Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1387 ?

Chapter 1387

The whole of Linzi is paying attention to Feng Gu's case, of course all the attention is secretly.

Especially when the increasingly complicated side of the case is revealed, everyone is curious and avoids it.

No one will discuss the case publicly, but as long as they are qualified to know the progress of the case, everyone will keep an eye on it.

This is very likely to be the biggest political storm since Jiang Wuqi's death!

Who can stay out of it?

As one of the core members of this case, Lord Jiang Wang Jiang, who specially supervised the investigation process of this case, still did not stop his daily practice lessons outside of the case.

After entering the Outer Building Realm, in addition to the fixed practices in the past, there are more developments in Zang Xinghai and polishing of Star Towers...

As long as you want to move forward, there will always be something to do.

Even if it is only in terms of Taoism, the dragon and the tiger are just beginning, and they just need more practice to gain a deep control. And burning the city with flames is the next super-grade Taoism that needs to be mastered.

In addition, the five instant Taoism engraved in the Inner Mansion Realm, Rotten Wood Jue, Eight Sounds Burning the Sea, Shravaka Immortal State, Five Consciousness Hell, and Anger, all have a certain room for improvement when they reach the Outer Building Realm.

It's a good thing that the Eight Sounds Burning Sea and the Shravaka Immortal State are self-created. As the vision increases, new ideas will naturally be born. But if you want to complete the Deadwood Jue, Five Consciousness Hell, and Rage as soon as possible, you will obviously need the help of the auditorium in the Illusory Realm.

Then you need "work"...

There are not many ways to obtain merit in the Taixu Illusionary Realm. Apart from contributing a large amount of exercises, the only way to earn it is on the Sword Discourse Arena.

Jiang Wang is invincible at the level of the inner palace, and he is almost invincible at the sword debate stage at the level of the outer building.

Five battles a day, so far undefeated.

Going on like this, maybe with an undefeated record, they can reach the top of Taixu's first outer building all the way.

The reason why he only fought five games was because apart from cultivation, five high-quality battles with full concentration could already provide enough gains.

If it is simply to win and easily push the opponent horizontally, five games, fifty games, or five hundred games, to Jiang Wang, there is no difference.

That is not practice.

Jiang Wang doesn't enjoy the thrill of killing the weak. What he enjoys is the "uniqueness" he feels in each opponent, the aura shown by the opponent in the battle, and the battle choices that can make his eyes shine.

It is the accumulation of these things that can become his wealth and make him stronger.

So he tends to suppress his strength in battle, try many new ideas that he would not easily try in a life-and-death battle, give more opportunities to his opponents, and give himself more opportunities.

But even so, in the battle of the Fourth Grade Sword Discourse Arena, until now, he has never really felt threatened.

After all, at the level of the inner palace, he has already defeated the monsters in the four outer buildings with one against four. It is difficult for monks at the level of the outer building, even elites who can enter the illusory realm, to pose any threat to him.

Especially now that the illusory realm is expanding rapidly, more and more monks have poured in...there are even more weak ones.

Of course, with the rapid increase in the base number, there will be more and more strong people active in the illusory realm.

The strong will eventually meet at the top.

Of course Jiang Wang will be the one to reach the top.

In the fourth-rank Sword Discourse Arena, after each battle, the winner will earn 200 merit points, while the loser will lose 400 merit points.

It can be clearly seen that the later on, the greater the need for gong in the illusory world.

How much gong can withstand such a loss?

From the analysis of the visible trend, in the future, if you want to exchange ideas with practitioners in the same realm without any scruples, you also need to contribute as much as possible to the Daotai.

The strong go farther and farther with their gong, while the weak must continuously contribute their skills and techniques to make up for the energy consumption of using the sword stage, maintain their own progress in continuous battles, and evolve into the strong.

Almost all the rules of the Illusory Realm are clearly promoting the evolution of Taoism, the innovation of Taoism, and the transformation of exercises.

It doesn't even depend on whether these Taoism techniques are powerful or effective. The ingenious novelty and the peculiar idea that can open one's mind are the key to gaining more "gong".

Conversely, the gathering of countless exercises will also make the lecture platform more and more powerful.

It is entirely conceivable that one day, when the illusory world evolves to a certain stage, the innovation of Taoism will become faster and faster, and it is even very likely to promote the transformation of the practice world...

Therefore, the world's top powers have to intervene in it to supervise the operation of the Illusory Realm. As strong as the Taixu sect, they can only share the power of the Taixu illusion.

The reason why the promotion of Taixu Illusory Realm is difficult in the early stage is precisely because its potential is visible to the naked eye!

There must be conservatives blocking the way, and there must be resistance from those with vested interests in the existing structure.

How the Taixu sect persuaded the great powers to join them and jointly lay out the illusion of Taixu is a magnificent story...

Of course, it's not Jiang Wang and Wen's turn now.

He is sure to win every battle, so he doesn't need to worry about the "price" of the Sword Discourse Arena. No matter how much, he is always the one who wins, and he doesn't have to pay.

There are five battles a day in the Illusory Realm, with a fixed earning of 1,000 merit points, far exceeding the blessing land's monthly rewards.

Forty-ninth Blessed Land, Baofushan's contribution is only 340 points, which is not enough to lose a game on the fourth-rank sword debate stage. There is an obvious mismatch between the value and the difficulty of obtaining it, so the meaning of the blessed land is definitely not in the gift of merit, and it is not only the door to the blessed land that leads to the primordial space.

There must be a huge incentive for those strong people to actively challenge.

And Jiang Wang can only guess that since inheriting the blessed land until now, he has never been able to touch it.

But he wasn't anxious. At least now I can feel the level of strength of those opponents, unlike before, I can't even understand how I lost.

He is approaching the strong at that level with solid steps, and every step is very steady.

He knew that one day he would be able to stand there.

Even if all his blessed land levels are directly knocked down now, and he loses his blessed land, he will not be discouraged...

Because he knows, he will win it back.

After earnestly fighting for five rounds, Jiang Wang was about to withdraw from the illusory realm when he saw a water-blue paper crane scurrying towards him after careful review.

Reach out to catch it, unfold it.

It was a letter from Zuo Guangshu.

He chatted with Zuo Guangshu a lot these days, but this kid has been a little strange recently, always rambling, chatting about this and that, making it difficult to pick up.

Jiang Wang himself was always the same, either asking about Zuo Guangshu's practice, or about the details of the city being burned by fireworks, and how Zuo Guanglie used to perform this technique...

Today's letter is still somewhat inexplicable——

"Has the Golden Feather Impatiens bloomed in Qi?"

Jiang Wang replied: "I only know Fengxian County."

"I heard it's beautiful."

"Really? I haven't seen it."

After a while, Zuo Guangshu's letter flew over, again inexplicably——

"Well, is brother Dugu safe these days?"

Jiang Wang replied, "I'm fine."

Zuo Guangshu probably really had nothing to talk about, so he replied in a hesitant way: "Both Jingmu and Musheng have massively increased their troops to Musheng's front line, a big battle is inevitable, when the world is in turmoil, please take care of yourself, Brother Dugu. I am also very good in Chu State, and my practice is improving very quickly... By the way, are you still coming to the Mountain Sea Realm?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and replied: "People are in Qi State, and they are entangled in many things."

Soon the paper crane came back——

"It doesn't matter, whether you love to come or not."

Jiang Wang wrote back again, but nothing came to light, and I haven't seen a reply for a long time.

Maybe it's because he went to practice, this kid has always worked hard.

With a mature mind like Lord Jiang, of course he would not care about children, he shook his head and put this matter behind him, exiting the illusory realm.

What he is most concerned about right now is the case of Feng Gu.

Lin Youxie has pursued the truth for many years, Feng Gu unfolded the clues through his death, the post of captain of the Northern Yamen coveted by many people, the sneaky person in the morgue, and directly sent someone to warn someone of his existence... …

Too many factors are intertwined, which has made this case extremely heavy.

It's not just complicated.

It is like a huge fishing net that has been laid out for many years, entered the water extremely deep, and although most of it is still hidden at the bottom of the water, everyone knows that it has caught too many things and caught too many things.

If you want to lift it up, you don't just have to have strength in your arms.

Anyone who accidentally touches this net will fall into the bottom of the water.

Just like the coachman who has "found no such person".

Speaking of which, he deliberately used the technique of remembrance to imitate the information of the driver's soul, but the induction has disappeared.

Maybe it has been killed, or the possibility of being traced has been wiped out by the strong... No matter what it is, such a chess piece with a clean net worth that has been in Beiya for many years, is deliberately thrown out just to beat Jiang Wang. It is enough to verify the power of the person behind the scenes.

Or, in turn, the other party just wanted to irritate himself?

With such a move, let yourself refuse to ignore it?

There are so many clues that I can't clarify them one by one.

Jiang Wang simply didn't think about it, and followed his own thinking firmly.

Now that he is participating in this case as a supervisor, the other two, Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie, who are handling the case, need his cooperation. He took the initiative, and there was no need to go around in circles with people in the dark.

Sitting quietly in the room for a while, the night was extremely dark.

Zheng Shangming's people came to Jiang's mansion just at night, carrying a letter with them, emphasizing that they would only hand in the letter if they saw Jiang Wang.

The housekeeper, Xie Ping, personally brought him to Jiangwangyuan.

This is an ordinary-looking man. After carefully looking at Jiang Wang for a few times, he encloses the letter in his arms: "Young Master said that this letter must be signed by the Lord himself, and it cannot be passed into the hands of other people."

"Thank you." Jiang Wang took the letter.

The man just saluted, turned around and left without delay.

Xie Ping still wanted to see him off, but when he didn't pay attention, the person had already disappeared.

Zheng Shi has been operating in the position of captain of Beiya for many years, and he is not taking it easy. He has all kinds of talents under his command, and these are also Zheng Shangming's resources. Unlike someone like Jiang, even the housekeeper was hired by Chong Xuansheng.

If you go to the street to hire someone yourself, you may not know what kind of quality is in the house, and it is not impossible to be full of other people's eyeliner.

Basically, only those in the family who can use the family to have children can be called aristocratic families. He has been a servant for several generations, innocent and reliable.

People like Lord Jiang are still in the nouveau riche stage.

While opening the letter, Jiang Wang said: "It's getting late, let's go down and rest... By the way, it's winter, set aside some money, and buy a few winter clothes for everyone. If you are willing to spend money, buy enough materials." .”

Originally, it was hard for him to think in such detail. It was in Dugu Xiao's letter that she reported her work in Qingyang Town in detail. Among them was such an expense, so he also asked Xie Ping to take care of it.

"Okay!" Xie Ping went down energetically.

My master is poor, but he treats people very well!

Jiang Wangzhanxin looked at it and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Zheng Shangming mentioned in the letter about the arrester in the mortuary, only that he was sent by the Yangxin Palace to monitor the case. In addition, Feng Gu's body was not tampered with, and the arrester just checked it by the way. ...

Jiang Wang really didn't expect that there was something about Jiang Wuxie here.

But if you think about it carefully, isn't there just such a few groups of people in the upper-level disputes in the entire Qi country?

How could Yangxin Palace not pay attention to the assassination of Concubine Lei?

Jiang Wuxie always gave Jiang Wang a feeling that he was a little frivolous and not serious.

Many people in the ruling and opposition parties have criticized him, saying that he is "extravagant" and "frivolous and cannot be a king".

But Jiang Wang never underestimated him, and after getting to know Jiang Wuqi better, he paid more and more attention to Jiang Wuxie.

The reason is very simple -

If Jiang Wuxie is a mediocre person, why should he compete with Jiang Wuqi?

Emperor Qi has many sons and daughters, and there is no shortage of mediocrity!

A heart-nourishing palace stands there, and Jiang Wuxie's weight is there.

It is the weight of the same level as the crown prince, the lord of Huaying Palace, and the lord of Longevity Palace.

If you only regard Jiang Wuxie as an ordinary prodigal prince, then you are treating these people as fools.

Having said that, although Jiang Wuxie's entry was logical, it undoubtedly added a bit of weight to the case.

"Light up the lamp to read the letter, Lord Jiang is really sensitive and eager to learn!" Chong Xuansheng's voice sounded outside the door.

Jiang Wang had already noticed his footsteps, so he just said casually: "Zheng Shangming's letter. You came here at this time..."

Chong Xuansheng walked into the room and looked at Jiang Wang with a complicated expression. "There's news about Gongsun Yu."

"Where is it?" Jiang Wang put away the letter casually, and said directly, "Arrange for me to meet him."

"The carriage is ready." Chong Xuansheng said: "I asked someone to buy a few boxes of supplements a few days ago, and I will arrive in Linzi after dawn. I will just go to see my grandfather by then, so you will hide in the box. When you arrive at the Hou's Mansion, follow the people who go out to buy from the city and leave in disguise. There shouldn't be too many people who dare to monitor Bowanghou's Mansion, and the shadow guards will take you directly to the target place."

"Can't we go now?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng said angrily: "Do you think it's normal for me to visit my grandfather in the middle of the night? If it were you, do you doubt it? And it will be dawn in a few hours, Mr. Jiang, have you forgotten?" Are you still going to the Longevity Palace to investigate the case later?"

Jiang Wang turned his head and looked out the window, feeling that the day passed really quickly.

"Where Gongsun Yu is now is far away?" he asked.

"It's not too far away, it's just Biwu County." Chongxuansheng said, "But it's definitely too late for you to go now, and he...why is he in such a hurry to see him?"

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow." Jiang Wang didn't answer, but said: "I'll study Taoism for a while."

"That..." Even though it was obvious that Jiang Wang wanted to chat, Chong Xuansheng still knocked on his chair: "Have you thought about what I told you during the day?"

"Still thinking about it." Jiang Wang smiled and asked, "Speaking of Taoism, when will you be able to take off the supernatural power?"

"Supernatural power, after all, depends on luck." Chong Xuansheng grinned: "Then you practice, Fourteen is still waiting for me."

His fat figure just walked out of the room.

With his wisdom, it would be very difficult to pretend to be distracted by Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and soon sank into the world of Taoism.

Compared with the chaos and troubles in the world of mortals, the greatness and vastness of the practice world is more intoxicating.

Until the long night is long.

Until the morning light falls into the house.

Two in one, see you tomorrow.

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