Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1362 Playing Chess with God

The splendid disintegration of the world of fire is based on Yan Xiao's fourth death as a footnote.

The most vicious bird in the world, when he fought Jiang Wang again, he couldn't get past it!

This is the case with the first death, the same with the second death, and the same with the third death.

There is no resistance.

The divine power continued to pour in, and Yan Xiao was resurrected from nothing again.

The thoughts of countless devoured people often collide in its mind, so it is sometimes sober, sometimes mad, sometimes resentful, and sometimes confused.

But judging from the vicious eyes it stared at Jiang Wang, no matter what state it was in, it would never forget Jiang Wang's harm to it.

I hate it so much!

Ben was conceived in malice, and its hatred is very naked.

That extreme hatred filled his eyes until...

Cut open by a sword!

The sword edge of Sauvignon Blanc sliced ​​open the eyeballs of this vicious bird, and of course also shattered the resentful eyes.

The long sword had already passed by, and the fierce sword energy exploded in Yan Xiao's body, cutting it to pieces.

This is Yan Xiao's fifth death, and he still hasn't made any decent resistance.

After the Fire Realm disintegrated, Jiang Wang did not perform this technique again. Because this divine channel technique requires both supernatural powers and real energy, it consumes a lot of energy. It doesn't matter if it lasts for a long time, once the fire element is generated, it will naturally continue to grow, and only a small amount of consumption is needed to maintain it.

But since it has been broken, recasting is not cost-effective. Frequent use of such Taoism is not conducive to protracted battles.

He has not forgotten his promise to Master Guan Yan, he will kill Yan Xiao until the whole chess game against God is over. Not just killing Yan Xiao five or six times.

When Yan Xiao was resurrected for the sixth time, before he even opened his eyes, he threw his claws in front of him, meeting the sword's edge.

It showed an extremely terrifying learning ability, even predicting where Jiang Wang's sword will fall.

And when the paw falls, Sauvignon Blanc pauses for a moment.

This is one of Yan Xiao's supernatural abilities, and it is appropriate to use it at this time.


Jiang Wang has seen this ability a long time ago, so of course he is not surprised. It can even be said...all under control.

With a flick of the long sword, a wisp of frost-white wind whirled slightly and flew out, circled Yan Xiao back.

Yan Xiao's vigorous body fell down like powder.

All were blown to pieces!



The origin of the world is in the sea. Guan Yan holds the emerald scepter in his hand, facing the Dragon God.

In front of the sea of ​​golden brilliance, it is as towering as a mountain.

"This belief was not given to me by you, but I took it away bit by bit. Selfish like you, you used time and time again to hurt and use, destroying their trust... Until now, it's not you who gave up on them, but They gave up on you!"

"Don't say that all beings are ignorant, the people will make their own choices!"

"You really don't need to care about Shinto, because you don't understand it at all."

"How did you come to this world?" Guan Yan stepped on the waves, approaching the golden dragon step by step: "Tell me, where are you from, who are you!?"

The golden dragon is of course majestic and resplendent, and its majesty is like the sea.

But at this moment, Guan Yan is also like a cage of divine light, not giving way.

In the original sea of ​​the world, in the land of the shadow of the gods, and in every corner of the source world of Sen Hai, confront it.

"Arrogance! Ignorance!" Dragon God shouted angrily, and the entire world's original sea shook violently.

"Who do you think you are? The remnant of the bald donkey who should have been exterminated long ago, took advantage of my distraction to steal the god's seat, and now dare to exaggerate?"

The golden waves boiled rapidly, and he was determined to teach the other party a profound lesson.

But at this time...

He felt that his strength was draining rapidly!

Yan Xiao's resurrection will not move him at all, and the divine power consumed by the resurrection is completely acceptable to him. But this time, the number of times Yan Xiao was resurrected... is really too much!

What is God Rank?

It is the ladder to God. It is the existence that he relies on to maintain the real connection with the source world of Senhai after he entered the world's original sea and at the same time stretched out his hand to the Yuheng stars.

To put it simply, now that the god's handle has been taken away, his remaining influence on the gods in the Senhaiyuan world needs to be done through Yan Xiao.

He can still rely on the Senhaiyuan Realm to touch the Yuheng stars. On the one hand, it occupies half of the world's original sea, and on the other hand, it has Yanxiao as a bridge.

But at this moment...

He quickly replenished his divine power several times, and even took the initiative to help Yan Xiao "change" the battle environment, but he couldn't delay Yan Xiao's death at all.

Unless... He can let go of everything in front of him, including the control of Yuanyuan Sea, and personally control Yan Xiao - how is that possible?

There is no longer any delay!

The battle in the original sea of ​​Senhai Yuanjie World is no longer the focus.

The Dragon God realized the seriousness of the problem, and looked down at Guan Yan majestically.

The long beard parted the space, and the dragon's head hung down: "I will kill you!"

Its sound was like thunder, stirring up the angry sea.

While the dragon's body was jumping, the momentum was still there, but only bluff remained.



Higher up in the high vault, there is a single, lightless star hanging alone, which has already outlined its traces.

It doesn't seem to exist, but it becomes clearer and clearer in perception.

It seems to be just a dark point, but also like a huge world.

In the boundless universe, it is clearly known. But in terms of specific existence, it is so insignificant.

Until... a golden divine dragon flashes, breaks through space and time, and suddenly pounces!

But seeing this divine dragon, its horns are like a deer, its head is like a cow, its eyes are like a shrimp, its mouth is like a donkey, its belly is like a snake, its scales are like a fish, its feet are like a phoenix, its beard is like a human, its ears are like an elephant... its long beard hangs down like a precious tree, shining brilliantly. The golden scales have divine light.

I don't know how many thousand feet in length, swallowing clouds and clouds between breaths.

Behind this dragon, there is an emerald phantom emerging, outlining everything in a trance. In the dense and gloomy environment, with giant beasts running and birds dancing in the sky, it is a world full of vitality.

This is the realm of Yuheng's only illumination, floating behind the dragon, entrusting him to come here.

This is like a wanderer returning home, and Yuheng has not resisted half of it.

The golden dragon claws poked forward, towards the dark star point, but unexpectedly it didn't enter it.

Immediately, the entire huge dragon body also squeezed in, and the golden light of the dragon scales was reflected on the star point.

That star is so close, yet so far away.

In an instant, the golden dragon seemed to be shrinking rapidly——

No, it was the lightless star point that was expanding rapidly.

Count drums between breaths.

One expansion is several thousand feet.

First like a boulder, then like a mountain, then like a mountain range, and soon even the mountains are not enough to be called together.

In the universe, the ancient breath seems to be waking up.

For hundreds of millions of years in a trance, the birth and death of myriad worlds.

The huge golden dragon body also looked smaller.

But He laughed wildly instead: "Sleep soundly for thousands of years, only to wake up from a big dream! After all the calamities, I deserve this!"

The huge dragon body fell towards the star that was still expanding endlessly.

The divine power that roared like a raging sea rushed to every corner of this great star, and little by little golden brilliance lit up. The stream of light is endless, illuminating the endless night sky.

It's as if... He lit up this dull star!

In the dark universe, He became the bearer of fire.

He preaches to all worlds and spreads the Gospel.

He lights up the long night and gives light to the world.

He is high above, and He is infinitely brilliant.

When He comes here today, all worlds will enjoy longevity and blessings!

In the vast universe, there seems to be a voice of the Holy Spirit singing and singing——

Believe in me forever!

Believe in me, Yongkang!

If you don't believe me in this life, you will be lost forever!

God's grace, God's power, God's presence!

And suddenly, a huge emerald-colored divine staff broke through the air, it was thousands of feet high, its quality was like glass, and it was covered with emerald awns.

As soon as it arrived, it actually penetrated the tail of the dragon and nailed it to the void!

The infinitely expanding stars were ahead, but the golden light could no longer spread.

With the rapid expansion of this lightless star, the proportion of Jin Hui became smaller and smaller. If it is said that nearly half of the Jinhui has been illuminated before, like a torch is lit, it is less than 20% blocked by this, and it is still decreasing sharply.


The brilliant golden dragon roared: "Who! How dare you prevent me from becoming enlightened!"

"Who! I don't know how to live or die!"

With just a flick of the dragon's tail, the thousand-foot-tall magic staff began to shake.

On the top of the tall scepter, there appeared a handsome monk in white clothes. He stepped on the scepter and stopped it immediately, but his voice was gentle: "You don't know me, or you don't know your scepter?"

"I am the Dragon God of Myriad Realms! The mere Senhai God's handle..." The dragon god's body was shining with golden light, and his golden scales were like washing. He suddenly leaned up, and the huge dragon body went up around the staff, and the dragon's head went straight to Guan Yan : "The mantis is like a car, and I don't know how to live or die. I will teach you to fly away!"

Compared with the violent and manic Dragon God, Guan Yan is extremely calm.

The moon-white monk's robe was slightly rolled up in the air, his jade face had a divine light, he gently closed his palms together, and said: "It is better to sleep forever than to wake up from a dream and return to a dream!"

In the void behind him, faces appeared in a trance...

All kinds of colors, all kinds of real.

The one with gray hair and deep wrinkles is the priest Xiaofan.

That bundle of hair with eight braids, wild and natural, is green eight branches.

The calm and sharp one who draws the bow and draws the string is Qing Jiuye.

Those hands were bound, but the one with tears of regret in his eyes was Qing Hua.

That little one, but the one with palms together very seriously, is Qing Guoer...

A warrior with a sword and a bow...

The woman who picks fruit to make armor...

After all the catastrophe, those people who are still alive in Senhai Yuanjie.

They prayed together, they prayed so fervently—

"I believe!

Believe in the years of peace.

I believe!

Faith in a peaceful life.

Believers hereby plead——

Don't ask for a strong and invincible ethnic group.

There is no need to fight for life and death to seek peaceful coexistence.

I hope that the four fields will be peaceful and no one will have to worry about cutting their heads.

Ask for a bonfire at night, and sing indulgingly.

Seeking Lang Lang's blue sky and long night's sleep!

May the evil owl never come back to life, and may the night be endless.

May the soldiers not have to sacrifice their heads, and may all my loved ones be healthy and free! "

Countless points of light of faith flocked to the sky, spreading across the sky.

In the forest of hanging heads, Jiang Wang beheaded Yan Xiao who fled outside Yan's Nest with a sword, and turned his head to see this scene...

The sky is filled with light points towards the high sky.

Who said that there are no stars in the night of Senhai Yuanjie?

In the void of the universe, the light of faith gathers and hangs behind Guan Yan's head, like a round of Buddha's light.

Today he is a god and Buddha!

"If people in the world have this wish..." Guan Yan murmured in a low voice, "I will try my best to do it."

The huge emerald green scepter under his feet suddenly sprouted, with green branches and luxuriant green leaves, quickly forming a towering tree in this vast universe.

The branches sway for thousands of miles.

There is no end to its height.

Looking at it in a daze, on each leaf is the face of a devout citizen.

Under the huge tree on the high bank, the majestic golden dragon looks like a struggling earthworm nailed by a long nail!

Ugly and humble.

Rolling in the universe, throwing body, but can't take it off!



Yan Xiao was conceived from the evil thoughts of human nature, regardless of good and evil, he is actually a very genius life.

In the past time, because the Senhai Saint Clan has been killed, and other ethnic groups have been almost wiped out by the Senhai Saint Clan, it has rarely encountered real opponents.

The so-called "Dragon God Envoys" who occasionally come to Senhaiyuan Realm are often at the level of Tenglong Realm and Neifu Realm, and are limited to the secret realm of Qixinglou, so they will not be too high.

Therefore, although it kills a lot, it does not have many real high-quality fights. In Jiang Wang's view, fighting skills could be called crude.

But this was quickly made up for in the fight with Jiang Wang.

Who is Jiang Wang?

With the legendary record of surpassing the old man of Tianfu, he has become the number one monk in the inner palace since ancient times. In terms of combat talent, it is undoubtedly the best. Fighting skills have completely formed their own style, which belongs to the top list.

With such an opponent "sparing", Yan Xiao's fighting skills can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

From being killed when it appeared at the beginning, to being able to resist several times later, to successfully escaping from the swallow's nest... its progress can be seen with the naked eye.

Although he still died under Jiang Wang's sword in the end, it is enough to show that it is difficult to deal with.

"Hey hey." Yan Xiao, who was resurrected in front of the wooden house again, smiled cruelly: "Soon you won't be able to stop me, soon—"


The cold light turned like electricity.

The swallow's head flew into the sky.

"Did I let you talk?" Jiang Wang said coldly.

He cut off Yan Xiao's beak extremely skillfully, and then smashed the corpse.

This small wooden house is located in the center of the Hanging Skull Forest. The years inside the wooden house are quiet and peaceful, and the clean skulls eaten by swallow owls are all outside the wooden house.

And in front of such a small wooden house, Jiang Wang and Yan Xiao repeated the process of killing and being killed.

again and again……

During the transmission of divine power, the revived Yan Xiao stood up, leaped forward with one claw, and raised his left wing at the same time——

But seeing the cold light turn around, the sword light leaped into the sky like a fish swimming, passing over its claws, and directly chopped off the left wing!

This swallow owl's ability is very good, a peck of the bird's beak is fatal, it can move out of thin air with a flap of its right wing, and it can temporarily attack with a drop of its right claw.

When I first encountered it, its left wing had already been severed by an unknown envoy of the Dragon God, so that it was unable to see the fourth divine power...

Jiang Wang didn't want to see him either.

Cut wherever you move.

Yan Xiao at this level is really not qualified to show more strength.

People are like frightened birds, and swords are like flowing light.

Liu Guang cut Yan Xiao bald with only his head left.

It seemed to be painless, and it shouted in a self-hypnotic manner: "You can't stop it, you will die sooner or later! I've been getting stronger... I've been getting stronger!"

The long sword pierced its neck, and Jiang Wang said indifferently: "You have changed, but you are not strong."

This is complete massacre.

Yan Xiao, who was resurrected again, seemed to be in chaos.

Yan opened his mouth, and there were hundreds of voices talking at the same time——

"How dare you trample on my efforts! I worked so hard to get to this point!"

"Cold-blooded spectator!"

"Kill him, kill him! I'm going to eat him!"

"Why do you say that I haven't become stronger!"

"Just eat him, I can become stronger by eating him..."

Contradictory, chaotic, noisy.

It was as if hundreds of thousands of souls were imprisoned in the same dirty skin, struggling to get out.

Jiang Wang heard the noise, and his left eye turned red instantly.

Riding alone into the battle map, he encountered countless weak souls directly in the state of mind and soul.

Those soul shadows that merged with Yan Xiao were either crying or laughing.

The Sauvignon Blanc sword spirit manifests, cutting across with one sword!

Suddenly countless noises shattered.

Cut through thousands of troops like a mat!

Yan Xiao's body stiffened suddenly, and he fell headfirst, his beak hitting the ground like a nail.


Jiang Wang stepped on it.

Pin it in.

2 in 1.


I will give you a holiday on Qixi Festival, and I won't ask you to take notes. Don't wait for the update at night, brothers and sisters, go happy!

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