Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1377 ?

Chapter 1377 Don't be so sad

No one who can get to where he is now in Bo Yun's treacherous political struggle is stupid.

Feng Gu's current attitude is an extension of Jiang Wuqi's will during his lifetime.

His kindness towards Jiang Wang is not limited to Jiang Wang's body? He treated Jiang Wang kindly, not only because of Jiang Wang's talent, but also because Jiang Wang was in Qi and served in Qi. He wanted Jiang Wang, a genius like Jiang Wang, to get closer to Qi. Even if Jiang Wang will in fact become the help of Huaying Palace.

What he was thinking about was the entire Great Qi Empire.

Daqi, where Tianjiao gathers, is his Jiang Wuqi's home country.

Including his willingness to die, and finally in front of the emperor, he also said "there should be no hidden worries in the army", thinking about the great cause of Qi.

How can such a pattern and mind not move people?

Qi Tianzi stared at Feng Gu for a while, as if in this old eunuch, he saw the person who was drifting away and never looked back.

Finally turned his eyes back to Jiang Wang, and sighed: "Jiang Qing, please forgive a father's sadness and suspicion. It is my slip of the tongue."

Jiang Wang bowed deeply and returned to his original position without saying a word.

Jiang Wuqi's death had a huge impact on the entire Qi State Dragon Fighting Bureau.

Looking at the palaces, it is the Longevity Palace that poses the greatest threat to the prince.

This is a prince who has almost no flaws except for a serious congenital illness.

Even the fatal shortcoming of the cold poison into his life was covered up by his talent and structure, and for a long time, people were almost unaware of it.

It is obviously a problem that can be called unsolvable for anyone. Before Jiang Wuqi really died, many people thought that he would be able to overcome it.

He just gives people such confidence.

And at the moment when Jiang Wuqi died, the pattern of Qi's battle for the dragon suddenly underwent a brand-new change. As the Eastern Palace, the prince needs to re-establish his status.

But as a benevolent East Palace, the prince should be friendly with brothers and sisters, and today he is so sad for his younger brother, how can he compete with others again?

The queen also has a blood relationship, and it is impossible to completely isolate it. But why was it possible to sit back and watch He Zhen be punished in prison in the past, but why can't he ignore him and be humiliated today?

That's why.

As the biological mother of the prince, she can establish the position for the prince without affecting the prince's benevolence.

It's just human nature to say Jiang Wuyou casually for the humiliated nephew. What is wrong with teaching daughters with mothers?

But if Jiang Wuyou contradicted him, he would be disrespectful and disrespectful. If he backs down, he will be a head shorter in front of Donggong.

But Jiang Wuyou should salute and salute, he should give way, although he did not lose the slightest momentum from the beginning to the end, but he was always targeting He Zhen, and he was very well-measured.

In front of Jiang Wuqi's spirit, the queen couldn't be aggressive, she could only let it go gently and let He Zhen "scroll".

In front of Empress Daqi, He Zhen was expelled from Jiang Wuqi's mourning hall, and who was domineering when it got out?

Jiang Wuyou silently sat beside Jiang Wang. As the lord of Palace Huaying, sitting in the most marginal position is to let people see who is in charge here and who is the loudest. She did tell He Zhen to get out, but the reason why He Zhen got out was not her decision alone...

And Jiang Wuyong, who was crying, didn't know that his thoughts were clearly seen by his brothers and sisters? He only asks for the empathy of the emperor.

The prince hugged his brothers and friends respectfully, and he burst into tears, doing his duty as a younger brother.

Jiang Wuxie was the latest to come among the brothers and sisters, so she showed her affection with great courtesy.

But it is useless to be polite to the present Jiang Wuqi, and it would be extravagant to go too far.

The queen asked him what he gave, and she just dug a hole, Jiang Wuxie just skipped over with the word "suspension"...

People in the Tian family have always lived a tiring life, and the undercurrents are not difficult to see.

Only this happened before Jiang Wuqi's spirit!

The emperor was angry because of this.

In the end, Jiang Wuqi fulfilled the righteousness of a monarch and a minister, and died in front of him as a son innocently.

He came here in mourning today, it might not be the last remembrance, but he still wants to watch these people fight back and forth.

How can he not be angry?

However, the battle for the crown prince has intensified, and until now... it was happening with his acquiescence. If you don't fight for the waves, you can't show the dragon. The strong wind is not broken, and there is no way to show strength and looseness.

How could he be angry about this?

It's hard to say how I hate this feeling. The emperor governs the country, and every word and deed needs to be considered. He could only question his sons and daughters in the same way he questioned Jiang Qingyang.

Jiang Qingyang's response was strong, but this kind of angular young man was exactly what the emperor needed.

He didn't think it was disobedience, his silence was more of an observation.

Observe the different thoughts of everyone in this mourning hall.

To govern this country of ten thousand vehicles, we must not slack off even for a moment.

Feng Gu's words, although he was explaining to Jiang Wang, made him miss Jiang Wuqi even more.

How much did this child who was doomed in the womb silently do for the great world?

And the emperor suddenly realized...

The only thing he didn't need to observe was Jiang Wuqi.

As Jiang Wuqi said——

"Now you can trust your son."

The emperor can't be suspicious.

However, the word "doubt" is sometimes just like what Jiang Qingyang said... "How can I hurt my minister?"

Emperor Qi let out a long sigh: "Jiang Qing, I take back what I just said, please forgive the sadness of a father."

Inside the mourning hall, there was still silence. But people's hearts suddenly rose up, and no one could calm it down.

The emperor who had achieved great dominance in the Great Qi even made a self-reported mistake!

Who is Jiang Wangzhen?

The emperor's hatred is being described by Yan Tu, who is Ling Chi in the court at this moment. He has fought for Daqi for decades, made countless achievements, is famous in the military hall, and once imprisoned, he has no chance to see the emperor to defend himself.

The lover of the Son of Heaven is heavier than mountains, right in front of you.

In the honor of the Son of Heaven, I apologize to Jiang Wang. It is the most important thing in the world, and no one will be abandoned if he hurts Jiang.

There was no sound in the hall, except for the voice of Emperor Qi.

"The Jiang family is famous as the one who never abandons me, my beloved son. Born in frost and winter, he was dissected in his mother's womb. I said that my beloved concubine Lei never abandoned my son. In the end, the heavens are jealous of her!

Cold poison enters life, and life is dead. However, the intention has never disappeared, the ambition has never faded, and he has fought against the sky for seventeen years. God came one step at a time, gouging out all my carrion.

The pain of my love, I will never be so sad in my life! "

Qi Tianzi stood in front of the coffin, and when he lowered his head, he could see Jiang Wuqi's sleeping face.

His gaze swept over Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyong by the way, moved over Jiang Wuyou's face, and also swept over Jiang Wuxie.

That moment was as majestic as mountains and seas: "The death of Wuqi is my great misfortune, and your great fortune!"

Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyong, Jiang Wuyou, and Jiang Wuxie all fell to their knees, unable to raise their heads!

The princess also knelt down with Jiang Wuhua.

Empress Da Qi lowered her eyes and remained silent.

Taking a closer look at the years, Emperor Daqi has experienced many ups and downs, but he said that there is nothing in his life that is extremely sad.

The person next to her, the head of the harem, could not speak after all.

Qi Tianzi looked down at Jiang Wuqi, looking at this handsome face covered with frost.

After a long silence, he stretched out his hand and gently parted his lips, took out a piece of white jade from his sleeve, and put it into his mouth.

"Your jade, my father will return it to you."

A treasure in the mouth, a funeral ritual.

Emperor Daqi completed this step with his own hands.

It also declares that Jiang Wuqi is truly dead in the legal sense.

Of course when he left, he was pure white, flawless like jade.

This innocence is proved by the Son of Heaven.

Feng Gu pressed his forehead to the ground, weeping uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face.

Jiang Wang said in Jiang Wuqi's study earlier that he hoped that Jiang Wuqi would get what he wanted when he left.

Feng Gu understood that Jiang Wuqi had already obtained...

Returning Jiang Wuqi's guilty jade to Jiang Wuqi, this simple action seems to have restored Qi Tianzi's calm.

The tremendous pressure felt by everyone in the mourning hall dissipated in an instant.

"Go back to the palace." The emperor said, no longer looking at Jiang Wuqi, nor at the mourning hall, and walked out.

Han Ling followed behind without saying a word.

The emperor walked from the side where the queen was standing, with the coffin on the right and the kneeling concubine and Jiang Wuxie on the left.

he walked by.

Walking past Xiuyuan who was standing, Jiang Wuyou who was kneeling, Jiang Wang who was standing upright, and finally Feng Gu who was kneeling on the ground, and left the mourning hall set up in the main hall of the Longevity Palace.

Just like that and never looked back.

According to the etiquette system, the entire funeral was not over yet, and no one was present, and Wen Yanyu had to preside over the final condolences.

But the emperor has gone.

Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyong, Jiang Wuyou, and Jiang Wuxie couldn't speak for a moment.

Jiang Wang was silent, he felt Qi Tianzi's emotions for the first time.

Diving under the deep sea, there are actually raging waves.

Empress Daqi looked at the princes and daughters, and said softly: "Get up, what are you still kneeling for?"

Several princes and princesses got up separately.

The queen seemed to be tired, she turned around and sat down on the first chair. Facing the coffin, he gently raised his left hand and brushed it out: "Everyone who has to go, let's go, I am here to accompany Wuqi on the last journey."

Her hands flicked in the air, making people feel a kind of powerlessness.

Although the queen said so, it is of course impossible for the princes and daughters to leave now.

The emperor just asked, who did he want to show off so early. If the emperor walked forward, they left behind, and they really hit the tip of the knife.

The queen's voice has fallen for a while.

Cao Jie got up and said, "I still have unfinished military affairs, so I will retire first."

Immediately after, Chen Fu and Xiu Yuan got up and left.

For important imperial ministers like them who are named in the military affairs hall and political affairs hall, except for major crimes such as treason, there are very few things that can shake their status, and they don't need too many performances.

And living in this position is indeed full of troubles. Being able to offer incense today is a considerable respect for Jiang Wuqi.

The incense has been served, and since the emperor has left, there is no need for them to stay.

The three big shots are gone, and Jiang Wang will naturally not stay. Although he originally planned to participate in Jiang Wuqi's funeral today, it was not really to show off in front of Chong Xuansheng, but for the friendship of Jiang Wuqi as a gift, and his heart was to cherish the hero.

But if the Son of Heaven asks that question today, if he stays here at this time, it will inevitably be a bit of a show. Furthermore, he does not want to continue to feel the pressure inside the royal family here.

Therefore, he exchanged a look with Jiang Wuyou, and then asked the queen to resign and leave.

Before stepping out of the palace gate, Feng Gu got up and said: "The old slave will send you off on behalf of His Highness."

Subconsciously, Jiang Wang was about to decline, but after a second thought, he said softly, "My father-in-law."

Others didn't think too much about it, after all, Feng Gu had already shown the friendship between Jiang Wuqi and Jiang Wang by speaking in front of the emperor.

It makes sense to give one away.

Probably only Jiang Wang himself knew that he had very little contact with Jiang Wuqi, and his friendship was far from enough to entrust his posthumous reputation.

Feng Gu probably has something to say to him...

On the way, he had been waiting for Feng Gu to speak.

But probably because the people in Changsheng Palace were talking too much at this time, Feng Gu remained silent.

It wasn't until he reached the screen wall that he suddenly said, "My lord, do you believe in Your Highness the Eleventh?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "I think, what kind of person he is, he has already proved it with his whole life. I have no reason to doubt him."

"It is indeed His Royal Highness's regret not to be able to make friends with Sir Sir earlier." Feng Gu suddenly bowed and said, "Thank you on behalf of Your Highness."

Jiang Wang quickly supported him: "Elder-in-law, what are you doing?"

Feng Gu took out a handkerchief, wiped away the muddy tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "Your Highness has already got what he wants, but what I, an old dog wants, has not been realized yet."

Jiang Wang looked at him in surprise.

What's the meaning?

But Feng Gu had already stopped in his tracks: "The old slave is sent here... I hope the lord will rise to the sky and fly thousands of miles from now on."

When there were so many people, Jiang Wang couldn't ask in detail, so he walked around Zhaobi full of doubts and left first.

I thought about waiting for the funeral to be over before looking for an opportunity to ask about the situation.

When he left the palace gate, he happened to see Wen Yanyu calmly ordering the officials of the Ministry of Rites to handle all aspects of the funeral ceremony, every detail.

Among other things, these great people are really first-class in raising qi.

It is of course a manifestation of standard for Wen Yanyu to manage the funeral of the eleventh prince with the honor of Wen Yanyu.

But Qi Tianzi left the field early, and half of the people's hearts were scattered immediately. People like Cao Jie and Chen Fu who are worthy enough to go away after offering incense.

It can be said that this is already doomed to be a thankless task.

Although the emperor left, his work could not stop there. If a person of his level is in charge of the funeral, it must be done from beginning to end.

This is an overkill, and such a tedious and meticulous work is lightly skipped, which is boring and self-explanatory.

But Wen Yanyu's face showed no dissatisfaction at all, not even the slightest bit of impatience. It seems that I don't feel how wasteful it is to do such a job.

Jiang Wang took the initiative to step forward this time, bid farewell to him, and left the Longevity Palace.

Today, Ben went out showing off in front of Chongxuansheng, but before Chongxuansheng came, he had already finished his condolences and left. Things in the world are really hard to say.

Jue Jiang didn't go out on foot this time, Xie Ping, the butler of the Jiang family, arranged the outfit and arranged for the driver and carriage.

But when he walked up to his carriage, he saw another unexpected person——

Xiu Yuan, commander of the Prisoner Army.

This person was sitting in a tall carriage and beckoned to him: "Come in."

The carriage in Lord Jiang's house was set off like a child's toy by the carriage of the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, it was really shabby.

The butler, Xie Ping, and the new coachman hired by Jiang's mansion stood obediently, not daring to speak.

At that time, the long street in front of him was deserted, and the palace gate behind him was deep.

The autumn wind is very cold.

In the bustling and noisy city of Linzi, Jiang Wuqi was honored with silence.

"Go back first."

Jiang Wang gave an order and got into Xiuyuan's carriage.

Two in one, see you tomorrow. Thanks to the book friend "Ayu Xiaobai" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 213th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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