Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1367 From then on they called it

Zhuangguo Sanshan City.

Dou Yuemei, the lord of Sanshan City who still has charm, stood in the air, holding a little fat man in her hand, and looking in the direction of Feilai Peak in the distance.

The last famous mountain in Sanshan City was cleaned up the cleanest in a way that no one thought of. The shadows over the heads of the people in Sanshan City seemed to disappear without a trace after a star twinkled.

But the mountains in front of you can be flat, but the mountains in your heart... so what?

"Mother." The little fat man asked curiously, "Where did it fly to?"

Of course Dou Yuemei didn't know the answer, but of course she couldn't show timidity in front of her son, and said with a deep expression, "Go where it should go."

"The place to go is..."

"Speaking of 'should'. Is it time for you to practice boxing? Have you done your homework today?"

The little fat man suddenly said "Ouch": "When the wind blows, my head hurts, mother, let's go down."

Dou Yuemei glared at him, and finally flew down with her precious son, still muttering unavoidably: "Your sister is eating wind and drinking dew outside, honing her martial arts, I don't know how hard it is and how much suffering she has suffered. The family eats and drinks every day, and you don’t have to work hard. You are still a boy! What do you want to do?"

The little fat man just ignored these words, and he didn't want to do anything except eat and sleep. Looking at the gate tower that was getting closer and closer, he wrinkled his nose: "Mom! Can't we call it Sanshan City now?"

"Why?" Dou Yuemei asked.

The little fat man curled his lips: "The name was originally silly. And now that two of the three mountains are gone, it should be called Dushan City!"

Dou Yuemei grabbed his ear and twisted it hard.

The blow was so heavy that the little fat man burst into tears.

Dou Yuemei asked coldly: "You see you are crying like this, should you change your name to Sun Kuyan now?"

Sun Xiaoyan followed her mother back to the house crying and chirping.

He didn't know that the name hung on the gate of Sanshan City...

It was carved by his father himself.


State of Qi, Star Tower.

This is the tallest building in Qi, and it is difficult to measure it when it reaches the sky.

Of course, it may not be difficult to measure the height of the star observatory, but how to get close to the star observatory is difficult.

The mysterious Qintianjian was established here, no matter the princes, nobles, civil or military officials, no one is allowed to enter without the emperor's order.

The highest floor of the Star Observation Building is a terrace, without fences, and it is empty.

The place with the best view in the entire Linzi city is here.

The sky and the earth are uncovered.

The juvenile-looking Qintian Supervisor, Zheng Ruan, was standing here with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky. An ink-colored hairpin stretched horizontally, as if weighing the starry sky.

Ruan Zhou, who was wearing the same Taoist robe next to him, asked with some doubts: "What happened to Yuheng Xing, why is there such a big fluctuation?"

Ruan Yi sighed: "Who would have known that Yuheng lost its owner? I have been looking up at the starry sky all my life, but I can't see this. Up to now, it has been occupied."

Ruan Zhou's eyes widened: "Yuheng is occupied by someone?"

"It doesn't have to be a person." There was a trace of regret that could not be erased in Ruan Yu's tone.

Cosmic stars...

Which successor of the art of astrology would not want to have it?

For practitioners of astrology, based on the relationship between the stars of the universe and the river of fate, mastering the stars of the universe is to some extent... almost equal to controlling fate!

Unexpectedly, this whimsical thing was turned into a fact by a certain existence.

If he could have known the owner of Yuheng earlier, he might not have a chance...

But who would have thought?

The real stars of the universe illuminate all the heavens and myriad realms, who can see the root of them?

"For us, is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Ruan Zhou asked.

Ruan Yu shook his head: "Since ancient times, Lianzhen is the most difficult to distinguish. It is a blessing or a curse, which is hard to predict."

"Lianzhen" is an alias of Yuheng Star, this star has always been unpredictable, and the astrology it participates in is basically a problem that plagues many astrologers.

He shook his head again, and said in a self-consoling way: "However, Yuheng, as a star in the universe, cannot be classified as a specific existence. This mysterious existence can be regarded as Yuheng Xingjun, who has the power to illuminate all worlds with the help of Yuheng stars." Ability, does not affect our horoscope."

What he didn't say is... the matter of using Yuheng stars to illuminate all worlds is terrifying in itself, and it is desirable in itself.

"The universe is boundless." Ruan Zhou sighed, "Is there anything impossible in this world?"

The father and daughter's star-studded Taoist robes fluttered and rolled in the night wind. Like the infinite starry sky, the epitome of the human world.

"I'm thinking, after this incident, there must be many people who are concerned about another issue..."

Ruan Yu looked at the sky and said slowly: "How to make the stars of the universe lose their owners."

Ruan Zhou was obviously shocked by this sentence, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "I don't know how this happened... I think it is also a magnificent story."

"How it lost the will of the stars and how it was occupied. These are all questions left to us by the mysterious universe."

Ruan Yu stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air, as if holding the starlight——

"The upper and lower directions are called the universe, and the past and present are called the universe. This is the universe, which can accommodate all magnificent fantasies."



Yuheng Xing Jun came to the throne, and countless people looked up at the star at this moment.

Before Yuheng Xingchen, there were only Guan Yan and Jiang Wang.

The Xuankong Temple, which came to the Senhaiyuan Realm more than five hundred years ago, was the most enlightened, and the ancient and modern inner palace of the Senhaiyuan Realm, which was the No. 1 inner palace in the Senhaiyuan Realm more than five hundred years later, stood side by side outside the stabilized Yuheng Star.

An upright green shirt, a moon white monk's robe, shoulder to shoulder with five hundred years of Tianjiao, they meet together in this unknown place, in this distant star, to do a great thing.

And they did.

Guan Yan struggled for five hundred and thirty-seven years, from the sky to the ground, from the Senhaiyuan world to the depths of the universe... Fighting against the gods everywhere, never retreating.

Jiang Wang beheaded Yan Xiao hundreds of times, killed and subdued the most evil birds, and finally set up a heavenly ladder and ventured into the Star Building to help Guan Yan.

The last one made Yuheng Xingjun, and the other one established the Starlight Holy Building on Yuheng Star at close range.

Before the dead Shenlongmu, they have fulfilled their promises to each other with the greatest efforts.

I did my best to get the result I have now.

The powerful Dragon God who ravaged the Senhaiyuan Realm and plotted against the Yuheng Star for thousands of years has been suppressed.

Jiang Wang looked at the Yuheng stars not far away, and asked curiously: "Is it the body of the Yuheng stars reflecting the heavens?"

"You can say that, but it's not entirely true." Guan Yan said: "To be precise, it is now my natal star, the root of this Xingjun position, and the embodiment of the concept of 'Yuheng'. It can be regarded as One of the bodies of Yuheng Xingchen, but it is not completely equivalent to Yuheng. I can borrow the power of Yuheng Xingchen, but Yuheng Xingchen is not equal to me."

It might be difficult for Jiang Wang to understand this question in his current state.

So even Guan Yan thought about it for a while before continuing: "If you compare Yuheng Xingchen to a pond, I am the owner of this pond now, and I can use all the products in the pond openly, and I can divert water to other places as I like. ...But at the same time, other people can also go into the water. There are also fish, shrimp, turtles, crabs, aquatic plants and water snakes in the water... We exist at the same time, and there is no conflict. For example, you can erect a star tower here, and other people can also be in Yuheng's as long as they anchor the beacon. Lixing Building in the range. What it was before, it is still how it is now.

At the same time, because Yuheng is a collection of concepts, I cannot drive away outsiders at will like ordinary pond owners, and I also need to follow its rules. Of course, within the rules, I am the master of Yuheng. "

"This metaphor is not entirely accurate, but it probably means so."

"A cosmic star like Yuheng illuminates all realms. Billions of beings in the heavens and myriad realms all have different expectations for it, and put different imaginations on it. It itself is a collection of Dao and cannot be truly seen. There is a complete unity of one will. Of course, I can now borrow its light to speak my own Word."

Jiang Wang probably understood, but he still kept these words firmly in mind so that he could chew and understand later. In many cases, it is not a question of wisdom, but a question of level. Different cultivation bases may have different understandings. Guan Yan's words are essentially telling him.

"By the way, senior." Jiang Wang asked curiously again: "I see that the Yuheng stars have changed a lot of shapes at first, and I think that is probably the appearance of different world forms... Why does it look like this now that it has stabilized? Is your understanding of the stars related?"

Suspended not far away is an irregular spherical world. The original jade color has faded away, and now it looks vibrant. It is green and lush, and the trees are like a sea.

Jiang Wang added: "It's a bit like Senhai Yuanjie. It's because of the abundance of Muxing Yuanli, which can nourish vitality. Is it more suitable for you when you first become a star king?"

He cherishes the opportunity to communicate with senior Guan Yan very much, and he can benefit a lot from the communication every time. At this time, I even want to listen to Tangtang Yuheng Xingjun's understanding of the stars in the universe, so as to expand the boundaries of my knowledge.

He felt that he could be regarded as "sensitive and studious".

Hearing this question, Guan Yan rolled his eyes and smiled softly: "This way she will get used to it..."

Jiang Wang: ...

Of course he knew who this "she" was.

He couldn't answer the topic.

He coughed lightly, then turned around: "Senior, my star building is now..."

Guan Yan, who has become a star king, has unpredictable power in his actions. Grabbing his star tower, he smashed the Dragon God out in one fell swoop. In the process, he also helped him shape the star building. After this process, the dragon god's primordial spirit was suppressed in his Starlight Holy Building...

It is an unimaginable means.

It's just that he still doesn't know what kind of situation this is.

Of course, he had already explored Zang Xinghai when he was in the star building.

Unlike Wufuhai, which was bright and open after the ignorance was cleared away, Zangxinghai was pitch black.

Of course, this kind of brightness and darkness are only concepts that exist at the level of the soul, and will not really affect the perception, but it will inevitably be dull.

Until... the Starlight Holy Building stood up, and the starlight fell.

The sky is full of stars twinkling in the high sky.

Reflected in the water, like thousands of lights.

This scene is extremely beautiful. Although it can only be viewed from within, it also greatly satisfies the visual perception.

Seeing the starlight, one knows why Zang Xinghai is so named.

Sure enough, it is deeply hidden.

Daomai Tenglong dives in the sea. Smart and comfortable. This is also the difference between Wufu Sea and Zang Xinghai.

In the sea of ​​five mansions, the Dao Mai Tenglong needs to rest on the isolated island of heaven and earth. Every time he accumulates enough strength, he can take off to explore the fog of ignorance... When the fog of ignorance is cleared and the five mansions come out together, the Dao Mai Tenglong will often Staying on an isolated island in the world, there is basically no need to move.

Of course, traveling in the sky is no problem. Jiang Wang's Dao Mai Tenglong has been to the Yunding Immortal Palace many times.

As for the bottom of Wufu Sea, they have never dived before.

That is the sea area that needs to be suppressed by the isolated islands of heaven and earth. The earliest fog of ignorance rises from the sea, and the deepest ignorance is also at the bottom of the Wufu. Human ignorance can never be swept away, and there will always be new confusion and new unknowns. The process of practicing is itself a process of cleaning up ignorance all the time.

Therefore, the isolated island of heaven and earth is always suppressing Wufuhai. The more stable the isolated island of heaven and earth is, the more stable Wufuhai will be, and the monks will be able to explode more combat power.

People often say that the limit of combat power, the word "limit" is often the end of what one can bear.

In the Wufu Sea, if the Dao Mai Tenglong sinks into the sea rashly, it will basically end up lost.

Zang Xinghai is different.

This sea does not hide ignorance, and to some extent corresponds to the cosmic star sea.

With the starlight shining down from the star tower and the blessing of the power of the five houses, Daomai Tenglong can roam freely in it and explore the connection between the universe and the self.

Not to mention that Jiang Wang's Dao Mai Tenglong is also entwined with the light of the five supernatural powers, which is naturally radiant. It is itself the light of the Tibetan Sea of ​​Stars, shining a sea area.

The biggest danger in Zang Xinghai is still getting lost. If the star building in the distant star vault is lost and loses the guidance of the starlight, the Zangxinghai will gradually dim. At this time, Daomai Tenglong can only withdraw from the Zangxinghai, otherwise it will be silent with the sea.

Jiang Wang, who felt that he had a preliminary insight into the Zang Xinghai, could not quite understand his own Starlight Holy Tower... or the Starlight Holy Tower? I don't know what it means for the Dragon God to be suppressed. Because it hasn't been used officially yet, I don't know what the Starlight Sacred Building stands above the Yuheng stars. Just according to the secret method of the Seven Stars Holy Building, the closer to the core position of the Seven Stars concept, the higher the quality of the Star Building.

Guan Yan explained: "This evil dragon has been too deeply connected with you just now. If you kill it rashly, it will easily affect you. I simply put him in your Starlight Holy Building. Since he wants to live and die as one, let him be one. You don't have to worry, I have set up a restriction, he can't get away, and can't affect you. On the contrary, your Starlight Holy Building can continue to absorb its power to strengthen and strengthen, thereby reducing the need for you."

It's really different when the senior becomes a star king.

Look, it's not called Dragon God anymore, it's called Nielong instead!

Of course Jiang Wang could understand what he said. From the first star point anchored by the distant star dome, the outer building monks have been constantly transmitting power to the star dome to continuously strengthen the starlight holy building. Having such a source of power as the Dragon God can save him a lot of hard work.

But Jiang Wang thought of another point...

"Just like your holy building, even if I die one day, can this starlight holy building still exist?"

It was an awkward question to ask, but Jiang Wang was really happy that his star building could be closer to that of senior Guan Yan. God knows how surprised and envious he was when he saw Senior Guan Yan's star building before.

Guan Yan's eyes had moved away at this time, and he looked into the distance, and replied casually: "It can be said so."

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then said: "Then it's not convenient to change the shape of the tower..."

When senior Guan Yan answered questions, he was usually very meticulous and serious, not only taking care of Jiang Wang's cultivation level, but also taking into account Jiang Wang's emotions... But at this time, it was very obvious that he was perfunctory, and he only said dryly: "Unless the heavy weight is broken. Come."

Jiang Wang consciously closed his mouth.

Because he has already seen the front, a little starlight from far to near...



Senhai Yuanjie, the land of the shadow of the gods.

The little troubled mother-in-law lit the study house, and before the golden flame that illuminated the night sky, she led the clansmen to pray together, pious for the true faith.

In her own way, she participates in the battle.

She was no longer excited about the dragon god meeting at the altar of the tree.

Because she knows who the person in her heart is fighting against.


The radiant throne suddenly flew over from the altar of the tree, and flew towards her with a clear goal...and finally hovered in front of her.

The little annoying mother-in-law panicked at first, and was even ready to fight.

But the righteous purpose of "God" rang in my ears.

Under the surprised eyes of the tribe, the white-haired old woman pursed her lips a little shyly, arranged her clothes carefully, and then sat on the divine seat.

The throne of God flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky with a flicker.

The clansmen present looked at each other in blank dismay, until someone shouted——

"My lord priest has become a god!"

Everyone bowed down one after another and sang congratulatory songs devoutly.

Under the circumstances that they don't know yet, the deep dark color is centered on the land of the shadow of the gods, and it is constantly fading.

The invasion of night that had enveloped this world for hundreds of years dissipated in this night.

The freedom and tranquility for which they had so earnestly prayed were returned to them on this night.

And there was a star that was dimmer than the day hanging in the sky.

Thereafter they called it "Moon".



The starlight gradually became clear from far to near.

On the resplendent divine throne, sat a white-haired old woman.

Her skinny hands were folded in front of her body, her fingers hooked together, and she was obviously nervous.

But the eyes are fixed on the front...

Seeing this look, you can probably understand what it means to wait and see.

Jiang Wang is also familiar with Xiao Fan's mother-in-law, arching his hands, ready to greet politely...

The back of the moon white monk's robe had already blocked his sight.

Guan Yan, who has already achieved the position of Xingjun, greeted him early. And it's obvious that Xiao Fan's mother-in-law didn't see a certain young arrogance...

In her eyes, all she saw was the handsome monk in the moon-white robe.

And the eyes of the monk she saw were all about herself.

What void, what stars, what god seat, what idlers...

When lovers look at each other, the whole universe is redundant.

The lovers who had endured for five hundred years looked at each other, speechless for a while.

There are tears in their eyes, there are vicissitudes of time, you know how much pain and suffering they have experienced, but at this moment they look at each other, but it only makes people feel happy.

Now they can look at each other quietly like this.

How insignificant the suffering of those long years is.


Jiang Wang really didn't want to spoil the scenery, but he couldn't just watch the void all the time.

He had no choice but to open his mouth and said: "I have nothing to do, I will go first, there is still something to do in this world."

Of course he couldn't leave on his own, he just hinted that Guan Yan would send him off.

"I'll give my little friend a ride." Guan Yan said in his voice.

Still looking at the old woman in front of her eyes, she only waved her sleeves, and the surrounding area was empty.

Before Jiang Wang even had time to say a word of kindness, he had already disappeared.

Xiao Fan still looks at Guan Yan, and Guan Yan still looks at Xiao Fan.

They looked at each other for an unknown amount of time, as if they could look at each other forever.

The little annoying mother-in-law raised her hand to touch Guan Yan's face.

Is this face that has appeared in soul dreams countless times, really real?

God, if this is a dream, please don't wake up too early.

The moment her finger touched Guan Yan's cheek, her hand trembled.

That warm and real touch verified the happiness in her heart.

But his eyes fell on his deeply wrinkled hands, and Guan Yan's still handsome face.

The little annoying mother-in-law lowered her eyes, a little uncontrollably sad.

It is true that we will meet again.

But this day came too late...

"I'm old." She sighed softly.

At this moment, she suddenly wanted to cry.

But she's very old, and it's funny when she cries.

"I can grow old too." Guan Yan said.

In the hazy eyes of tears, Xiao Fan saw that wrinkles gradually appeared on Guan Yan's face, his skin began to loosen, and his eyes began to cloud...

With the same wrinkled hand, he gently held her hand.

Only the voice is still so gentle: "You can also be young."

A warm force came from Guan Yan's palm.

Xiaofan felt a long-lost vitality revived in her body. She could feel that her skin became firm again, her eyes became clear again, and all the youthful and lively traces were reappearing in her body. bloom.

The vegetation is dry and prosperous, and it is another spring.

She couldn't help but squeezed Guan Yan's hand, and said softly, "We want to be together. We can grow old together, or we can be young together."

Five hundred years of suffering and five hundred years of hope are just two words...


Only deep love can last for a long time.

In this vast universe, in front of the jade balance stars that have already been covered with blue colors.

A young girl with bright eyes and bright teeth was holding hands with a monk with a handsome face.

The girl's eyes flickered, she looked at the moon-white monk's robe, and asked in a low voice, "Are you still a monk?"

Guan Yan looked down and said with a smile, "I've already returned to vulgarity."

While speaking, the moon-white monk's robe on his body has turned into a Confucian shirt.

"Do you like scholars?" He asked softly.

The clothes on his body changed again.


Change again.


Change again.


Xiaofan used her index finger to lightly press on Guan Yan's lips.

"I like whatever you look like. As long as..."

She blushed, but still looked into his eyes bravely: "As long as we can get married."

I can be anything you like.

And I like everything about you.

Over five hundred years, how many stories have happened and how many traces have been taken away.

It's as if everything has changed, and it's as if nothing has changed.

In a trance, everything returned to the beginning.

That day she was picking Lingsi, and that day he fell from the sky.

He said, "Girl..."


The long time was pierced and dissolved in the eyes as gentle as the sea.

The handsome boy in front of him said, "Girl, let's go home."

Thank you book friend Half-Drunk Grapefruit for rewarding Xinmeng!


One of the chapters is to add updates to Yan Shaofei of the Great League! 19/78.

Continue tomorrow.

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