Holy Maiden of Blue to replace her to listen to the oracle, she should have anticipated the possible consequences.

The safest choice, of course, is to secretly kill all the abdicated saintesses. That way, whatever is wrong with that chaotic oracle won't be a problem.

But Priest Xiaofan didn't choose that way.

She would rather spend ten years to screen and more time to wait.

And yesterday's cause is today's fruit.



In the distant sky, Yuheng star has disappeared.

Every night in Senhai Yuanjie, it is stingy with light.

It is for day and night.

But in a pair of vertical pupils piercing through the years, it is still shining brightly in that direction, and it is getting brighter and brighter.

The vast sea of ​​origin of the world is setting off raging waves.

A golden dragon leaps and fights fiercely with the opponent. His enemies are two, one in front and one behind. Standing in front of him was a clumsy and tall giant tree, its branches were whipping, shaking the sea of ​​origin of the entire world.

Standing behind him was a plump and handsome white-clothed monk holding a green scepter in his hand.

This golden dragon is naturally the Dragon God.

Being able to fight against two with one enemy, in this world's original sea, at the same time suppress the world will of Sen Hai's source world, and Guan Yan who took away the handle of Sen Hai's true god... The strength of the dragon god can be seen.

However, this is not His real strength. Maybe it's a near-death counterattack that is afraid of the will of Senhaiyuan World, or maybe it's because they don't know enough about Guan Yan and don't want to take risks.

In short, the Dragon God firmly controlled the situation of the battle, holding the balance of victory and defeat tightly. No more concessions, no more oppression.

This delicate balance makes the battle situation very anxious.

In the fight against the Dragon God.

The world will of Guanyan and Senhaiyuanjie, the two parties obviously have a certain tacit understanding, and try to maintain cooperation, but this cooperation is not harmonious.

It's nothing more than each occupying one side and fighting each other.

The will of the world is just a vague term, and it cannot be completely equated with the intelligence of intelligent life.

The world will of Senhai Yuanjie, the behavioral logic is closer to a certain instinct... Instinctively protect Senhaiyuanjie, react instinctively to hostility, and fight back against erosion.

But it cannot be said that there is no wisdom at all. It just means that the "thinking" of the will of the world is not the same as the thinking of intelligent life in the general sense.

As the will of the world, sometimes it is frighteningly "stubborn". For example, Yan Xiao is obviously an evil bird under the control of the Dragon God, but he is also regarded as an "indigenous person" in this world, and has never been targeted by the world will of Senhaiyuan World.

Sometimes, the will of the world has unpredictable choices. For example, he chose to protect the true spirit of an "outsider" like Guan Yan...

The will of the world does not have human-like "personality", "morality", and "emotion", but it is not just a world's instinct to protect itself.

It can be simple or complex. Since ancient times, no one has been able to truly explain the will of the world.

But there is no doubt about one thing - being able to touch the will of the world is already extraordinary in itself.

For the vast majority of people, perhaps throughout their entire lives, they cannot feel the existence of the will of the world.

Specific to this battle in the world's original sea, the entire battle situation is completely dominated by Guan Yan.

He wants to study both the dragon god and the will of the world. The three parties have been entangled in battle for hundreds of years.

Today, the original sea of ​​the world in the entire forest sea source world is also divided into three colors.

About three-sixths of it is the same golden color as the Dragon God. About two-sixths of it is still emerald-like blue, and only the remaining one-sixth is as clear as water, shining with Guan Yan.

From the looks of it, Guan Yan seemed too weak. But only the existence in the battle situation can know how terrifying this monk is.

When the Dragon God completely crushed the will of the world, he entered the battle wearing a monk's clothes and entered the sea of ​​origin alone. One's share!

The world will of Senhai Yuanjie, which has the home court advantage, can only be defeated by the dragon god's attack, and its share of the original sea is getting smaller and smaller.

Guan Yan, who seems to be the weakest and most unreliable, can maintain a growing trend in the endless battles day and night. It even delayed the decline of the will of the world.

What they are fighting for is not only the origin of the world, but also the world itself!

And at this moment—

The dragon god stood high in the air and looked down: "Little monk, it's time to end all this!"

He really didn't know this monk well enough. After fighting for so long, he still felt like he was seeing flowers through the fog. But I learned that the Senhai Saint Clan has a special meaning to Guan Yan, and that priest is very important to Guan Yan...

that's enough.

isn't it?

After so many years of layout and planning, it is indeed time to end.

Fighting for hundreds of years in this world's original sea, even an existence like him can't help but feel tired!

As soon as the sound fell, the entire world's original sea echoed.

The waves roared and swept.




Guan Yan, who was wearing a moon-white monk's robe, just looked up at the god quietly, holding the scepter representing the handle of the true god of Sen Hai, and took a step forward.

The stormy waves rest, the stormy waves stop, and the echoes disperse.

One step to Haiboping!

The handle of God is also the authority of God.

It represents the supreme control over the power of faith.

Guan Yan is holding this green scepter, it can be said that he holds the belief of the Dragon God and is an enemy of the Dragon God.

And his expression was so calm, he only said: "Secret coercion, this is not the method of righteous gods, conspiracy to profit, not the way of the great way. A despicable existence like you, the wider the spread of the preaching, the more disasters it will cause... Indeed It's time to end!"

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous!" Dragon God laughed loudly: "What kind of nonsense gods and gods, not popular stuff, think I care about it? If you want to go to the god's handle and god's throne, I'll give it to you to play with!"

The brilliant golden original waves firmly resisted the clear waves.

And in his bright golden vertical pupils, the appearance of Yuhengxing has already been reflected.

In the long struggle, He has already captured Yuheng, and today is a good opportunity to become the Lord.

He has controlled half of the world's origin sea and captured the Yuheng stars. He really doesn't need any true gods in the forest sea source world.

No matter from which point of view, He has enough confidence to achieve the final success.

But even so, at this critical juncture, with the help of the residual influence on the god, he shook the blue saint, attacked the priest named Xiaofan, and even affected the entire Senhai saint clan, causing bloody killings.

No matter what means Guan Yan has, he has to make a choice today——

Is it to interfere with the Dragon God's possession of Yuheng, or to get out to save Xiao Fan and the Senhai Saint Clan?

The sea of ​​origin of the world is full of waves.

Only the manifest form of the will of Senhaiyuan World is still waving branches and attacking Dragon God frantically.

As if unaware that something was going on.



In the shadow of the gods, in the study.

The white-haired old woman fell back on the reclining chair, struggling against the power eroding her body, unable to speak or move.

After finally standing still, Qing Hua drew out a dark dagger and walked towards her resolutely.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang outside.

"Blue and white!"

Qing Bazhi, who had eight braids tied up, jumped into the study room neatly, holding the javelin in his hand, with a solemn expression: "What are you doing!"

"Our hunting, and even the arrival of the dragon god's messenger, are all meaningless..." Qing Hua stopped and turned around, and asked: "Yan Xiao came back from the dead again, are you afraid? You told me that day, you said no Know when the day is the end."

"I don't deny my fear." Qing Bazhi said: "But now, stay away from the priest."

Qing Hua ignored it, but asked again: "Qing Qishu's death, are you sad?"

"I don't like him, but I do feel sorry for him." Qing Bazhi frowned: "What are you trying to say? You are very wrong today."

"You don't know what's wrong at all." Qinghua shook her head and smiled strangely: "Do you know what caused all this? Why did Qishu die meaninglessly? The warrior died in the hunt, but the ending did not change at all? The priest interpreted the oracle and guided the way forward! Why did he lead us to go harder and harder! Who do you think is wrong! Eight branches?"

Qing Bazhi shook the javelin and said: "We are all grown up by the priest mother-in-law. There must be some put down the dagger first."

"Do you love me?" Qinghua asked.

Qing Bazhi said in a shy voice: "You have always known my intentions, why bother to ask?"

What makes him sad is not that Qinghua doubts his intentions, but that Qinghua uses his intentions as a weapon.

"If you love me, kill her for me!" Qing Hua said, "Don't you think she has been a priest for too long? After so many years, our situation has not changed at all. The great saints are still huddled in the In the land of the shadow of the gods...she deviated from the will of the gods, and one day she will be betrayed by the gods. Can you imagine such a situation? It's time for a change!"

She looked at Qing Bazhi: "In the future, I will be the priest, and you will be the patriarch. We will respect God and obey orders, and together we will make the holy clan stronger! What do you think?"

Looking at the beautiful face in front of him who has been in and out of sleep countless times, Qing Yazhi's heart is very confused.

But his hand was steady: "Qing Hua, you'd better calm down, you're not sober now. I'm a holy warrior, and I'm responsible. I won't allow you to hurt the priest."

"I am sober, but you are still confused."

Qing Hua said: "When Qi Shu left, he said he would come back. When Yan Xiao died, I thought the nightmare was over... But has anything changed? We are still locked up in this place like pigs. We will never know What is there at the end of the world. We still can only watch our relatives and friends die, there is no way... Why do we do this? Since all this is meaningless, why do we persist? It is better to go another way and follow the dragon Go with the true will of God. God will shine on us!"

Qing Bazhi shook his head: "No, you can't hurt your mother-in-law. I can promise you anything else, but not this one."

Qing Hua looked at him coldly, her eyes were like knives: "You are no match for Qi Shu, he is willing to do anything for me!"

Qing Bazhi clenched the javelin tightly and did not speak.

At this moment, a sharp piercing sound came suddenly, Qing Hua retreated all over her body, swiped the dagger decisively, and pushed away an incoming arrow!

The arrow sank into the ground, but the tail feathers were still trembling endlessly.

It can be seen that the force of the comer is heavy, and the arrow is determined.

Qing Jiuye, whose bow was full, floated down, looked at Qinghua and said, "You don't understand Qishu at all. If he sees you today, he must regret loving you. If you dare to go further...die!"

Qing Hua held the dagger, looked at Qing Jiuye with reddish eyes, and smiled beautifully: "I know you won't kill me, because you have me in your heart."

call out!

What responded to her was an arrow aimed at her throat!

Qing Hua had to take two steps back to avoid sharp arrows, and at the same time she was getting farther and farther away from the old woman on the couch.

Qing Jiuye's voice was very cold: "I had you in my heart, and it was not because you hurt the priest's mother-in-law. I know who is really protecting this place. I have worked hard for hundreds of years, and you can't slander it with a few words! The Senhai Saint Clan absolutely cannot do without the priest mother-in-law, but they can do without me or you!"

"Hehehe..." Qinghua laughed: "Slander?"

She looked at Qing Jiuye, then at Qing Bazhi: "As the Holy Maiden of Qing, I listen to the oracle. Do you know what the Dragon God said?"

Qing Jiuye said: "What the dragon god says, you don't count. How to interpret the oracle is a matter for the priest and mother-in-law."

Qing Hua looked at him: "You don't believe me?"

Looking at Qing Bazhi again: "You don't believe me either?"

"I don't believe you now." Qing Jiuye said directly.

Qing Bazhi said: "For so many years, no matter who the saint is, the oracle is interpreted by the priest and mother-in-law..."

"What if her interpretation has always been contrary to the oracle?!" Qing Hua asked angrily: "If I can prove this, you, as holy warriors, have been granted divine power for many years and have received all the grace of God! What are you doing now? choose?"


One of the chapters is to add updates to Yan Shaofei of the Great League! 15/78.

Continue tomorrow.


Thanks to the book friend "You Are Here" for rewarding 750,000 points and becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 187th league of the Chixin Sky Survey! The boss joined seven alliances in two days, so fierce.

Thanks to the book friend "Schrödinger's Floor" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 188th league of the Chixin Sky Survey! (This is the trumpet of the floor.)

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