Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1390 ? Home

Chapter 1390 Home

It rained heavily that day.

It's like a river in the sky broke its bank, and the water poured down from the sky.

After so many years, many details have been blurred.

The only thing that impressed her was the heavy rain.

It was night at that time, she was copying Qi Lu in her room, she played crazy during the day, and always had to make up some homework at night, so that her father would not come back to give lectures.

The nanny was beside her holding the soles of her shoes to accompany her.

The rain outside was clattering, and from time to time a flash of lightning illuminated the window, accompanied by thunder.

So that when the hasty knock on the door rang, she didn't hear it immediately.

After knocking again for a while, the nurse got up and went to open the door.

She also looked out curiously, because Dad said he would not be back until a few days later.

So late, who could it be?

She is not afraid of bad guys, no bad guy dares to come to her house, and her father is dedicated to catching bad guys.

The moment the nanny opened the door, she only heard a "bang"——

A black shadow fell into the room.

The black figure was lying on the ground, his eyes were tightly closed, his lips were black and blue, and there was a large knife wound on his neck, and the blood had not yet drained...

Daddy is back.

Then a hand covered her eyes.

Grandpa Wu seemed to be cursing something angrily.

She couldn't hear at all.

Her ears were buzzing, and then thunder rumbled again.

Her eyes are not pitch black, but bright red.

blood everywhere...

That bloody and ferocious incision had been exposed before her eyes all these years.

She can always see.

They say daddy committed suicide...

They said that the best head catcher in the world, who failed to investigate the case, committed suicide in fear of responsibility.

And she only remembered her father saying that the glory of Qingpai is worth defending with everything in life.

When many voices start arguing again.

Lin Youxie opened his eyes in the dark.

He sat up calmly, left the bed, and walked to the table next to the wall in the darkness.

Her "boudoir" should be different from any woman's residence in the world. The house is full of bottles and jars, various files, Legalist classics, and some weird "evidence".

But not confusing.

Everything is categorized and arranged neatly and orderly.

My father said that things must be organized. No matter how complicated the case is, as long as all the details are sorted out, the truth will be clear at a glance.

She is obedient.

She worked hard to learn Qi Lv, and she was not playful for many years.

The heartbeat was fast and it was very hard. She mixed some medicinal materials according to the proportion and began to pound the medicine.

A wooden pestle in a stone mortar...

Tuk tuk, tuk tuk.



Judging from Gongsun Yu's performance, he obviously knew something.

But since he didn't want to say it, Jiang Wang didn't want to force it either.

Everyone has their own choice, you can be right, but that doesn't mean others are wrong.

Blaming others with oneself is the devil among demons.

Maybe unscrupulous people can scrape some information from Gongsun Yu, and it is impossible for Yang Jing to keep him. But if Jiang Wang is willing to do whatever it takes, why would he bother to find Gongsun Yu?

The difference between people is that there is always something to do and something not to do.

When I returned to Linzi, it was already twilight.

Under the cover of the shadow guard, Jiang Wang quietly returned to his mansion, as if nothing had happened.

This night, he really got nothing.

He is not depressed.

Gongsun Yu's situation is itself a clue.

As a disciple of a famous family, he broke his tongue, but as a confidant of the Master of the Longevity Palace, he chose to live in seclusion. There could be no reason for these.

When exactly did he leave the Longevity Palace? What happened to Changsheng Palace during that time?

There are definitely not many things that can force Gongsun Yu to this level.

The answer is in pain.

The Shadow Guard's investigation will take some time, and there is no news from the Beiya for the time being. Jiang Wang practiced in the mansion for a while, until the housekeeper came to remind the time, then Shi Shiran went out.

Wearing a long sword on the left waist, white jade on the right waist, and an upright green shirt, he is a good boy in Linzi.

The carriage had already been prepared, and when Jiang Wang was loaded, the coachman raised his whip and went straight to the residence of the Marquis of Ruicheng.

A few days ago, Li Longchuan mentioned that he should have a light meal at home today. After all, it is something that has been promised, and Jiang Wangzi will not break the appointment easily.

In front of the Hou Mansion, the carriage stopped. Although the coachman was newly recruited not long ago, he had been specially trained by the steward, he knew the rules, and he was about to step forward after holding a name card.

Someone in charge of the Marquis of Ruicheng came out to welcome him: "Is it from the Jingua Warrior's family?"

Seeing Jiang Wang getting out of the carriage, he hurriedly greeted him again: "My lord! My young master has already ordered you to go in directly when you come."

While leading the way for Jiang Wang, the steward called someone to come over to greet Lao Jiang's driver.

It wasn't the first time he had come to the Marquis of Ruicheng's Mansion, Jiang Wang walked in with ease, and within a few steps, a heroic young man with a jade belt on his forehead came out in big strides.

"Brother Jiang!" He waved enthusiastically and smiled brightly.

Jiang Wang followed with a smile: "Didn't you just have a light meal, why did you come out to greet me so formally?"

"I can't help it." Li Longchuan said deliberately bitterly: "Is it possible for an official to be able to make a fool of himself? Now that I have an official status, I have to think about my future... You are a third-rank pumpkin warrior!"

In terms of sour people, he is still far behind Xu Gao'e.

Jiang Wang didn't take his words at all, and looked around: "Who else invited today?"

Li Longchuan took his arm and walked straight in: "You are the only one!"

Jiang Wang was dragged into strides by him, and took the time to ask: "Speaking of which, where do we eat wine instead of food, why do we have to come to your house?"

Li Longchuan rolled his eyes: "What's wrong with my cook who can't afford to serve you?"

The courtyard of the Hou Mansion is deep, and Li Longchuan grew up in such an environment, so he was born with nobility. Jiang Wang started from scratch and earned his current position, but he didn't show any timidity, and walked all the way laughing and joking.

It wasn't until he reached the dining hall that Jiang Wang realized that this "light meal" was unusual, and he almost had the urge to turn around and run away.

Sitting in the dining hall were the old lady Li, Li Zhengyan, the contemporary Marquis of the City, Li Hanshi, the wife of the Marquis of the City, and Li Zhengshu, the Bachelor of Donghua...

It's not that I feel guilty when I see the elders, the problem is that besides them, there are only Li Fengyao and Li Longchuan in the dining hall.

Apparently it was a family dinner, and it was the most intimate kind.

It was a bit unpleasant for him to bump into it so hastily.

Furthermore, if he had known that these elders were there, how could he dare to take the time to eat?

Not to mention waiting for it before dawn, no matter what, he had to show Jiang Qingyang's knowledge and courtesy one or two hours in advance.

Now it's good, it seems that a table of people is waiting for him.

Besides Li Longchuan, who else can he afford?

Therefore, I am sincere and fearful, and my feet feel weak.

"Good boy." Mrs. Li smiled and waved: "Come on, sit next to me."

Mrs. Li was sitting at the top, and Li Zhengshu was sitting on her right. Li Zhengshu was next to Li Zhengyan and his wife.

Although Li Zhengyan has a higher title, Li Zhengshu is older, so there is nothing wrong with sitting like this at a family banquet.

On the left hand side of the old lady, Li Fengyao was sitting in an empty seat, and Li Longchuan had already walked over to the seat to the left of Li Fengyao.

Obviously, that empty seat was reserved for Jiang Wang, a guest.

In front of this old lady, Jiang Wang really had no right to refuse. Although he couldn't figure it out, he still saluted the old lady, the couple of Ruichenghou, and the Donghua scholar one by one, walked over obediently, and sat down. Next to Mrs. Li.

The dignified hero of the Battle of Xingyueyuan, the person who dares to ask who is the number one under the presence of the gods, sat beside the old lady in a daze, like a shrunken little quail.

"Today is grandma's birthday banquet, and she wants to ask you to come and have a seat." Li Fengyao sat upright and nodded softly.

Jiang Wang got up quickly, and saluted the old lady again: "I am so rude!"

If he had known earlier that today was Mrs. Li's birthday, no matter how hard Jiang Qingyang was, he wouldn't have missed his birthday gift. Now that he came here empty-handed, and let outsiders know about it, he might not know how to make a joke of it.

"Sit and talk." The old lady took his hand, pushed him back to the seat, and said angrily, "It's not long since I came to Zizi, who did I learn these useless manners from? Is it Longchuan? I have been a general of the Li family for generations, I’m not happy that some of these are missing!”

Li Longchuan called Qu and said, "I don't even know what politeness is, so how can I teach him?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him complainingly.

He said helplessly: "The old lady won't let me say it, how dare I say it?"

"Good boy, I asked Long Chuan to coax you here." The old lady patted the back of Jiang Wang's hand: "I'm getting old, I can't stand the noise, and I don't want to ask them to make arrangements for me. I just want to close the door Come, sit down with your family. You don't blame grandma, do you?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Zhengshu only smiled.

Li Zhengyan's hand holding the cup paused, and the marquise Li Hanshi next to him could no longer suppress the surprise in his eyes.

Obviously, this big family didn't know in advance that the old lady would say such a thing.

What he said inside and outside the words, he already regarded Jiang Wang as his own family!

Jiang Wang was really flattered.

With Shimen Li's status, if Mrs. Li wants to hold a birthday banquet in a serious manner, most of Linzi City will be alarmed. Jiang Wang can't say whether the carriage will be crowded or not.

Especially at the critical moment when the case of Concubine Lei was advancing, after he was threatened by the driver...

The old lady is supporting him.

"It's Jiang Wang's honor to sit with you..." Jiang Wang groaned for a long time before finally saying, "Grandma."

"Good boy." The old lady smiled and said, "Let's have a feast."

The servants who had been waiting for a long time filed in and offered all kinds of delicacies.

During the banquet, the old lady kept picking up vegetables for Jiang Wang, asking about this and that.

At the whole dinner table, only the two of them were talking.

Everyone else ate in silence, and only the old lady answered a few words when she called her name.

This also shows that the status of the old lady in this family is indeed supreme.

Jiang Wang was a little uncomfortable, but there was no need to deny that he was a little disturbed during this period of time, and gradually calmed down in this kind of homely conversation...

Since he was very young, he has been dependent on his father.

He has never met his grandparents, maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother. He has almost never had this kind of experience of being close to the elders...

Thinking about it, if there is a grandma, it should be as kind as Mrs. Li.

Unknowingly, the banquet came to an end.

After drinking the tea, the old lady looked at Jiang Wang kindly: "Grandma is getting old, and she becomes confused when she's full, so she won't pull you to talk nonsense over and over again, and let Feng Yao accompany you to the garden... ..."

"Grandma, you don't have to worry about it." Li Longchuan stood up without hesitation: "I'll take Brother Jiang to the outside room..."

He sat down again and silently poured himself another bowl of soup.

The old lady withdrew her gaze, still looking at Jiang Wang with a smile.

No matter how dull Jiang Wang was, he could see what the old lady meant, and couldn't help but feel very embarrassed.

On the contrary, Li Fengyao stood up generously: "Let's go, Qingyang."

"Hey, good." Jiang Wang didn't have anything else to say, he saluted the elders one by one, then got up and left with Li Fengyao.

Mrs. Li is naturally a good child.

Both Li Zhengshu and Li Zhengyan responded with a smile.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the complexion of Mrs. Jiecheng Hou is not very good-looking.

Jiang Wang didn't have any qualifications to care about, nor did he care about these personalities, so he just followed Li Fengyao sullenly. A little inexplicably nervous, and a little bit awkward.

God is pitiful, this is the first time he has been drawn such an obvious red line, and the person is still the unparalleled Li Fengyao...

The old lady looked at the backs of the two children with a smile, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she was.

After their figures disappeared, her smile also disappeared.

"Look, what a polite child." She said nonchalantly: "It's a pity that some people, after a lot of age, are not as sensible as a child."

Mrs. Ruicheng Hou's face was ugly, but she didn't dare to say anything after all.

The undercurrent between grandmother and mother made Li Longchuan feel dizzy, and he wished he could bury his head in the soup bowl.

Mrs. Li gave a soft snort, then gently pushed the teacup: "The old lady has gone back to the courtyard, so as not to disturb anyone's eyes."

With a smile in his eyes, Li Zhengshu quickly stood up and helped him: "Mother, I'll see you off."

Li Zhengyan also stood up quickly: "Brother, let me see mother off."

"Don't." The old lady glanced at him lightly: "Master Hou is the head of the family, how could he be rude to give the old lady away? Please sit down."

Li Zhengyan, who was angered, sat down helplessly.

With the support of Li Zhengshu, the old lady left the dining hall slowly.

As soon as Mrs. Li left, Li Han looked at her husband: "Master Hou, do you want to comment?"

Li Zhengyan felt a headache, and quickly used the universal sentence: "The old lady is getting old, let her be happy..."

He paused: "Besides, Jiang Wang is pretty good..."

"I'm not saying that Jiang Wang is bad, and I'm not against it." Li Han said dissatisfied: "Feng Yao is my daughter after all, right? I haven't had much contact with that Jiang Wang, the old lady is already like this... ... how underestimated?"

Li Longchuan, who was listening silently for a long time, rolled his eyes: "Who can underestimate my sister?"

"Is there anything wrong with you?" Li Hanshi glared at him.

Li Longchuan shrank his neck and continued to drink the soup.

"Okay, okay." Li Zhengyan persuaded: "This matter mainly depends on the two children's wishes. Whether it succeeds or not is another matter. Who among us can be Feng Yao's master?"

"Have you finished drinking?" Li Hanshi stared at Li Longchuan and chased after him fiercely: "Hurry up after drinking, don't you know that you are an eyesore?"

"It's over!" Li Longchuan put down the bowl quickly, and fled away as soon as he lifted his footsteps.

Only then did Li Hanshi turn her head, looked at her husband, and said aggrievedly: "I'm not too angry, I can do nothing else, you can rely on her. Fengyao's big things, she doesn't even discuss with me ..."

Li Zhengyan lowered his voice and said, "This is the old lady's fault. My husband knows about your grievances..."

"Cough." His voice returned to normal: "I'm going to Zhu He to patrol the border in two days, madam, would you like to accompany me?"

Thanks to the book friend "I would like to treat you tenderly" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 214th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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