Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1364 His five hundred years

Where is the end of Senhai Yuanjie?

I don't know if people in the past knew it, but people born after the dark age certainly didn't know it.

After the invasion of the night, every night has become synonymous with disaster.

The land of the shadow of the gods is the only safe place, and the scope of going out for activities has its own time to limit... just a day.

The lives of countless people in the entire Senhaiyuan world are imprisoned in one day!

Whether you are a hero, or a beautiful girl.

No matter how strong the holy warrior is, he must go home before dark.

Shenlongxiang can resist the invasion of night. But lighting the Shenlong Incense just to explore the end of Senhaiyuan Realm?

It was too extravagant and too risky.

All his life, Zongqing Qishu wanted to go to the end of the world to have a look.

His last wish before he died was that Qing Hua could go to see it.

And his own life probably hasn't gone as far as Jiang Wang's now.

From the land of the shadow of the gods to the forest of the hanging head, it is already a long way.

Not to mention that Jiang Wang has been flying for a long time.

The pitch black night will naturally not affect his extraordinary vision.

Especially after cultivating the pupil of Qianyang, it is difficult to escape his eyes for general clues, not to mention being as "perceptive" as Li Longchuan.

Yan Xiao flew in front of him, and the prison chains rattled in the night sky.

Jiang Wang controlled the chain, stepped on the blue sky, and traveled far away, saving effort and chic...

It's like taking your pet for a walk at night.

Of course, there was no moon or stars on this night, so there was always a lack of romance.

It has been a long time since the scene of countless lights of faith flying into the sky.

I don't know what's going on with Master Guan Yan...

"In order to consume the divine power of your dragon god, to give senior Guan Yan some support." Jiang Wang said, "I will kill you every thirty breaths during the journey. Can you understand?"

Of course Yan Xiao couldn't understand.

But whether it understands it or not is obviously not important.

The light of the sword swept across the sky, and Yan Xiao cried out in grief...

After the resurrection, Yan Xiao waited for the prison chain to be tied up, and then flew forward with all his strength. It was so fast that it straightened the chains of the prisoner's body, and it also made Jiang Wang's green shirt flutter in the wind.

Yan Xiao didn't know how long this situation would last, but Jiang Wang said that if it could fly faster, the time to kill it could be delayed accordingly.

It was already flying forward desperately, and Jiang Wang succeeded in prolonging its ten-breath survival time.

From the beginning of resurrection to death, until now it can take forty breaths before death...

This huge progress made him so motivated that he even wanted to work harder!

He completely forgot that at the beginning, it just wanted to bring Jiang Wang more pain.

People and Yan Xiao flew quickly over the dark forest sea, and there were a few screams from time to time to "add to the fun".

This scene can almost be called horror.

Fortunately, thanks to Yan Xiao's hard work, it didn't take long to see a different place in the vast forest.

She looks like a beautiful woman with blue hair and a spot of baldness.

It was only when I flew closer that I could see clearly that the endless sea of ​​forest was disconnected here.

This is a huge canyon that winds and turns, and it is not easy to see the end from left to right.

It is easy to think of Duanhun Gorge in this world, but it feels completely different.

Jiang Wang looked left and right, no matter how he saw it, how he felt...

This is a dragon, smashed down bluntly, smashing through the traces left by the ground.

"Did he fall down by himself, or was he knocked down by his enemies?" Jiang Wang asked directly.

"I don't know about that. When I was born, He had been awake for a long time." Yan Xiao replied honestly.

"He used to sleep here? He fell asleep wherever he fell?" Jiang Wang asked again.

"No, this is just the place where He first came." Yan Xiao led the way, flew over the huge canyon, and continued on.

Thinking about it is wrong. When such a huge dragon fell down, there must be a lot of movement.

If the dragon god just fell asleep like that, he would have been skinned and dismantled by the people in Senhaiyuan world long ago.

The journey of Ren and Yanxiao continues.

In the middle, they killed Yan Xiao about seven times before they reached the final destination——

A huge dragon wood.

The height is not very high. In the Senhaiyuan world where giant trees are forested, its canopy height can only be regarded as a taller "wave" in the "Senhai".

But it is extremely stout, almost the size of a house.

Within a hundred miles, there is no second tree.

There are many broken sacrificial vessels around the giant tree, including some mysterious things tied to the tree, such as god pattern cloth banners, god cards and the like.

It's a pity that the handwriting on it has basically been eroded by time, or even if there is, it is difficult for Jiang Wang to recognize... After all, he is not a master student who steals Tianfu like Su Qiyun.

What is particularly striking about this giant tree is that it is hollow inside. The entrance of the tree hole is arched, like a door.

Yan Xiao introduced: "In the earliest days, this tree was very small, and the tree hole was also very small... about the size of your fist. The Dragon God hid in it and fell asleep. Many years have passed."

Jiang Wang suddenly remembered that during the time in the Muguo Grassland, he read an ancient book, in which there was a dragon mentioned——

"The dragon can be big or small, it can rise or hide; the big one can make clouds and mist, the small one can hide its shape; the dragon can soar between the universe, and the hidden one can hide in the waves."

Who would have thought that the terrifying existence that almost controlled the entire Sen Haiyuan world and almost devoured the will of the world, once hid in a fist-sized tree hole like a reptile?

Yan Xiao continued: "His blood flowed out and was absorbed by the tree, and the breath of life also affected the tree. As a result, the tree became bigger and bigger, and its branches and leaves had magical functions, and it was gradually worshiped by people... …I think that’s how he is, slowly starting to become a dragon god.”

"Your analysis is very organized." Jiang Wang nodded in approval.

This recognition made Yan Xiao a little excited,

"When I'm bored, I fly around, and He doesn't care about me. So I have been to many places." It said: "There used to be many people in this place, and they often worshiped here, but then they disappeared."

This is where the earliest dragon god belief originated.

If the Dragon God embarks on the path of righteous gods and earnestly develops believers, then its importance may be similar to that of Qionglu Mountain in the present Shepherd Kingdom.

But now it seems that it has been abandoned for many years.

"You were only catalyzed by the dragon god later, how did you know that this dragon wood was just an ordinary tree before?" Jiang Wang asked.

"I heard people say that he is a very old man." Yan Xiao said seriously, Jiang Wang's question, it dared not be serious: "He was still there when I flew over. I talked to him, He was not afraid, and talked to me happily. He said that he is a priest here, and he has read many historical records and remembered them in his heart."

"What happened to that man?" Jiang Wang asked.

"I ate him." Yan Xiao said naturally.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything, just said: "Go in and have a look."

With a slight shake of the prison chain, Yan Xiao obediently walked ahead, and flew into the tree hole that might be called the original temple of the Dragon God.



In the vast universe.

The towering glazed tree, with branches spanning the void, has thousands of thoughts and thousands of leaves, and it holds the golden dragon in place.

This is the world sacred tree of Senhaiyuan Realm!

With the scepter of the True God of Senhaiyuan Realm as the main body, with the blessing of the world will of Senhaiyuan Realm, the souls of Senhaiyuan Realm pray.

It can almost represent the entire Senhaiyuan world, representing everything that has been ravaged and persecuted by the Dragon God.

Buddhists often say that there is a cycle of cause and effect, and at this time it is the unhappiness of retribution.

From the part where the sacred tree nailed through the dragon's tail, the roots continued to spread out, like spirit snakes and vines, entangled and climbed up the dragon's body, entwining him more and more tightly.

Like blue blood vessels, and like agile tree patterns.

He once invaded and plundered everything in Senhaiyuan Realm, and now the World Sacred Tree, which represents the will of Senhaiyuan Realm, invaded the dragon body in turn!

In the depths of an empty universe, there is such a landscape——

The golden majestic dragon, baring its teeth and claws, roared and soared through the universe.

The emerald green glazed tree is firmly nailed to the dragon's tail, and the roots of the tree start from the dragon's tail and climb towards the dragon's head. The monk Shenxiu, dressed in a moon-white robe, stood firmly on the top of the green crown, with calm and compassionate eyes.

If you ignore those painful sounds, this scene is so beautiful that it is beyond words.

It looks like a sculpture of an emerald green tree wrapped around a golden dragon, as if every detail has been carefully polished by a craftsman.

Rather than saying that it is the result of an accidental collision, it is more like the uncanny workmanship of nature. How else could it be so beautiful?

The Yuheng stars not far away are still expanding rapidly.

It is difficult to describe the shape of the stars in the universe, because they are constantly changing. Sometimes it's a bumpy sphere, sometimes it's boxy, sometimes it's like a pot lid...

The only constant is expansion.

How huge will it expand to?

How huge can it expand to?

This infinite expansion itself may also be a choice to avoid being occupied by foreign will.

Under the suppression of the world god tree in Senhaiyuan Realm, Dragon God struggled endlessly and roared like thunder: "Ants! Ants!"

The sound of thunder announced the intensification of the battle. The Dragon God fights against the World God Tree!

Ripples in the void.

The invisible voiceprint has a substantial expression, rippling around in the void.

Shallow and faint ripples quickly gathered towards Guan Yan standing on the World Sacred Tree. It looked gentle like flowing waves, but it gave people a feeling—a huge invisible mouth suddenly opened, and it was about to swallow everything.

It's not just about feeling.

The voice pattern of the dragon voice has the power to annihilate energy. It is a famous magic-breaking magic technique in the era of the dragon clan.

But Guan Yan didn't move half a step, just opened his mouth and said: "Your foot is born with great power, so it despises the common people. You must know that the ambition of an ant cannot be moved!"

In the void, countless voices sounded at the same time——


One voice, ten thousand voices respond.

The ripples in the void stopped, and Er Er actually calmed down.

Long Yin's voice pattern was easily broken, and the Dragon God was not willing to do so. While struggling against the invasion of the World Sacred Tree, he shook the dragon's body.

On the body of the dragon thousands of feet long and stretching like a mountain range, a piece of golden scales flew up through the air. It is as big as a square table, and the scaly surface is as smooth as a mirror, which can vaguely reflect a human face. The scales are as sharp as a knife, and the cold light flows back and forth.

It cut through the void, as if it came to end fate, followed the boundary of Tao, and reached the top of the green tree in a flash.

If the Dragon God uses a sword, he must be a top swordsman.

Just this one stroke has the meaning of cutting down the sky and destroying the world.

But Guan Yan was still calm, his eyes only glanced lightly, and a light spot of faith jumped out behind him.

The process of the expansion of the light spot is like a seed growing into a flower bud, and then the flower blooms.

It formed a light and shadow of a warrior holding a long spear, and directly swooped and stabbed from top to bottom!

The tip of the spear collided with the golden scale, nailing it firmly, and just like that, it plunged into the depths of the vast universe.

Thousands of golden scales don't need to be sent out again, naturally there are thousands of light spots to treat each other.

Dragon God's left beard swayed like a brilliant long whip, flicking in the void——


A crack extended rapidly.

Cracks can even form in the void!

With one blow, the void is like a spider's web,

A terrifying crack engulfed the cage, and it was about to fall on the World Sacred Tree, Guan Yan took another look.

A leaf fell from the tree.

The leaves are separated from the branches, and the brilliance has changed.

In an instant, it turned into a emerald green divine post, and it was placed on the gap in the void, and then the gap was quickly closed!

At this moment, the dragon god's right beard suddenly plunged down, pierced into the void, and when it appeared, it was appearing on top of Guan Yan's head. The tip of the beard is like the tip of a spear, and it just falls down like this!

Guan Yan is still in the posture of clasping his palms at this moment, and his left hand is rising against his right palm at this moment. Rise up, straight up!

The left hand is straight.

At this moment, the sharpness was revealed, and the void range as far as the field of vision seemed to be illuminated by a saber light!

It was just a simple vertical palm stabbing upwards with a knife, which actually cut the hanging dragon's beard spear from it, and the knife energy continued to attack!

The Dragon God had no choice but to withdraw his right beard, raised his head and glared at Guan Yan. There is a golden light bursting in the eyes.

At this time, there is no sound, and the majesty is overwhelming.

The power of God is like a prison! The might of the dragon is like the sea!

At this time in the void, nothing can be seen.

But in the eyes of those with sufficient strength, this moment is already a sea of ​​surging soul power.

The violent spirit power, like a knife, a spear, or a halberd, charged from all directions.

But Guan Yan remained motionless.

He stood alone on the top of the World Sacred Tree, helping the World Sacred Tree nail the Dragon God, and the moon-white monk's robe fluttered like a wine streamer.

And the merged palms hang down, each with five fingers blooming like flowers.

The sword of the soul came and shattered with a flick of a finger.

The spear of the soul came and shattered with a flick of a finger.

The halberd of the soul comes, and it shatters with a flick of a finger!

It is the little Wuxiang holding the flower sword finger that Zhao Rucheng once used on Guanhetai!

However, what Zhao Rucheng used was sword energy...Xiao Wuxiang's fingering of the flower sword is also a technique of pointing and fencing that uses Dao Yuan to stimulate sword energy.

At this time, Guan Yan used it to break the boundary between the power of Daoyuan and the power of the soul, and directly broke the soul killing method.

It's still the soul-killing method cast by existences like Dragon God!

So terrible.

In the void, one tree after another is seen blooming.

The spirit killing battle is like a raging sea, but in the vast ocean, Guan Yan is an isolated island, and a single tree forms a forest.

The wind and rain cannot enter, and the raging waves cannot invade.

The battlefield does not stop here, and the Dragon God will not be exhausted here.

He glared at Guan Yan and extended the battlefield.

The world of Senhai Yuanjie is in the original sea.

The Canjin Shenlong's vertical eyes are cold, colder than the eyes in the void. The golden ocean, which occupies half of the space, suddenly set off a raging wave!

The sea of ​​origin of the whole world, this half of the sea is obviously higher than a mountain. It is like a tiger sitting on a mountain, condescending, once it dives, it will suddenly become a sweeping momentum.

The dragon god uses the body of a real dragon to compete for Yuheng and the stars, and uses the real dragon primordial spirit to sit in the world's original sea, both of which have unimaginable power.

After encountering a strong resistance from Yuheng Xingchen, he immediately turned to Dao Senhai Yuanjie World Origin Sea. No matter how strong Guan Yan is, the time for practice is also limited. Since so much power has been invested in Yuheng Xingchen, the world's original sea must be empty.

Dragon God has always felt that he is bluffing in the world's original sea, and now he knows that the other party may be even more bluffing.

Therefore, without hesitation, he also launched a decisive battle in the world's original sea. If it can completely occupy the world's original sea, it will in turn cut off the foundation of the world's sacred tree, which is a good way to draw fire from the bottom of the pot.

Guan Yan's self-cultivation of the true spirit is the only way in the world, and no one has achieved it before.

It's not just that no one has achieved it.

Almost no one can survive with a little real spirit!

Back then, he was conceived and conceived as a true spirit, and he used the terrifying power of his mind to preserve his memory and exile in the gap between the worlds. Although it was an act of genius, it was also an adventure in itself.

And that also means...

No one in this world really understands Guan Yan's strength, and even his fighting style and style.

Because this is the first time since the beginning of the world!

Dragon God was fortunate to meet for the first time.

For the first time, he saw the real Guan Yan, and Guan Yan had been watching him for five hundred years.

The spirits left in the original sea of ​​the world are indeed no match for the true dragon primordial spirit, especially when the other party is desperate to overthrow the original sea...

The cooperation between him and Senhaiyuan World's will is very difficult to resist.

So Guan Yan raised his palms, and bowed lightly to the giant tree transformed from the will of Senhaiyuan World: "Please leave it to me."

No rhetoric, no rousing speeches.

It's just these plain four characters.

The giant tree transformed by the will of the world suddenly flew up and flew directly in front of Guan Yan. The blue light flowed and turned into a wooden fish!

This is completely handing over the dominance, and entrusting it to Guan Yan as the entire world guarded by the will of the world.

"This is absolutely impossible!" Dragon God was furious: "When did you control the will of the world?"

In his long life, he has never seen such a trust in a life by the will of the world!

Protecting the world is the instinct of the world's will, and this scene in front of it undoubtedly shows that the world's will of Sen Haiyuan world ignores the existence of instinct. Apart from being manipulated and controlled, there should be no other possibility.

"Although your life is long, you can only control and use it, but never trust it." Guan Yan said: "This is your sorrow!"

The will of the world may not have the thinking of intelligent life, but Guan Yan has been in Senhaiyuan for more than 500 years, and the will of the world in this world is clearest!

Today's trust comes from more than 500 years of dedication without complaint or regret.

Now the world will of Senhaiyuanjie hangs in front of Guan Yan, showing the shape of a wooden fish.

Wooden fish without mallet.

And Guan Yan bent his fingers, and only tapped lightly!


The blue sea and the clear sea merged into one place in an instant, from being distinct to being indistinguishable from each other.

Pale blue sea waves suddenly rose up and collided with the golden raging sea.


have equal shares!

In the original sea of ​​this world, the monstrous waves are like two giant beasts biting and colliding with each other.

In the depths of the universe, next to the infinitely expanding Yuheng stars.

The Dragon God seemed to have heard something funny: "I don't know that people who betray their trust and righteousness like a human race have the word trust! Little bald donkey, you should never give up, and I will teach you today!"

He was about to make a move when Guan Yan flicked his fingers. Suddenly, a wisp of finger wind roared out, roaring like a tornado in an instant, breaking through the sea of ​​spirits and souls, and rushing forward!

As soon as the dragon god's golden pupils turned, they rolled up the sea of ​​spirits that covered Guan Yan's body, and also annihilated the incoming finger wind.

In His vertical golden pupils, an illusion of a house flashed past.

In the Senhaiyuan world, the cold forest of hanging heads suddenly burst into roars.

The small trees with white skulls hanging from them rose up one by one, with roots as feet, branches as hands, and thorns growing horizontally. It turned into skinny treants with human skulls on their heads, each of them was grotesque and grotesque, jumping out at an astonishingly high speed.

Their goal is of course the land of the shadow of the gods, to kill those Senhai saints who have betrayed their beliefs, and the beliefs in this world will naturally belong to Yan Xiao's side.

And the dragon god can use the evil side to hold the handle of the god of the sea again, and from the source of belief, dig out the foundation of Guan Yan's confrontation with him.

But it was also at this moment, at the entrance of the Forest of Hanging Skulls, where Guan Yan stood at the beginning of the conversation with Jiang Wang.

A pair of footprints suddenly became clear in the darkness.

Guan Yan's footprints!

As soon as the pair of footprints appeared, they circled the entire Hanging Skull Forest at an astonishing speed, and then the footprints disappeared, as if nothing happened.

But when the first skinny skull treant tried to cross this line, suddenly a beam of light shot up into the sky, piercing it through the spot!

One after another, four and five...

No matter how many skull treants rushed out, no matter how agile and fierce they were.

As long as you cross the line, you will be penetrated!

The skull treant never stops, and the beam of light never stops.

When the darkness has become the constant background color of the night in Senhaiyuan, this luminous column is like a forest.

The thin tree once hung its head, and now it hangs in the air.

Dense beams of light penetrated through the countless skull treants, forming a huge circle of light.

If you look down from the high dome at this time, you must be particularly eye-catching.

I am afraid that no one would have thought before that the Forest of Hanging Skulls, known as the forbidden area of ​​Senhaiyuan, would end up disappearing in such a way.

It's a pity that Yan Xiao and Jiang Wang were not here, so they couldn't see them in person.

From the fight between Yan Xiao and Jiang Wang, to the competition between Dragon God and Guan Yan for the belief of the Senhai Saint Clan, from history to tradition, to each individual...

From beside the Yuheng stars, to the original sea of ​​the forest sea origin world, and then to the forest of hanging skulls.

The battle between Dragon God and Guan Yan broke out in all aspects.

This battle lasted for more than five hundred years, and it entered its final chapter tonight.

After the Dragon God was nailed to the World Sacred Tree, he attacked Guan Yan seven times, showing all his supernatural powers, but Guan Yan refused seven times!

This is a thrilling battle.

The dragon god spent a long time in the game, gradually capturing Yuheng, which can be said to be insignificant.

But He should never, never should have given Guan Yan five hundred years.

The life of the dragon race is too long, so he may not know what five hundred years means to the human race.

A godly monk who broke the life limit, his life span is only five hundred and eighteen.

Five hundred years is already the life of a god-bound monk.

And the talent is as great as Guan Yan... Who can take his five hundred years?

Five hundred and thirty-seven years of accumulation, in exchange for the suppression of Dragon God in almost all aspects at this moment!


One of the chapters is Compensation Update.

Thanks to the book friend "Successful Old Wang" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 189th Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Baji Monster" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 190th Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Modern Man in the 16th Century" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 191st Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Esports Hua Tuo Jia Baili" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 192nd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Wang Wei Huohua" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 193rd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to all readers for their support.


(Yesterday’s testimonials were once again accidentally set to be charged. Although I immediately contacted the editor to change it to free, it is inevitable that some readers will have already subscribed automatically.

I do three things to compensate for my carelessness.

One is to distribute red envelopes in the two full booking groups. (sent)

The second is to make up for it by adding more.

The third is that we will make up for the starting currency of readers who have subscribed. The operators will post a special post in the book circle, and all readers who have subscribed to that chapter can go to the book circle to post subscription screenshots with watermarks. Then you will get points back.


Alas, the default publishing is paid chapters, and I keep forgetting about this.

It may indeed be old.

Originally, I posted a post in a threatening manner, but in the end, I posted a paid chapter, and I apologized everywhere, which ruined the atmosphere.


Finally, I recommend a book "The Rabbit's Eyes Are Blurred". It is a book that does not charge for the shelves. I heard Tangyuan Ah Ming discussing that it is more abusive.

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