Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1388 ?

Chapter 1388

Not long after dawn, the carriage with the sign of Beiya has already arrived, waiting outside the gate of Jiang Mansion.

The coachman was another strange face.

Jiang Wang subconsciously recorded his spiritual aura before looking into the carriage.

Both Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie were there, sitting on one side, each silent.

Industry specializing in surgery.

They haven't seen each other for one night. Presumably, they should have made some progress in the case, but just looking at their expressions, they can't see any changes at all.

People who are good at finding clues are also good at hiding clues.

Jiang Wang bowed and got into the carriage, sitting right in the middle.

"This coachman belongs to my own family." Zheng Shangming said: "There are more guards patrolling the streets near your house. It was requested by Changle Palace, and there are also near Fushi Lin's house. The crown prince strictly ordered that this case must be guaranteed. disturbed."

Jiang Wang knew that this was the result of the handling of the threat from the coachman.

It's not that he, Jiang, is not worthy of a bigger battle, it's just that the coachman has disappeared in various senses, but no one can be blamed.

"Got it." Jiang Wang said.

For today's search, he lacks interest. What he was thinking about was what clues Gongsun Yu could provide.

Originally planning to practice all the way to the Longevity Palace, Lin Youxie suddenly said, "The inspection results of His Royal Highness's bowl of medicinal soup are already available."

"How to say?"

"In addition to the spirit-suppressing grass, there are sunflowers, red-feather powder, and red-bellied spider legs...all of which are medicines to resist cold poison."

"It seems that there is nothing unusual." Jiang Wang said.

"Yes." Lin Youxie turned to look at Zheng Shangming: "Have you learned anything from the interrogation yesterday? I heard that you went for an autopsy at night?"

Zheng Shangming smiled wryly: "I thought I could gain something, but in the end I thought too much. It is inevitable to go wrong when handling cases."

Lin Youxie nodded, and then asked, "Then catcher Zheng, do you have any ideas to share today?"

"The thinking of handling a case must be broad, but you can't just imagine it out of thin air. You still have to look at the clues and talk, first collect evidence, and then talk about other things." When he said this nonsense, Zheng Shangming's expression was very serious.

Lin Youxie only said: "Catcher Zheng is right!"

Jiang Wang remained expressionless the whole time.

Cooperating with these two people all the way from Beiya, they stayed together in the carriage for so long without saying a word! Just wait for him to come, and then pretend to be perfunctory.

"Master Jiang doesn't seem to be in a good mood?" Zheng Shangming asked pointedly.

"Oh?" Jiang Wang asked back.

"I see you have been silent." Zheng Shangming explained.

Jiang Wang said in a muffled voice: "After all, you are responsible for the investigation and handling of the case, as long as you reach an agreement."

"That's right." Zheng Shangming nodded and stopped talking.

In the eerie silence, the carriage arrived at the Longevity Palace again.

Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie were really active in their work, devoting themselves to the search of the Palace of Longevity, from the front hall to the back hall, from Jiang Wuqi's bedroom to the rooms of the eunuchs and maids...not letting go of any clues.

Jiang Wang followed silently, hardly speaking unless necessary.

The scope of the search this time covered the entire Longevity Palace. Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie went through almost every corner and corner, and didn't announce the end of the search until sunset.

"Did Lord Lin find any useful clues?" Zheng Shangming asked.

"Thousands of threads are becoming more and more confusing." Lin Youxie shook his head and asked, "Where is Mr. Zheng?"

Zheng Shangming also shook his head: "It's the same as Master Lin. I think Feng Gu's death...could it be related to Pingguo's revenge?"

"It's very likely!" Lin Youxie said seriously.

Jiang Wang silently watched them set up the stage to sing, without saying a word.

"Did Master Jiang discover anything?" Lin Youxie asked suddenly.

"Nothing was found, both of you are quite normal." Jiang Wang turned around and said, "Go back."

Lin Youxie and Zheng Shangming were clearly targeting the assassination of Concubine Lei now, they both knew what the other was thinking, and they both pretended not to know.

Lin Youxie just wanted to find out the truth of the year, make it public, and restore her father's innocence.

Up to now, Lin Kuang's cause of death is still recorded in the files of the Beiya as "incompetent handling of the case, he committed suicide in fear of responsibility", and his fame has been lost for the rest of his life!

Zheng Shangming also wants to find out the truth of the year, but whether this "truth" is made public must be in line with the emperor's likes and dislikes, so as to pave the way for him to take over as the captain of Beiya in the future. If Jiang Wang is willing to serve as the captain of Beiya first, then he will give up this benefit. If Jiang Wang is not willing, he will perform well by himself.

This is the conflict between the two, so whoever finds the truth first becomes the key to the problem.

So they say they are cooperating in handling the case, but they are also on guard against each other, and they can keep the clues that are not disclosed and absolutely keep it private.

After being told by Jiang Wang, there was no need for them to put on a show anymore.

So leave.

The heavy palace gate slowly closed, temporarily sealing the palace.

The three green cards got into the carriage in silence.

Interestingly, the people in this carriage felt that they were close to the truth.

Although they are silent, they each have their own goals and choices.

Lin Youxie needs Jiang Wang to open one eye and close the other. The open eye is called "truth", and the closed eye is called "responsibility".

She wanted to grasp the clues of the assassination of Concubine Lei Gui first, and dig out the truth of the year.

Zheng Shangming asked Jiang Wang to agree to take over as the captain of Beiya before sharing the clues in this case with him.

He also needs Jiang Wang to open one eye and close the other, but the open eye is called "loyalty", and the closed eye is called "truth".

As for Jiang Wang himself, he wanted to make a choice after grasping the truth.

The best result is that the final landing point of the three people can be the same. That is the situation where Chong Xuansheng said, "the emperor should know the truth".

But Jiang Wang also had to prepare for the worst.

Of course, Lin Youxie and Zheng Shangming were looking for clues, and Jiang Wang was practicing silently.

But in fact, the whole day was just three people testing each other's patience.

The carriage put Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie down in Beiya, and then sent Jiang Wang back home alone.

After watching a boring show in Changsheng Palace for a day, he didn't want to go to Beiya to watch it again. Anyway, the clues from both sides would not be shared with him now, so he simply left.

"This is so boring..."

This was Jiang Wang's only thought after he got off the carriage.

Fortunately, he also has his preparations.

Step into the mansion, go straight back to your bedroom, and practice with the door closed.

He doesn't do this every day or two, but every day, it's so natural.

Jiang Wang is stuck in practice and cannot extricate himself. Chongxuansheng was busy trying to please Bowanghou while Chongxuanzun was not around, and he was very attentive.

Jiang Wang went back to the mansion on the front foot, and Xuan Sheng on the back foot took Fourteen and swaggered out the door.

He pulled two carts full of supplements and headed straight for Bowanghou's Mansion.

This kind of ostentatious behavior is not uncommon for him, and there are probably not many people in Linzi who don't know that he is filial to Mr. Sheng...

With Chongxuanzun not around, he is the well-deserved young master of the Hou Mansion, although more often this fat man only wants to live in Jiang Qingyang's house.

As soon as he entered the gate of the Marquis' Mansion, Chong Xuansheng held the housekeeper's hand, and said very seriously: "These are supplements that I have worked so hard to buy. I must ask the storeroom to put them away. I'm sorry!"

The butler was overjoyed and responded repeatedly.

Chong Xuansheng waved his hand, and strode in. Of course, his family doesn't need anyone to lead the way. When he reached the inner courtyard, he shouted from afar: "Grandpa, grandson is here to see you!"

"What are you shouting about, what are you shouting about!"

Before Chongxuan Yunbo on the reclining chair could speak, Chongxuan Mingguang, who was carrying a ponytail to pinch the old man's feet, had already assumed the posture of an elder and scolded: "The old man has lived more than a hundred years, and his cultivation has begun to regress. Can you stand up to your bragging? Let me scare you out! Really, you are so big, and you are not sensible at all."

Fourteen stood outside the courtyard.

Chong Xuansheng walked in alone, facing Chong Xuan Mingguang's spittle, with a smile on his face: "Uncle taught me a lesson. Didn't I buy two carts of supplements here? It's just to keep grandpa from going wrong!"

"At this age, and without God's presence, what's the use of supplements? It's a waste of money all day long. Will you be the head of the house in the future?"

Chongxuan Mingguang taught his nephew a lesson, and the massage on his hands kept on. He turned his head to look at the old man, and his seriousness turned into flattery in an instant: "Father, do you think this is the reason? The person in charge of the family can't find someone who is too extravagant. Son After so many years of careful calculation, the account book is so beautiful, tell me..."

The old man only looked at him faintly: "I hear your tone, it's a bit disgusting that I've lived too long?"

This look is too familiar!

When is it not a beating?

Chongxuan Mingguang has been afraid since he was a child, and suddenly panicked: "Son...son doesn't mean that."

"Shut up if you can't speak." The old man pulled his legs back impatiently: "Sit aside!"

Originally, I thought that this guy came to show his courtesy every day to play the side drum for his grandson Chongxuan Zunchengjue. It was a bit obvious, after all, he was also the heart of the world's parents. As the head of the family, he can also understand.

Whoa! Unexpectedly, this piece of scrap actually wanted to inherit the family business!

What a face!

Why don't you cut it off quickly?

Chong Xuan Yunbo couldn't help but reflect on himself, when did he give this guy the illusion...

If it weren't for the grandson in front of him, he would have kicked him out long ago out of concern for his dignity as an uncle.

"Oh." Chongxuan Mingguang aggrievedly moved the ponytail away.

Chong Xuansheng approached with a swaying body of fat, which is called a swaying posture.

Looking at Chongxuan Mingguang, with a smile on his face: "Uncle, you are over sixty. You can also take these supplements, if they are not enough, I will buy them later."

For Chongxuan Mingguang, a beautiful man who is against time, what he hates the most is when others mention his age. But at this time, in front of the old man, he can't get angry, so he can't scold his nephew for not caring about him, can he?

He could only say "good boy", quietly turned his face, and gave Chong Xuansheng a hard look.

Chong Xuansheng smiled and accepted it, but didn't respond at all.

Chong Xuanyunbo half leaned on the recliner, and said slowly: "Why do you suddenly remember to give me supplements?"

Chongxuansheng leaned the big chair brought up by the servants to the old man, sat on it with a smile, leaned in front of him and said: "Didn't you care about grandpa all the time? You are the pillar of the sky in my Chongxuan family. Take great care of it!"

Chong Xuanyun sighed loudly: "Can the Pillar of Optimus, which needs to be cared for, still support the sky?"

This is for the sake of the family, the old general who took off his armor and put on his armor again.

I have been in the sand all my life.

And he's so old.

Chong Xuansheng stopped laughing, and said seriously: "One day you are alive, the sky will not fall."

"Sheng'er, you are very smart. I have never seen a few children who are smarter than you."

Zhongxuan Yunbo looked at him, and said slowly: "But smart people often rely on themselves to be smart, don't pay attention to the rules of the world, and feel that they can influence anything...Sometimes, we should know that enough is enough, even if we Chongxuan Home, not everything can be mixed."

Chong Xuansheng wanted to use Bowanghou's Mansion as a cover to send Jiang Wang out of the city quietly, so it was impossible to hide Chong Xuanyunbo too much.

This is not a big deal at all, the one that makes the old man fearful is naturally the assassination of Concubine Lei Gui.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I know how to measure." Chong Xuansheng said.

"Exactly!" Chongxuan Mingguang said abruptly from the side.

Chong Xuansheng looked at him in surprise.

Can you understand what we are saying?

Chongxuan Mingguang looked at his fat nephew with a proud expression of "I have caught it", and said, "I heard that you are in the gambling business, isn't that true? Gambling is harmful! How many families have been ruined?" , How many wives and children are separated. Is this a business done by a serious family? It will ruin the reputation of my Chongxuan family if it spreads! Today I am talking here. I am not at odds with this word 'gambling'! The word 'gambling' is incompatible! You can't do it by mistake, and it will be too late to regret it!"

"Father." He probably knew that no matter how fierce he said it was useless, he turned his head and asked Chong Xuan Yunbo for support: "Tell this kid to shut down quickly."

Chong Xuansheng was stunned: "Uncle, I saw you visiting the casino two days ago!"

Chongxuan Mingguang rolled his eyes: "Can going to a casino be the same as opening a casino? Is it of the same nature? You are harming others, and I am being harmed by others! Can we do business that harms others in Bowanghou Mansion? "

Chong Xuanyunbo was obviously a little tired, but he was not in the mood to give advice to his eldest son.

If you can teach well, why wait until today?

He only waved his hands weakly at Zhongxuan Sheng: "It's really unnecessary to do business in this area."

"Actually, my grandson has only invested a few percent of the stock, and it's under someone else's name..." Chong Xuansheng explained in this way, and then said: "Since grandpa and uncle have talked, grandson will be locked up when he goes back."

Chongxuan Mingguang nodded in satisfaction: "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it. Although Sheng'er has a bad idea, after all, he is the son of our Chongxuan family, so he has a good foundation!"

He straightened his face again, playing a trick of kindness and power: "Go back and close it now, so as not to have long nights and dreams. If the casino is open for an extra hour, my Chongxuan family will be stabbed in the spine for an extra hour! It's like sitting on pins and needles!"

Chong Xuansheng didn't care about it at all, and said with a smile: "Uncle is right, my nephew will go back and close the casino."

Then he said to Zhong Xuanyunbo: "Grandpa, then I will come to see you next time."

Chongxuan Mingguang was afraid that his fat nephew would win the old man's favor with his sweet words while his genius son was away, so he said: "Go, go, I am here with the old man. Don't worry about it, go back and practice hard, your cultivation is too far behind. too much!"

Rao Chongxuansheng and Chongxuan Mingguang have always adhered to the principle of "you are right". Hearing this is a bit frustrating-you old man have the nerve to criticize my cultivation?

But after thinking about it, he still smiled and left the yard by himself.

With an uncle like this, what more could you ask for?

Chongxuan Mingguang didn't know Chongxuansheng's thoughts, he watched his fat nephew leave, and consciously won another important round for his son, his spirit was very excited.

If he didn't worry about it himself, what would Zun'er do? What can this family do?

Glancing left and right, seeing that no one was there, he went back to the old man.

With a courteous and mysterious face, he said: "Old man, didn't you just say that you can't lift the sky... I understand you! I have a prescription here, which is quite useful..."


Chong Xuansheng was about to walk out of the Hou Mansion here, when he suddenly heard a roar from the backyard, like a veteran returning to the battlefield, waking up like an angry lion, like a fierce tiger roaring at the mountain——

"I killed you, you bastard!"

Two in one, see you tomorrow.

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