Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1386 ?

Chapter 1386

"You are always good at persuading people." Jiang Wang looked at the slightly rippling water in the pool and asked, "Is the captain of Beiya so good?"

"What are you thinking about?" Chong Xuansheng raised his hand, and his tone was exaggerated: "This is the most powerful position you can touch at this stage, and it is also the gateway to the real power center of Qi. If you can become Bei Ya Duwei, when the sun comes, you can directly enter the nine soldiers as a general. We will send you to the Autumn Killing Army. The next step is the military hall! It is not impossible to even take charge of one of the three departments, so the next step is Zhengshitang! You actually asked me here, is the captain of Beiya really that good?"

"Think about it, Jiang Wang! This is the top six in the world, the overlord of the Eastern Region. You can stand on the top floor as quickly as possible, and share the supreme power in this world with those top figures... This step starts from the north." Ya Duwei started! You actually asked if it is important, if it is good?"

Looking at Chong Xuansheng who was spitting, Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

Then said: "Oh?"

Chong Xuansheng glared at him: "Are you imitating a goose call today? Oh, it doesn't stop!"

Jiang Wang smiled: "It seems really important."

Chong Xuansheng's face was full of hatred: "It's good that you know!"

"Well, I see." Jiang Wang waved his hand: "I'm going back to practice first, remember to check on Gongsun Yu for me."

"Think clearly and control yourself!" Chong Xuansheng shouted behind him: "Don't improve your cultivation too fast, if you accidentally come to God, you won't be able to become the captain of Beiya!"

Jiang Wang's back has disappeared, and I don't know if he listened.



As a famous scenic spot in Linzi, there are many high-ranking officials and dignitaries at the foot of Xiashan Mountain.

Of course, Chong Xuansheng is not the only one who picks places.

Jiang Wuxie, the owner of Yangxin Palace, also has a set of other courtyards here, and usually only stays during the period when "Fengxia and Late" start.

Everyone knows that His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince is a beautiful woman, delicious food, fine wine... He enjoys all kinds of food and sex, and never suffers himself.

He has a noble status, but he seldom stays in the Yangxin Palace, which is different from the other palace owners.

As far as Jiang Wuxie is concerned, although he is the master of the Palace of Mental Cultivation, all affairs in the palace can be decided with one word. But this Palace of Mental Cultivation, after all, is also within the scope of Qihuang Palace, and some rules have to be followed.

This is where the problem lies.

In comparison, Wenyu Water Pavilion is where he usually lives.

Almost everyone in Linzi knows about it.

When Jiang Wang went to sea to rescue people, he went directly to Wen Yushuixie to negotiate terms with him, which can be seen from this.

However, Jiang Wuqi's funeral is not long, and it is obviously inappropriate for him as an elder brother to spend time in Wen Yushui Pavilion.

So during this period of time, I lived in this other courtyard at the foot of Xiashan Mountain.

Needless to say, the layout is exquisite and the style is elegant.

Among all the other courtyards under Xiashan Mountain, this house is also one of the best.

At this moment, Jiang Wuxie was lying on a soft couch, her eyes were slightly closed, and she was contented. His long hair was pinned at a slant with a hairpin, and he was only wearing a loose silk robe. Two beautiful maids knelt on both sides of the soft couch, one pinched their shoulders and the other beat their legs.

Tour the mountains with jade hands, and play dreams with warmth and fragrance.

In a trance, I don't know what night it is.

The soft couch stands on a very stylish terrace, and you can see the beautiful scenery of Xiashan Mountain when you turn sideways.

Of course, there are curtains all around. Once lowered, it becomes a private space, and when it is lowered, the sky is vast.

This terrace is very spacious, with potted flowers and caged birds. There is also a large water tank with water lilies, the flowering period has passed early, but it is still blooming brilliantly.

Not far in front of the soft couch, there is a violin.

The bracket supports the ground, like a beautiful woman with feet together. The color of the wood is smooth, and there is jade.

After the qin, there is another beauty.

The body is slender and fit, the temperament is floating in the dust, the eyebrows and eyes are also ordinary, and he is playing the piano solo.

Beautiful scenery, wonderful sound. The mountain wind is blowing, so pleasant.

There is only one person wearing black clothes, half kneeling on the ground, which is an unharmonious color in this picture.

He supported his knee with his left hand, stretched his right hand, and stuck it to the ground. Express a kind of surrender. The raised veins on the back of the hand also described strength.

"You mean..." After enjoying for a long time, Jiang Wuxie said slowly, "There is nothing wrong with Feng Gu's body?"

The beautiful sound of the piano stopped.

"I went to check it myself, and there is indeed no problem." The man in black, who was half kneeling on the ground, said, "Bei Ya is not always full of dry food."

"How come... um... is there no problem at all?" Under the pressure of the beautiful maid, Jiang Wuxie's voice was erratic: "It shouldn't be..."

"It really shouldn't be." The man in black said, "But it's too late to do anything now..."

"Don't do anything." Jiang Wuxie frowned slightly: "Why do you have to do something? At this time, it's stupid to be superfluous. We just need the truth...the truth, understand?"

"Understood." The man in black said.

"Qi Song, I hope you really understand." Jiang Wuxie said.

The man in black named Qi Song lowered his head even lower: "I really understand being humble."

"Then..." Jiang Wuxie asked, "Who told you to go to Bei Ya in person?"

"Humble thought that...wouldn't be discovered."

"What do you think?" Jiang Wuxie opened his eyes, and there was undisguised dissatisfaction in those feminine eyes: "You think that Beiya is your backyard, and you think that Jiang Qingyang is a man with only combat power... You thought you were laughing at them, you didn't know you were being laughed at by them!"

"Do you know?" Jiang Wuxie asked: "Zheng Shi has already found you, is Gu stopping him?"

"Gu can only tell him that this matter was ordered by Gu, and that Gu intends to supervise the case... A person who watched the fire from the other side has to go to fight the fire now. Qi Song, what do you think?"

"Humble and know your mistakes." Qi Song said.

Jiang Wuxie turned over without even looking at him. The thin silk nightgown vaguely reveals his perfect muscle lines.

But his face on the nightgown was delicate and feminine.

The two beautiful maids who were pinching their shoulders and beating their legs quietly backed away, one was behind him and the other was on his right.

Palace Master Yangxin sat sideways on one side of the soft couch, facing the scenery on Xiashan Mountain.

Qi Song half-kneeled behind him on the left.

"Anyone can make mistakes, so Gu will forgive you once." Jiang Wuxie said: "Since it's over, you will be responsible for finding out the truth, and be optimistic about those people in Beiya. Speaking of which, Gu cares about the eleventh brother, And it should."

"Yes." Qi Songgong replied.

"But you don't need the truth alone, you understand?"

"I understand." Qi Song thought for a while, then asked softly: "Your Highness, after finding out the truth, who should I hand it over to?"

He seemed to really understand.

Don't be afraid of being stupid, just be afraid of being smart.

Jiang Wuxie looked at the distant mountains, and said in a low voice: "Zheng Shangming has another loyal ear, and Lin Youxie has a limited future. Try to help Jiang Qingyang get promoted, after all, he is in favor, and only he can make a big deal out of it. "

"Understood." Qi Song saluted solemnly, then stood up and retreated.

It is the winter moon, and the red maple is withered.

At this time, Xiashan is bare, and there is actually nothing to see.

But Jiang Wuxie took it very seriously.

There was not much expression on that overly delicate face.

"Why did the piano sound stop?" He asked suddenly.

The beauty playing the piano said: "If Your Highness can't listen carefully, it shouldn't be playing."

"Is Gu not hard enough?"

"Your Highness was busy suppressing murderous intent just now. How can you care about listening to the piano?"

Jiang Wuxie had a dizzy smile in his eyes: "Thurse, being too smart can cause big trouble."

A woman named Wu Se flicked the strings with her little finger.

Boom boom boom boom boom.

He said softly, "Isn't Your Highness my big trouble?"

"You're right!" Jiang Wuxie laughed, but her eyes were still on Xiashan.

People look at the complex scene, and he sees the residual scene.

"It's a pity that the beauty of the world is like a beauty, and it is easy to wither..."

He sighed, and suddenly said: "I want to play with a gun!"

So he got off the soft couch and made a move.

A bright red spear fell into the palm of his hand.

Holding the bright red spear upside down like this, he walked straight through the air and walked towards Naxia Mountain.

The black and gold silk nightgown reflects the light,

At that time, there were no flying shadows all over the mountain, and there was afterglow in the setting sun.

Both the man and the gun are beautiful.



There are thousands of people in the world.

There are princes like Jiang Wuxie who always run outside the palace, and there are princes like Jiang Wuhua who are almost imprisoned in Changle Palace and never leave home.

Except for some necessary ceremonies, he would never leave the palace if he could.

Planting flowers and weeds every day, cooking and tormenting, enjoying oneself.

Zeng said to himself - "There is always happiness here."

When Jiang Wuxie was playing guns on the Xiashan Mountain where the maple leaves were falling, in the Changle Palace, the prince and princess were having a meal.

Those waiting to serve at the side are just two palace maids, one takes care of the crown prince and the other takes care of the crown princess.

Although the dining room was spacious, the two of them chatted while eating, and it didn't look deserted.

There are not many dishes on the table, three meat, two vegetables and one soup are all made by the prince himself, and the aroma is tangy.

A eunuch came in short steps, his footsteps were hasty, obviously there was something urgent.

But when he walked outside the door of the dining hall, he stopped and said nothing.

Everyone in the Changle Palace knew that when the prince and princess were eating, they could not be disturbed.

In the prince's rules, there are not many things bigger than eating.

At least the matter he wants to report now is not as important as the meal of the prince and concubine.

"Is today's venison not tender enough?" The prince said softly, "There are no deer that are seven months old, so I chose this one that is nine months old. This kind of banana-tailed deer is not easy to feed, and it needs to be eaten between July and August." The quality of the meat is the best. If you are in a hurry to eat, there is no way..."

Song Ning'er swallowed the venison in his mouth, and commented in a decent manner: "It's not as tender, but it's more chewy, which can be regarded as a unique flavor. Of course, the most important thing is that His Royal Highness's cooking skills are superb. tasty!"

This plate of pan-fried banana tail deer is indeed full of color, flavor and taste.

When it was first served, it still looked like a whole deer. But in fact, it has already been cut into thin slices, and then put back together after frying.

You can pick up a piece by poking it lightly with chopsticks. The meat is so thin that it can almost see through, and has a texture like a banana leaf. It is fried until it is oily and golden, but not fatty.

The spices secret made by Changle Palace are sprinkled on the meat slices, and the aroma is lingering, not only three times?

At this time, a large plate was full, and there were only a few slices left, which showed that the Crown Princess really loved this bite.

Jiang Wuhua bowed his hands at the dining table, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Crown Princess, for your support!"

Song Ning'er waved her hand, indicating that I don't have much time to be polite to you.

With a few chopsticks, he cleaned up the few slices of venison left in front of him, and ate it with crystal clear white rice in a few mouthfuls.

Then he put down the ivory chopsticks, picked up the tea bowl next to him, drank a bowl of fragrant tea, and let out a long sigh of satisfaction: "I'm full!"

"Do you want soup?" Jiang Wuhua asked: "The antler of this banana-tailed deer is used as the main ingredient, and the mushrooms sent by Zhuhe County are served together. It is very delicious."

Song Ning'er shook her hand: "I can't drink anymore, my stomach is round..."

She glanced at Jiang Wuhua, sly and shy: "If you don't believe me, touch it?"

"Isn't it appropriate?" Jiang Wuhua said so, his hand has already reached up.

a long time.


Song Ning'er slapped his hand and said angrily, "Have you touched it enough?"

"Hmm..." Jiang Wuhua withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "It looks like I'm full."

"Alas." Song Ning'er sighed, "Desire for food and drink greatly hinders my practice!"

Jiang Wuhua smiled all over his face: "The happiness of husband and wife lies in sleeping together with chopsticks?"

"Go!" Song Ning'er gave him a blank look: "Who will sleep with you?"

Jiang Wuhua said: "In life and after death, who else can I sleep with?"

"But you can talk about this!" Song Ning'er got up and said, "Don't disturb you, you are busy with business, I will go to rest."

Jiang Wuhua's tone was soft: "I have asked someone to prepare desserts in Qingfengyuan. I made them together in the morning. You might as well try it."

"You really think I'm not fat enough?" Song Ning'er scolded, but finally turned to Qingfengyuan.

Compared with Duan Shu in front of the public, when the two of them are alone in private, she is obviously much more lively.

Jiang Wuhua just watched her leave with a smile, but didn't say anything else.

The eunuch who was standing outside the door came in after the crown princess left with the maids accompanying her.

He bowed and said, "Your Highness, according to the latest news, people from Yangxin Palace have also intervened in Feng Gu's case."

Jiang Wuhua pushed the rice bowl away, filled a bowl of velvet antler soup for himself, took a sip, and said, "It's as expected. Where is Huaying Palace?"

"The Third Highness didn't make any movement, maybe we couldn't find out." The eunuch said.

Jiang Wuhua shook his head: "If there is no movement, there is no movement. With Wuyou's personality, if you really want to react to this matter, the movement will never be small."

He drank a few sips of soup, and suddenly asked again: "I heard that someone went to warn Jiang Qingyang, is that right?"

"There is such a thing." The eunuch replied.

"Presumptuous." Jiang Wuhua put the spoon back into the bowl: "Who can be so rampant in my vast Qi?"

The eunuch said: "The origin of that coachman is very innocent. Three generations of his ancestors have been driving for the Beiya. Now he has disappeared... There is no one alive, no dead body. There is no clue to find out."

"Forget it, let's leave this matter to the Beiya to investigate." Jiang Wuhua waved his hand: "Pass my order to order the Imperial City Guards to strengthen the protection of the investigators, especially the residences of Jiang Wang and Lin Youxie, to strengthen patrols This kind of thing can't happen again. None of the three people handling the case should have an accident, understand?"


The eunuch took orders and left in a hurry.

Jiang Wuhua also lost interest in drinking soup, got up and walked out, casually said: "Today's soup is good, you should share it."

The only remaining maid in the dining room was used to it, and she didn't panic, she just bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness."

Jiang Wuhua only waved his hand, and he had already walked out.

Two in one, see you tomorrow.

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