Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1378 ?

Chapter 1378

Jiang Wang doesn't know how to get in anyone's carriage, and Li Yougui's lesson is not far behind.

But since someone like Xiu Yuan, Commander of the Prisoner Army, is openly waiting for him outside the Palace of Longevity, nothing ugly will happen, so he has nothing to worry about.

The carriage that Xiuyuan was riding at this time was not his royal carriage, which represented the state's ceremonies.

It should be convenient for daily travel, but it is still not comparable to the car rented by Jiang's housekeeper.

Needless to say, the space is spacious, the cushions are soft, and the decoration is elegant... The patterns on the car walls are actually natural wood grains! Like a flower like a tree, like a dragon like a tiger, it is mysterious and magical.

The wood itself is priceless.

Jiang Wang stepped into the car step by step, as if stepping on a cloud, lightly and effortlessly.

The groom was obviously also from the army, with a serious demeanor and a spine as straight as iron. With just a slight shake of the hand, the reins made a crisp sound in the air, and the two tall black horses raised their hooves at the same time.

Hoof up and hoof down is the same sound.

The carriage moved lightly, without the slightest jolt in the carriage.


The doors close.

A mass of warm light lit up on the roof of the carriage at the right time, not because of any artifacts, but because of the formation pattern, clear but not dazzling.

Lord Jiang had seen the world, so he calmly sat down opposite Xiu Yuan: "I don't know why Shuai invited Jiang to ride with him, why?"

Xiu Yuan didn't answer, just asked: "Do you usually drink alcohol?"

Between Xiuyuan and Jiang Wang, the baffle fell quietly, and a low table slowly rose. On the low table was a silver jug ​​and four inverted silver wine glasses.

There are two side dishes, one is pea-shaped, but red, with a faint burnt aroma.

One is a fruit shaped like a half-moon. Under the translucent skin, there is a silver-sand-like flow heart. In short, Jiang Wang doesn't quite recognize Mingtang.

But he didn't get into the carriage to see the life of the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers.

Sitting upright and straight, he replied in a down-to-earth manner: "It's not a feast or a drink."

"I've heard a lot of people talk about you, but today is the first time I've seen you." Xiu Yuan reached out and turned over the wine glass on the table, and said calmly, "Have a drink with me."

While speaking, he turned over three wine glasses, and reached for the jug again.

Jiang Wang also reached out his hand quickly: "Let the next official come."

Xiu Yuan held the jug with one hand, and gave way gently: "Good boy, don't worry about those common etiquettes."

Jiang Wang had no choice but to sit down again.

Xiu Yuan poured the wine slowly, and asked casually: "Just now in the hall, I saw you vaguely imitating the eight winds, and you are cultivating a dragon and a tiger?"

"Indeed." Jiang Wang was a little surprised by the other party's attention to him, and quickly explained: "I have no intention of disrespecting the eleventh prince. It's just a habit to ponder Taoism."

Xiu Yuan poured three glasses of wine, pointed the back of his index finger, and pushed one of the glasses to Jiang Wang. He said softly: "I have long heard that you, Jiang Qingyang, are neither arrogant nor discouraged, and work hard, which is different from ordinary people. When I saw you today, you are indeed remarkable."

Jiang Wangqian said: "The next official is just a stupid bird flying first, making up for it with diligence."

Xiu Yuan shook his head: "In this world, there are so many smart people. How many are there with great wisdom? If you are a stupid bird, there are not many people who can fly in the world."

Jiang Wangdao: "My little cleverness is to work harder and put more heart. All harvests come from hard work."

"This is great wisdom." Xiuyuan said: "The four academies in the world are the first to recommend. Longmen Academy talks about talent, Qingya Academy seeks self-willedness and nature, and Mugu Academy cultivates enlightenment and self-improvement. They are all top in the world. Learning. But the number one academy is hard work. There is nothing else in the hardworking academy, but the spirit of hard work is very prosperous, so it is the best in the world."

Jiang Wang nodded seriously: "The lower official has been taught."

This Jiang Wang, who was a little too modest, was not the same person as the Jiang Wang who refused to be insulted and was so strong that he dared to question the emperor face to face.

Xiu Yuan glanced at him indifferently: "I didn't teach you either... Well, since you mentioned being taught..."

His eyes are slightly fixed.

Immediately, Jiang Wang felt a gentle flow of information like drizzle, sprinkled with spirits - it was the practice experience of the Taoist "dragon and tiger", and some ideas based on the practice of this technique at the level of the outer building.

"I happened to learn it in the early years." Xiuyuan said casually: "I don't need it now, and I haven't forgotten it...I will leave it to you."

The world of Taoism is as vast as the sea, and it changes with each passing day, changing extremely quickly.

Even for Yi Xingchen, a master of magic arts, it is impossible for any kind of Taoism to hit him just right.

He Xiuyuan is no exception.

So the Taoism of dragon and tiger, of course, was temporarily transferred when he was waiting outside the palace gate. After a quick study, he passed it on to Jiang Wang.

The Taoist understanding of a real person in the world almost instantly opened up Jiang Wang's impenetrable barriers that he had been thinking about for many days, and he suddenly understood.

Jiang Wang was both surprised and delighted: "Shuai Xiu is so respectful, I really don't know how to thank you."

"There's no need to say much." Xiu Yuan raised his chin, very free and easy: "Just toast."

Jiang Wang simply raised his glass: "I'll do it first as a respect."

He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and the warm liquid fell into his stomach, and suddenly turned into a line of fire, burning all the way, straight to the throat. At that critical point, it exploded like sparks, "exploding" the whole body, and there was no discomfort anywhere in the whole body.

The soul is extremely lively, and Dao Yuan is also very agile.

This wine... can actually help one's cultivation, it is a top-notch product!

The toast itself is also a benefit. Benefiting from it again and again, Jiang Wang didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiuyuan has already picked up the glass and drank slowly: "Hurry up and digest, don't miss the effect of the wine."

Jiang Wang closed his eyes and moved Daoyuan. Under the power of the slowly flowing wine, Tongtianhai became clearer and clearer, and in the Wufuhai, the isolated islands of heaven and earth became more stable. In the Sea of ​​Hidden Stars, Dao Mai Tenglong Yaojiao dives...

I don't know how long it took, when Jiang Wang opened his eyes, he felt that his body and soul were all peaceful, and everything was going well. This wine is really rare, a glass of wine can last for a month!

Xiuyuan poured him another glass of wine: "This wine won't work if you drink it too much, but its taste will show up after it loses its effect. You can taste it again."

The value of such excellent wine that can help practice is inestimable.

Probably only a real person like Xiu Yuan can taste its taste luxuriously when he is completely unable to feel its extraordinary effect.

At least Jiang Wang took a sip by himself. Although his lips and teeth were fragrant, he was still thinking about the pleasure of helping his practice, trying to capture its effectiveness, and then felt sorry for its great value... he didn't feel much taste at all.

He stopped his glass and let out a long sigh: "Jiang Wang is really flattered."

"You deserve it." Xiu Yuan sipped the wine lightly, and said in a casual tone, "The older you get, the less you want to owe anything. Especially's hard to pay back."

At the master's ceremony, Jiang Wang's theory of "no regrets for ants" stopped the anger of the emperor and won many favors.

For example, Yi Xingchen, the court official who finally ticked the name of Cui Zhu, has shown goodwill many times.

And Xiuyuan is the one who needs the most affection.

It's just that he has been imprisoned at home before, and has no time or opportunity to contact Jiang Wang. As soon as I saw you in the Longevity Palace today, I immediately waited to "pay off the debt" outside the palace.

As soon as Xiuyuan said this, Jiang Wang immediately relaxed.

Taking another sip of the wine in his glass, he could actually enjoy some good things... After all, he, Jiang, is also afraid of being indebted.

After the wine entered his throat, Jiang Wang asked, "I don't know what the name of this wine is?"

"I made this wine myself...there is only the last jug left." Xiu Yuan shook the jug, heard the sound of the jade liquid, and said softly, "It's called 'Zhe Changliu'."

Fold long willows, I hope you will stay forever.

There must be a story in it. Although Jiang Wang didn't know the twists and turns, he also tasted some complexity in the wine, and couldn't help but praise: "Good name."

The carriage stopped slowly at this time, but there was no wave of wine in the glass. The driver Xiuyuan's kung fu driving the cart is really superb, it is far from comparable to the driver Xie Ping recruited from somewhere.

Jiang Wang blinked lightly, cutting off his own humiliating thoughts. Compared with the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, I really can't think about it...

Holding the jug, Xiu Yuan helped Jiang Wang fill up the wine glass, and asked, "Do you know where this is?"

Of course Jiang Wang knew where this was.

Even though he hadn't opened the Sound and Hearing Immortal State, his sensitivity to sound has already allowed him to capture the surrounding environment.

The bubbling voices, the boiling emotions of the crowd, tension, excitement, fright, cheers... and howling.

There is no doubt that it is a law field.

The execution ground of many prisoners is being delayed at the same time.

Among them is a real person named Yan Tu.

Xiuyuan's carriage stopped not far from the execution ground. Although the crowd was turbulent, after all, the signboard of the Prisoner Dianjun squeezed out a place.

But the door was not opened, nor was the window opened.

Although Xiuyuan's car drove here, he didn't seem to intend to watch the execution process.

Of course... As a real person in the world, if he wants to see, it is difficult for him to see anything that can block his sight.

The closed doors and windows are just his closed eyelids.

"This is the place where the spies of Pingping Kingdom are executed." Jiang Wang said carefully.

The words were not without the intention of reminding Xiuyuan.

Xiuyuan didn't know if he understood, or rather, he didn't know if he had listened.

He only took a sip of the wine, drank it carefully, seemed drunk, and said: "I heard you like reading?"

Jiang Wang really wanted to ask, who said it?

After all, he lacks the face to brag in front of a real person in the world, and he said a little uncomfortable: "I feel more and more that my accumulation is too insufficient. I am indeed looking for time to read recently...but I don't read much."

"Have you read "Strange Beasts"?" Xiu Yuan asked.

"Never..." Jiang Wang said.

It was the first time he had heard the title of this book!

"...a book that records all kinds of strange beasts, the information is more comprehensive." Xiu Yuan said: "Although many of the strange beasts recorded in it have become extinct, to a certain extent it also represents a period of history, which helps to deepen the Your understanding of this world. You are as good as God, but if you want to become a real person, you must understand this world better. If you have the opportunity... you should read it."

Facing the No. 1 pride of Daqi's younger generation, he had nothing to say. This is just one of the basic reading materials of Jixia Academy.

"Understood!" Jiang Wang simply nodded.

What you know is what you know, what you don't know is what you don't know. Insufficient accumulation is a problem of innate conditions, not his fault, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. He is still young and still has a good time, so he needs to make up for it with more efforts.

"There is a bird named Negative Rain..." Xiu Yuan rubbed his wine glass and sighed, "I've always wanted to see it, but I never found it. I think it probably doesn't exist anymore."

"This kind of bird has supernatural powers? Is there any special way to kill it?" Jiang Wang asked curiously.

"..." Xiu Yuan had a sudden feeling for Niu playing the piano, and said: "Don't just drink, let's eat some food."

Jiang Wang obediently twisted a half-moon-shaped fruit wrapped in silver sand and flowed the heart, and put it in his mouth.

Originally, I wanted to ask, what kind of precious material was there on the Lao Shizi, Yu Niao, but I bit it off, and the mouth was full of fragrance, and I forgot it immediately.

"Hey, it tastes good." Lord Jiang made his tone as natural as possible, without making a fuss: "Xiu Shuai, where can I buy this kind of fruit?"

Thinking in his heart, according to his current salary, he can buy a few catties for An An to try.

He missed An An's birthday again this year, so he must find something delicious to make up for it, no matter how expensive it is, it is worth it.

"It's called 'Moon Cage Sand'." Xiuyuan said casually, "The fox clan loves to eat it most, and regards it as a holy fruit. It doesn't exist in this world, and it can't be grown."

"Uh... oh."

"Eat more if you like it." Xiu Yuan held the wine glass and said casually: "It really tastes good. Every time I go to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, I will look for some."

That being said, he just took another sip of his drink.

"A very rare taste." Jiang Wang grabbed a handful as if nothing had happened, and put one in his mouth.

After learning the exercises, drinking the perfect wine, and packing a bag after eating the fruit in someone else's car, he, the peerless genius, naturally can't do it, but with a handful of fruit in his hand, he can always eat it for a while Bar?

Eating while walking shouldn't be a problem either.

Then it is very reasonable to take some of them home accidentally.

Since there are all leftovers in the end, it shouldn't be gossiped if you leave it for your sister to eat later, right?

In his own logical world, Jiang Qingyang stands firm.

But Xiu Yuan stopped talking.

As soon as Xiu Yuan was silent, Jiang Wang immediately felt embarrassed.

Holding a handful of moon cage sand in his hand, he was reluctant to eat it, and it seemed strange not to eat it. Thinking about it, I still gritted my teeth and ate it, and I felt a little bit like trying to hide it.

It's really hard to think about it, no matter what...

"It's raining." Xiu Yuan said suddenly.

Only then did Jiang Wang realize that at some point... the screams on the execution ground had stopped.

The carriage started driving again, and drove away in silence.

Xiu Yuan looked up, and a skylight automatically slid open on the top of the carriage.

I saw red drizzle in the sky, fluttering and falling towards the world.

When a real person passed away, the heavens and the earth wept with blood...felt the same sorrow.

The carriage was driving in the most prosperous city of Linzi in the Eastern Region, Xiu Yuan was speechless, and Jiang Wang was also silent. Far away, from nowhere, came the ethereal singing.

The voice sang—

"Tonight, break the willow again. Yue'e throws down the wine in the glass..."

"Lightly note the old, full of joy. Tears are thinner than blue and white..." (1)

Jiang Wang thought, maybe he heard it wrong.

These days, no fun is allowed in the city.





1. "Tonight again, fold the long willow..."——What is the love?

2. I should have already saved my manuscripts and started adding new ones to pay off my debts. But there are too many things these days, and nothing can be left.

3. The sales volume of the physical book "Red Heart Patrol" is good. Dangdang's new book Youth Literature is the best seller and the sixth in the overall list. Thank you for your support. I have taken time to sign every day these days, signing 500 copies a day, and trying to get the publisher to send out all the signed copies before the middle of the month.

When I'm done, I'll pay off the debt.

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