Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1379 ?

Chapter 1379


The window was closed casually.

The mournful singing stopped in the room and did not fly away.

A delicate and lovely woman turned around, with a silver bell dangling on her wrist, smiling like a flower: "Music is forbidden in the city these days, and the sound makes people troublesome."

She glanced at the singer holding the pipa behind the screen, and said angrily, "Who allowed you to sing at this time? You're going to die!"

The singer stopped the string and said nothing.

Not far from the window, sat a woman with a delicate temperament. Two points of mournful dizzy eyes, a touch of delicate face withered flowers, silent, I feel pity.

Wen Sheng said: "Miss Ling'er, don't blame me, it's because I'm not in a good mood that I called the song."

Xiang Ling'er looked at her, her eyes filled with joy immediately: "How can I blame you, sister Xiuzhang. You have such a good appearance, everything you do is right."

Compared to her enthusiasm, Liu Xiuzhang was obviously much colder, and only said: "I shouldn't have come to this place."

Xiang Ling'er turned around and sat beside her, tilting her head to look at her delicate face: "The 'this place' you mentioned, do you mean Linzi, or Sanfen Xianglou?"

"You shouldn't have come." Liu Xiuzhang said.

"No, no, all of them are wrong." Xiang Ling'er shook her head again and again: "If you talk about Linzi, why shouldn't you come? Is the surname Yan in the city of Linzi, which is three hundred miles away? .We were born in this world, and we should tell people to avoid me, not me to avoid others."

Liu Xiuzhang did not speak.

Xiang Ling'er said again: "If you're talking about can go shopping, but women can't? There are quite a few butt sellers in the world. Do you know that in Snow Country, there is a dedicated men's brothel?"

Having said that, she curled her lips: "It's a pity that most of them are broken, and the quality is not good."

"There is neither hatred nor resentment. It's just that the old scene is still there, so why bother to hurt yourself?" Liu Xiuzhang said: "As for you talking about brothels...Since ancient times, brothels have been visited by those who have visited them and those who have not, and those who have bought and sold flesh. There are also those who are not contaminated. It does not matter whether it is male or female, but I am the latter. Miss Ling'er, you may be right, but we are different."

Xiangling'er said "Oh", "Understood."

"You want to say that you are on a different path from us." She folded her hands, pressed on the armrest, rested her chin on her forearm, blinked her watery eyes, looked at Liu Xiuzhang and said, "But now only we can How can I help you, little beauty?"

She is delicate, cute and agile, especially the very appropriate smile at the corner of her mouth, it is hard to make people feel disgusted.

And Liu Xiuzhang is a typical thin beauty, with a slender figure and a slender waist that seems to be full and grippable.

But she sat on the chair, and she never looked thin.

A woman with such a weak temperament like her seems to be sitting alone in a deep boudoir and weeping in front of the mirror.

However, she is now sitting in the Sanfenxiang Building in Linzi City, looking at Xiangling'er who is ranked as Tianxiang, and there is no trace of timidity in her eyes.

"You are not helping me." She said softly, "You are investing in me. You are not the only ones who can invest in me, but I just happened to be talking to you. This is just a business, very pure and simple. If you don't think it is profitable Tu, why would you invite me here?"

Xiang Ling'er sat back slowly, put away that playful expression, and smiled: "It's a pity that your Liu family doesn't seem to be a good investment target. As far as I know, most of the people who invest in Fufeng Liu's are It’s gone down the drain.”

"The same thing is..." Liu Xiuzhang said: "In this place of Qi, you Sanfen Xianglou are not very important investors. There are not many targets for you to choose."

"You convinced me." Xiang Ling'er stretched out her index finger, and gently hooked her chin as smooth as cream.

Probably to show a domineering aura.

But Liu Xiuzhang just looked at her with a frown.

Xiangling'er withdrew her fingers in embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Frivolous."

"I'm very short of time now, and the Liu family is very short of time...I believe you are too." Liu Xiuzhang said softly, "Don't do meaningless things."

She stood up: "Then let's talk here for today."

Xiang Ling'er curled a strand of hair with her fingers: "We haven't talked about anything yet!"

"You want to leave a hole in the Eastern Territory, or even move the headquarters here... At least the Qi State can't shake its head. We already have a clear intention to cooperate, don't we?" Liu Xiuzhang asked rhetorically.

Xiangling'er smiled sweetly: "It's a pity that my sister Meiyue is not here... I think you will have a good chat."

Liu Xiuzhang only said: "There will be a chance to see you."

Then he turned around and went out.

Doors opened and closed, people came and went.

No matter who, when, or what, it is often repeated and repeated.

It wasn't until the sound of Liu Xiuzhang's footsteps was far away that the singing girl sitting behind the screen explained: "It is true that Miss Liu said she wanted to hear this song, Hairpin Head Phoenix, so I played it. I didn't intend to challenge Linzi's current ban. .”

"It doesn't matter." Xiangling'er waved her hand, jingling on her wrist, and said with a giggle: "She just wants to try my three-point Xianglou's strength. If you can't even settle this matter, then there is no cooperation It is necessary."

She Shi Shiran sat down, leaned her head back, and leaned on the back of the chair: "Poor orphan like a hairpin head phoenix~"

Close your eyes gently, and murmured: "One more song. I want to listen to... Shibamo."

The figure behind the screen paused for a moment, but finally did not have the courage to throw the pipa angrily.

So the sound of the strings moved, and the screen shook.

Sad outside, happy here.



Jiang Wuqi's funeral took three days.

These three days are no different to Jiang Wang, they are nothing more than practicing behind closed doors.

For Chongxuan Sheng now... the difference is not that big.

The fat man had no intention of going back to Xiashan Beppu at all, so he settled in Jiang Wang's house. Get up early every day and go to Bowang Hou's Mansion to say hello to the old Hou Ye and cultivate feelings. After drinking morning tea with him, he came back from a stroll, closed the door and practiced boxing and swords with Fourteen... everything.

The euphemistic name is: "Taking Jiang Wang as a mirror can cure laziness."

Chongxuan Chuliang passed by once, and was pulled by Chongxuansheng to teach him how to practice. In the process of crushing Chong Xuansheng casually, he casually asked why the fat nephew didn't live in the Hou Mansion, and Chong Xuansheng answered in this way.

Jiang Wang really wanted to say: "Then you should practice with me!"

Of course he disliked Zhongxuan Sheng, but he also disliked Chongxuan and Chuliang's advice.

All common things are like floating cakes, and practice must come first.

Compared with fighting skills, Jiang Wang's current focus is more on the study of Taoism, mainly "dragon and tiger".

Eight winds come from all directions.

Among the eight winds, the east is called the Mingshu wind, the southeast is called the Qingming wind, the south is called the Jingfeng, the southwest is called the cool wind, the west is called the Changhe wind, the northwest is called the Buzhou wind, the north is called the Guangmo wind, and the northeast is called the Rongfeng.

Among the eight winds, Jiang Wang, who has the supernatural power of Jingfeng, has already faced it directly, and he has also seen the breath-blowing tornado imitating the Ming Shufeng. Bu Zhoufeng, who has the most lethal power, possesses extremely deep magical powers.

With the non-weekly wind as the basis, and with the help of Chong Xuansheng to collect all kinds of eight winds, he completed the work of imitating the eight winds in a very short period of time.

The step of "leading the eight winds into tigers" is completely easy to grasp.

Only stuck in the "dragon" of the dragon and tiger, I don't know how to use Tongtianhai. This crucial problem has been solved after Xiu Yuan personally pointed out.

After God's presence, the four seas are connected, and Yunshen Palace directly controls the fourth floor and five mansions, and also suppresses the world of people.

Jiang Wang has not yet come to the gods, and has not yet completed the domination of the world. But under Xiuyuan's guidance, he can also rely on the power of the tyrannical soul to build influence on Tongtianhai in advance.

Finally on this day, he preliminarily completed the Taoism handed down from the old Yang.

With such a deep friendship, Jiang Wang had to share the good news with his close friends as soon as possible, and see if he could find an opportunity to try the trick.

When he ran to Chongxuansheng Courtyard, the fat man was drinking porridge.

With a pair of fat hands and a small white jade bowl, he drank heavily.

After drinking a bowl here, Shishi handed over a bowl over there. The congee noodles are bright and moist, and the aroma is indeed tangy, which makes the index finger move.

It has to be said that Chong Xuansheng came to live in Jiang's residence and was very popular with Jiang's servants.

In the past, Housekeeper Xie would have wanted to match the living standards of the third-rank members of other families, but his own Lord Jiang was a bit picky, and it was really difficult to achieve his goal with the money used for the family.

After Chong Xuansheng made preparations for his permanent residence, the living standards of Jiang's family increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Butler Xie didn't know about Lord Jiang's suffering after all. Lord Jiang really wasn't a scrounger, but he was used to living without money, so he couldn't afford much money at all.

In fact, he was also very worried about the living conditions of Jiang's residence, and he had long thought about when he would invite brother Yan Xian to stay for a while. Entertain your friends in your own home to show your sincerity. If brother Yan Xian is dissatisfied with the living environment and wants to make adjustments, he will reluctantly agree to give his best friend enough freedom.

It's a pity that Xie Ping didn't know this painstaking effort...

"What to eat?" Jiang Wang asked knowingly.

Chong Xuansheng didn't lift his head: "Go and fill it yourself."

Jiang Wang was about to let out a cold snort of disdain, but after moving his nose, he pressed it down again.

After drinking the porridge first, it's not too late to talk about Taoism.

He casually walked to the tiger-patterned casserole that was said to be bought at a high price from the Dinglou, and while serving the porridge, he casually said: "Speaking of cooking porridge, I actually have some experience. I once discussed it with His Royal Highness..."

"By the way." Chong Xuansheng interrupted suddenly: "There is news for you to know. My cousin has already occupied the first place in the Hai Xun list in October."

Speaking of which, Diaohailou is also pitiful.

Before the meeting of the Yellow River, Ji Zhaonan specially went to Yilai Fanjie to practice his spear. He conveniently created a new record of being number one on the Haixun List. It was obvious that he wanted to overwhelm Diaohailou, and indeed he overwhelmed it...

That record was not broken by Chen Zhitao until the next month.

This time when Xuan Zun went to sea, he easily occupied the top of the sub-list again.

The Sea Honor List used by the Zhenhai League to unite the hearts and minds of the offshore islands has become a prop for the Tianjiao of the Qi Kingdom to become famous. Tianjiao of Qi had to leave and stop playing, so that the young geniuses of Diaohailou could compete for the top spot.

The hearts of the people fighting against the Sea Clan are united, but it is worth pondering who is the leader of the people's hearts.

This is undoubtedly a blow to the newly established Zhenhai League.

Cooking is always a small way, since Chong Xuansheng talked about overseas affairs, Jiang Jueye sat down and said casually: "With Chong Xuanzun's strength, it's strange that he can't get the top of the list...Why, he is going back to Linzi ?”

Chong Xuansheng shook his head lightly: "He gave up the Xingyueyuan battlefield and went out to sea on purpose, how could it be just for that? To get the first place in the sub-ranking list is only equal to your record at that time. Although his Haixun is much higher than yours , but when you created this achievement, it was only at the inner government level."

"Then what else can he do? Crush the monks of Diaohailou Wailou? It doesn't make any sense. On Guanhetai, he has already proved that he is one of the strongest Wailou in the world...Sea Clan?" Jiang Wang stopped holding his hands. Yu Shao: "He doesn't mean to challenge the King of the Sea Clan, does he?"

"Who knows?" Chong Xuansheng said: "I only know that with his pride, he went out to sea on purpose. If he can't overwhelm you at that time, he will definitely not want to come back."

Jiang Wang said in a low voice: "His genius is there, and he can't be too proud."

Chong Xuansheng smiled: "In the past, you were the inner mansion, and he was the outer mansion, and they had nothing to do with each other. Now you have also set up a star tower, and now you are arguing over who is the number one pride of Qi... It's so hot! You didn't belittle him, but you still praised him?"

"I didn't praise him." Jiang Wang said calmly, "I'm just stating the facts."

Chong Xuansheng couldn't help giving him a blank look: "I'm just annoyed by your old master's appearance, can't you just scold him in front of me and comfort me?"

Jiang Wang said slowly: "Consolation is essentially a deceptive thing. You are too smart to be deceived,"

"Which book is it in?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Jiang Wang froze for a moment.

The sentence he subconsciously quoted came from the book Jiang Wuqi gave him.

Emperor Wu of Qi said this line when he hooked up with the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty!

"Uh, I've read too many books recently, so I forgot." He bowed his head and drank the porridge.

Chong Xuansheng didn't care, and while enjoying Sisi's congee service, he asked casually: "By the way, what did His Highness Eleven give you? I haven't seen you say it all this time."

Jiang Wang snorted and drank half a bowl of porridge before saying in a muffled voice, "One picture."

Chong Xuansheng glanced at him: "What are you nervous about just one word?"

"Why am I nervous?" Jiang Wang raised his head, with a puzzled expression on his face: "No?"

Chong Xuansheng looked at him suspiciously, but considering that a person like Jiang Wuqi might have some secrets that are inconvenient to disclose, it is really not appropriate to ask. Then he said: "Oh, I didn't know that your friendship is so good."

While chatting, the butler walked to the gate of the courtyard: "Master, Mr. Zheng Shangming from the Inspection Office is here to visit, and Lin Youxie, the deputy envoy of the inspection, is also accompanying you."

Jiang Wang pushed the porridge bowl and got up: "Did you tell me why?"

The butler shook his head: "No."

Jiang Wang went out to greet him and ordered: "In the future, when Mr. Zheng comes, you don't need to communicate, just come in directly."

After thinking for a while, he added: "The words of Deputy Envoy Lin still need to be passed on. It is best to ask clearly about the purpose of coming and then pass it on."

Walking out of the gate of the courtyard, I happened to see Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie standing not far away.

Especially Lin Youxie, whose eyes are faint, deep, and far away...

"Haha." Zheng Shangming probably wanted to ease the embarrassment, and said with a dry smile: "Brother Jiang, this house is really nice!"

"Brother Zheng, you have won the prize..." Jiang Wang was also very polite: "Master Lin, come here, please! Come on, order someone to serve tea, and bring me my good tea. These are all distinguished guests."

Butler Xie skillfully walked to Chongxuansheng Courtyard... How can Master Jiang have good tea?

"No need." Lin Youxie cut off the conversation expressionlessly, and said in a businesslike manner: "We are visiting this time because we have a case, and we need to ask Jiang Butou to help with it."

Jiang Wang suddenly had a bad feeling: "What case?"

"Feng Gu is dead."

Lin Youxie said these four words calmly.

Two in one, see you tomorrow.

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