Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1365 The Buddha covered his face and couldn't bear to see the common people

"The Tathagata knows what is in the hearts of all living beings. Know it as it really is."

It's for his understanding.

This is the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism.

Guan Yan spent five hundred and thirty-seven years studying the Dragon God.

How terrifying are the four words "know it as it is"?

For a long time, Dragon God's greatest energy has been on how to capture Yuheng and how to control Yuheng. He has never paid attention to everything in Guanyan and even Senhaiyuan Realm, including the will of the world.

Even if the handle is taken away, even if the speed of devouring the will of the world is delayed, it is just a trick to deceive people on the surface.

He didn't want to make too much publicity, and he didn't want to make too much noise and attract other competitors.

Including why he worked so hard to come up with the Dragon God's seat mission, what kind of dragon god's emissary he did, and from time to time he tried to send out a little reward, all to cover the matter of occupying the Yuheng star.

That's the only point.

There are so many backhands laid down over a long period of time that he himself can hardly remember them all. Guan Yan, a young monk who was only able to enter the inner mansion when he first entered the Senhaiyuan Realm, how could he take it to his heart?

All the stalemate and stalemate were done on purpose by Him. When the time is up, he will show his true strength, and he will be destroyed naturally.

But what I didn't expect was...

He seems to have targeted all his opponents.

Even some methods that were not activated in time were extinguished one step ahead of time.

Capturing the stars of Yuheng is a great undertaking, and he has devoted too much energy to it.

Looking back now, I want to erase Guan Yan conveniently.

But from beside the Yuheng Star, to the Origin Sea of ​​the Senhai Origin World, and then to the Forest of Hanging Skulls... there is no one place that can gain the upper hand!

What kind of opponent is this?

The Dragon God didn't really face up to this monk standing on the World Sacred Tree until now.

"Who the hell are you?"

He began to wonder if all this was a situation that had been laid long ago. Has his jade balance and stars been noticed long ago?

"Who am I?"

Guan Yan stood on the top of the sacred tree, showing his power without any concealment, and suppressed the dragon god in almost any level of battle.

"If it weren't for you, without your Dragon God's seat, without your perverse actions. Now I would probably have a golden body..."

Looking down at the dragon god from a high place, he clenched his right hand into a fist: "And now I am just a person who will not become a Buddha in this life."

One punch!

His fist is so small, but when it comes down, it is so huge.

The fist spans a long distance.

Even... There is a faint feeling of expanding at the same frequency as the Yuheng stars in the distance.


The dragon's head was directly thrown away by a punch, but the dragon's tail was still fixed by the World Sacred Tree and could not fly too far.

What a shame.

This is a great shame!

The dragon god was so angry that golden flames were ignited in his eyes, and the golden flames boiled into... the shape of a throne.

at the same time.

On the altar of the tree in the land of the shadow of the gods, there is light shining from under the wood grain on the altar, and the light extending infinitely extends to the sky.

And the wood grain on the altar, after being enlarged by the sky dome, was built into the shape of a throne, standing in the air, and the brilliance flowed!

In the distance is the golden flame of the burning bookstore, and densely packed members of the Senhai Saint Clan gathered together to pray.

The dragon god should sit shining in the night sky, but no one from the entire Senhai Saint Clan, from the priest down, looked at it again.

It doesn't matter.

At the same time as the altar of the tree changed, in the depths of the universe, a huge sacred seat appeared in the void.

The seat of God just appeared under the expanding Yuheng stars, as if Yuheng was seated!

The dragon god's seat has never been just a simple ceremony, it connects the secret realm of the Seven Star Building, connects the source world of Senhai and the present world, and it is also the countless attempts of the dragon god to get closer to the Yuheng stars in the past years.

Jiang Wang, Su Qiyun and the others have seen...

Yuheng was once on the throne of God!

The root of the World Sacred Tree nailed to the dragon god's tail and spreading towards the middle of the dragon's body suddenly stopped invading.

Then it collapsed inch by inch!

The golden body shattered the emerald pattern, and the dragon god roared up to the sky.

The entire World Sacred Tree of thousands of feet shook violently.

At this time, He actually borrowed the power of Yuheng Xingchen by virtue of the "Dragon God Responding to the Seat"... He was able to do this!

If there is no one to obstruct it, it is only a matter of time before Yuheng Xingchen can be controlled.

For the former Senhai Saint Clan, the "Dragon God should seat" is a miracle.

For the so-called Dragon God Messenger, "Dragon God Responding to the Seat" is the process of revealing the oracle.

But in this cosmic void, "Dragon God Responding to the Seat" is actually a ceremony to shake the jade balance and the stars.

While borrowing the power of Yuheng stars, it is also further controlling Yuheng stars!

At this moment, Guan Yan sat down.

When he sat down, there was nothing under his body. When he sat down, the infinite starlight condensed and formed a bright throne, which just supported him.

This throne looks far less splendid than the dragon god's throne, let alone its huge size.

But just standing there, there is an invisible connection with Yuheng Xingchen.

This is the seat of Yuheng God!

Guan Yan has never neglected the research and utilization of Yuheng stars. He knew very well where the real battlefield was, how could he ignore Yuheng?

Including borrowing Yuheng star power, descending to Xingyueyuan, and communicating with Jiang Wang many times. Including directly relying on Yuheng's star power to fight against the mysterious powerhouse of the Pingguo... It's all a manifestation of his touching Yuheng.

Like above Shinto, he came from behind. In the exploration of Yuheng stars, he is not inferior to Dragon God.

Guan Yan, who is wearing a moon-white monk's robe, sits on the star-studded Yuheng throne, adding a lot of majesty.

Just sitting there, the shaking of the World Sacred Tree stopped again!

Dragon God and Guan Yan borrowed the power of Yuheng Xingchen at the same time, but in different ways.

The dragon god is holding up Yuheng and the stars, please take a seat on Yuheng. On Guan Yan's side, he guided Yu Heng's starlight and asked Yu Heng to invite him to sit down!

These two routes were determined based on the original strength of both sides. Guan Yan was weak at that time, destined to be unable to support Yuheng, so he could only guide carefully, from small to big. What has been harvested so far is not even comparable.

If I have to use a metaphor, the Dragon God is the treasure of the golden house, who asks for the rewards of Yuheng and Xingchen... Guan Yan is eating the soft food of Yuheng and Xingchen.

This kind of comparison made the Dragon God almost vomit blood with disgust. He gave more strength but did not get more feedback, especially Guan Yan's Yuheng Seat, which was obviously inspired by his Dragon God Ying Seat.

The thief stepped on the Lord's head, how can He endure it?

Of course, the more important thing is... Even the power of Yuheng and the stars can't overthrow this monk!

Looking at Guan Yan on the Yuheng throne, the dragon god's sound is like a drum——

"I didn't want to be like this, so what can I do?"

Those golden dragon eyes closed for the first time.

The void seemed to be trembling!

No, the trembling one is the World Sacred Tree, the divine handle of Senhaiyuan Realm.

In the source sea of ​​the world in the source world of Sen Hai, the real dragon primordial spirit who was fighting with Guan Yan's split spirit, suddenly swung the tail of the dragon, flew up into the sky, and left the source sea of ​​the world.

But he certainly didn't give up the fight.

Because immediately after that, there are mighty golden waves soaring into the sky, breaking away from the sea of ​​origin, and leaving with the true dragon primordial spirit.

At this moment, Dragon God chooses to take time out of the world's original sea!

It's not like killing the creatures of the Senhaiyuan Realm to gradually control the behavior of the Senhaiyuan Realm. What he is doing now is directly destroying the basis of the existence of the Senhaiyuan Realm! It can almost be said that it is the evil of destroying the world, an evil deed that both humans and gods hate, so he said that he did not want to do this.

But at this time, for the final victory, he doesn't care.

Terrible power descended into the void, and the true dragon soul returned to its place.

The Dragon God opened his eyes, his aura was different!

Although the universe is vast, He is in a trance and unique.

Though the stars are great, their light is gathered by Him.

The majestic power of the world's origin, which was taken away by him, condensed into a golden-armored god man thousands of feet in the void, and grabbed the world's sacred tree with just one blow!

Pull it out inch by inch from the penetrating dragon tail!

No matter how much power Guan Yan puts into it, no matter how suppressed it is, it can't stop the World Sacred Tree from leaving.

The Dragon God was surprisingly calm at this time, he just raised his eyes, looked at the Yuheng seat that was getting further and further away, and Guan Yan on the seat with palms folded.

That look seemed to be asking - what would you do?

To take away the original power of the world, this matter of course requires unimaginable power. But Guan Yan at this time can also do it. Because the world will of Senhai Yuanjie has already entrusted everything to him. There is no clearer way to use the power of the world's origin to fight against the power of the world's origin...

But how can he do this?

If the world's original sea is completely emptied. The entire Senhaiyuan world will collapse immediately.

Not only can he not do this, but he must mobilize the original power of the world he controls at the first time to repair the source world of Senhai.

This leads to...

In this battlefield deep in the void, he is alone and helpless.

The Dragon God waited quietly for a while, did not wait for the scene of the collapse of the Senhaiyuan world, did not wait for Guan Yan's split spirit to come with the other half of the world's origin, and did not even wait for Guan Yan's split spirit——Stay in the Senhaiyuan realm to make up for it .

What he waited for was the golden-armored god-man, who finally pulled that World God Tree to its end.

On the top of the tree, still sitting watching Yan.

The golden dragon's blood dripped into the void, and the roots of the World Sacred Tree had long been entangled with flesh and blood. When they were forcibly separated, it was a sharp pain.

But there was no pain in Dragon God's eyes.

He looked at Guan Yan, and sighed inexplicably: "A strong man like you would make such a choice...I feel very sorry."

Up to this moment, he has recognized the strength of Guan Yan. To be able to show such a performance in the battle with him, this person is of course an undoubted strongman.

He was already prepared to fight Guan Yan who brought the other half of the world's original power of Senhaiyuan world... It must be a brilliant collision.

In his calculation, the collapse of Sen Haiyuan Realm has two benefits, one is to interrupt Yan Xiao's continuous resurrection from absorbing his divine power, and the other is to end Guan Yan's power of faith.

He and Guan Yan shared the responsibility of destroying the world.

And the result after the collapse of Sen Haiyuan Realm is obviously very bad for Guan Yan. Then this matter is mostly beneficial to Him.

What he didn't expect was... Guan Yan didn't choose that.

In such a fierce battle, in the competition for the stars of the universe, Guan Yan's split spirit chose to stay in the Senhai source world, not taking away any original power.

This, is it worth it?

For such a monotonous world, for those weak ants in that world?

"You will die today, and I will remember your name!" Dragon God said.

The golden-armored man with a height of thousands of feet pulled out violently, and the entire World God Tree was uprooted and separated from the dragon's body!

The wound left by the World Sacred Tree was bloody and bloody, so hideous...but he was free!

Freedom of body, freedom of mind, freedom of spirit, freedom of mind.

The real dragon should soar in the universe.

The dragon god let out an angry roar, and he was tens of thousands of feet away.

The breathing is like thunder, and the dragon body stretches without end.

The tip of a claw rests on the huge dragon god throne. The other claw fell towards the infinitely expanding Yuheng star.

He just put his claws on one side like this, with a kind of majesty in control of everything.

The divine light is radiant and dazzling.

He seems to be the master of this void, the only true God here and now.

And in front of Him, those who appear smaller than ants...

It's Guan Yan.

This month, the monk Shenxiu in the white robe was sitting on the Fang Yuheng throne, and a teardrop fell from the corner of his eye and fell into the endless void.


After all, he is an opponent who has fought for more than 500 years, and after all, he has been forced to such a point.

Dragon God couldn't help asking: "Why are you crying?"

Guan Yan said softly: "I have some regrets."

"When a person is about to die, it is inevitable to be regretful!" Long Shen said, "Your fault lies in the unknown, disrespecting the real dragon!"

"And you?"

Dragon God was a little curious: "My seat?"

Guan Yan didn't take a look at Senhai Yuanjie, God knows how much he wanted to take another look.

But he just raised his head and looked at the majestic Dragon God: "A real dragon like you, born with mighty you have any regrets, before you die?"

Dragon God's golden vertical pupils froze.

All I could see was that Guan Yan, who was sitting on the Yuheng throne, had his right hand still resting on the armrest, but his left hand was covering his face.

The Buddha covered his face and couldn't bear to see the common people!

At the same time, jade light began to radiate from his body.

The "jade" that burns jade and stone together!

After more than 500 years of painstaking practice, Fang developed the way of practicing the true spirit, and only then did he gather to form the body of this true spirit.

However, at this moment, it is burning!

Burning his body with jade flames, he dared not ask about the afterlife.

I'm sorry... I won't ask any more.

He took the hand covering his face away at once, and the whole person stood up suddenly from the Yuheng throne.

At this station, it became a ten thousand-zhang Jade Buddha.

Its body is like white jade, and its quality is like white jade.

Its spirit is like white jade, and its virtue is like white jade.

The jade-colored giant Buddha stood firmly in the void, holding the two dragon horns of the dragon god with both hands, and firmly resisting them!


Guan Yan, who has always been gentle and calm, now roared with angry eyes, he resisted the tens of thousands of feet of the dragon god's body, and pushed it back! Keep pushing deeper into the void!

The footsteps stepped on the void, rumbling and bursting, making a thunderous rumble.

He pushes forward!

And the dragon god kept retreating.

As powerful as a dragon god, he surged with divine power, reaching his horns in anger. One claw is holding the throne of the dragon god, and the other claw is resting on Yuheng and the stars. It was the most primitive and fierce collision with that Jade Buddha.

Terrifying forces collided, without any appearance, but almost annihilated everything around them. Supernatural powers, will, primordial spirit, Taoism... collide with each other!

However, the distance between Dragon Claw and Yuheng Xingchen is getting farther and farther.

The throne of the dragon god was also moved by him.

The void where Yuheng Xingchen was locked for a short time had already been locked by the Dragon God with the Dragon Clan Secret Array in advance. Otherwise, if there is such a big commotion, even in the depths of the void, there is no guarantee that no strong person will see and intervene.

And Guan Yan's current actions are clearly aimed at knocking him out of this void, breaking through the formation that traps Yuheng and the stars. He wanted to push him into the truly uncovered universe and fight him to the death.

No, it was a death-for-death exchange with Him.

Guan Yan burned his spiritual body to become a Jade Buddha, and he already had the will to die.

How could the Dragon God let him do what he wants!

The dragon's horn is still touching the big hand of the Jade Buddha.

While the tens of thousands of feet of dragon retreated, the golden-armored god-man transformed from the original power of half the world of Senhaiyuan Realm suddenly jumped up, transformed into a shining golden knife, and slashed at Guan Yan.

But at this moment, the World Sacred Tree that he threw away suddenly flew back and turned into a big blue python, binding the golden-armored god-man tightly.

It is the world will of Senhaiyuan Realm!

This existence, which cannot be described in detail, manipulated the World Sacred Tree after the brief stabilization of the Sen Haiyuan world, and made a move at this critical moment.

He used the World Sacred Tree as a giant python to bind the origin of the world that was plundered by the Dragon God.

The dragon god let out a long howl while flying back, and the golden armor god man transformed from the source of the world exploded completely, and the blue python transformed from the world god tree was completely bruised.

Just this one, almost lost more than half of the world's origin.

But the endless golden waves rolled up and landed on the dragon's body.

The remaining origins of the world were all absorbed by the Dragon God.

For a while, the golden scales were shining, and the state was completely restored, even better than the peak. In turn, the Jade Buddha transformed by Guan Yan was pushed back three steps!

"How can the borrowed power last for a long time?" Dragon God roared: "The gift given by fate must be repaid eventually!"

Guan Yan stepped heavily into the void, almost causing ripples in the void, before he stopped his body.

He tried his best and said, "You and I... have to pay back!"


Back again!

Back and forth!

He simply couldn't resist the Dragon God at this time.

And how long can this jade Buddha body last?

Thirty breaths? Fifty breaths?

Guan Yan didn't have an answer in his mind, he only knew that he had to persevere, and he had to persevere.

Never... never go back!


He stopped in the midst of the roar, and once again resisted the Dragon God.

The jade-colored giant Buddha and the golden dragon are so balanced against the void, forming a silent painting.

Dragon God's golden vertical pupils stared at him, looking at this monk with such a handsome face...

For some reason, I want to sigh.

In his long life, he had never seen such a monk, such a person.

Even if he is the opposite of him, he feels amazing.

If everyone in the human race is like this, it seems that the dragon clan was not wronged when they lost in the sea!


This is his time.

"It's over," he said.

It was as calm as the epilogue after the dust had settled.

That's all for now...?

Cracks gradually appeared in the body of the Jade Buddha.

Guan Yan stared angrily, but gradually lost his spirit.

In his life, he had seldom seen such an angry, twisted expression.

No matter what, no matter what situation, he can face it, and he can solve it.


Is this the end?

The five hundred and thirty-seven years of struggle was just a phantom, and in the end, only the dream of the Dragon God was realized? Can't wait for the flowers to bloom after all the long years of hard work?

Is this the end?

At this moment, there was a clear and bright voice that suddenly resounded in the void.

To be precise, it sounded on the infinitely expanding Yuheng stars.

"I am five years old, and I am determined to practice!"

A little bit of starlight comes from the lightless Yuheng stars.

That bit of starlight also shone into Guan Yan's eyes.

"Nineteen years old, crown the world without reaching the crown!"

Countless stars, like fireflies, leap out of Yuheng.

Guan Yan can hear whose voice it is, and feel it, whose light it is!

"Traveling thousands of miles, Inno draws his sword!"

The stars meet and form outlines.

"Go far to the lost world, and let people speak!"

The starlight is vaguely gathered into shape, like a building.

"Believers are what people say. My husband never speaks lightly, and my way must begin with faith!"

This is……

Starlight Holy Building!

Who is here at this time to set up a star tower?

Today, there is no second choice.

This is Jiang Qingyang's Starlight Holy Building!

The young man who put down everything in this world and came to the distant world decisively because he asked for help.

In this endless void, outside of the Yuheng stars, tall buildings stand majestically!

Although there is only one outline, it already has endless brilliance.

That brilliance is bright, resolute, down-to-earth, tempered step by step.

That young man who was so perplexed back then, who was carrying a heavy burden and walked with difficulty, is now preaching his way in this endless universe!

In the void, there is a heavenly step, which follows a certain mysterious connection and comes across time and space.

Under the golden sky steps, there is a young figure in a green shirt holding a sword, striding forward.

Since ancient times, those who have erected star towers have been far away in this world, first anchoring a star point in the distant star dome, continuously transmitting power, accumulating starlight, and then gradually erecting star towers.

Of course, there are also those who achieve consummation in one day, direct remote telepathy, and immediately set up a star tower.

But I have never heard of anyone, when the Starlight Holy Building was erected, the deity actually approached!

It's almost face to face, building a star tower in Xingqiong by myself!

There is no need for any anchors at all, people are in front of the star tower, so there is no danger of getting lost?

What especially made Dragon God's eyes twitch was that the divine power to build this heavenly rank came from Himself!

Or to be more precise, it came from the divine power "borrowed" by Yan Xiao.

That useless bastard turned to the enemy!

At this moment, Yan Xiao was flying in front of him, his movements were vigorous.

Guan Yan was pleasantly surprised, and the Dragon God was frightened and angry.

But for Jiang Wang...

When the world's source sea was half emptied by the dragon god, the entire Senhai source world was riddled with holes in an instant.

The connection between Yuheng Xingchen and Senhai Yuanjie has never been so clearly revealed before people.

In the Dragon God's "Temple of Origin", he saw some information and learned some truths. But more importantly... At that place, I happened to see the moment when the gap in the world was broken.

The behavior of Guanyan's splitting quickly made up for the world, so that no living beings in the Senhaiyuan world became extinct.

Jiang Wang also saved his life because of this, and safely "saw" the universe in the Senhaiyuan world.

This is not the kind of looking up at the stars in this world, but looking up at the truth of the universe in a gap opened in the world.

And with Yan Xiao by his side, Yan Xiao was able to sense the Dragon God in the distant void, and knew where Yuheng Xingchen was currently trapped.

Jiang Wang won the first place in the secret realm of the Seven Star Tower, and the secret realm rewards he obtained after passing through the world of Tianshu happened to be the method of building the Four Sacred Towers with the Big Dipper as a beacon.

It is the "seven-star holy building" for the supreme magic method.

Those of the Big Dipper are called Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang.

It all happened naturally.

So he set up a building in Senhai.

Although this star building is only in its infancy, it has already changed something the moment it appeared.

The Seven Stars Holy Building is originally the supreme secret method to connect the Seven Stars.

Generally speaking, even if there is a star tower magic method with seven stars as beacons, the erected star tower is only within the range of the star dome influenced by a certain cosmic star.

But Yuheng Xingchen was captured by the dragon god at this time and was trapped in this void, and Jiang Wang happened to come here on the steps of the gods.

This Starlight Holy Building is directly above Yuheng Star!

Its nature is comparable to that of Senhaiyuanjie to Yuheng Xingchen. Once it is completed, it will be connected.

If Yuheng Xingchen was still struggling to choose between Dragon God and Guanyan before, now he has fallen to Guanyan's side without hesitation.

Whether it is Jiang Wang or the Starlight Holy Building he erected, they are insignificant in the battle between Dragon God and Guan Yan.

But in the competition between the two sides for the Yuheng stars, they have lost a crucial piece of weight!

The Dragon God Throne that tried to support Yuheng Xingchen was almost immediately repelled by Yuheng Xingchen.

And the seat of Zhang Yuheng, where Guan Yan had already left, was full of brilliance!

The jade-colored Buddha light circulated in the Yuheng seat, and even the entire Yuheng star was soaked in the jade light.

With the support of Yuheng Xingchen, Guan Yan, the cracks on Jade Buddha's body began to heal.

Infinite mighty power poured on him, and he even knocked down the tens of thousands of feet of the Dragon God directly!


The dragon's head smashed heavily into the void, creating a crack in the void!

triple. One of the chapters is about compensation.

Next time I give a testimonial, I have to set an alarm and write a memo.

Tomorrow, I will continue to cut Brother Yan.


Thank you book friend "Master Liu" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 194th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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