Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1368 Fuyao (seeking monthly ticket)

Senior Guan Yan once said that if there is any accident, the star tower that turns into a star ring and wraps around Jiang Wang's wrist will take him back to where he came from, or to other worlds corresponding to the seven stars.

Of course, now that senior Guan Yan has become a star king, there is no need to follow the old path. With a wave of his sleeve, the endless Yuheng starlight wrapped Jiang Wang away.

It can be described as unfathomable power.

Although the process was rushed...

This is an ultra-long-distance trip, and unlike the previous two trips, either in the Seven Star Building, or in the Star Building of Senior Guan Yan, this time Jiang Wang is almost physically crossing.

Piercing the distance between time and space purely with the physical body is a power that no monk in the outer building can match.

Of course, Jiang Wang's starlight outside his body...was wrapped up a little too tightly.

During the journey, there will be absolutely no problems for him to face physically.

Yuheng's starlight was so dense that it almost solidified, and Jiang Wang, who was in the brilliant starlight, actually had no time to appreciate the scenery of the universe.

Because...he is in the astral tempering body.

The first step for most monks after completing the outer building is to receive the light of the holy building located in the distant star dome, and quench their bodies with starlight. The physical body of the monks in the outer building is generally a step higher than that of the monks in the inner palace, and it is precisely because of this.

But Jiang Wang's last step in the Starlight Sacred Tower came too suddenly, and it was formed by Master Guan Yan's random grasp... He himself was in a daze, and all his reactions were a beat slower.

Until now, during the journey back to the present world, the physical body began to be tempered naturally.

To temper the body, you can only use the starlight you control. So even though his star building stands at the core of Yuheng Star, it cannot directly use the massive amount of starlight to quench his body at this moment...

It is also not necessary.

Because the first star building he established, the star power transmitted at this moment is too surging!

Wailou Xingli was running around every corner of his body, and Jiang Wang was constantly connecting with Daoyuan, and later developed to the point where he needed to unfold the light of supernatural powers to help sort out.

I can't temper it with all my strength, and there is no such thing as the lack of star power mentioned by the senior practitioners.

I don't know if it's because it's still very close to my own star building at this time, or because the quality of this star building is too high and its power is too strong.

This feeling is very strange, Jiang Wang clearly felt his own star tower, which was drifting away, in the sea of ​​starlight.

From then on, he had a clear beacon in the vast universe.

In the sense of time and space, it is indeed getting farther and farther away, but in the process of starlight quenching, he feels that he is getting closer and closer to the star building.

It seemed to be an extension of his will, another existence in the vast universe.

He didn't know if other people felt the same way about the Starlight Holy Building. He felt his own Star Tower just like feeling another self.

There is a sense of fulfillment from the inside out, which is not only the support of strength, but also the support of will.

The beliefs that have been implemented along the way must be verified in the Starlight Sacred Tower, and finally become "truth" and "Tao".

"Since ancient times, Lianzhen is the most difficult to distinguish", the change of this star is unpredictable, but it is indeed appropriate for Jiang Wang to define it with the word "Xin".

In particular, his "faith" is not a castle in the air, but a principle that has been practiced all the time, and it is very solid and convincing.

Of course, the dragon god who was suppressed in the building also made a great contribution to this star building...



Guan Yan became Yuheng Xingjun, and the formation of Dragon God trapped in this void was also silently erased.

After all, Yuheng will not settle in one place, shrink back to a spot of light, and then disappear.

Jiang Wang's cyan seven-story star pagoda, which was erected above Yuheng, also returned to the star vault. Of course, it is always within the core scope of the concept of Yuheng, bathed in the purest star power of Yuheng... It's like living in the imperial palace in Linzi.

Above Yuheng Xingjun's natal star, Guan Yan took Xiaofan's hand and walked in the lush forest,

The sky is just right, casting a mottled light and shadow through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

A squirrel rolled into a ball, rolled on the ground, and rolled in front of another squirrel.

Two birds cuddling on a branch...

The years stop here, and time is gentle from now on.

Guan Yan stopped in his tracks: "I seem to have forgotten something."

Xiaofan asked with concern: "Is that important?"

"In my life, the important, very important, most important..." Guan Yan looked into her bright eyes, and couldn't stop laughing: "It's all in front of me."



In this world, the original battlefield of Xingyue.

The war that lasted for seven days has turned this place into a purgatory on earth.

Since ancient times, the saying that one general succeeds and ten thousand bones die has become a commentary on the tragic war.

But in fact, some people succeed and some people fail.

What is more desperate than the success of one general and the failure of ten thousand bones is the failure.

Is this the worst?

Xiangguo Dazhu Guolian Jingzhi, and Xuguo Grand Marshal Fang You may have another answer.

On Xingyueyuan, they invested hundreds of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of citizens, hundreds of thousands of loyal soldiers of the country...

The outcome of this war has nothing to do with them.

They could only wait on the high platform and watch silently.

Like a sculpture, there is only the role of sculpture left. As if it had nothing to do with him, and there was really nothing he could do.

I can only look at it like this.

"Standing on such a high platform... isn't it cold?" Lian Yuchan thought in her heart.

She feels cold.

Especially looking at the battlefield in the distance, the coldness that seemed to come from the deepest part of her soul made her want to escape several times——

Battlefield biting battlefield, banner against banner.

The soldiers of Xiangxu and Xu fought in a group, and it was already difficult to distinguish each other.

Every moment someone falls, a saber ends a life, a head ends a life.

Not for one day, not for two.

In just seven days, the frontline soldiers have been replenished seventeen times!

The most core battlefield will always be the scale of nearly 100,000 people. Someone is always falling, and someone is always filling.

Continuously, filled with blood and soul.

What kind of war is this?

For Tianjiao on both sides of Qijing, this is a relatively cruel competitive game, or in other words, it is a big training to exercise the military talents of both sides.

But for the two countries... this is war.

No matter how tragic and realistic a war is.

It is a war that makes every living life wither.

Howls of pain, roars, metal and iron strikes...

This is the sound of war, it clearly rings in the ear, but it seems so far away.

The two swords around her waist were sheathing, if she could, she really wanted to draw the swords and move forward.

But can't.

"Dazhu Kingdom." Lian Yuchan said, "When will this battle end?"

She tried her best to keep her voice calm, but she was still trembling because of the sound of the sword... She thought she could no longer stand still.

"As long as you die." Lian Jingzhi said quietly.

He's not showing determination, he's just stating a fact.

Of course, there is another possibility for the end of the war - but neither Qi nor Jing could choose to surrender in such a local war. Therefore, this battle can only be ended if one side's soldiers are exhausted and Tianjiao is completely defeated.

Now there are not many troops that can be replenished on Xiangguo's side, and the same is true on Xuguo's side.

Lian Yuchan, who was wearing a helmet and armor, pressed the two swords tightly with both hands, and said in a trembling voice: "You are humble and feel unwell, so I won't read it, and I will leave first."

"Stop for me. Lian Yuchan, who allowed you to leave your post without permission?"

Lian Jingzhi's voice was always calm, without any waves.

But pointing out the word "duty" has already set up the military law.

"This is my disgrace to Lian Jingzhi, and I have no right to escape. You are my daughter, even Jingzhi, and you have no right to escape. You have to see with your own eyes how my Xiangguo soldiers died, and you will be the one to make the decision in the future." time to prevent the same from happening.”

Lian Yuchan pursed her lips without saying a word or moving a step.



From the day the war officially started, until now. The two warring parties have always maintained a scale of 100,000 people on the most core battlefield, constantly fighting fiercely.

This is the cruelest method of warfare, because the most people will die.

All fighters will be put in part by part, and then disappear part by part.

But at the same time, it is also the form of war that can best temper the arrogance of both sides.

Qi Guofang was divided into ten battalions, and Jing Guofang was divided into twenty teams. Dozens of Tianjiao leaders from both sides fought fiercely round after round in this core battlefield.

The stars are still bright tonight, and there are still a large number of hanging lights, reflecting the place like daytime, without seeing the stars and the moon. This kind of gadget developed by Momen is very suitable for battlefields where a large number of mortals participate.

The night will not be a barrier of safety, wars will happen at any moment and continue in every corner.

Xingyueyuan can no longer see the beauty of the past, and the most central part has become a huge flesh and blood mill.

Those thrown in were soldiers, and what came out were flesh and bones.

It is said that human life is at stake, but human life is the least valuable when it is worthless.

Who is not a child of someone else's family, and who has no family behind him?

But on the battlefield, there is only muddy water mixed with bloody water, and corpses piled on top of each other... You can't even find who is who.

A stray arrow flying from nowhere pierced through the hanging lantern hanging in the sky. This hanging lantern tied with a purple bunting fell down in a hurry, like a bird with broken wings.


The rack fell apart.

A military boot stepped on it, and the peripheral light of the lamp was also annihilated.

The owner of the military boots was a young man who was roaring. Wearing Xu Guo's military uniform on his body, his face was terribly red because of the blood rushing up, he held the saber tightly with both hands, and slashed forward fiercely!

It can be seen that he is still a recruit and doesn't know how to stay strong at all. Maybe he has gone through a lot of training, but on the real battlefield, he has completely forgotten those things... It takes a few real fights before he can remember the content of those trainings as instinct and transform into an old pawn—if he is still alive.

The blade was blocked by the Xiang Guo soldier who was facing him with a horizontal blade.

This is a middle-aged man with a typical face and style of Xiang people. Slightly high cheekbones and slightly curly hair.

This person is much more experienced, he can easily hold the knife, and he has already shortened his body and moved forward. The saber then circled around an arc, and sliced ​​lightly at the opponent's abdomen.

This knife only needs 40% strength. After the abdomen is cut open, step away obliquely and you will be injured by the dying counterattack. The opponent can only hold the intestines that flow out and wait to die.

The old man Xiangguo is very convinced of this, and his eyes have already glanced at the next target——

But suddenly there was a pain between the eyebrows, and I didn't know anything.

This is the battlefield, anyone may die. It doesn't matter whether you are a veteran or a recruit, a good guy or a bad guy, a father or a child, death treats everyone the same.

It was an arrow that killed him.

The arrowhead is like a wolf's fang, with an extremely cold light. From an inconceivable angle, he crossed the battlefield and ruthlessly nailed the old soldier's forehead. With his remaining strength still alive, he nailed the dead body into the air, took him flying several feet backwards, and knocked down five people.

It's not difficult to kill with one arrow, and it's not difficult to pierce through the forehead with one arrow. What's rare is that one arrow can kill without piercing, flying around with corpses, and disrupting the enemy's formation... What's difficult is this vision and precision!

The young Xu country soldier walked around before he died. He was still in shock when he heard a military order in his ear: "Zhengyi!"

This is a heroic and powerful voice, falling on the ear, it makes people feel certain and dare not disobey.

According to these days of training, he quickly gathered his surrounding comrades and formed "Zhenyi".

This formation is very simple, almost a line of two vertical lines, which has long been firmly remembered by their physical instincts.

Holding the knife in hand, looking straight ahead. Although he didn't understand military formations, he also vaguely felt that compared to before, the formation on the opposite side seemed to be a little more scattered, and it was no longer that dense and suffocating feeling.

Moving backwards from this simple military formation, one can see Li Longchuan, a descendant of Shimen Li's direct line, who holds the famous bow of Qiushan in his hand!

The jade belt wrapped around his forehead was already stained with blood, which added a bit of sternness to his heroism.

Killing a man with one arrow is very rare in war, but if it is his arrow, killing a small soldier is too wasteful.

He, Li Longchuan, is of course not someone who can only kill pawns with arrows. His battalion has been fighting for three hours since this rotation.

For three hours, he and his people seem to have only formed a simple array of arrows, hitting and rushing on the battlefield with a hammer here and there.

But in fact, the two battle formations of the enemy army, under his seemingly aimless impact, were constantly adjusting and adjusting, and finally intertwined together.

If it only stops here, the leader on the opposite side is also a Tianjiao figure, and he will be able to adjust back soon.

However, the old Xiang country soldier who was stuck on the edge of the two battle formations was shot to death with an arrow, and the body also knocked five people into the air...

On Li Longchuan's side, simply change the formation, and the two opposing formations are on the verge of collapse at the same time!

You must know that on the battlefield, whether there is an army or not is a completely different concept. Because it is the dividing line between ordinary fighters and extraordinary power. In the army formation, a mortal body can rival an extraordinary man. Breaking away from the army, how many people are not enough for extraordinary monks to slaughter.

Jing Guofang Tianjiao was shocked and quickly adjusted his army formation.

This will break the unbroken battle formation and fall into a pair of bright eyes.

Under the flag of Qiankun Youlong erected high above, Chen Suan, the genius of Penglai Island, alone led two teams of 5,000 soldiers and horses at the rear.

After crossing the chaotic battlefield where nearly 100,000 troops fought, there was a calmness in his eyes that could see everything.

I clearly saw Li Yongchuan's performance. Seeing that after three hours of tugging, he just shot and killed a small soldier with one arrow, and then made a simple change, the situation of the battle is already different!

Under Li Longchuan's constant mobilization, there was already a gap between Jing Guofang's two battle formations, and there was even an obvious possibility of it spreading. If it is torn apart from here, the entire battle situation is in danger of collapse.

"The descendants of the Shimen Li family." Chen Suan thought lightly.

"Order to pay the city half an hour later to bring people into the battle, aiming at the four Xun, at all costs, to stick to Xun four and Xun five positions."

Nothing can escape his eyes, and nothing will exceed his calculations.

So his voice is very calm.

But this calm voice soon became turbulent: "No, go now!"

what did he see

He saw that Li Longchuan's battalion was divided into three very smoothly, forming three simple formations. But these three simple formations, after a little adjustment, immediately formed a terrifying battle formation!

This kind of battle formation should never appear in a war of this level. Because the Tianjiao on both sides didn't have so much time to get familiar with their soldiers, and didn't have so much time to train and adjust... But Li Longchuan did it!

The ability to train soldiers comes second.

He used three simple formations to split and piece together a formation that should have been complicated.

At a young age, he has the ability to break down the formation!

The flag officer quickly waved the command flag and revised the order.

All mysteries have the possibility of being cracked. As soon as the soldiers rushed, the Yuan force was disordered, and many Taoism skills were not easy to form. On the battlefield, flag order is always the most reliable command method.

"Let Xu San's team get out of the strangle and retreat to Zhenwu's position. He will know what to do specifically." Chen Suan ordered again.

Just as the flag officer issued the flag order, Chen Suan's order sounded again.

"Tell Wang Kun to pull up the tiger chariot and put it in the second position. When I order him to charge, he will go directly to it!"

After issuing three military orders in a row, Chen Suan shook his head lightly, and finally said emotionally: "I should say, are you worthy of being a descendant of the Marquis of the City?"

There are standard weapons in the world, led by chariots. Of all the chariots in the world, Chu State is the best. Five people in a car is simply a mobile battle formation, and it is a well-deserved killer.

But Jing Guo's tiger chariot will not lose much to Chu State.

This time on the Xingyueyuan battlefield, only 20 teams were transferred, and they were all in Wang Kun's team.

This is Chen Suan's heavy bet, and he wants to forcefully kill the descendants of the Hou Chenghou who suddenly started to exert strength.

It's a pity that it is not Jing Guoqiang who is driving the tiger chariot at this time. Although these soldiers from Xiangguo have also been trained in assault, they can't control Ruyi...

With thoughts of one kind or another flashing through his mind, Chen Suan looked at the battlefield indifferently.

On the non-stop fighting, Li Longchuan held the bow in one hand and plucked the string in the other, striding forward. If you ignore those screaming sounds and bloody scenes, it's not like killing on the battlefield, but like sitting in front of your home and playing the piano.

Too confident, too calm.

At this moment, Li Longchuan was shining with an edge that was absolutely different from usual.


"Follow up!"

"Array three moves to the left!"

As he made his voice, his arrows flew rapidly, pointing to kill the enemy army, and at the same time quickly guiding the soldiers of the camp.

The extremely powerful broken armor formation was broken down by him into simple formations 1, 2, and 3, and during these few days of war, the soldiers under his command firmly remembered it.

Those who break armor break the thick defense of the enemy.

Three formations and one combination are the rough version of the broken armor formation. This is not a famous formation in the world, but on the battlefield of Xingyueyuan, it is enough to sweep most of the opponent's formation.

The two army formations on the opposite side were still adjusting quickly, and his Sundered Armor Formation pressed up and broke it with one blow!

"Array retreat!"

"Array two advance!"

"Array three, gather to the right!"

After breaking through two formations in a row, Li Longchuan did not choose to expand the results of the battle, but adjusted his formation immediately, and slammed into Jingguo Fucheng's department suddenly coming from the front left with extreme viciousness.

The blood and energy of the soldiers formed into a soldier's evil spirit, the army array collided with the army array, and the broken armor smashed the fish scales.

The sword slashed on the sword, blood spattered on blood.

Under the dim light of the candle, there is nowhere to hide all traces.

Li Longchuan pulled the hills full, flew out like a dragon leaping with an arrow, and roared to face Fucheng in chain mail! Fu Cheng came here with his troops, and he was prepared to wait for work at ease, but he didn't expect the opponent to change formations so quickly and attack so fiercely... He had to step aside to avoid the edge for the time being.


Among the ten thousand armies, there was a sudden thunder!

From directly in front of Li Longchuanbu, a tall chariot that hit Ren Senhan jumped out like a tiger, across the field of vision. Then came the second drive, the third drive...

The momentum is like a tiger coming out of the gate, and the head-on is like a forest of swords and guns.

Jingguo Tiger Chariot! It was Wang Kun's department!

But at this moment, Li Longchuan, who had already crashed into the Fucheng Department on the left front, suddenly rolled up his soldiers, merged into one body, and turned into a giant sharp arrow, directly pierced through Fucheng Department, and walked away.

The completely chaotic formation of Fucheng's soldiers became a natural barrier.

Wang Kun's tiger chariot came aggressively, but it missed, and he could only watch Li Longchuan's troops quickly approaching Qi Fang's team.


Li Longchuan and Chen Suan, who were far away from the battlefield, sighed almost at the same time.

It's a pity that Li Longchuan finally found an opportunity and created a gap, but Chen Suan quickly mobilized troops to fill it.

Chen Suan is a pity...

It's a pity that Fucheng had no guts and failed to stop his opponent.

It's a pity that Wang Kun is greedy for merit!

He attacked without waiting for his order. Xu Sanbu hadn't reached the predetermined position, and the pockets hadn't been formed yet, so he let go of a big fish!

This move of the Tiger Chariot is tantamount to playing for nothing.

In such a fierce battlefield, the landing point of any chess piece must achieve its goal, otherwise it will be a huge waste. Especially for such an important pawn as the Tiger Chariot, Wang Kun is committing a crime!

But this is not the time to settle accounts.

Chen Suan could only suppress his anger and quickly reorganize the army to make up for the gap between the two teams.

Standing on the tiger chariot, Wang Kun's face was livid, he glanced at Fu Cheng bitterly, scolded the cowardly gangster, and even turned to leave.

But he knew very well in his heart that it was he himself who made a bigger mistake just now, and Chen Suan would never miss this mistake.

Just now, only the remnants of Fucheng remained in the local battlefield where they were strangled into a group. He gritted his teeth and assembled the army. It was indeed his part that was easily penetrated, and he had nothing to say.



The entire battlefield of Xingyueyuan was criss-crossed, and life and death were more than a moment?

Although Li Longchuan led the army to a wonderful charge, the impact on the entire battle situation was actually lacklustre.

The two battles that were broken will soon be replenished. Before the last drop of blood is exhausted, this war will not end easily.

That's why Li Longchuan wanted to tear up the whole battle situation so much!

It's a pity that Chen Suan easily made up for it.

In this war, the organizational forms of the Qi and Jing camps were not the same. Qi Fang's ten battalions are in charge of each other and cooperate with each other. Jing Fang's 20th team is under the command of Chen Suan.

In the extraordinary war, it is difficult to say which is better. Of course, it can be regarded as an advantage, but the great talents show their housekeeping skills and compete for victory with their unique talents, which is actually more conducive to training military affairs.

Although the main reason is that there is no Tianjiao who can overwhelm everyone on the stage of Qi State, so it cannot be attributed to one. But in the current form of fighting, after the seven-day war, the two sides did not decide the winner.

A Wu is an ordinary Xu Country person.

An ordinary age, an ordinary background, an ordinary soldier eating imperial rations.

To be honest, he didn't know what the meaning of this war was. I don't know why I have to fight, I don't know why I have to work hard.

But meaning is not important at all.

His father was a soldier, and he will be a soldier when he grows up, that's all.

Of course patriotism is love, how much love is hard to say.

Whether Xu Guo is big or small, strong or weak, he will not go abroad. Not too much feeling.

If the general said to rush, he would rush, and if the general said to stop, he would stop.

He had long since forgotten the terror of hiding in tears on the camp bed before the battle. There is no such thing as fear on the battlefield. Kill or be killed.

Here, the relationship between people is simpler than the relationship between people and pigs.

He advances, he swings, he kills. Repeatedly like this, until the military order told him to stop, or he fell down by himself.

When the general-looking man on the opposite side rushed over, he knew it was over.

This is what the old man said, life and death have their own destiny, and the fate is counted.

An ordinary soldier like him can't stop the opponent's knife.

But he still slashed at it subconsciously, which was an instinct formed by countless times of swinging a knife. This should be the pinnacle of his life!

In the end, just as he expected, this powerful and heavy knife fell through the air.

And the opponent's knife lightly wiped across his chest.

He didn't see how the knife came from at all!

Is it over?

Apart from eating, farming and serving as a soldier, it seems that I have never done anything else.

What is my life for? Ah Wu has never thought about this question, and I don't know why he thought of this question at this moment, in a place that is definitely not suitable for thinking about life.

Ordinary, he has no answer.

As he thought, he flew up and fell heavily!


He thought that he was not an opponent, and that he would be cut off with a single blow, but he didn't expect...that he didn't die.

He lay on the ground, raised his head to look at his chest with difficulty, and then lay back down in relief.

call! He breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Jing Guotianjiao and Wu Jiangchen, who easily cut this unknown pawn into the air with a single blow, he was also unexpected.

As a Tianjiao monk, he just casually wiped his knife while crossing the battlefield. Killing an unknown pawn, of course, does not require effort. In other words, it would be a shame to use even a little extra effort.

His knife strength was controlled to the point where he could cut the opponent open, and there would be absolutely no waste.

But this person... was cut off?

Wu Jiangchen doubted his ability to control for a while!

He couldn't help turning his head to take a look, and saw some dazzling ice patterns on Xu Guo's unknown soldier, after the battle suit was torn apart, under the hanging lights!

Wu Jiangchen began to doubt his eyesight now.

Am I wrong? Is it hallucination?

On a pawn, your fucking ice pattern inner armor? ? ?

This ice-patterned inner armor is at least a configuration on Dutong's body, right?

General Wu has been in the army for a long time, and he firmly believes that he will never make a mistake in his judgment. If the opponent is a general at the Dutong level, he will never use only that little force for his knife. But the opposite is obviously a pawn?

Who the hell is this subordinate?

Wu Jiangchen was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his head again, what greeted him... was densely packed talismans.


He only had time to curse before being overwhelmed by the overwhelming number of talismans.

The colorful spells surrounded him clearly.

Young Master Yan, who was dressed in brocade, stood in the distance without dust, smiling and approving: "Very good, let's do another round."

The soldiers next to them, who had been gearing up for a long time, tore open the talisman seals in their hands one after another.

Flame light, thunder light, and knife light swarmed over.

A green gourd flew over suddenly, collecting the sky-filled flames into it.

Jingguo Tianjiao Xu San Yufeng came, cut out Yinhong peach blossoms to block the way with a sword, grabbed the dazed general Wu, turned around and left.

Yi Guo Tianjiao Lin Jie, who served as the deputy general of Yan Fu's battalion, watched this scene in a daze, and didn't find a chance to make a move at all. The guy who rushed into the battle has already fled.

He couldn't help but looked at Mr. Yan with surprise and admiration.

What a mistake, Jiang Qingyang doesn't care. Qi country's true peerless pride, should be this one!

Yan Fu looked at the backs of Xu San and Wu Jiangchen, and said, "Not bad!"

Lin Jie immediately explained from the side: "The person who came later was Xu San, and his strength is indeed undisputed. It is said that he had a chance to go to the meeting of the Yellow River..."

"I said this gourd is good, I will buy one later." Yan Fu said while passing a storage box: "Please send this box of talismans, brothers are already empty."

"..." Lin Jie: "Good general."



Boom! Boom!

The drums of war never stopped.

The hearts of countless people also surged.

Boom! Boom!

The light of the hanging lamp is like flowing water. On a long dagger, a flash of light shone, and then it was covered in blood. As soon as Changge took it away, he put it back on the chariot, the blood had been wiped off, and it was still thick.

"Did you see it?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

"Tiger chariot?" Lin Xian said, "It is indeed a killer weapon."

Of course, Qi also has battlefield killers like chariots. This time, it has also been adjusted by 20 times, but it is obviously a bit worse than the Tiger Chariot.

Of course, it is not an all-out war after all, otherwise the Thorny Boats thrown into the battlefield of the Lost Realm will be transferred over, and that thing is called a big killer.

"No." Chong Xuansheng shook his head: "It's Wang Kun."

"This man thinks differently," he said with absolute certainty.

Lin Xian conceited that he had some attainments in the art of war, but he really didn't see that there was something wrong with Wang Kun's command just now. At most, it was because the speed was a bit slow, and it failed to hit Li Longchuan's department in time, but that was also because Li Longchuan's department was too fast - I have to say, Li Longchuan is really a good general!

But if you don't understand it, if you don't understand it, his advantage is that he is very able to listen to opinions, is open-minded and enterprising, and never stubborn.

Chong Xuansheng's foresight and wisdom, he has been deeply impressed these days, so he didn't ask why, and directly took "Wang Kun and Chen Suan have different ideas" as a conclusion, and asked aloud: "Shall we beat him?"

Chong Xuansheng narrowed his eyes: "Dalou Junlan."

Lou Junlan is the pride of Jingwai Loujing!

Her troops are currently fighting with Bob Zhao's troops.

And their battlefield is next to Wang Kun's department.

Lin Xian didn't ask Chong Xuansheng what he thought, just said "yes", and quickly organized an army formation to lead the army forward.

Chong Xuansheng also led his own battalion, and accompanied by Shisi, he followed unhurriedly.

Naturally, this scene did not escape Chen Suan's eyes.

This is a very normal movement on the battlefield, and he just glanced over it.

The mouth is still constantly issuing orders, and constantly revising the details on this complex battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people intertwined.

He is very willing to respect his opponents, so every key dispatch of his is trying to be invisible, making it more like a natural evolution of the battle situation. Like a hard-working fisherman mending his fishing net, waiting for the last moment when the deep water is fat and the net is caught.


He felt something was wrong in his heart.

So he took another look at the fat young man from Chongxuan's family from a distance. A well-regulated army formation, a well-regulated movement, and a well-regulated combat power...

It stands to reason that in this generation of the Chongxuan family, there is only one Chongxuan Zun who is dazzling. Chong Xuanzun didn't come to the Xingyueyuan battlefield, so he had nothing to worry about.

But how could it be easy for this person to compete with such an eye-catching Chongxuan Zun as the Patriarch?

A person's strength is reflected by his opponents.

"Let Pei Hongjiu lead the team to Kanwu." After a little thought, Chen Suan quickly gave an order.

After all, he doesn't have his mind, and he can't completely penetrate the opponent's mind without more information. But he doesn't need to be like this, he just needs to put himself into the perspective of the other party, find the point where the problem is most likely to occur, and then target it in advance.

The Pei family is a well-known family in Jingguo, and Pei Hongjiu is also a dragon and phoenix among the people, with extraordinary ability in commanding soldiers. After receiving the order, he quickly threw off his opponent and went straight to Kanwu's position.

Chen Suan divided the entire battlefield into nine palaces, and each palace was subdivided into nine areas, with dry one to dry nine as specific references. The command on the battlefield is accurate to each team and each community.

Grasping all the details on a battlefield of nearly 100,000 people is a terrifying computing power.

This movement of Pei Hong's nine troops seemed to ignite a certain signal, and the situation on the entire battlefield suddenly accelerated!

Chen Suan saw that before Pei Hong's nine troops rushed to the Kanwu area, Qi Guolei's cadres had already rushed over, occupying the space!

On that local battlefield, Chongxuansheng's troops quickly split into two, and the rear suddenly returned to the division, turned to the left rear, and went straight to Pei Hong's nine troops. The front line continued to move forward under the leadership of a black-armored general to support Lin Xian's battalion.

At this time, Lin Xian's troops suddenly pulled out their formation and put on a defensive posture, making it clear that they were dividing the battlefield and preventing Jing Guofang from having a chance to rescue Pei Hongjiu.

With this series of changes, Qi Guofang has opened his pockets to Pei Hongjiu!

Their goal is to eat Pei Hongjiu? Has your order been predicted?

These two thoughts quickly rose in Chen Suan's mind.

But he immediately noticed the change in Duiqi's position.

"Who is rushing?" He couldn't help asking.

The flag officer with the pupil technique beside him also looked over, only to see that on the battlefield of swords and blood, there were thousands of troops riding like tornadoes, roaring and crashing through countless walls of flesh and blood.

Take a closer look, how can there be thousands of troops, only one ear!

The man was tall, with a long face and deep eyes, and a nose like an eagle's hook. He had an invincible aura, and kept moving forward, forward, forward!

"I am Wang Yiwu!!"

On the battlefield, the supernatural power of the soldier master is like a dragon returning to the sea, and the steady stream of soldier spirit and blood energy support him to rampage, with momentum like a rainbow.

One punch is a thousand troops.

There is no enemy under the fist!

Others looked at Wen Lianmu, who was majestic and forced to follow behind Wang Yiwu, but just wanted to sigh.

Seeing that Wang Yiwu saw the opportunity to fight, and rushed forward again, he really wanted to give up the challenge on the spot!

He admitted that Wang Yiwu's keen grasp of fighter opportunities is unparalleled in the world. In such a complicated battle situation, where the talents of all walks of life have plans, he can still see where the fighter opportunities are at a glance-but he, Wen Lianmu, wants to fight against Wang Yiwu. I didn't understand until I went out.

But is this the reason why the chief general of the first army disliked the team for being too slow and went to the battle alone?

Leading troops to charge on the battlefield has always been his pleasure. But the army is running around behind the main general, isn't it!

With such a new battalion, it is so difficult to keep the army intact and keep up with Wang Yiwu.

And with his exquisite commanding art, he didn't get many chances to face each other at all-it just led people to run around!

Is this the Xingyueyuan war I am participating in, or the Xingyueyuan running meeting?

But so what?

Wang Yiwu rushed out, but he could only grit his teeth, rolled up the flag, and the command staff quickly followed.

Chen Suan quickly scanned the whole situation, and did not give an order immediately.

It was just a chaotic battle.

In the entire core battlefield, there is me in you, and you in me. Obviously, this is exactly the desired effect of the Qi State camp. In this chaotic situation, the independent agility of the Qi State Ten Battalion can be best used, and it will greatly interfere with his command.

And this situation had already appeared three days ago, and it was brought about by the joint efforts of Qi Guo Tianjiao Bao Bozhao and Chaoyu... But it was actually Chen Suan's acquiescence!

Up to now, a quagmire of flesh and blood has formed, and neither side can easily get out. You can only keep investing, investing, and investing until one party's blood is exhausted.

"Give up the swap. The reinforcement queue will all move to the middle palace. Xu San and the three surrounding teams will all press forward!" Chen Suan gave an order.

The flag officer was ordered to raise the flag.

The guard on the side reminded in a low voice: "That's the Pei family..."

Chen Suan only said: "I, Tianjiao of Jingguo, don't die so easily, other...not important."

The guard stopped talking.

"Order Wang Kun's department to go straight to Wang Yiwu's department! Use these twenty tiger chariots to crucify Wang Yiwu there! The rest of the people...According to the original plan!"

Chen Suan gave the last command, slowly drew out his long sword, and only said: "Fix the formation!"

The two teams of soldiers who had been waiting behind him for a long time boiled with blood in an instant, formed an army formation, shook their soldiers, and turned into a yin and yang fish.

Chen Suan concluded the formation and personally led the army into the game, as if sounding the final horn. In the entire core battlefield and in the quagmire of flesh and blood, Jing Guofang formed a formation of two teams, directly transforming into a dragon or a tiger.

Qi Guofang's Tenth Battalion also responded almost at the same time, and soldiers swept across like knives and guns.

Of course the army is strong.

In particular, the step of rolling soldiers and transforming form to rush is the ultimate move among the ultimate moves.

For example, Li Longchuan used this trick to break through Jingguo's Fucheng Department at top speed.

However, in the process of the soldiers transforming into shapes and rushing to kill, as long as the soldiers are a little careless, they will fall out of the army formation. In this case, ordinary soldiers have nothing to do but die.

Moreover, the blood of the soldiers is limited, so methods such as the transformation of soldiers are generally used as the winning hand, and they are not used in critical moments.

But at this moment, the soldiers of the 20th regiment transformed into evil spirits, and their evil spirits swept across the sky!

Even Lian Jingzhi and Fang You, who were on the stage on both sides, couldn't help but become dignified. Although the victory of this battle depends on Qi Jing, the result of the victory or defeat is still very different for them, Xiangxu and Xiangxu.

Gold and iron horses, full of murderous aura.

At this time, it was the moment when Qi Guofang attacked fiercely, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

It was also the moment when Chen Suan decided to end his career.

Also at this moment.

Wang Yiwu caught the opportunity he wanted, Chong Xuansheng created the gap he wanted, Li Longchuan and Bob Zhao's eyes were like lightning, and they all saw the gap in the war...

This war has lasted for seven full days, and more than 200,000 soldiers died on both sides.

Until now, both Jing Guofang and Qi Guofang saw a chance to win.

The real success or failure, sometimes only lies in a momentary collision.

But at this time...

Suddenly a bright star lit up in the sky!

It's not that there are no stars tonight, the sky is still full of stars and moons tonight, but they have been covered by the light of the hanging lamp.

But at this moment, the stars are extremely dazzling, not only covering up the stars, but also suppressing the light of the hanging lanterns, as if the sun is rising!


Xiangguo Wanhe Temple.

Yu Que at the tea seat suddenly got up: "Who dares to intervene in this battle?"

"Calm down, calm down." Jiang Mengxiong, who was sitting next to him, said Shi Ran: "No one intervened in the war, it's just that someone exists, and sent my grand lord... back."

Yu Que looked through the window and looked at the distant sky: "Yuheng and the stars...Your hands of the Qi Kingdom are stretched very long."

Jiang Mengxiong laughed inscrutablely, but did not speak.


On the Xingyueyuan battlefield, there was an eerie silence.

The light was too dazzling, and the whistling sound of piercing the sky was like thunder from far and near, and it was impossible for people to ignore it.

Almost all Tianjiao are thinking about a question——

"Who is this? Why doesn't Zhenjun stop him?"


The bright stars smashed through the sky at once, and crashed into the field of vision clearly.

The tightly wrapped Yuheng starlight exploded silently.

Endless starlight scattered in the sky, falling a star rain for this ferocious battlefield of flesh and blood.

At the center of all the starlight is a young man with outstanding looks. With a sword hanging on the green shirt, he came strolling. On the clean eyebrows and eyes, there is a ray of sharpness that should be seen, and the edges and corners are becoming clearer, making people unforgettable at first sight.

He brought a shower of stars, fluttering like a flying fairy.

Among thousands of stars, he is like the sun and the moon.

In the entire Xingyueyuan battlefield, there are still hundreds of thousands of fighters left, witnessing this moment together!

And who doesn't know this person?

The leader of the Yellow River competing for fame on the Guanhe Terrace, and Yu Beidou personally certified the No. 1 Inner Palace in Qing History.

Not long ago, he was also the one who came here with his sword, beheading demons in front of thousands of armies, and attracting demons who forget themselves to pour their swords into the sea.

It was also the first time he went straight to the sky and drew his sword against the real monarch.

Flying from outside the sky today? !

Jiang Wang, who had just completed the starlight quenching, was actually in a daze himself.

Senior Guan Yan waved his sleeves, and he was sent away without saying a word. I don't know where I will be sent, I am still thinking about how to escape from the Seven Star Valley, trying to complete the Starlight Tempering Body, and I am also preparing to face Tian Anping... I didn't expect to come directly to Xingyueyuan!

But since he came to the Xingyueyuan battlefield, and since the two sides were fighting, he had nothing to hesitate.

His eyes fell on the tallest Qiankun Youlong Banner, and he walked directly to Gaoqiong.

His goals could not be more clear.

In the Jingguo camp, one person rose into the air immediately.

Standing in flames, holding a big gun in his hand, he is like a shooting star, with a momentum like a rainbow, piercing the sky!

But it was Fucheng from Jingguoli Tianfu.

After Li Longchuan quickly broke the battle formation, he really needed a chance to prove himself!

He is not even willing to use the power of the battle formation, he has to rely on himself to stop this so-called No. 1 inner palace in history.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.

The desire to wash away the shame in his eyes is more boiling than the flames burning his body.

But too huge a gap in strength cannot be overcome by desire.

In that distant star dome, a flash of starlight suddenly lit up, and the faint starlight only flashed, and then quickly lit up, the light was endless, and it was extremely dazzling.

Announce to everyone that Jiang Qingyang has left the building!

That star tower in the distant star vault is actually brighter than all the stars in the sky at this moment!

What kind of star building is this? What is the difference between the outer buildings of the first inner palace in Qing history?

Many people have doubts, but only see——

What happened at the same time as Star Tower Yaokong was that a star line was stretched horizontally between the sky and the earth, drawn from one end of the battlefield to the other end in a trance.

Fu Cheng didn't even have a chance to react, he was cut in two in the air!

But Jiang Wang didn't stop walking, and only said: "The realm of the inner mansion, there is no match between ancient and modern. If you stand outside today, under the presence of God, I will fight for invincibility! Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

"Among thousands of troops, how dare you call yourself invincible?!"

Chen Suan flicked his robe sleeves, and directly mobilized the power of the army formation, wrapped in soldiers, and rushed forward.

The closest to this Qiankun Youlong flag. It's his Chen Suan, at this moment, of course he will not retreat.

He had drawn his sword into formation, and was about to drop the final son of this war, but Jiang Wang, the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom, who had disappeared during the war, came from outside the sky and charged directly at the main banner.

If you don't kill them, how can you boost the morale of the army?

Bingsha circles the sword and inscribes it, and the blood dyes the green front three feet.

At this moment, he is surrounded by the power of thousands of troops, like a god and a demon.

"Jiang Wang is back!"

Chong Xuansheng roared and led his army to meet him.

Li Longchuan and Yan Fu also rolled up their soldiers and charged forward.

Lin Xian also shouted: "General, please join the battle!"

The other Tianjiao of Qi also led their troops to the battle.

The troops of Xu San's army rolled up their sleeves and blocked them.

Lou Junlan, Wang Kun, Pei Hongjiu, Wu Jiangchen...

Jingguo Tianjiao also led his army to run into him one after another.

The battle of life and death stopped for a moment because of Jiang Wang, and broke out again because of Jiang Wang.

On the battlefield, the choices made by Qi Jing and the two camps at this moment are nothing more than to show a consensus-Jiang Wang at this moment cannot be Chen Suan's opponent. No matter how ancient and modern the inner mansion is number one, after all, it is the first time to enter the outer building. And Chen Suan is also an absolute arrogance and strongman in the outer building environment. Especially at this moment when the army is mobilized, the killing power is more than doubled?

Therefore, the Qi army camp wants to meet Jiang Wang, so the Jing army camp wants to create space for Chen Suan to kill this madman.

But Jiang Wang, who was walking proudly in the air, did not take a step back.

Why did he withdraw?

The star rain all over the sky was still falling behind him.

Yuheng Xingjun is still senior Guanyan.

He can drive the almost endless Yuheng star power that sent him to this world.

Why did he withdraw? !

At this moment, his star building became brighter and brighter, shining in the night sky.

The sword shines in the eyes, the red gold is immortal, the body is surrounded by flowing fire, and the frost is white.

In an instant, he had manifested the state of a sword fairy.

Then, hundreds of millions of stars hold this sword, and cut it down with one sword!

A flash of light flashed in Chen Suan's eyes!

It's for supernatural powers, secrets!

This supernatural power is known as "obtaining the secret line of heaven".

When competing with others, take the lead! It is his core supernatural power, the foundation of the future avenue.

He was also in the outer building, of course he clearly saw the opportunity and saw the flaws in Jiang Wang's sword - there were too many flaws, Jiang Wang's sword seemed to be a simple slash.


Too surging, too majestic, too incredible power!

This shouldn't be at the outbuilding level at all!

Under the sword, the starlight surged into a river.

In a trance, it seemed like a replay of Yan Chunhui Qinghai's sword strike that day.

Jiang Wang's sword was originally an imitation of that sword. Although the skills are poor, the momentum is a little bit. Of course it was mainly power... the terrifying star power that wrapped him tightly and sent him all the way back to the present world was all held by him in this sword.

What kind of sword is this?

The galaxy fell into the world.

The sound was annihilated, the soldiers were swept away, and the long sword was shattered...

Chen Suan fell to the ground, only holding a sword hilt in his hand, and a circle of corpses lay around him!

The fighting on the battlefield really stopped at this time. There was silence.

In this battle to test the young geniuses of the two hegemons, the scale is strictly controlled within a certain range, and the participation of god-level forces is not allowed.

But Jiang Wang cut out this sword now...

how to spell?

Who can pick it up?

Unless all Jing Guofang's army is unified and formed into an army formation. But with so many people in Qi, would they all be watching?

This is enough power to break the balance on the battlefield!

Extraordinary wars sometimes depend on extraordinary power, and the military formation itself is just a composition of extraordinary power!

Such Jiang Wang is too scary!

One sword used up all the star power Yuheng Xingjun sent him to the world, but looking at Chen Suan who was able to save his life by destroying three secret treasures in a row...Jiang Wang in the sword fairy state still showed his sharpness: "Chongxuansheng I told me that in order to take care of your Jing country's face, you should grasp the scale of the so-called local war. In this war, your Jing country's arrogance, it is best not to have more than three dead in battle."

"I take it to mean... I can kill three."

Standing in the air, he glanced wantonly at Jing Guofang's camp, and only asked, "Then, there are two more, who shall I kill?"

Bingsha shape are dispersed.

The battlefield of 100,000 people was silent.

Jiang looked as far as he could see, and everyone lowered their eyebrows!

If this scene gets out, I'm afraid someone will say, "Jing Guotian is as arrogant as a cloud, don't dare to take Jiang Qingyang's sword."

"kill me."

At this time, a voice said.

Chen Suan stood up unsteadily with his bare sword hilt on the ground without wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He looked at Jiang Wang: "If you can still use that sword just now, come and kill me!"

Another person stepped straight into the air, with a cyan gourd dangling around his waist, and with a smile on his face, he confronted Jiang Wang: "As you said, you can kill two more. Then there is one place left, How about leaving it to me, Xu San?"

After this voice fell, another voice said: "Jiang Qingyang wants to be invincible under God's presence, I will help the grand event! Come, kill me Pei Hongjiu!"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

All of a sudden, Jing Guo Fang Tianjiao came and went, everyone wanted to die!

"Isn't it easy to want to die?" Chong Xuansheng shook his body, and Hong Sheng suppressed the suddenly rising morale of the Jingguo camp: "I, the soldiers of the Eastern Region, are very willing to help you!"

All of a sudden, Bao Bozhao, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Wang Yiwu... all led the army forward.

"If you really want to die, kill it today!"

"You are willing to die, but have you asked your soldiers if they are willing?"

On the Qi side, no matter what their relationship with Jiang Wang is, whether they have always had a grudge or have always been close, on the battlefield, everyone goes forward!

Jiang Wang, who was standing high in the sky, only raised his eyebrows: "Xu San?"

Shuang stretched out, left and right, and the herringbone sword roared out.

It directly killed the peach blossoms in the sky, and chopped Xu San to the ground.

Asked again: "Pei Hongjiu?"

Turning around, he swung the most ancient sword, and knocked this disciple of Jing Guo's famous family into the air more than ten feet away.

"Below the outer building, no need to come again!"

"In ancient times, it was difficult to survive, but easy to die! I will kill a few meaningful ones today!"

He looked at Chen Suan and pointed his sword at Lou Junlan!

While Chen Suan was silent, Lou Junlan was silent.

Jiang Wang demonstrated his invincible advantage in this battlefield with two crisp and sharp swords, and directly questioned Chen Suan and Lou Junlan with life and death.

They may not lack the courage to fight for their lives, but they already clearly know is irreparable.

So silent.

Everyone knew that the battle was over.

Chong Xuansheng looked up at the sky, only to realize that the starlight had faded at some point...

Its daybreak!



Xiangguo Wanhe Temple.

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Mengxiong tapped the teacup in front of him with his chin, and said, "The tea is getting cold."

Yu Que, Commander of Jingguo Dou'e Army, was silent for a long time, picked up the teacup in front of him, lifted the lid, and took a sip.

Then put down the teacup, turned and left.

This place has changed owners!



On the Xingyueyuan battlefield, the Jingguo camp began to retreat.

It has to be said that Fang Tianjiao of Jingguo is absolutely unparalleled, even at such a dejected moment, he still maintained the integrity of the army formation to the greatest extent. Although the outcome has been determined, the possibility of counterattack at any time is reserved.

Of course, there is no such thing as a counterattack.

Qi Guofang is also on the alert, and no one relaxes.

If it was a real all-out war, they would definitely not be allowed to retreat so easily.

But in this local war that took place in Xingyueyuan, the purpose of the war has been accomplished, so there is no need for unnecessary pursuit...

No matter how many enemy troops are killed, they will all be soldiers of the Xiang Kingdom, and they will not be able to harm the fundamentals of the Jing Kingdom.

it's all over.

This nightmare-like quagmire of flesh and blood.

Standing on the high platform, Generalissimo Fang You was silent for a long time.

The war was won, but there was no joy in his heart.

He should be cheering, but he totally lacks that emotion.

He completely lacked that emotion, but he still raised his arms and shouted: "Wan Sheng!"

This is what he, a Generalissimo of Xu Country, can do.

This is a picture that is too difficult to describe.

Under the tall general's platform, there are neatly lined up soldiers, the victorious division.

On the tall general's platform is the nominal commander of this war. Behind him, the sun is rising, reflecting the sea of ​​clouds for thousands of miles.

when his voice yelled.

One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... Hundreds of thousands of voices shouted in unison: "Wan Sheng!"

Although all the geniuses in the Qi Kingdom don't take Fang You very much in their hearts, they can't help but fall into a huge emotion in this situation.

This is the victory after their hard work!

It is the victory of Qi State against Jing State!

Just ask the world, who dares to say that they will surely win Jingguo? Even if it's just such a local war?

And they did.

The Qi people did it.

The Easterners did it!

This intense emotion reached its peak after Jiang Mengxiong, the Great Qi Army God, appeared.

He didn't know where he came from, but when he stepped out, he stepped into everyone's field of vision. His figure seemed to be stepping out of the sun.

He fell on the general platform, so the entire general platform has infinite glory.

Fang You and Mrs. Xidu couldn't help taking a few steps back, not daring to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

And he stood on the general platform, his eyes fell, as if he stayed for a moment on everyone's face. Everyone can feel that they are being watched by this big man who is known as the god of war!

The master of the overthrowing army, Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Great Qi Army who has never been defeated in his life, said in a deep voice after seeing everyone: "Thank you! Thank you for fighting hard and bringing the glory of victory to me Jiang Mengxiong !"

Who can not be moved?

What a great honor...they have won Jiang Mengxiong's thanks!

Thousands of troops shouted, the mountain roared and the tsunami——

"Wan Sheng!"

Jiang Mengxiong raised his hand and let the voice fall: "There are a hundred ways to govern the army, rewards and punishments are the first. Jiang Wang, come closer."

Everyone looked at Jiang Wang, at the arrogant figure who had performed the most brilliantly in this battle of Xingyueyuan.

He also raised his head and straightened his spine, pressing his sword and coming out.

Once upon a time, he also looked up to Jiang Mengxiong like this.

At that time, the situation was naturally very different.

But then he was not humble, now he is not arrogant.

Still like at that time, the hand pressing the sword did not waver at all.

Jiang Mengxiong stared at him with those eyes as wide as the sky, and then said: "Closer."

Jiang Wang walked calmly, with a chic green shirt, and stepped on the void as if walking on flat ground.

Jiang Mengxiong said: "The general is here!"

Jiang Wang then stepped onto the general platform and stood in front of Jiang Mengxiong.

Jiang Mengxiong looked at him: "Without a word of report, he left before the battle. Can you be convicted?"

His first sentence was to ask guilt!

At that time, senior Guan Yan called urgently, and it was impossible for Jiang Wang to report to anyone. Because once it is reported, what if it is not approved? He has no choice but to go to the Senhaiyuan Realm, and then he will directly disobey orders and leave the battle, and the crime will be added!

And he walked away without saying a word, and it can be said that he did not really participate in the war to ease the situation.

Chong Xuansheng naturally understood the reason for this, so he was only told to "get lost".

Naturally, these considerations cannot be expressed, and Jiang Wang didn't try to justify anything, he just said: "I will be convicted at the end!"

He called himself the last general, which meant that he recognized the military law and accepted all punishments.

Although he could argue that he only joined the battle to improve his strength, he was just waiting for the most appropriate time... that could definitely be discussed, but he didn't do that.

He has always been a person who is willing to abide by the rules. The trip to Senhaiyuan has something to say beforehand, so he has to go. Now that he has made a choice, he is also willing to bear all the consequences that he should bear.

"In this battle, you should receive the first merit and the first crime. Since you plead guilty, the merit will not be rewarded." Jiang Mengxiong asked: "Are you convinced?"

His work is the first to break the scene. His crime, in fact, has a lot of room for controversy.

But Jiang Wang has already saluted calmly: "The final general is convinced!"

He really approves of the result.

Jiang Mengxiong looked into his eyes seriously, confirming that there was indeed no trace of resentment in his eyes, and then took a step forward, looking at the soldiers of the three armies under the stage.

After a moment of silence, he unfolded a scroll and read under the watchful eyes of hundreds of thousands of soldiers: "This battle depends on the lives of the three armies, so that we can win this battle! Jingguo has signed the covenant with the stars and the moon!"

"Yueyi, from now on, people from the Xiang Kingdom are not allowed to enter Xingyueyuan. Those who are fit and strong in the Xu country can freely build buildings in Xingyueyuan!"

Fang You closed his eyes gently, as if he finally found some comfort.

"On the second day, Jing Shitai will write about the world, and return Jiang Wang's innocence!

Jingguo Fu Dongxu was responsible for negligence, so he was demoted to deputy head, and temporarily mirrored the responsibility of the head of the world to see the aftermath.

Zhuang Ting deducted 10 years of Taoist resource share.

Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom, falsely accused the leader of the Yellow River, and he should be flogged naked on Yujing Mountain! When the crime is personally written, it will be sacrificed in front of the ancient demon-slaying covenant! "

Jiang Wang's eyes, which had been calm and unwavering, finally trembled.

This war between Qi Jing was originally under the banner of fighting for the pride of the country.

After Jing Guo lost this battle, it was reasonable to express something. Jing Shitai's public writing is tantamount to self-defeating. When Fu Dongxu was demoted to the post of Deputy Chief, he was fined three cups of wine.

Zhuang Ting naturally should pay the price... But the price is so high that ten years of Dao resources will be deducted directly, and the prime minister of a country will be flogged naked, and his face will be disgraced. I really have to say that this is the result of Qi's efforts.

This is also the real compensation that Qi State gave to Jiang Wang!

If you get out of battle, you have to be punished. But no one can question the feat he won in this battle. No one has anything to say about such a great effort to make up for the crime.

But Qi Ting's relief for this peerless genius is all in this article of "The Covenant of the Stars and the Moon".

At that time, Jiang Wang's back was facing the generals in the audience, and he was still standing on the stage in the attitude of admitting punishment.

His back is straight and firm, like his long sword.

Chong Xuansheng, who was under the stage, looked at this back, suddenly his nose became sour, and he quickly looked up at the sky.

He knew exactly what Jiang Wang wanted!

The punishment given to Zhuang Guo can only be regarded as the beginning, Du Ruhui stepped forward to take care of everything, and picked Zhuang Gaoxian clean...but after all, it started, didn't it?

And Jiang Mengxiong's voice continued——

"On about three, Jingguo will abolish the Yitian Temple located in Xiaguo!"

On and off the stage, everyone who knew about it couldn't help being shocked.

It turns out that this is the highest strategic goal of Qi Jing Xingyueyuan's battle!

Regardless of what everyone speculated, Jiang Mengxiong said calmly: "Jiang Qingyang."

When Jiang Wang turned around, Jiang Mengxiong had closed the scroll and put it in his hand.

He subconsciously clenched the scroll, feeling the weight of countless people fighting for it.

In the next moment, his hand holding "The Covenant of the Stars and the Moon" was raised high.

The Grand Marshal of Daqi Township raised his hand and faced the soldiers of the three armies under the general's stage: "All these three promises, the world will learn from each other! Gentlemen, this is our common glory!"

On the general stage, Da Qi's army god general Da Qi's first arrogant hand held high, as if raising a brand new banner! So firm, so ostentatious.

Will be off the stage, the mountain roars and the tsunami.

Regardless of Qi, Yi, Zhao, Chang, Rong, Xu...

Everyone is chanting——




The sound curbs the flowing clouds, and it lasts for a long time.

This volume of "The Covenant of the Stars and the Moon" will definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

And how could they who forced Jing Guo to sign this volume of "The Covenant of the Stars and the Moon" not be called "glory"?



【End of this volume】

This chapter... 16,000 words.

Eight in one.

Among them, two chapters are basic updates, and six chapters are updates for Dameng Yan Shaofei! 25/78.

This volume ends.

I'm so tired... I'll write my recap and reflections tomorrow.

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