Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1361 Love for you is longer than time

This is really a soul-searching question.

Qing Bazhi, Qing Jiuye, and even Qing Qishu. They all tempered their physical bodies and polished their martial arts since they were young, and stood out among children of the same age. They received divine grace and bathed at the altar of the tree. From then on, they gained supernatural power and became respected warriors of the holy clan, mastering combat power beyond the ordinary.

Belief in the dragon god is not a matter of months or years.

From childhood to adulthood, it is passed down from generation to generation.

Their belief in the Dragon God can even be said to be the most devout among the entire Senhai Saint Clan.

Because whether the belief is pious or not directly affects their strength.

And now Qinghua said that Xiaofan mother-in-law has always deviated from the true meaning of the oracle?

"There is no need to prove it." Qing Jiuye said in a deep voice, "At this moment, are you representing yourself or God?"

"What's the difference? I am the saint of Qing, and I am also the agent of God. The oracle has entered my ears, and I have written every word." Qinghua said: "I will not distort or misinterpret God's will. , will not cover up... Isn't this the duty of a servant of the gods?"

"What is the oracle you heard?" Qing Jiuye asked again.

"Of course it is to kill this blasphemer and guide the saints to the right path!" Qing Hua said seriously: "Otherwise, why do you think I can hurt her? It is Lord Dragon God who withdrew her power! "

"I will never obey this oracle!" Qing Bazhi said angrily.

Qing Jiuye said: "Grandma Xiaofan is like our mother. She sews the clothes on my body, cooks the food in my belly, teaches me to be a man, and raises me to be an adult. If God loves people, how can he instigate his son to kill his mother? How can he instruct me to kill my mother?" Mother kills son?"

"It is the god who gives us food and clothing, the god who protects us. It is the god who leads us out of the darkness, and the god who gives us the future!" Qinghua sang with reverence, and looked at the two saint warriors: "You may be Confusion in front of us, but God will eventually lead us to the light... The moment she chooses to blaspheme, the moment she chooses to deviate from the oracle, she is no longer our little troublesome mother-in-law, but a heinous blasphemer. Don't forget, where does your power come from! Don't you want to blaspheme?"

"No. It was the mother-in-law who took care of us growing up, who found the food, and who protected our people... The one who really protects this land, and the one who really does her best to shine here, has always been the little annoying mother-in-law, Not God!"

Qing Jiuye still drew his bow to the full, and said: "The gods have sent down their divine power, and I have also paid for my practice. The gods need faith. I have never been absent from all the sacrifices, and I have never been dishonest. But if the god's decree is to kill the priest's mother-in-law , then this god... I don't believe it anymore!"

What a blasphemy!

Those who abandon God will be abandoned by God.

Without divine power, the so-called holy warrior is just an ordinary person with a stronger body.


One breath passes, two breaths pass, three breaths pass.

A lot of interest passed.

There was no change in Qing Jiuye's body.

His muscles are still strong, and his bow and arrow are still very steady.

No power was withdrawn because of blasphemy, let alone any divine punishment.

"It seems that it's not God's will, but yours." Qing Bazhi held the javelin, and looked at Qing Hua very coldly: "Stay away from mother-in-law!"

Forced by this overwhelming killing intent.

Qing Hua couldn't help but retreated a few steps.

"How... how?"

She was confused, bewildered, and had no idea what was wrong.

Obviously a god, obviously a god...

It is God's will.

The three young men confronted each other on this side of the study, with intense and complicated emotions.

No one noticed that the white-haired old woman who was slumped on the recliner had burst into tears at some point.

Her lips trembled, but she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Mother-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Qing Jiuye was the first to realize that something was wrong, and rushed to Xiaofan's mother-in-law, put away her bow and arrow to help her, but then remembered her injury, and dared not move casually, only asked anxiously: "What's wrong?"

Qing Hua, who was in confusion, also turned her head to look at this benevolent old man.

Qing Bazhi threw the javelin horizontally, and he was already standing in front of her, looking at her warily.

Qing Hua was stunned again, she had never seen such strange expressions on the faces of these people.

But the oracle...

The little annoying mother-in-law finally made a sound, her voice was so trembling: " hear it?"

"What did you hear?" Qing Jiuye was at a loss.

Tears filled the wrinkles. Little Annoyed Granny has been fighting against the weird power on that dagger, and at the same time fighting against the chaotic oracle that keeps happening.

But just now...

The chaotic oracle that plagued her had been replaced by a new one.

This is the breath of "Zhengzhi" that she is very familiar with.

And this oracle only has two words——

"Little annoyance."

These two words appeared in my heart and rang in my ears.

It has appeared in dreams countless times, countless times.

"Listen...I heard it." Qing Hua said in a daze.

As the Holy Maiden of Blue, of course she would not miss the oracle.

just why?

Why would the true god call out the name of Xiaofan's mother-in-law? So delicate, so gentle...

Qinghua verified the truth of that sound, and let Xiao Fan's mother-in-law confirm that it was not an auditory hallucination in her trance.

She said "ah" for a while and then fell silent.

Slowly put his skinny hands up, covering his face.

Trembling, trembling, still unable to completely cover.

Like a child, like a child who has been wronged to the extreme, she cried hoarsely there.


Everything is understood.

Why have there been two completely contradictory voices of God for so many years...

Why did Guan Yan say to her, "I will love you forever in my own way."

She finally understood, looking for chapters and excerpts in this bookstore, and saw some sentences that she could not fully understand before——

"You need to know what you should believe in, peace, health, happiness, or God?"

"The Buddha said that he couldn't satisfy all your wishes. I said, if I were a Buddha, I would not be like this."


He has already broken his golden body, burned his relics, and still says he is a Buddha, but he has actually become a god.

The source of that dark age was never just those elders, never just Yan Xiao, it should be the source of that chaotic oracle...that is, the original Dragon God!

And for so many years, Guan Yan has always been with her as a fighter of the gods, as the "god" of the other half...

Those "correct oracles" recognized by her are all the love of a long time.

It was Guan Yan's confession to her after each short-term victory in the struggle!

She had always known that she was sincerely loved.

But she never knew that he was still in love!


Seeing the little annoying mother-in-law covering her face and crying, Qing Jiuye and Qing Bazhi were all stunned and at a loss.

In their impression, Granny Xiaofan is kind and strict. It is tolerant and even more tenacious.

For the sake of the saints, she can force Qing Qishu to go hunting. But on the eve before Qing Qishu's battle in the Forest of Hanging Skulls, he would stay up all night to sew the hidden clothes for him.

She handles the affairs of the family, big and small, with all her heart and soul, ten years, one hundred years, hundreds of years, just like a day.

When have you ever been so vulnerable, when have you ever cried so much?

Seeing such a little annoying mother-in-law, Qing Hua suddenly couldn't hold the dagger, loosened her fingers, and let it fall to the ground.


The whole person also crouched on the ground.

"What have I done?" She shook her head in pain, crying with fear and surprise, "What have I done? How could I be like this? I don't know... woo woo woo... seven Tree!"

"What did you say you did!" Qing Jiuye took a step forward, gritted his teeth and pulled out a dagger, about to kill him.

Qing's eight javelins moved, but there was no obstruction in the end.

"Don't hurt her!" The white-haired old woman on the recliner slowed down a bit at this moment, and finally stopped her emotions.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled out the short dagger that had penetrated her abdomen.

After snorting, he said: "It's not her fault, she can't control herself."

Her body is in pain, but her eyes are calm and peaceful.

After hundreds of years of hard work, I finally have something to rely on and a home to return to.

Qing Hua looked at this kind old man in a daze, her eyes dim with tears: "But God..."

"You said that you are the Holy Maiden of Blue, and you want to listen to the voice of God. You said that we should follow the guidance of the Dragon God."

The little annoying mother-in-law sat up a little bit, looked at her and said, "But Qinghua, do you really know what the result will be if you completely follow the guidance of the Dragon God?"

"We have already walked this road, hundreds of years in the dark age!"

"We have traveled this road, which is the invasion of the night that killed countless competing tribes, and also killed countless tribesmen."

"Everyone thinks that the saintess can only receive vague fragments of the divine will. That's because I used the altar of the tree to secretly arrange it to explain the oracle alone, but in fact, you can hear it clearly at that time, right? The oracle breakthrough According to my arrangement, convey it to you, so as to influence you... Then do you remember the oracle at the altar of the forest last time?"

The little annoying mother-in-law asked: "God said that we should kill the aliens and present our heads to Yan Xiao. God also said that we should help the Dragon God's messenger and kill Yan Xiao. God is so contradictory, which way should we go?"

"I think...the gods may not know right and wrong. But we who really live in this world and get along with our clansmen day and night, we should be able to distinguish clearly what is a better choice, shouldn't we?"

There was compassion in her eyes: "Child, we believe in God, what do we believe in?

Belief in a great existence is only because of reverence, just because of worship...

Faith for faith's sake?

No. We believe in God, we hope to be sheltered, we hope to be blessed, we hope to gain peace! I hope our family and friends are safe and our brothers and sisters are happy.

Our faith has something to ask, we want to get rid of this painful cycle.

So we say faith.

What do we believe in? ! "


In the Shenlongmu Forest where the night is surging, in front of the old mother's bedside.

The old woman reached out and grabbed her son's neck, and could kill him with just one twist.

But this twist can't be unscrewed no matter what.

The solid man could have killed the old man with a single punch, but he just struggled to protect his neck, blushing and shouting, "Mom!"

The old woman met his eyes, as if struck by lightning, she let go, cried bitterly and slapped herself: "From now on, I don't believe in God!"


In the tree house of the family of three.

The beautiful woman who was pulling her daughter's hair back and was about to drop the knife in her left hand suddenly bent her elbow——


Directly move your own strength, fold your entire left arm in half from the elbow, and bend it in reverse.

I would rather my face twitch in pain than let go of that hand knife.

The child was so frightened that he burst into tears, and was snatched away by the man. In his father's arms, but still crying: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The blue saint before the blue and white, cried helplessly.


In the bookstore.

Granny Xiaofan's tone gradually became agitated, and she got up from the couch: "The true god will not teach the mother to kill the child, the true god will not bear to hurt human relations! If you do this, you are an evil god! Evil god!"

"God loves the world and I respect God, if God harms people..."

With a wave of her hand, she put away all the books in the library.

Then go outside.

"Come with me!"

The back view of this gray-haired, even somewhat stooped old woman has a power to shake people's hearts at this moment.

Qing Bazhi, Qing Jiuye, and Qing Hua, who was still in a panic, all followed behind.

They walked into the night together.

After flying out of the study, the little annoying mother-in-law swiped back.

The whole bookstore was on fire in an instant!


She lit the study room and the oldest dragon wood in the entire land of the shadow of the gods.

Qing Bazhi and the others stared blankly at this scene.

A whole Shenlongmu full of vitality boiled out golden flames, illuminating the entire land of the shadow of the gods and dispelling the invasion of the night.

The nights here seem brighter than ever.

Jin Guangyao, brilliant and brilliant.

"Clan people!"

Against the backdrop of a blazing golden flame.

The white-haired old woman stood in the air, shouting to the entire land of the shadow of the gods——

"Let's ask ourselves, what is our belief?!"



Life is like this again, things go their own way.

Outside the forest of hanging heads.

In front of the giant dragon tree that fell sideways...

"The time has come."

Guan Yan said calmly.

With a flick of his long sleeves, he floated straight to the sky.

The night sky of Senhaiyuan Realm was pitch black, but he himself became the light,

There is no bright moon at night here, but his snow-white monk robe flutters like a bright moon.

Indeed, there is no need to say goodbye.

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang stepped on his toes, like a blue bird soaring into the sky, he had already crossed the fallen dragon tree and stepped into the depths of the skull forest.

The human skull hung from the thin tree, so clearly appeared in the extraordinary vision.

Sen Leng was dead silent.

There is a most extreme cruelty.

When I left here last time, I thought they would all be cleared.

Perhaps it will also blossom and bear fruit here, penetrating birds and beasts.

But when the front foot left Senhaiyuan Realm, Yan Xiao had reappeared on the back foot...

It seems that fate cannot be changed.

Wearing a green shirt, walking on the clouds, crossing this purgatory in a few steps, and found the "family" deep in the skull forest.

The wooden house is still like yesterday, and the swallow's nest is still hanging on the eaves.

Even the location hasn't changed...

It's like waiting for someone to return.

A tailless swallow poked its head out at this moment, just in time to meet Jiang Wang's eyes. The eyes were a little surprised, but also a little angry, probably because he recognized Jiang Wang... The wings moved slightly, as if he was about to fly out,


A ray of cold light passed through the sky, Jiang Wang slashed at it with a sword, and directly chopped the Yan Xiao back into the Yan's nest!

The whirling feeling of suddenly entering the swallow's nest did not affect Jiang Wang in the slightest. In the suddenly enlarged swallow's nest, others followed the sword and caught up with Yan Xiao in one step.

Yan Xiao has four supernatural powers, Jiang Wang has long known.

Immediately raised his left hand, facing the furious Yan Xiao who had just recovered from his senses, he fell to the Fire Realm right on the head!


A little spark exploded the world.

The flame bird flies, the flame flower blooms, and the firework meteor pierces the sky... All things are born, and the bright world of fire is instantly covered with the swallow's nest.

Yan Xiao blinked all over his body, but he couldn't get out of this world of fire at all!

In an instant, it was burned into a flaming bird and burned into fly ashes.

Kill with one move!

Master Guan Yan said that Yan Xiao's combat power was below the limit of the inner palace, which is really a bit generous.

Where is the limit of the fighting power of the inner government? Obviously possessing four supernatural powers, but they are not connected, and they cannot be integrated at all, let alone the glory of the monks of Tianfu. It is probably due to the fact that no one in Senhaiyuan Realm can really kill it, the fighting skills are also very rough, and the choice of fighting is full of mistakes...

At the beginning, it seemed fierce and fierce, unpredictable. Looking at it now, it is nothing more than a chicken and a dog.

If it is compared to the human race, I am afraid that they will not be able to enter the main match at the level of the inner palace on the Guanhe platform.

Today Yan Xiao may be in a stronger and more terrifying state than last time, but in front of Jiang Wang now, he can't even exert his full strength.

Directly manipulate the Fire Realm, and it will be killed.

The process was very easy... But Jiang Wang was not surprised.

With his current strength, it is not uncommon for him to torture and kill opponents at the inner court level. It is a rare thing that it is difficult to kill.

All the monsters in the four outer buildings were killed.

Killing Yan Xiao'er at the level of the inner mansion, even if he is the most evil bird, is so insignificant!

After all, under the arrangement of Master Guan Yan, it has not been supplemented by the power of hatred for a long time. He is still alive now, completely supported by the dragon god's divine power, and he does not show the most evil demeanor that made Master Guan Yan return in vain.

Yan Xiao burned his body into ashes, floating freely.

Not long after, a strange scene happened.

A pitch-black substance was born in a blank space, and the pieces of pitch-black substance formed into broken feathers, and the broken feathers gradually became complete and carved... Yan Xiao slowly took shape from the beginning to the end.

The speed of its resurrection is so fast, presumably it is indeed as Senior Guan Yan said, it has reached a critical moment.

Resurrection in the Fire Realm, of course, requires more power. Otherwise, fly ash will be seen before it is formed.

There was a golden light flowing on Yan Xiao's body, probably the divine power that protected it to survive in the Fire Realm.

With the power of the dragon god, it is not difficult to help Yan Xiao adapt to the fire world.

The golden light and black swallow without a tail looks quite majestic.


Jiang Wang didn't say anything, Sauvignon Acacia suddenly entered, left and right, and hit a herringbone sword!

The herringbone supports the heaven and the earth, and the fire world becomes more and more alive.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream, let alone say anything harsh. Yan Xiao, who was exuding golden light, split into three petals as soon as he fully appeared!

It looked as if it was still in the process of resurrection, but it was always stuck in the last step of putting together the limbs... The body that had been dismembered into three parts had already fallen.

Jiang Wang stepped forward, slowly cut off Yan Xiao's beak, and then smashed it into pieces with Bu Zhou Feng.

With a slight flick of the long sword, the translucent flower of sword energy fell, and Yan Xiao's remaining body was shattered into pieces, very delicate...

Thinking about it, the more thoroughly it is broken, the more Dragon God's power it will consume when it is revived again.

Although Master Guan Yan said that it is enough to delay Yan Xiao and prevent it from wreaking havoc.

He urgently asked Jiang Wang to come to Senhaiyuan Realm, perhaps more just to limit the attack of the Dragon God, or even... just to protect Xiao Fan's mother-in-law.

But Jiang Wang refused to do so.

Senior Guan Yan has the greatness of Senior Guan Yan, and Jiang Wang also has the responsibility of Jiang Wang!

Not only did he want to kill Yan Xiao, he wanted to kill Yan Xiao all the time, but he also wanted to kill Yan Xiao quickly and more often.

Kill as fast and as many as you can!

Kill Yan Xiao so that there is no chance to breathe, it is best to kill the dragon god so that the power of the dragon god is lost into a river!

After a while, Yan Xiao's silhouette appeared on the spot again, gradually condensing into shape.

There are still golden wings to help it resist the might of the fire realm.

As soon as it appeared, it vibrated its wings and flashed away!

This time it seems to have won more divine power from the Dragon God, and it seems to have a tendency to break through the Fire Realm and even leave the Swallow's Nest.


When it reappeared, a long blade was just resting on its neck.

Jiang Wang pulled it casually——

So a sword lord the head!

I have fought hard and fought hard, and I have seen all kinds of Yan Xiao.

Today, he has already killed twice in a row.

The knowledge of Yan Xiao is already sufficient, and when dealing with this Yan Xiao who is not always sober, he will definitely not lose when he goes astray.

Even Yan Xiao, who had eaten thousands of skulls and devoured a lot of wisdom, had blank eyes before his death!

It couldn't figure out why it happened to hit the opponent's sword by moving the space decisively to avoid the battle.

How does running for life turn into dying?

Of course Jiang Wang would not pay attention to its mood.

It's just repeating what should be done.

Point the toes slightly, and the step is approaching. Cut off Yan Xiao's beak again and shattered it into the wind.

In the third inner mansion, the supernatural power seed, which has always been cold and quiet, actually felt somewhat excited.

Yan Xiao is the most evil bird born by absorbing the evil thoughts of this world under the cultivation of the Dragon God. Yan Xiao's beak naturally has the ability to kill life.

Jiang Wang's current incompetence is due to it.

With this great opportunity now, maybe I can't do it again and again...

It is completely using the divine power of the Dragon God to continuously strengthen Bu Zhoufeng.

Although after multiple accumulations, the effect will definitely be weakened a lot. But for such a precious hole card as supernatural power, if there is even the slightest chance to strengthen it, people will flock to it.

Not long after, Yan Xiao was resurrected again.

This time, the divine light on his body was shining brightly, directly breaking through the fire realm covering the swallow's nest.

It is not accurate to say that it is "broken".

The golden divine light just flickered for a moment, as if the foundation of the Fire Realm had been pulled away, the entire Fire Realm disintegrated by itself.

In his fire world, Jiang Wang could vaguely perceive the application of some rules. The power of the dragon god descending from the air slightly changed certain rules, causing the fire realm to collapse...

He still can't fully understand its mysteries, but he has roughly "seen" the process...

What a brilliant use.

But these are not the most important things right now.

In the rapidly disintegrating bright fire realm.

The imprint of Qingyun under his feet disappeared in a flash, Jiang Wangren walked with the sword, and appeared in front of Yan Xiao again.

Yan Xiao's eyes were still fierce, and with a flap of his wings, he disappeared.

And Jiang Wang turned around directly, drawing a dashing horizontal line——

Celebrities are down and out, life and death are two points!

Behind him are falling flame meteors, withered flame flowers under his feet, and flame sparrows scattered like fireworks around him...

That sharp horizontal line divided his clean facial features into two halves.

Delicate eyebrows, and stern lips!

In front of the blue-clothed swordsman.

The tailless swallow with golden light and black feathers was once again divided into two parts.

The swallow's body was pulled to pieces by the sharp sword light, and the swallow's head was swept up by a wisp of frosty wind, dissipating into nothing.

Like mowing grass.

It is devastating!


One of the chapters is to add updates to Yan Shaofei of the Great League! 16/78.


Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the lord Half Drunk Grapefruit!

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