Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1380 ?

Chapter 1380

Hearing the news of Feng Gu's death all of a sudden, even Jiang Wang, who had been through many storms, was shocked beyond words.

Even Chong Xuansheng, who was still casually drinking porridge in the courtyard, raised his eyes and looked over.

Feng Gu is the chief eunuch of the Longevity Palace, so how can you say that if you die, you will die?

Regardless of his cultivation, his status did not allow him to die so easily. Especially, dying at such a sensitive time just after the funeral of the Lord of the Longevity Palace...

The blood rain of the real person in this world has not been falling on the execution ground for a long time!

At the gate of the courtyard, Jiang Wang asked, "How did you die?"

Zheng Shangming said: "Three feet of white silk wrapped around the neck, hanged in the mourning hall."

"Isn't it suicide?" Jiang Wang said.

"I can't tell." Zheng Shangming said cautiously: "It takes careful investigation before we can come to the result."

"The time of death was Zishi, just when the funeral of the Lord of the Longevity Palace was completely over, and the guests in the Longevity Palace were all gone." Lin Youxie added the facts of the case from the side: "Feng Gu's body was hung in the mourning hall. In addition, no scars have been found for the time being. There is no trace of foreign Dao Yuan invasion in the body, and the spirit is also very close to the performance of natural dissipation. Initially, it seems to be very consistent with the appearance of hanging himself."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while before saying, "This is too ridiculous."

A strong man who could make him feel threatened, would be strangled to death by the three-foot white silk, which in itself is a matter that subverts logic.

"Why are you looking for Jiang Wang?" Chong Xuansheng came over at this time, and the question pointed to the core: "Bei Ya's famous arresters are like clouds, so there will never be a shortage of manpower. And Jiang Wang is now at a critical moment in his practice... To be proud of Daqi's first day, practice is the most important thing."

Jiang Wang also cast a questioning look.

After experiencing the turbulent Huang Yixing case, he is now a little wary of such things as name calling.

Although it is not enough to say "I am afraid of well ropes for ten years", it is inevitable to have lingering fears for three to five months.

Lin Youxie took a look at Chongxuan Sheng, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Chongxuan, it's about the case. Please forgive me for not being able to attend."

How can Chong Xuansheng be so easily choked, but facing Zheng Shangming's apologetic eyes, he could only "hum": "This is my yard!"

The three Qing Pai decisively moved to the courtyard where Jiang Wang lived, and there was a tacit understanding and quality between Qing Pai.

Chong Xuansheng curled his lips in disdain, and walked back with his hands behind his back: "Well, not many cases have been broken. The airs are bigger than your face! You don't care to listen! Fourteen, don't you think so?"

Fourteen didn't speak, but gently wiped the porridge off the corner of his mouth.



Entering Jiang Wang's courtyard, Zheng Shangming took out a letter from his arms: "This letter was handed over by a young eunuch who brushed horses after Feng Gu's death. We have investigated this little eunuch and it is very clean. , there is no problem...Brother Jiang, why you are looking for you, you can tell at a glance."

Jiang Wang took the letter with a clean surface, took out the letter paper inside, and opened it to see a few columns of quite correct characters——

"Recently, I have been quite restless and often harbor fears, so I keep this book.

If I die, it will be a murder.

Looking around, no one is suspicious. Looking all over the Beiya, I only believe in Jiang Qingyang.

For an old man with little life, death is not a pity, and the coffin will be built. If God is merciful, I would like to arrest the murderer for this old slave in the Palace of Longevity... Only Jiang Qingyang supervises the whole process, and under the nine springs, he can be free from worries. "

The signature is... "Feng Gu Juebi."

This is a suicide note!

Feng Gu had already foreseen his own death!

Who will kill him?

And why did you kill him?

After Jiang Wuqi died, the emperor ordered that the Longevity Palace should still be preserved. Feng Gu, as the de facto deputy in charge of this palace, needs status and strength. Jiang Wuqi's legacy alone is enough for him to live in peace. And why can't you protect yourself?

After reading this letter, Jiang Wang couldn't express his mood.

He remembered that when he left the Longevity Palace that day, Feng Gu said something meaningful in front of the screen wall. I planned to wait until the funeral was over, and then take the time to visit the Longevity Palace and ask about the secret.

I didn't expect Feng Gu to be gone after Jiang Wuqi's funeral was over...

"This case has reached the ears of the emperor." Zheng Shangming said in a rather formal tone: "According to Feng Gu's suicide note, the Beiya specially asked Jiang Butou to supervise this case, so as to ensure that this case can be advanced in a clean manner. .”

That day Feng Gu asked to help in the mourning hall, and he never dared or forgot this kindness.

It is also reasonable to fulfill his last wish so that he will have no worries after his death.

Jiang Wang already agreed in his heart, but he still asked first: "Can I refuse?"

"Whether you refuse or not is your freedom." Zheng Shangming said: "We are ordered to invite you to supervise the handling of this case, not to order you to join the case."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Brother Zheng is in charge of this case?"

Zheng Shangming said: "I will investigate this case with Deputy Envoy Lin."

"Who is the main one?" Jiang Wang asked.

"It's me for now." Zheng Shangming said.

In other words, judging from the clues they have so far, the case does not rule out the possibility of further expansion.

"Do I have to follow the whole journey?" Jiang Wang asked.

He was a little worried that the case would last too long, which would shorten his practice time.

Zheng Shangming said: "You are supervising this case to take care of Feng Gu's last wish, not the appointment of Beiya or anyone. You can join if you want, and you can stop whenever you want."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "The emperor also said that this matter is up to you."

Jiang Wang asked himself that he had no ability to handle cases, and the emperor knew this, as did the Beiya. The last time he was named to investigate Huang Yixing, he had a special political background, and Lin Youxie was mainly responsible for the detection of specific cases.

This time because of Feng Gu's suicide note, he was allowed to join the case again, but he was given the title of supervisor, which could avoid a lot of trouble before and after the event.

It can be regarded as the care of the Beiya, and there is also the approval of the emperor.

After all, the previous Huang Yixing case did not cause any disturbances in Pingguo, but Jiang Wang was hunted down to heaven and earth. Both the emperor and Beiya should feel a little guilty towards Jiang Wang.

So in this case, he was given the greatest autonomy.

Of course, Jiang Qingyang keeps saying that he and Jiang Wuqi are sympathetic to each other, and now Jiang Wuqi's body is still cold, and his most trusted eunuch died unexpectedly. If Jiang Wang is unwilling to even supervise the progress of the case, it is hard to say whether the emperor will have thoughts in his heart.

Zheng Shangming specifically mentioned the emperor, just to remind him.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, then said: "I agree with this matter. When will we leave?"

"Let's go to the Longevity Palace now." Lin Youxie said out loud.

It seems that Lin Youxie is still the main one in investigating the case...

Although Jiang Wang deliberately told the housekeeper that Lin Youxie needed to pass on his visit and asked about the purpose of his visit, so as to clearly distinguish the distance between him and Lin Youxie, and avoid possible troubles in the future.

But I admire Lin Youxie in my heart.

Whether it is her ability to handle cases, or her persistence and integrity as a blue card.

The current investigation lineup is quite interesting.

One is Lin Youxie, a famous arrester who has real facts, and the other is the son of the captain of Beiya. His ability to handle cases is unknown, and his family background must not be much different. The most important thing is his identity, which determines his identity. Most of the resources of the Beiya can be mobilized.

In addition, he is a third-rank member Jiang Qingyang.

Not to mention that there is no one in Linzi who cannot be investigated, and there is quite a lot of room for handling cases.

The three of them briefly said a few words, Jiang Wang had nothing to do with it, and with a long sword hanging from his waist, he went out in style.

It was different to focus on the case, the Beiya's carriage was waiting outside the mansion, picked up the three of them and went straight to the Longevity Palace.

Qingpai suspension car, unimpeded.

After a brief communication on the case on the way, they had arrived at the palace gate.

After Feng Gu's body was discovered, the entire Changsheng Palace was sealed off.

Therefore, this is still the arrangement during the funeral, which is not much different from what Jiang Wang saw when he came to mourn that day.

Of course, Jiang Wuqi's coffin has already been carried away for burial, and it is now in the imperial mausoleum.

At this time, the Longevity Palace was empty. Only a team of green-branded police officers guarded the gate of the palace, no one was allowed to go in to destroy the clues, and only waited for Zheng Shangming, who was in charge of the case, to arrive.

It can also be seen from this that the level of secrecy in this case is very high. Otherwise, such things as sealing the palace gate should have been dispatched by the palace guards, rather than being solely responsible for all the cases.

"The guards, eunuchs, and maids in this palace are all being detained in the Beiya and interrogated separately." Zheng Shangming said: "We can also interrogate them at any time."

The white and frost-covered palace is very cold. Even in the daytime, the autumn sun can't make people feel the warmth.

In particular, there is no one in the empty space, which makes people feel uneasy.

Only Zheng Shangming, Jiang Wang, and Lin Youxie walked into the Longevity Palace, and the team of gatekeepers still guarded the palace gate.

Jiang Wang quietly felt the different footsteps of the three people, and tried to judge the different moods of the other two people-of course it was futile, they were not people who would easily show their emotions.

The bright and majestic palace in the past, now only has a feeling of coldness permeating it.

It almost reminded Jiang Wang of Qingshi Palace.

Lin Youxie said: "Everything in this palace has not been touched, at least no one came in after we banned it."

Jiang Wang became more and more aware of the importance of this case...

Beiya takes it too seriously!

He didn't even have that much trust in the inside of Qingpai, that team of police guarded outside the door, and no one was allowed to come in. In such a huge palace, only the three of them are here to search for clues. When will they be found?

At this time, let's look at the investigation team again.

Zheng Shi is the confidant of the emperor, and Zheng Shangming is the son of Zheng Shi, so there is no doubt that the emperor can trust.

Lin Youxie is a descendant of the Four Great Green Brand Aristocratic Families, with a clean net worth and reliable conduct. Although one of the four great Qingpai aristocratic families had a Li Yougui, he was tortured to death. But the case of Huang Yixing last time also clearly explained the difference between her and Li Yougui.

Not to mention Jiang Wang himself, Feng Gu, an old eunuch in the palace, no matter what secrets are involved, he will not have anything to do with him, a genius who has only come to Qi in recent years.

Judging from the posture displayed by the Beiya.

Feng Gu said in his suicide note, "Look around, no one doubts you."

Maybe it's not just a suspicious word...

Who is going to kill him? Who has so much energy?

Jiang Wang was worried.

The three of them first came to the main hall of the Longevity Palace, also known as the "Mourning Hall".

Except that the coffin has been carried away, the altar, coffin, censer, seat... everything is the same as the first day of the funeral.

Everything that happened that day is still vivid in my mind, but looking at it now, people have gone to the palace.

Looking up from the place where the coffin was carried away, the three-foot white silk was hanging alone on the dome, like a fixed cloud.

"Feng Gu's body is also in Beiya now, do you want to go and see it later?" Lin Youxie asked aloud.

"Of course I want it." Jiang Wang said.

He didn't intend to find any information on Feng Gu's body. The professional headhunters in the Beiya must have checked more than once, and Jiang Wang didn't think he could find any clues they couldn't find.

But since he agreed to supervise the case so that Feng Gu Jiuquan could feel at ease, he also had to monitor whether the corpse had been tampered with during the inspection.

Lin Youxie nodded when he heard the words, and didn't say much. He put on a pair of white leather gloves and began to search carefully for clues in the main hall.

Jiang Wang subconsciously glanced at it... Fortunately, it wasn't the pair of post-mortem gloves last time, and of course it wasn't an autopsy now.

On the other side, Zheng Shangming also put on gloves and was carefully checking the altar.

Jiang Wang's job was to supervise, so he sometimes looked at Zheng Shangming and sometimes at Lin Youxie.

Zheng Shangming's movements are very meticulous, as if he won't miss any inch. Lin Youxie glanced around first, and then focused on a few positions.

Jiang Wang silently rated their search efficiency in his heart, and while supervising, he would also glance at the surrounding environment.

It seems a bit of a feeling of doing nothing...

Actually doing nothing.

Currently in this team slightly redundant.

Of course, even if he wanted to join in and help collect clues, he would probably be rejected. Gathering leads requires a lot of expertise. Before he had systematic training, his talent in combat did not apply here. It would be nice not to spoil the thread.

The search of the mourning hall lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and Lin Youxie and Zheng Shangming stopped one after another, apparently finding no particularly valuable information. Or found something, did not show.

In short, the expression is very calm.

"Where to search next?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Study." Lin Youxie said.

Jiang Wangzi was familiar with Jiang Wuqi's study.

"Let's go." He directly led the way.

"Brother Jiang, I heard that you have a deep friendship with the eleventh prince?" Zheng Shangming asked on the road.

"I don't have much contact with each other, so I cherish each other." Jiang Wang said truthfully.

"Then are you familiar with Feng Gu?" Zheng Shangming asked again.

After asking, he quickly added: "Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt you, I just know some information."

"It's okay." Jiang Wang can fully understand, and said calmly: "I am not familiar with Feng Gonggong. His Highness the Eleventh asked him to invite me to meet, and it was the first time I met this person. The second meeting was Eleventh. When His Royal Highness gave a gift. At the funeral of His Highness the Eleventh, we met for the third time and the last time."

"Do you think..." Zheng Shangming asked, "Does he want to die?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I can't judge, and I don't want to disturb you."

Lin Youxie, who had been listening silently, suddenly said, "Here we are."

They walked quickly, and while they were talking, they had already arrived in front of Jiang Wuqi's study.

Jiang Wang was a little surprised: "Bootou Lin seems to be familiar with this place too?"

Lin Youxie didn't answer, but stretched out his hand to press falsely, pushed open the door of the palace without direct contact, and then walked in first.

Of course, she wanted to grasp the situation at first glance, and Zheng Shangming followed closely behind.

Jiang Wang walked slowly.

This is the third time he has come here, and the feeling is different every time he comes.

The second time Jiang Wuqi was dead, the third time Feng Gu was dead...

I still remember Jiang Wuqi's majestic spirit and Feng Gu's mysterious danger when he came here for the first time.

But at this time the study room was empty.

No one is there, the furnishings are as yesterday.

The tables, chairs, pens and inks, bookshelves are arranged exactly as before, and even the bowl of medicinal soup on the table is still there.

It seems that the owner's house just left the house temporarily for business, leaving this empty study room to welcome uninvited guests.

It's really lonely.

Lin Youxie walked to the desk, did not reach out to touch the medicine bowl, but bent down and sniffed gently.

Moth eyebrows furrowed.

"Is there anything wrong with this medicine?" Zheng Shangming asked.

Lin Youxie thought for a while, and said, "There is an element of suppressing spirit grass."

"Suppressing spirit grass?" Jiang Wang looked bewildered.

Lin Youxie explained: "It's a drug that will dissipate true energy and cause severe pain. We sometimes use it in interrogations."

"That is to say..." Zheng Shangming couldn't hide his surprise: "His Eleventh Highness has been relying on this drug to suppress his own strength. To avoid breaking through to the outer building realm too early."

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

He just looked at the jade bowl quietly.

Thinking back, Jiang Wuqi did not drink this bowl of medicine the day he left Yunwu Mountain.

Two in one, see you tomorrow.

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